How Rocket Engines Operate List the Types and Characteristics of Rocket Engines How Rockets Work.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of How Rocket Engines Operate List the Types and Characteristics of Rocket Engines How Rockets Work.

How Rocket Engines OperateList the Types and

Characteristics of Rocket Engines

How Rockets Work

Exploring SpaceHow Rocket Engines

OperateRocket Propulsion, Flight,

and ControlPhysical LawsRocket PropulsionAirframePropulsion System

Types of Rocket EnginesLiquid PropellantSolid PropellantHybrid Propellant

How Rocket Engines OperateRocket propulsion, flight, and control are

achieved applying laws of science discovered by Galileo Galilei and Sir Isaac Newton.

Galileo Newton

Newton’s Laws: GravityNewton’s Law of Universal

Gravitation: The force of gravity between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

If we double the distance between the two masses (R) in the upper part of the figure to (2R) in the lower figure, the gravity force (Fg) is decreased by four (Fg/4).

Newton’s Laws: GravityNewton’s Law of Universal

Gravitation: The force of gravity between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

If we double the distance between the two masses (R) in the upper part of the figure to (2R) in the lower figure, the gravity force (Fg) is decreased by four (Fg/4).

Newton’s Laws: Gravity



Same Weight?

Same Mass?

Gravity and GalileoAcceleration of gravity has nothing to do with

the falling object’s mass.Galileo was correct: objects of different masses

will fall at the same rate. (9.8 meters/sec/sec)

How Rocket Engines OperateRocket propulsion is based

on Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion. The third law is the heart of rocketry because the action of the rocket engine produces the forward motion of the rocket.

How Rocket Engines OperateAirframe

• The airframe and propulsion system of a rocket engine exists to deliver whatever cargo the rocket is carrying.

• Provides the rocket with the streamlined shape.

• It must be as lightweight as possible.

Saturn V AtlasShuttle Delta

How Rocket Engines OperatePropulsion System

• The rocket’s propulsion system includes the propellant used, the containers for the propellant, all the plumbing that may be required to get the propellant from the containers to the engine and the rocket engine itself.

Types of Rocket EnginesLiquid Propellant Classifications

• Monopropellants Contains its oxidizer and fuel in one

solution. May be a single chemical compound. The compounds are stable at ordinary

temperatures and pressures, but break down when heated and pressurized, or when the breaking down process is started by a catalyst.

Monopropellant rockets are simple since they need only one propellant tank and associated equipment.

Types of Rocket EnginesLiquid Propellant Classification

• Bipropellant A combination of fuel and oxidizer,

which is not mixed until after they have been injected into the combustion chamber.

More stable and capable of better performance than monopropellants.

In addition to a fuel and oxidizer, a liquid bipropellant may include a catalyst to increase the speed of the reaction, or other additives to improve the physical, handling, or storage properties.

Liquid Propellant Classification• Tripropellant

A combination of three compounds. The third compound is added to improve the basic bipropellant’s ability to increase the vehicle’s velocity.

All liquid-propellant systems have propellant tanks; a propellant feed system, a thrust chamber, and controls such as regulators, valves, and sequencing and sensing equipment.

Types of Rocket Engines

Solid Propellant• In a solid propellant rocket system

the fuel and oxidizer are mixed together from the start.

• The rocket case is the combustion chamber and holds the propellants. There are no valves, pumps, or sensors. Additives, if needed to increase temperature or to control burning, are simply mixed with propellant grains.

Types of Rocket Engines

Hybrid Propellant• Hybrid propellants combine in a single

rocket engine many of the advantages of both liquid and solid propellant rockets.

• Flexibility gives the hybrid rocket its biggest operational advantage. It can be throttled from zero to full thrust and can be stopped and started in flight.

Types of Rocket Engines

How Rocket Engines OperateList the Types and

Characteristics of Rocket Engines

How Rockets Work

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