How do you measure your customer service success?

Post on 08-Aug-2018

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Transcript of How do you measure your customer service success?

  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


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    2013-07-31 to 2013-07-31 86 contributors

    652 Twitter search results 251 retweets 0 @replies 0 links

    Time User Tweet

    2013-07-31 1:00 am TeresaAllen RT @vzaika : Try "E.S.P." with your #socialmedia #custserv #custserv #custexp

    2013-07-31 1:00 am VickieMacFadden Good evening #custserv crew! How's your Tuesday been?

    @AlHopper_ @CustServGreeter #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:00 am RussLoL Customer service: 8 eloquent nuggets from @Quora via @Econsultancy #custserv #cx #custexp


    2013-07-31 1:00 am AlHopper_ @berkson0 and you thought you'd be late... glad to hear you can join

    us #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:00 am CustServGreeter @VickieMacFadden Vickie! It's been, umm, the day after Monday!

    #custserv :)

    2013-07-31 1:00 am CustServGreeter Starts NOW: "Where does your organization get ideas for service

    improvement?" #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:01 am AlHopper_ Hello Ms. Vickie @VickieMacFadden my Tuesday has been a

    productive vacation day, TY! Yours? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:01 am VickieMacFadden Hey @zacharyjeans #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:01 am BH_Social @AlHopper_ Did you just "Rounders" Russian guy me? "Geev zee

    man heez gaymuh. He beet me" #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:01 am AlHopper_ RT @CustServGreeter Starts NOW: "Where does your organization

    get ideas for service improvement?" #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:01 am GregOrtbach Good evening #custserv ->How is everyone?

    2013-07-31 1:01 am CustServGreeter Calling all people names @MarshaCollier and @GregOrtbach #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am MarshaCollier Hi everyone! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am BH_Social RT @CustServGreeter: Starts NOW: "Where does your organization

    get ideas for service improvement?" #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am zacharyjeans @VickieMacFadden Vickie, so good to see you! TY for all your

    encouragement. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am VickieMacFadden @CustServGreeter oops...shouldn't have asked! :) #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am CustServGreeter Doing well, sir! RT @GregOrtbach: Good evening #custserv ->How is

    everyone?2013-07-31 1:02 am AlHopper_ @BH_Social nah, guess my old school Sgt Schultz didn't translate as

    well as I hoped #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am LovelyLu Hello to my favorite men! @CustServGreeter @AlHopper_

    @GregOrtbach #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am AlHopper_ Hi back atcha! RT @MarshaCollier Hi everyone! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am GregOrtbach Present! RT @CustServGreeter: Calling all people names

    @MarshaCollier and @GregOrtbach #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am LovelyLu Hi Marsha! @MarshaCollier #custserv
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:02 am CustServGreeter @VickieMacFadden It's fine--just gavin' a little fun. :) #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:02 am GregOrtbach How are you Louise? RT @LovelyLu: Hello to my favorite men!

    @CustServGreeter @AlHopper_ @GregOrtbach #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:03 am CustServGreeter @LovelyLu Hellooooo, Lu! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:03 am AlHopper_ @LovelyLu glad my better half isn't on Twitter ;0) #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:03 am berkson0 @custservgreeter Hey Roy! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:03 am VickieMacFadden @zacharyjeans that's what friends are for...wait, wasn't that a song?


    2013-07-31 1:03 am LovelyLu @GregOrtbach Doing well thanks Greg - how bout you? #CustServ2013-07-31 1:03 am CustServGreeter Howdy howdy! RT @berkson0: @custservgreeter Hey Roy! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:03 am zacharyjeans Absolutely ~> RT @VickieMacFadden: @zacharyjeans that's what

    friends are for...wait, wasn't that a song? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:03 am jwongjk Hello all at #custserv :) Good morning from Malaysia.

    2013-07-31 1:03 am GregOrtbach Our topic tonight is: "Where does your organization get ideas for

    service improvement?"#custserv

    2013-07-31 1:03 am AlHopper_ When did Zachary sneak in by me? RT @VickieMacFadden:

    @zacharyjeans that's what friends are for...wait, wasn't that a song?


    2013-07-31 1:03 am complexified #custserv for the next hour I'll be zomming through one of the best

    tweetchats on Twitter. Join in. Bruce W here near Princeton2013-07-31 1:03 am GregOrtbach 2 weeks in a row? GREAT to see you Jan! RT @jwongjk: Hello all at

    #custserv :) Good morning from Malaysia.

    2013-07-31 1:03 am AlHopper_ RT @GregOrtbach: Our topic tonight is: "Where does your

    organization get ideas for service improvement?"#custserv

    2013-07-31 1:03 am CustServGreeter And good evening from the US! RT @jwongjk: Hello all at #custserv :

    Good morning from Malaysia.

    2013-07-31 1:04 am MarshaCollier Let me start by breaking MY OWN rule and congratulatiing all the

    #custserv crew named in @HuffingtonPost Top 100

    2013-07-31 1:04 am CustServGreeter @complexified Hi, Bruce! Good to see you. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:04 am zacharyjeans @AlHopper_ I greeted @CustServGreeter and his Navy Blue bow tiec @VickieMacFadden #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:04 am AlHopper_ RT @MarshaCollier: Let me start by breaking MY OWN rule and

    congratulatiing all the #custserv crew named in @HuffingtonPost Top

    100 http:/\\u2026

    2013-07-31 1:04 am MarshaCollier Tonight's #custserv chat will be archived with the past 100 here

    2013-07-31 1:04 am CustServGreeter RT @MarshaCollier: Let me start by breaking MY OWN rule and

    congratulatiing all the #custserv crew named in @HuffingtonPost Top

    100 http:/\\u2026

    2013-07-31 1:04 am LovelyLu @CustServGreeter Hiya handsome ;-) #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:04 am CustServGreeter RT @MarshaCollier: Tonight's #custserv chat will be archived with thepast 100 here

