How the government works this one

Post on 07-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How the government works this one

From the History of Ukraine. The Political System of Ukraine

Wisdom Quotes‘The more corrupt the state, the more laws.’

(Cornelius Tacitus)

‘The execution of laws is more important than the making of them.’

(Thomas Jefferson)

The polite phrases to express disagreement

I’m afraid you’re not quite right…I can’t agree with you here…It’s only half true…I’m afraid, you’re mistaken.

How the Government WorksLegislative Branch

Verhovna Rada(Supreme Council)

Composed of 450 members elected to 4-year terms;Initiates legislation;Approves budget;

Declares war; Removes the prime minister and the Cabinet with a no-

confidence vote

Regional Governments

The Verhovna Rada(The legislative branch)

Inside the Verhovna Rada

The Cabinet of Ministers(The executive branch)

The Constitutional Court(the judicial branch)

The Supreme Court of Ukraine


was definedlegislative


because of

be found


The video ‘Who Rules?’New Vocabulary

Extraction [ɪk'strækʃ(ə)n ], [ek-] – джерело, початок, плоходження;hereditory [he'redətɪ ], [hɪ-] – спадковий;chaos ['keɪɔs] – хаос;junta ['ʤʌntə] – хунта.

Do the matching.1) Democracy2) oligarchy3) theocracy4) monarchy5) dictatorship6) junta

a) a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force

b) a system of government by the whole population through elected representatives

c) a form of government with a monarch at the head

d) a small group of people having control of a country or organization

e) implies a leader exercising total control over all spheres of the social life

f) means that a society is ruled by priests who represent a god

What is the form of the Ukrainian government?

Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.

Перші установлені кочові племена прибули в Україну у І тисячолітті до н. е.

За часів радянської влади досягнення українцями незалежності то мало успіх, то зазнавало невдачі.

Верховна Рада України ініціює законодавство, ратифікує угоди, схвалює бюджет, оголошує війну, усуває прем'єр-міністра і кабмін шляхом винесення вотума недовіри.

Судова влада є автономною. Судді вирішують справи, як вони того заслуговують.

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