How Good is your LinkedIn Social Selling Index

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How Good is your LinkedIn Social Selling Index

How Good is your LinkedIn Social Selling INDEX?

Presented by

Logan Nathan

Social Selling INDEX

Social Selling INDEX


solomoIT is an independent company based in not associated in anyway with LinkedIn.

Training & Coaching we provide are based on our own independent research and ‘hands-on’ use of this platform for business and individual use.

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With as many as 75% of B2B buyers embracing social media to make purchase decisions, sales professionals can no longer afford to ignore the importance of Social Selling to meet their quotas.

Thanks to LinkedIn Social Selling Index, your life is

about to become a lot easier when it comes

to measuring and improving your

Social Selling skills!

Social Selling INDEX

Social Selling INDEX

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So why do I think LINKEDIN can be a beneficial tool for Sales Pro?

Lets have a look at what I think the INDEX stands for:

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Creating a Professional Brand

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Building a strong brand identity on LinkedIn starts with completing your

profile to an all-star status

Finding the Right People

• View potential prospects in your 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree connections.

• Frequently check who’s viewed your profile

• Use LinkedIn Lead Builder and Lead Recommendations

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• Turn connections into long-term relationships

• Connecting with decision makers at your prospect’s company

• Pave way for warm introductions between your employees and employees at prospects’ company

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Building Strong Relationships

Engage with Insights

• Relevancy of product or service is the key to engagement on social media

• Join relevant groups, listen to target audience needs and out through messages or InMails

• Provide answers to a problem or share ways to boost performance

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• Monitor how well you performed on each of the above metrics throughout the day

• Determine how much better you are doing compared to your peers

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Becoming a Social Selling Leader

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LinkedIn’s Social Selling INDEX has become the new measuring rod to compare sales super stars

to average performers.


What’s your Social Selling INDEX?

Logan NathanDigital Transformation Strategist, Social Selling Specialist, LinkedIn Trainer

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