    2013-07-31 1:04 am GregOrtbach So far so good! :D RT @LovelyLu: @GregOrtbach Doing well thanks

    Greg - how bout you? #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:04 am GreenCallCenter Always give people more than what they expect to get nn-Nelson

    Boswellnn#CustServ #CallCenter

    2013-07-31 1:04 am AlHopper_ @zacharyjeans doh, that's right! I even replied #sometimers

    @CustServGreeter @VickieMacFadden #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:05 am MarshaCollier Please post links, news, deals and promotions during the LAST 5
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    minutes of #custserv chat. We strip all spam to keep pristine archives

    2013-07-31 1:05 am BH_Social RT @MarshaCollier: Let me start by breaking MY OWN rule and

    congratulatiing all the #custserv crew named in @HuffingtonPost Top

    100 http:/\\u2026

    2013-07-31 1:05 am AlHopper_ RT @MarshaCollier: Please post links, news, deals and promotions

    during the LAST 5 minutes of #custserv chat. We strip all spam to

    keep pri\\u2026

    2013-07-31 1:05 am CustServGreeter @LovelyLu Aww -you say that to all the @CustServGreeters. :)

    #custserv2013-07-31 1:05 am LovelyLu ;-) RT @AlHopper_: @LovelyLu glad my better half isn't on Twitter ;0


    2013-07-31 1:05 am CustServGreeter RT @MarshaCollier: Please post links, news, deals and promotions

    during the LAST 5 minutes of #custserv chat. We strip all spam to

    keep pri\\u2026

    2013-07-31 1:05 am berkson0 RT @MarshaCollier: Let me start by breaking MY OWN rule and

    congratulatiing all the #custserv crew named in @HuffingtonPost Top

    100 http:/\\u2026

    2013-07-31 1:05 am zacharyjeans say it w me..." I will not post links, promos, news, deals, ect. in

    #custserv until the last 5 min."

    2013-07-31 1:05 am CustServGreeter RT @zacharyjeans: say it w me..." I will not post links, promos, news,deals, ect. in #custserv until the last 5 min."

    2013-07-31 1:05 am complexified MT @MarshaCollier: Let me break MY OWN rule and congratulate al

    the #custserv crew named in @HuffingtonPost Top 100

    2013-07-31 1:05 am MarshaCollier Thank YOU #custserv RT @jpuopolo: @MarshaCollier duly noted

    thank you :)

    2013-07-31 1:06 am LovelyLu Just you Roy! RT @CustServGreeter: @LovelyLu Aww -you say that

    to all the @CustServGreeters. :) #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:06 am AlHopper_ New mantra RT @zacharyjeans: say it w me..." I will not post links,

    promos, news, deals, ect. in #custserv until the last 5 min."

    2013-07-31 1:06 am grazie1110 Good evening everyone #custserv hope you don't mind my joining in;2013-07-31 1:06 am LovelyLu @grazie1110 Hiya Grace #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:06 am CustServGreeter Graaaaaace! :) A pleasure. RT @grazie1110: Good evening

    everyone #custserv hope you don't mind my joining in;)

    2013-07-31 1:07 am GregOrtbach We're happy to have you! RT @grazie1110: Good evening everyone

    #custserv hope you don't mind my joining in;)

    2013-07-31 1:07 am joshlevitt RT @MarshaCollier: Tonight's #custserv chat will be archived with the

    past 100 here

    2013-07-31 1:07 am AlHopper_ Welcome! RT @CustServGreeter: Graaaaaace! :) A pleasure. RT

    @grazie1110: Good evening everyone #custserv hope you don't mind

    my joining in;)

    2013-07-31 1:07 am CustServGreeter @grazie1110 I've known you for years, Grace. :-D#custserv

    2013-07-31 1:07 am jwongjk @GregOrtbach Trying to make a comeback as a regular ;) Not easy

    on a Wednesday morning though. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:08 am MarshaCollier @LovelyLu @CustServGreeter @AlHopper_ @joshlevitt

    @GregOrtbach Good to see you! #custserv @jwongjk

    2013-07-31 1:08 am AlHopper_ my advice: #coffee RT @jwongjk: @GregOrtbach Trying to make a

    comeback as a regular ;) Not easy on a Wednesday morning though.

  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:08 am jwongjk @CustServGreeter Thanks Roy, good to be back at #custserv!

    2013-07-31 1:08 am CustServGreeter @jwongjk #custserv We're glad to have you here and appreciate the

    extra effort. @GregOrtbach

    2013-07-31 1:08 am SandyRikkers RT @ValaAfshar: Please do not confuse indifference with

    satisfaction. Indifference is awfully quiet and an obstacle to growth.

    #custserv #c\\u2026

    2013-07-31 1:08 am VickieMacFadden How did I miss this?! CONGRATS via @MarshaCollier #custserv

    crew named in @HuffingtonPost Top 100

    #custserv2013-07-31 1:08 am ideabloke Howdy all, just barely made it! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:09 am MarshaCollier @ValaAfshar Thank you for bringing fame to the #custserv cres in

    your Top 100 list for the @HuffingtonPost

    2013-07-31 1:09 am GregOrtbach @VickieMacFadden Hi Vickie - great to have you here at #custserv

    CC: @MarshaCollier @HuffingtonPost

    2013-07-31 1:09 am CustServGreeter @ideabloke Welcome welcome! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:09 am grazie1110 TY Louise, Roy glad to be here its been a while #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:09 am GregOrtbach This---> RT @MarshaCollier: @ValaAfshar Thank you for bringing

    fame to the #custserv cres in your Top 100 list for the


    2013-07-31 1:09 am sstealey RT @valaafshar: Please do not confuse indifference with satisfactionIndifference is awfully quiet and an obstacle to growth. #custserv...

