How to build an impressive credit report ppt

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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How to Build an Impressive Credit Report

It is very helpful when one cultivates good financial habits. When you incorporate these habits on a regular basis, your routine will be healthy and simple. Financial habits will enable you to make wise financial decisions and will also help you make great returns. Following these habits will give you a sense of assurance that your financial future is safe and sound.

Learn how to develop and sustain a great credit score

Let us take a look at some of the habits that you can develop to have a brilliant credit report:

Do not completely depend on your credit card

Do not fully depend on your credit card to purchase goods or services. Before you buy something, analyse if you will be able to repay it. If you are absolutely sure about your repayment ability, only then buy something with your credit card.

Make sure you do not make excessively high expenditures:

You may think that since you have a credit card, you can spend very high amounts. Always ensure that you spend money by keeping your income in mind. Do not go overboard while using your credit card.

Make your payments promptly:

Your credit report will check if you have made all kinds of payments correctly. Whether they are credit card bills or loan EMIs, you need to ensure that they are done on time.

Ask for credit only when you badly need it:

Make sure you request for credit only when you require it badly. When you apply for credit frequently, it may seem like you do not have sufficient funds. This can have an impact on your credit score. Your score may decline if you apply for credit often. When you ask for new credit, your average credit age can also come down.

Organise all your debts efficiently:

Your credit score is not determined only by your credit card balances. Other factors such as lines of credit and loan balances will also affect your credit report. So, always make your monthly payments on time. If you are doubtful about paying all your debts accurately, it is advisable to avoid taking so many debts. When your debts are lesser, you can maintain a decent credit score.

Arrange your financial documents properly:

Organise every financial document according to the date of maturity. You can also have alert reminders so that you pay every bill on time. With these reminders, you do not have to worry about missing your deadlines.

Maintain low credit card balance

If your credit card balance is high, your CIBIL credit score will be low. Try to keep your credit card balance within 30% of your full credit card limit. This will enable you to have a great credit score. When your credit period lapses, credit card companies will usually report your full credit card balance. If this balance is high, your credit score can go low. This can happen even if you pay your full dues on time.

Keep buffer amounts of money for emergency needs

You will need to be prepared for unforeseen situations such as medical conditions, accidents, debt payments, etc. So, always make sure you set aside additional amounts to fund your emergency requirements. This way, you can have a good credit score.

Check your credit report carefully

Even if you follow all these financial habits thoroughly, your credit report may be prepared wrongly. You may not want to see a bad credit report after taking so much effort to have a good score. So, verify the details of your credit report on a regular basis to avoid any issues. Credit reports sometimes come with errors. Credit card scams and identity theft issues generally result in wrong credit reports.

You can follow these above-mentioned tips and have an amazing CIBIL credit report.

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