How does a juice cleanse work

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Transcript of How does a juice cleanse work

In modern society, we come into contact with toxins in the air we breathe, the foods we eat and the products we use. Even those who try to avoid try to limit exposure will still absorb unwanted substances from a variety of sources.

That is why the concept of cleansing has become so popular. There are many different ways to cleanse the body of toxins, with a juice cleanse being one of the most common.

A juice cleanse requires some preparation before you get started. Cleansing your system can be a tough process on your body, so it pays to help yourself out a little before you begin.

A couple days before your cleanse starts, replace the sugar, dairy, meat, alcohol and coffee in your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and fish. Also, drink only water during those two days to give your body a headstart.

People choose to do a juice cleanse for a variety of reasons, including:

Weight loss Improved energy Improved digestion Clearer skin Better mood Fewer headaches Feeling of well-being Colon cleansing diet

Basically, during a juice cleanse you will be substituting fruit and vegetable juices for the food you would normally eat. In most cases, you will be following a specific juice cleanse program or protocol so you know what types of juice to drink and when.

It’s important to follow the instructions carefully, as they have been tested and proven to create the results that you want.

To get started on a juice cleanse, you will need a ready-made kit that has the juices all ready to go, or a juice extractor to make your own. A kit will include detailed instructions and all of the juices you need to complete the cleanse.

If your program requires that you make your own, you will also need to buy all of the produce required to make the juices. Depending on your program, you may need carrots, apples, leafy greens, lemons, ginger, berries beets and celery.

One of the main points of doing a juice cleanse is to give your digestive system a break, so it’s best not to eat during the cleanse. The juice will provide you with more than enough nutrients and calories during your time away from solid food.

You may feel hungry at different points, but that’s normal. Just remind yourself what you’re trying to accomplish and you’ll be ok. If you are diabetic, check with your doctor before you restrict your eating.

Generally speaking, a juice cleanse should only be maintained for a few days. Some people who are experienced with cleansing may stay on for a week or longer, but three days is usually a suitable amount of time. Cleansing over a long weekend is ideal, because you have the chance to rest at the same time.

If you don’t have any specific medical issues, listen to your body and reintroduce food slowly after you start eating gain.

A juice cleanse definitely should not be a once in a lifetime kind of thing. Ideally, you will want to do a three-day juice cleanse at least four times per year.

This way, your body won’t have time to build up too many toxins before you’re able to clear them out again. If you need a guide, just follow the seasons and cleanse as each new season arrives or leaves. Cleanse Green Magazine