    2013-07-31 1:09 am jwongjk @MarshaCollier Good to see you too! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:09 am ideabloke Thx Roy, I'm here w/ @zacharyjeans as usual. RT @CustServGreete

    @ideabloke Welcome welcome! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:09 am CustServGreeter @MarshaCollier How's our have host this evening? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:10 am MarshaCollier Tonight's topic: "How do you handle customer praise?" #custserv -

    first question coming up

    2013-07-31 1:10 am VickieMacFadden @GregOrtbach thanks Greg! How's the weather in Canada?


    2013-07-31 1:10 am jwongjk @AlHopper_ Haha that will help. Though it's usually due to meetings

    and such. Lots to run on a Wed morn. #custserv @GregOrtbach2013-07-31 1:10 am complexified RT @MarshaCollier: Tonight's topic: "How do you handle customer

    praise?" #custserv - first question coming up

    2013-07-31 1:10 am sstealey RT @MarshaCollier @ValaAfshar Thank you for bringing fame to the

    #custserv cres in your Top 100 list for the @HuffingtonPost

    2013-07-31 1:10 am CustServGreeter Um fave, not have. :- RT @CustServGreeter: @MarshaCollier How's

    our have host this evening? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:10 am berkson0 @valaafshar Was just explaining to someone that I don't mind people

    who gripe. It's the apathy that's of concern. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:10 am jwongjk @CustServGreeter Am always happy to be back :) #custserv


    2013-07-31 1:10 am CustServGreeter Just joined us? Topic: "Where does your organization get ideas forservice improvement?" #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:10 am GregOrtbach @VickieMacFadden A little lower than seasonal -> but we're enjoying

    it. How about yours? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:10 am sstealey I just became a member of the #custserv Twub. For live tweets,

    photos, videos and more, check out

    2013-07-31 1:10 am ideabloke RT @complexified RT @MarshaCollier: Tonight's topic: "How do you

    handle customer praise?" #custserv - first question coming up

    2013-07-31 1:11 am businessgp Space for a newbie??? #custserv
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:11 am berkson0 @marshacollier Ummm...wasn't that last week? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:11 am AlHopper_ RT @sstealey: I just became a member of the #custserv Twub. For

    live tweets, photos, videos and more, check out

    2013-07-31 1:11 am MarshaCollier Q1: Customers submit feedback. How do you address suggestions fo

    improvement? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:11 am AlHopper_ RT @MarshaCollier: Q1: Customers submit feedback. How do you

    address suggestions for improvement? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:11 am CustServGreeter Always! Welcome! RT @businessgp: Space for a newbie???#custserv

    2013-07-31 1:11 am thecxguy Haven't been in #custserv chat for awhile. Glad to jump in :)

    2013-07-31 1:11 am CustServGreeter RT @MarshaCollier: Q1: Customers submit feedback. How do you

    address suggestions for improvement? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:11 am ValaAfshar @MarshaCollier you're so very welcome. The #custserv community

    represents the very best service professionals in the world!

    2013-07-31 1:11 am MarshaCollier @thecxguy Good to see you #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:11 am CustServGreeter @thecxguy Hi, Brian! Welcome back. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:11 am AlHopper_ Always! Welcome aboard! RT @businessgp Space for a newbie???


    2013-07-31 1:12 am jwongjk @thecxguy I've been missing for a while too! But it's always good tobe back at @#custserv :)

    2013-07-31 1:12 am BH_Social A1 Public suggestions for improvement in #custserv need to be

    welcomed w/open arms to show brand cares about quality

    2013-07-31 1:12 am complexified #custserv A1: share the customer suggestion for improvement with

    everyone in your org. Solicit feedback and test promising ideas.

    2013-07-31 1:12 am kindracotton RT @MarshaCollier: Q1: Customers submit feedback. How do you

    address suggestions for improvement? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:12 am CustServGreeter >> RT @MarshaCollier: Q1: Customers submit feedback. How do you

    address suggestions for improvement? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:12 am AlHopper_ A1: If it's something I can fix personally, I do it. If not, I get the right

    peeps involved #custserv2013-07-31 1:12 am GregOrtbach RT @MarshaCollier: Q1: Customers submit feedback. How do you

    address suggestions for improvement? #custserv .

    2013-07-31 1:12 am zacharyjeans RT @MarshaCollier: Q1: Customers submit feedback. How do you

    address suggestions for improvement? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:12 am BH_Social Internally, a brand must incorporate all #custserv suggestions the

    same way a product defend or engineering flaw would be

    2013-07-31 1:12 am flavmartins RT @RonKaufman: You always have to give 100 percent, because if

    you don't,...n- Ed Macauley #custserv #service


    2013-07-31 1:12 am joshlevitt Customer Service - Out Of Stock #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:12 am servicemost RT @RonKaufman: You always have to give 100 percent, because ifyou don't,...n- Ed Macauley #custserv #service


    2013-07-31 1:13 am deturbulence Amazing customer service from @Vitamix! Thanks for taking such

    good care of us! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:13 am grazie1110 topic is interesting many ways to improve #custserv - my favorite

    ask the customer directly

    2013-07-31 1:13 am zacharyjeans A1 Your customer's pain point is product improvement all the way to

    the bank. #custserv
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:13 am jwongjk A1: Investigate, fix it and always keep the customer in the loop of

    what's happening. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:13 am sstealey A1: Dashboard of suggestions & then team submits suggestions on

    improvements #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:14 am joshlevitt Negative Customer Service Phrases to Avoid.


    2013-07-31 1:14 am thecxguy Ideas? You want ideas? Crazy as it sounds... talk to your kids. Their

    unfettered thinking can be a great spark to your creativity. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:14 am CustServGreeter @sstealey Hi, Sarah! Welcome. #custserv2013-07-31 1:14 am BH_Social Consumer feedback regarding your #custserv is something brands

    pay for. If you get it for free, treat it special bc its honest!

