How mobile devices are influencing the future of hospitality

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How mobile devices are influencing the future of hospitality

How mobile devices are

influencing the future of


Mobile technology has grown rapidly over the past decade to firmly embed itself within the framework of hospitality today. And with millennials on their way to becoming the spending majority in the near future, this growth is only going to accelerate.Here’s how mobile devices are influencing the future of hospitality.

Mobile technology is redefining hospitality

With the quality of hotel WiFi becoming more significant, hotels know that a bad connection leaves a bad impression – especially with guests using their mobile devices every hour. Hence a number of hotels around the world are improving their WiFi coverage and signal strength.

Hotels are improving bandwidth

With many hotels rolling out apps, facilities like room service are being made available right on the app itself. Hilton recently went a step further when they introduced mobile check-ins, enabling guests to completely skip the front desk!

Streamlining the check-in process

With the highly anticipated internet of things expected to enter a more executional phase this year, hotel rooms are becoming more ‘smart’. Lighting, HVAC, and all other electronics such as the television can now be controlled by the same hotel app using low energy, quantized signals.

Modern room amenities

With the use of smartphones only expected to go up, it’s safe to say that the landscape of hospitality will continue to be influenced by developments in mobile technology. And guests tend to prefer hotels that can address these needs!

Guests expect convenience