How to Build a Prototype Workflow for Product/Market Fit

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"Getting out of the building" can be overwhelming. This presentation covers a workflow using Empathy Maps, User Personas, and User Journeys to figure out if you have a good Value Proposition for your Customer Segments. Case studies from TheLowlineNYC and Atlantic Public Media included as well.

Transcript of How to Build a Prototype Workflow for Product/Market Fit

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#UsersFirst U S E R F I R S T M A R K E T I N G | Big Sky Dev Con | all rights reserved


Prototyping for

Product/Market Fit

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1 Overview!Greetings + Beliefs!!

2 Methodology!Why + Empathy Engineering!!

3 Activities!Your Turn!!

4 Hacks!A Few Examples and Tricks


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3 Things

Solve for people not technology1

2 Be ugly today to be beautiful tomorrow.

3 Useful and elegant products help market themselves. !

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(brand nirvana)

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process | methodology

Technology Cycles





Adoption Cycles



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process | methodology

Why We Ignore Our Users

Technology ProblemA B

(Making Stuff Is Fun)

People Problem

(People Are Difficult)

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"When everyone can create very quickly, what is it that will distinguish your product or brand from the rest? !Caring for your customers. In order to do that it requires you to think from their perspective.” !!

Aarron Walter, Director of User Experience, MailChimp!Author: Design for Emotion

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3 Things

Solve for people not technology1

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Definition: Product/Market Fit

(brand nirvana)

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Our 5 Steps for Product/Market Fit





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Prototyping: Product/Market Fit



User Persona


Customer Interviews


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Definition: Product/Market Fit

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Case Study: TheLowline NYC


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Empathy Map

Tips1. Go for quantity on ideas2. Each user gets their

own Post-It Color3. Think and Feel = Magic4. As a team fill in the Ad

Libs at bottom

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User Persona


ADAM!!AGE!37!!LOCATION!Manhattan!!JOB!Program Officer, Doris Duke Foundation!!EDUCATION!Master’s of Public Administration, Columbia University!B.S. in Political Science, Emory University!

“I always look at the staff. Can they pull this off? Are they organized? What social proof do they have? Who is on board? You wouldn’t believe the requests I’ve seen. Show me a story and then a solid plan with deliverables in a visual way: images, quick stats, videos. Big ideas are okay if they follow that format.

3 Best Ways Our Site Can Help!1. Guide Adam to the About page.!2. Include striking visuals. videos, and “quick stats” throughout the

site!3. Leverage community backings and previous funding raised.!!2 to 3 Ways He Prefers We Stay in Touch!Phone or personal e-mail (no campaigning or additional selling here).!!Content on Social He Might Like and Possibly Share!In this case, it’s unlikely that Adam will follow us on social media but we might brainstorm ways to thank him for the donation.!!Design Mission (from the Empathy Map)!“Adam needs a way to decide if our project is worth his donation because he doesn’t want to invest in an illegitimate idea or group.”!

Pursued, Curious, Optimist, Skeptical!

Persona for: Adam the FunderWords That Describe


Image credit: Daniel

Tips1. Go for big themes2. What pain do they

have?3.Consider context of your


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User Journey




Tips1. Make notes on a template

to capture friction. 2. Try and use the user’s

language - huge clues for UI here

3. Listen don’t sell




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Tips1. Work on riskiest

assumptions first2. Grab screenshots when

the experience breaks3. One more time: Listen

don’t sell

Will User’s donate?!Which platforms?!What about mobile?

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3 Things

Solve for people not technology1

2 Be ugly today to be beautiful tomorrow.

3 Useful and elegant products help market themselves. !

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How might we design an experience that helps people manage their professional connections?!


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Empathy Map

“I’m super busy and don’t have a ton of time to keep up with people I’ve met

“I’ll just send a generic LinkedIn request from my phone”

“I think maintaining a strong network is very important - all my big breaks come this way”

“I feel other people are just much better at keeping up with colleagues”

what if the app made it possible to alert the user of movement in their network?

Can we blog about networking tips?

Ann needs a way to easily sync and ping her network because these habits generate her best opportunities


Ann!!AGE!37!!LOCATION!San Francisco, CA!!JOB!VP Sales, Birchbox!!EDUCATION!MBA, Columbia University!B.S. in Political Science, Emory University!!HOBBIES!Traveling with friends, yoga retreats, tango dancing.!!! !

“I’m just so busy these days. I live on my iPhone and spend more time on it than my laptop these days. I tend to go to a lot of events and meet all types of people. Sometimes I remember to grab a card and then follow-up with an email. I wish there was a simple way to meet people and stay in touch without having to consciously think about it.”

3 Best Ways Our Main Site Can Help!1. Tips on how to network effectively!2. Dead-simple photos for showing how to use the app!3. Encouraging an online community around best practicing for maintaining a

professional network!!2 to 3 Ways She Prefers We Stay in Touch!

Twitter and a Facebook page. Once a month an email with valuable content would be acceptable as well.!!Content on Social She Might Like and Possibly Share!Stories around how someone helped another person through introductions or referrals. The science of how social networks share information. Interviews with people she admires and respects and how they juggle work/life balance.!!Design Mission (from the Empathy Map)!“Ann needs a way to easily sync and ping her network because these habits generate her best opportunities ”!!!!!

Outgoing, Hard-working, Curious, Frantic,

Persona for: AnnWords That Describe


Image credit: See-ming Lee

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User Story

Ann needs a way to easily sync and ping her network because these habits generate her best opportunities

Dead-simple login via LinkedIn

Show Ann’s most recent connections

Sort the network and set reminders

Connect profiles to other parts of Ann’s social graph

Make it achievable for Ann to stay engaged

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Tips1. Work on riskiest

assumptions first2. Grab screenshots when

the experience breaks3. One more time: Listen

don’t sell

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User Journey


Show most recent connections


Step Login

Welcome! Login Below


Dead-simple login via LinkedIn




1 3

Sort the network and set reminders

Connect profiles to other parts of their social graph

Step BumpsNetworth

Make it achievable for Ann to stay engaged

Only 1 Bump Today


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Case Study: Atlantic Public Media


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Solve for people not technology1

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2 Be ugly today to be beautiful tomorrow.

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3 Useful and elegant products help market themselves. !

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Design Sprint


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Google Ventures - 5 Day Design Sprint


Day 1

Understand!Dig into the design problem through research, competitive review, and strategy exercises.

Day 2

Diverge!Rapidly develop as many solutions as possible.

Day 3

Decide!Choose the best ideas and hammer out a user story.

Day 4

Prototype!Build something quick and dirty that can be shown to users.

Day 5

Validate!Show the prototype to real humans (people outside your company) and learn what works and what doesn’t work.

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Solve for people not technology

3 Things




Be ugly today to be beautiful tomorrow.

Useful and elegant products help market themselves. !

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Empathy Builds Empires!e: t: @jacobmcook t: @TeamTadpull

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