    2013-07-31 1:14 am MarshaCollier At scheduled meeting times? Great! RT @sstealey: A1: Dashboard o

    suggestions & then team submits suggestions on improvements


    2013-07-31 1:14 am sstealey RT @jwongjk A1: Investigate, fix it and always keep the customer in

    the loop of what's happening. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:14 am LovelyLu A1 We always look to see if we can successfully implement

    suggestions and if we can't - we let the suggester know why.


    2013-07-31 1:14 am spark911uk A1: We ask why. It's important to understand the context, maybethere is another supported solution already #custserv (ps: hi chatters!

    2013-07-31 1:15 am FlyingPhotog A1: With sincerity - view it as an opportunity, not an insult. #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:15 am CustServGreeter @LovelyLu That is a thing of beauty, Lu. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:15 am fmisle RT @AlHopper_: A1: If it's something I can fix personally, I do it. If

    not, I get the right peeps involved #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:15 am MarshaCollier A1: Keep track of customer comments (bad/good) and bring them up

    at a weekly meeting #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:15 am CustServGreeter @FlyingPhotog Hi, Paul - welcome back! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:15 am sstealey @MarshaCollier At scheduled meetings, during one-on-ones & in

    team huddles - team knows best #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:15 am flavmartins 5 Ways to Make Customer Service More Human #custserv #custexp

    2013-07-31 1:15 am flavmartins The 5 Golden Rules to Motivate Customer Service Teams #custserv #custexp

    2013-07-31 1:15 am berkson0 A1 I like when brands, vendors include community in rating

    suggestions. Validate participation in improvement process #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:15 am businessgp A1 Suggestions for improvement become part of the promise the

    brand makes. Never take anything for granted. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:15 am GregOrtbach Q2: Do you listen when customers tell you about your competitors?


    2013-07-31 1:15 am zacharyjeans A1 Set up a community around customer ideas like @salesforce did w

    Idea Exchange. #custserv2013-07-31 1:15 am BH_Social Ignored #custserv feedback breeds contempt, errors and


    2013-07-31 1:15 am VickieMacFadden RT @AlHopper_: A1: If it's something I can fix personally, I do it. If

    not, I get the right peeps involved #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:15 am CustServGreeter RT @businessgp: A1 Suggestions for improvement become part of

    the promise the brand makes. Never take anything for granted.


    2013-07-31 1:16 am zacharyjeans RT @GregOrtbach: Q2: Do you listen when customers tell you about
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    your competitors? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:16 am CustServGreeter @businessgp Well said. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:16 am MarshaCollier .RT @GregOrtbach: Q2: Do you listen when customers tell you about

    your competitors? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:16 am RandiBusse RT @colinshaw_cx: "More than half the typical customer experience

    is emotional." #custexp #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:16 am sstealey RT @BH_Social Ignored #custserv feedback breeds contempt, errors

    and complacence!

    2013-07-31 1:16 am CustServGreeter RT @GregOrtbach: Q2: Do you listen when customers tell you aboutyour competitors? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:16 am Michael_Lytle A1 We immediately thank them for their suggestion(s) and feedback.

    Always acknowledge all feedback enthusiastically! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:16 am AlHopper_ RT @MarshaCollier: .RT @GregOrtbach: Q2: Do you listen when

    customers tell you about your competitors? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:16 am CustServGreeter @Michael_Lytle Hi, Michael! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:16 am zacharyjeans A2 I don't listen at all... I just say, "Hey, if the grass is greener..." Just

    Kidding. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:16 am BarryBirkett Yes, it means they care enough to say something RT @flyingphotog:

    A1: With sincerity - view it as an opportunity, not an insult. #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:17 am CustServGreeter @zacharyjeans Bwahaha! #custserv2013-07-31 1:17 am complexified #custserv A2: absolutely! comparative qualitative data on the

    landscape of competition is a rich source for improvement.

    2013-07-31 1:17 am ideabloke A1: Thank the customer! Give point of contact (if feasible). If severe,

    run it up the flagpole. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:17 am MarshaCollier @zacharyjeans Hahahaha #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:17 am BH_Social A2 Comparisons with competitors allows insight on consumer

    perception, real measurables of sales growth #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:17 am businessgp A2 Customers bring the outside world in. We take the inside world

    out. You cannot afford to ignore. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:17 am AlHopper_ A2: ALWAYS! Clients are a great source of intel. They will tell you

    how to do it better than the other guys #custserv2013-07-31 1:17 am MarshaCollier @ideabloke Thanking the customer for their opinion is a great idea

    #humantouch #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:17 am CustServGreeter Boom! RT @businessgp: A2 Customers bring the outside world in.

    We take the inside world out. You cannot afford to ignore. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:17 am jwongjk A2: Oh yes, there is no better market survey than that! RT: Do you

    listen when customers tell you about your competitors? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:17 am sstealey @berkson0 Agreed! Love forums that include customer suggestions

    (good/bad) & address if ideas being considered, worked on, ignored


    2013-07-31 1:17 am ValaAfshar Market is the wind and we cannot control the wind. Pay attention to

    the flow but focus on your sail. #custserv2013-07-31 1:17 am BH_Social You don't need to burn your brand down trying to be like your

    competitor, but you can enhance accordingly! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:17 am zacharyjeans RT @ValaAfshar: Market is the wind and we cannot control the wind.

    Pay attention to the flow but focus on your sail. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:18 am drseisenberg RT @ValaAfshar: Market is the wind and we cannot control the wind.

    Pay attention to the flow but focus on your sail. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:18 am ideabloke A2: Info can be interesting and valuable, but can also be baiting.

