How Human Cloning Will Make Us Better Humans

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Many people fear human cloning without realizing the many health benefits that come with organ manufacturing and limb regeneration. This is the dawn of huge advancements in human cloning.

Transcript of How Human Cloning Will Make Us Better Humans

How Human Cloning Will Make Us Better Humans

Frank TaylorHead Research Scientist, Life

Ethical Objections are Outdated

Animals cloned: Fish, Cat, Dog, Ferret, Goat, Horse, Mice, Pig, Ibex, Rabbit, Rat, Rhesus Monkey, Wolf & more...

In US, no Federal laws against cloning

Many sentimentally believe humans are “different”

Humans ARE Different...

Humans Could Be BETTER!

Leading Causes of Death

Heart Disease


Respiratory Disease


Organ Manufacturing

Grow new organs to replace damaged heart, lungs, pancreas

New organs = longer life

No limit on number of times vital organs could be replaced

Limb Regeneration

Grow limbs from existing DNA

Fingerprints are 95% match

Physical therapy time less than prosthetics

Irresponsible Use of Cloning

Replace loss of loved one

Cloning from stolen DNA or without permission

Sci-Fi Wish Fulfillment (ie. Replicants)

Revenue Opportunities for Clones

Military and Defense

Manufacturing & Assembly

High Risk Occupations

Organ Donation for individuals with faulty genetics

Make ethical concerns a thing of the past

Provide healthy organs to those in need

Replicate missing limbs

Let you and your loved ones live longer, healthier

Change life as we know it!

Summary: Cloning will...

Life IdenticalWe Make Life, Better

AttributionsDeath found an author writing his life - By Joel from Davis, CA, United States [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Cloned Mice - By (Photograph courtesy of Emma Whitelaw, University of Sydney, Australia.) [CC-BY-2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Illu upper extremity az - By derivative work:MrArifnajafov [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Internal Organs - By Mikael Häggström (All used images are in public domain.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Clone troopers march - By Michael Neel from Knoxville, TN, USA (Star Wars) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Frank Taylor would like to thank everyone at Life Identical -