How full is your bucket

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Transcript of How full is your bucket

How Full Is Your Bucket?

By:Tom Rath & Donald O. Clifton

Negativity, Positivity and Productivity

• Killing Productivity

Bad boss could increase the risk of stroke and heart attack

Scaring of customers

Having extremely negative employees costs US economy between $250 - $ 300 billion every year in lost productivity alone

• Bucket filling in Organizations

Recognition and Praise leads to increased productivity, better engagement with colleagues, loyalty towards the organization and higher level of satisfaction

9 out of 10 people say they are more productive when they are around positive people

Recognition Cap

Employees need and want recognition and praise, the fact is, they don’t get enough and the organizations suffer because of it

Formal recognition programs – “Employee of the month”

Making it personal

• Recognition is most appreciated and effective when it is individualized, specific and deserved

• One size does not fit all – approach (case of best customer care executive award)

Subject Marks our of 100


English 80

Maths 90

Biology 93

Physics 65

Chemistry 59

Positive emotions can:

• Every moment and every conversation matters • We experience approx. 20,000 individual moments

everyday• If we recollect a memory it will either be a positive or a

negative moment• In some cases, a single encounter can change lives forever

Emergence of Positive Psychology

• Protect us from or even undo the effects of negative emotions

• Can transform people• Broaden our thinking, encouraging us to discover new

lines of thought or action• Build durable physical, intellectual, social and

psychological resources that can function as “reserves” during trying times

• Improve overall performance of a group (when leaders express more positive emotions)

The Author’s story

“I may have been frustrated but I never railed against fate”

Five strategies for increasing positive approach

• Prevent Bucket dipping

• Shine a light on what is Right

• Make best friends

• Give unexpectedly

• Reverse the golden rule

Take away …

• Try to look at the positive side of a situation or a person

• Positivity and optimism can boost up the morale of the whole organization and can shoot up the productivity graph drastically

• A conversation should start with a positive note

• We should try to keep the tonality of our conversations positive

• We should try to work out solutions for our problems rather than sitting and feeling bad about what has happened

• Good work/ behavior/ action should be praised and recognised

• Each individual has his or her own way of motivation. Therefore, their rewards should be personalized and customized


Have a great day …