  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:18 am Michael_Lytle A2 Every customer/partner I meet, I always ask them "who is their

    favorite vendor to do business with" then I listen! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:18 am sstealey RT @BH_Social A2 Comparisons with competitors allows insight on

    consumer perception, real measurables of sales growth #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:18 am LovelyLu They appreciate it! RT @CustServGreeter: @LovelyLu That is a thing

    of beauty, Lu. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:18 am Christinejcb @zacharyjeans Too funny #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:18 am MarshaCollier EXACTLY!! RT @sstealey: @MarshaCollier At scheduled meetings,

    during one-on-ones & in team huddles - team knows best #custserv2013-07-31 1:18 am spark911uk @MarshaCollier @GregOrtbach Yes! We're interested what

    theirmarketing/sales is saying. Often we can point out the flaws in it ;)


    2013-07-31 1:18 am Christinejcb RT @zacharyjeans: A1 Set up a community around customer ideas

    like @salesforce did w Idea Exchange. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:18 am MarshaCollier You bet it can! --> RT @ideabloke: A2: Info can be interesting and

    valuable, but can also be baiting. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:18 am BH_Social Imitation is the best form of flattery. There's no patent on quality


    2013-07-31 1:18 am CustServGreeter @spark911uk Welcome Anthony! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:18 am Michael_Lytle @CustServGreeter Good Evening Roy! #custserv2013-07-31 1:19 am MarshaCollier @spark911uk Good outlook #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am BarryBirkett A2: Your customers' words about your competitors are gold because

    they provide insights on both & maybe feelings about you. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am thecxguy A2: Listen to customer about competitors? Is it area that contributes

    to their expectations of us? Then yes. Otherwise, no. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am ValaAfshar Smart companies view customer feedback as a gift. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am kindracotton RT @MarshaCollier: .RT @GregOrtbach: Q2: Do you listen when

    customers tell you about your competitors? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am joshlevitt Check Out The Insane Lengths Zappos Customer Service Reps Will

    Go To (via @businsiderau) #custserv #custeng

    2013-07-31 1:19 am HollyChessman RT @MarshaCollier: @ideabloke Thanking the customer for theiropinion is a great idea #humantouch #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am GregOrtbach And... share it with their team. :) RT @ValaAfshar: Smart companies

    view customer feedback as a gift. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am MarshaCollier Q3: Do you visit competitors' websites and monitor social media for

    ideas? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am upstart_blogger RT @flavmartins: The 5 Golden Rules to Motivate Customer Service

    Teams #custserv #custexp

    2013-07-31 1:19 am sstealey A2: Listen, yes. Bash? Never. Use the competitor info to do things

    better! And perhaps win a new customer. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am grazie1110 A1: address by listing feedback-then respond both internally and back

    to customer with solution #custserv2013-07-31 1:19 am zacharyjeans RT @MarshaCollier: Q3: Do you visit competitors' websites and

    monitor social media for ideas? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am CustServGreeter @ValaAfshar How are you this evening,sir? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am LovelyLu A2 I love when my customers care enough to tell us about

    competitors. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:19 am CBWW_Realtors Good advice! #RealtorChat RT @valaafshar: Market is the wind &we

    cannot control the wind. Pay attention to flow, focus on ur sail.

  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:19 am AlHopper_ Esp when quality #custserv is the best weaponRT @BH_Social:

    Imitation is the best form of flattery. There's no patent on quality


    2013-07-31 1:19 am spark911uk @CustServGreeter thanks! I had almost forgot until I saw a few

    Tweets on my feed :) #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:20 am BH_Social RT @sstealey: A2: Listen, yes. Bash? Never. Use the competitor info

    to do things better! And perhaps win a new customer. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:20 am ValaAfshar @CustServGreeter life is grand, thank you for asking. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:20 am AlHopper_ new mrktng RT @sstealey A2: Listen, yes. Bash? Never. Use thecompetitor info to do things better! And perhaps win a new customer.


    2013-07-31 1:20 am GregOrtbach @spark911uk May I put you on the #custserv reminder tweet list

    Anthony? @CustServGreeter

    2013-07-31 1:20 am kindracotton RT @ideabloke: A2: Info can be interesting and valuable, but can also

    be baiting. #custserv (How so?)

    2013-07-31 1:20 am AlHopper_ RT @zacharyjeans RT @MarshaCollier: Q3: Do you visit competitors

    websites and monitor social media for ideas? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:20 am BH_Social No better way to know effectiveness of latest tools & strategies than

    to witness them being used by competitors #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:20 am spark911uk @MarshaCollier Ideas, no. We have our own ideas and vision. Butsure, we can't be industry leaders without paying attention! #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:20 am MarshaCollier A3: If you're NOT visiting competitors' websites & monitoring their

    social media you'd better start now! (LOL it's in my book) #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:20 am kindracotton RT @MarshaCollier: Q3: Do you visit competitors' websites and

    monitor social media for ideas? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:20 am CustServGreeter @kindracotton Hi, Kindra - welcome back. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:20 am ohashem1 RT @ValaAfshar: Smart companies view customer feedback as a gift


    2013-07-31 1:21 am CustServGreeter RT @MarshaCollier: Q3: Do you visit competitors' websites and

    monitor social media for ideas? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am BH_Social Your competitor's #custserv efforts represent free R&D to your brandSee what works and implement!

    2013-07-31 1:21 am HollyChessman True dat! RT @ValaAfshar: Smart companies view customer

    feedback as a gift. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am LovelyLu A3 Competitors are followed on every platform. Alerts set up as well!


    2013-07-31 1:21 am CustServGreeter Bam! RT @BH_Social: Your competitor's #custserv efforts represent

    free R&D to your brand. See what works and implement!

    2013-07-31 1:21 am fmisle @MarshaCollier A3: Yes. Good source of intel #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am zacharyjeans A3 OH: I don't have competitors... I blaze a trail. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am VickieMacFadden A3 Typically, too busy to worry about what competitors are up to.

    That's a great problem, isn't it? #blessed #custserv2013-07-31 1:21 am GregOrtbach RT @MarshaCollier: Q3: Do you visit competitors' websites and

    monitor social media for ideas? #custserv .

    2013-07-31 1:21 am berkson0 @sstealey How you ever had one of your suggestions implemented?


    2013-07-31 1:21 am jwongjk A3: You'd be crazy not to monitor your competitors with all the tools

    out there these days! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am MarshaCollier @spark911uk Your business may not lend to that - but we should

    have a talk ;) #custserv
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:21 am businessgp Q3 Monitor competitors but don't be obsessed. Your brand has

    different promises, be true to yourself and don't mimic. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am Christinejcb \\u201c@MarshaCollier: Q1: Customers submit feedback. How do

    you address suggestions for improvement? #custserv\\u201d

    Understand what their needs are

    2013-07-31 1:21 am sarystones RT @MarshaCollier: Q3: Do you visit competitors' websites and

    monitor social media for ideas? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am CustServGreeter @fmisle Good evening, sir! How are you? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am AlHopper_ Q3 Definitely. There isn't any other way to do it. #bigdata that's free toget... #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am grazie1110 Customer feedback is not only a way to make improvements but also

    maintain a competitive edge #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am sstealey RT @businessgpCustomers bring the outside world in. We take the

    inside world out. You cannot afford to ignore. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:21 am HaleyCertified @MarshaCollier A3 Absolutely! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am VickieMacFadden What he said--> RT @zacharyjeans: A3 OH: I don't have

    competitors... I blaze a trail. #custserv #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am MarshaCollier @fmisle Intel is how you get a leg up on the competition! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am naijaboyblog RT @ValaAfshar: Smart companies view customer feedback as a gift

    #custserv2013-07-31 1:22 am thecxguy A3: Occasionally monitor competitors social media feeds and website

    but only to stay current on external market forces. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am CustServGreeter @Christinejcb Hi, Christine! Glad to have you join in. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am ValaAfshar Social CRM technologies enable businesses to monitor market

    activity, including competitors, in real-time. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am HollyChessman A3 For sure! It's always good to know what your competitors are

    doing #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:22 am BH_Social Knowing how to differentiate from #custserv failures of competitors is

    equally important as adopting their quality strategies

    2013-07-31 1:22 am ideabloke A3: Sure, it's always good to see what's out there. It's important to be

    aware of what's out there. #custserv2013-07-31 1:22 am Michael_Lytle A3 Of course, we would be foolish if we think we cannot learn from

    our competitors. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am zacharyjeans A3 I scope as many competitors, analysts, brands as possible. That's

    the power of social media and the internet. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am GregOrtbach A3: Absolutely! Be the fly on the wall! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am MarshaCollier +1 RT @ideabloke: A3: Sure, it's always good to see what's out there

    It's important to be aware of what's out there. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am complexified #custserv A3: yes. If you are not monitoring emergent trends among

    competitors, you may miss an important new idea.

    2013-07-31 1:22 am MarshaCollier RT @zacharyjeans: A3 I scope as many competitors, analysts,

    brands as possible. That's the power of social media and the internet#custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am eStreamDesk How to Sell Via Email #custserv #cex #ccx

    #trend #best #estream

    2013-07-31 1:22 am CustServGreeter Or in the ointment. :) RT @GregOrtbach: A3: Absolutely! Be the fly on

    the wall! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:22 am MarshaCollier @zacharyjeans I knew you'd say that ;) #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:23 am BH_Social "Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it"- learn

    from competitor #custserv failures to maintain quality
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:23 am clantsp A3: @MarshaCollier Not necessarily for harvesting ideas, but it's

    always wise to know what your competitors are doing. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:23 am GregOrtbach Well done! RT @CustServGreeter: Or in the ointment. :) RT

    @GregOrtbach: A3: Absolutely! Be the fly on the wall! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:23 am CustServGreeter RT @BH_Social: "Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to

    repeat it"- learn from competitor #custserv failures to maintain quality

    2013-07-31 1:23 am Christinejcb @MarshaCollier A3 Stay ahead of your competition #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:23 am chicken_scratch RT @MarshaCollier: Q3: Do you visit competitors' websites and

    monitor social media for ideas? #custserv2013-07-31 1:23 am MarshaCollier @clantsp Exactly so! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:23 am berkson0 RT @CustServGreeter: Or in the ointment. :) RT @GregOrtbach: A3:

    Absolutely! Be the fly on the wall! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:23 am MarshaCollier @Christinejcb It's tough out there, you need to #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:23 am meghabee Wish @GoodLifeFitness gave courtesy calls to members who haven't

    visited in a month. May keep members in &less likely to cancel


    2013-07-31 1:24 am naijaboyblog RT @ValaAfshar: Market is the wind and we cannot control the wind.

    Pay attention to the flow but focus on your sail. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:24 am CustServGreeter @clantsp Welcome to the #custserv chat!

    2013-07-31 1:24 am thecxguy If you troll your competition, be careful. Me-too-itis can set in quicklyand you'll lose your brand. #BeYourBestYou #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:24 am spark911uk Hmm cooking while trying to partake in #custserv chat = tomatoes all

    over the floor!

    2013-07-31 1:24 am CustServGreeter RT @thecxguy: If you troll your competition, be careful. Me-too-itis

    can set in quickly and you'll lose your brand. #BeYourBestYou


    2013-07-31 1:24 am AlHopper_ @fmisle ... great to see you tonight #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:24 am VickieMacFadden RT @thecxguy: If you troll your competition, be careful. Me-too-itis

    can set in quickly and you'll lose your brand. #BeYourBestYou


    2013-07-31 1:24 am SandyRikkers RT @complexified: #custserv A1: share the customer suggestion forimprovement with everyone in your org. Solicit feedback and test


    2013-07-31 1:24 am sstealey RT @thecxguy If you troll your competition, be careful. Me-too-itis can

    set in quickly and you'll lose your brand. #BeYourBestYou #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:24 am MarshaCollier @spark911uk Sorry about that #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:25 am GregOrtbach Q4: Do you use customer experience mapping to point out needed

    improvements? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:25 am CustServGreeter @thecxguy Was just taking about meetooitis with spouse before the

    chat. Dangerous. Well said. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:25 am CustServGreeter RT @GregOrtbach: Q4: Do you use customer experience mapping to

    point out needed improvements? #custserv2013-07-31 1:25 am AlHopper_ Never troll, just watch MT @thecxguy If you troll your competition, be

    careful... #BeYourBestYou #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:25 am MarshaCollier RT @GregOrtbach: Q4: Do you use customer experience mapping to

    point out needed improvements? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:25 am fmisle @AlHopper_ of course! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:25 am MarshaCollier @GregOrtbach good question! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:25 am AlHopper_ that's why i ordered pizza delivery RT @spark911uk Hmm cooking

    while trying to partake in #custserv chat = tomatoes all over the floor!
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:25 am AlHopper_ RT @CustServGreeter RT @GregOrtbach: Q4: Do you use customer

    experience mapping to point out needed improvements? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:25 am chicken_scratch A3: @MarshaCollier that's part of business intelligence. Monitoring

    competition is part of our ongoing analysis. #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:26 am GregOrtbach Great to see you Faisal! @fmisle #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:26 am BH_Social Best way to demonstrate gaps in #custserv process are to show

    where the lapse led to a 'brand failure.' Great Q @GregOrtbach!

    2013-07-31 1:26 am KnDino @MarshaCollier So true! You can't pretend that they don't

    exist..Competition should raise your bar! #CustServ2013-07-31 1:26 am sstealey A#: Yes! And when competitors follow you, engage with them! There

    is actually more to learn from each other than there is to hide.


    2013-07-31 1:26 am MarshaCollier BOOM--> RT @chicken_scratch: A3: That's part of business

    intelligence. Monitoring competition is part of our ongoing analysis.


    2013-07-31 1:26 am MarshaCollier This--> RT @KnDino: @MarshaCollier So true! You can't pretend tha

    they don't exist..Competition should raise your bar! #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:26 am CustServGreeter @spark911uk Ohh. And there's no saying about crying over spilled

    tomatoes. :( Does the milk rule apply? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:26 am BH_Social Gaps in #custserv are merely "couldhappens" unless you show wherethey became missed sales, lowered CSAT

    2013-07-31 1:26 am sstealey RT @chicken_scratch @MarshaCollier that's part of business

    intelligence. Monitoring competition is part of our ongoing analysis.


    2013-07-31 1:26 am businessgp A4 Experience is 'old' now in my view. Emotion mapping is needed. I

    want to know how they truly FEEL at each stage. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:27 am complexified #custserv A4: no, not at this time. Recommendations? Tools?

    Preferred methods? Metrics?

    2013-07-31 1:27 am MarshaCollier @BH_Social You got that right! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:27 am AlHopper_ A4 if you aren't, you need better data miners. Experience mapping is

    a must in #custserv2013-07-31 1:27 am ValaAfshar When you design a customer service touch point, adopt a TLC

    mindset [Think Like a Customer]. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:27 am MarshaCollier @businessgp "Joiner-of-Dots" ;) #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:27 am spark911uk @MarshaCollier Sure! We have the tools to monitor, but monitor for

    sales currently over #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:27 am CustServGreeter RT @ValaAfshar: When you design a customer service touch point,

    adopt a TLC mindset [Think Like a Customer]. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:27 am GregOrtbach A4: Without experiencing mapping you might just be going around in

    circles. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:28 am jwongjk A4: Mapping helps in identifying how customers feels, what they want

    and did they asked for it. These are key to any biz. #custserv2013-07-31 1:28 am BH_Social @AlHopper_ Quality brands audit their #custserv engagements to

    ensure effectiveness, not just wait for complaints!

    2013-07-31 1:28 am AlHopper_ MUST DO -> RT @ValaAfshar: When you design a customer service

    touch point, adopt a TLC mindset [Think Like a Customer]. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:28 am VickieMacFadden RT @ValaAfshar: When you design a customer service touch point,

    adopt a TLC mindset [Think Like a Customer]. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:28 am CustServGreeter "Recalibrating" RT @GregOrtbach: A4: Without experiencing mapping

    you might just be going around in circles. #custserv
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    2013-07-31 1:28 am vewatson RT @ValaAfshar: When you design a customer service touch point,

    adopt a TLC mindset [Think Like a Customer]. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:28 am MarshaCollier @complexified Depending on the size of a business, there is overkill

    in this area #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:28 am businessgp \\u201c@MarshaCollier: @businessgp "Joiner-of-Dots" ;)

    #custserv\\u201d RT @ValaAfshar: When you design a customer service

    touch point, adopt a TLC mindset [Think Like a Customer]. #custserv2013-07-31 1:29 am BH_Social I like to picture Adam West hitting a burglar when @CustServGreeter

    agrees with a comment in #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:29 am MarshaCollier @CustServGreeter ROFL #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:29 am sstealey @MarshaCollier Me too :) #writerproblems #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:30 am AlHopper_ BAM! RT @BH_Social: I like to picture Adam West hitting a burglar

    when @CustServGreeter agrees with a comment in #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:30 am HappyFoxApp Many languages, many looks, any device, anytime. A customizable,

    multi-lingual & fully loaded help desk.


    2013-07-31 1:30 am businessgp \\u201c@MarshaCollier: @businessgp Totally, me too. That's why I

    became a writer #custserv\\u201d - That's why I follow you forinspiration.

    2013-07-31 1:30 am jenneclarke RT @ValaAfshar: When you design a customer service touch point,

    adopt a TLC mindset [Think Like a Customer]. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:30 am CustServGreeter @AlHopper_ @BH_Social You have to picture @Hyken in a Batman

    cape. :) #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:30 am CustServGreeter HALFTIME!! Please joy your favorite beverage. #custserv #Zappos

    2013-07-31 1:30 am MarshaCollier @businessgp Thank you (I blush) #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:31 am MarshaCollier Q5: How easy are you to do business with? nCould you make it

    easier? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:31 am GregOrtbach RT @CustServGreeter: HALFTIME!! Please joy your favorite

    beverage. #custserv #Zappos .2013-07-31 1:31 am AlHopper_ RT @CustServGreeter: HALFTIME!! Please joy your favorite

    beverage. #custserv #Zappos

    2013-07-31 1:31 am Pat_Cluett @GregOrtbach @MarshaCollier #custserv A1: with a big thank you

    2013-07-31 1:31 am CustServGreeter RT @MarshaCollier: Q5: How easy are you to do business with?

    nCould you make it easier? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:31 am AlHopper_ RT @MarshaCollier: Q5: How easy are you to do business with?

    nCould you make it easier? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:31 am businessgp \\u201c@sstealey: @MarshaCollier Me too :) #writerproblems
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  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    2013-07-31 1:33 am MarshaCollier "Technology enables and moves faster than business, but never

    forget people buy people" ~@businessgp #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:33 am CustServGreeter RT @ValaAfshar: "easy to do business with" is not a destination, it is

    a journey. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:33 am BH_Social Every customer deserves to feel their #custserv problem was

    approached uniquely. Often not enough time though

    2013-07-31 1:33 am patiencemavuso RT @ideabloke: A3: Sure, it's always good to see what's out there.

    It's important to be aware of what's out there. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:33 am CustServGreeter RT @MarshaCollier: "Technology enables and moves faster thanbusiness, but never forget people buy people" ~@businessgp


    2013-07-31 1:33 am MarshaCollier @BarryBirkett exactly! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:33 am LovelyLu Yes - the kids are sitting around the fire pit toasting them. I couldn't

    resist. @VickieMacFadden @CustServGreeter #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:34 am JustinFlitter RT @ValaAfshar: "easy to do business with" is not a destination, it is

    a journey. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:34 am GregOrtbach A5: I think most companies could make it easier to do business with.

    Get out of your own way! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:34 am berkson0 @marshacollier Do you know how easy you are to do business with?

    Good question for many ;) #custserv2013-07-31 1:34 am complexified #custserv A5: as accommodating as possible. Readily Accessible,

    willing to customize. Can use better marketing staff, new web site

    2013-07-31 1:34 am thecxguy A5: That's a really interesting question, since part of our brand is

    about NOT being easy to access. #exclusive #conundrum #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:34 am l_mishra RT @MarshaCollier: "Technology enables and moves faster than

    business, but never forget people buy people" ~@businessgp


    2013-07-31 1:34 am VickieMacFadden With 2 ecommerce businesses, we try to keep it easy. Often,picking

    up the phone and calling seals the deal for future biz. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:34 am sstealey @BH_Social Lack of resources & tools are often the biggest

    challenge in #cctr #custserv2013-07-31 1:34 am eisconsulting Hate we're missing #custserv tonight, but #dutycalls...(service is more

    than an industry... :)...). We plan to see you all next week!

    2013-07-31 1:34 am zacharyjeans A5 Lets walk together and solve the future w each other. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:34 am grazie1110 Customer feedback whether good or bad is key to the growth,

    direction and success of your organization #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:34 am MarshaCollier @LovelyLu @VickieMacFadden My family is in the other room having

    fun during every #custserv chat grrrrr @CustServGreeter

    2013-07-31 1:34 am GregOrtbach @eisconsulting We will save you a spot in the front. Have a great

    week! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:34 am sstealey RT @MarshaCollier: "Technology enables and moves faster than

    business, but never forget people buy people" ~@businessgp#custserv

    2013-07-31 1:35 am BH_Social @sstealey Definitely. And current tool offerings push MORE volume

    and less refinement in the data = less time #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:35 am ideabloke This --> RT @MarshaCollier "Technology enables and moves faster

    than business, but never forget people buy people" ~@businessgp


    2013-07-31 1:35 am CustServGreeter Kablam! RT @grazie1110: Customer feedback whether good or bad

    is key to the growth, direction and success of your organization
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?



    2013-07-31 1:35 am TeresaAllen Offered inclusive fee to client today to make both our jobs easier and

    minimize paperwork. She loved it. It pays to find easy! #CustServ

    2013-07-31 1:35 am VickieMacFadden Always looking to change and update websites. Many still call us or

    email. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:35 am Pat_Cluett @MarshaCollier #custserv A3: I like to stay on top of what they are

    doing and then find ways to make my product/service different and


    2013-07-31 1:35 am Vitamix RT @deturbulence: Amazing customer service from @Vitamix!Thanks for taking such good care of us! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:35 am ideabloke Bingo! RT @grazie1110 Customer feedback whether good or bad is

    key to the growth, direction and success of your organization


    2013-07-31 1:35 am GregOrtbach @TeresaAllen Great strategy Teresa. Thanks for sharing! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:35 am CustServGreeter @TeresaAllen Hi, Teresa! Glad to have you in the chat. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:35 am SandyRikkers "@GregOrtbach: A5: I think most companies could make it easier to

    do business with. Get out of your own way! #custserv"

    2013-07-31 1:36 am GregOrtbach Q6: How do you prioritize suggested improvements? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:36 am MarshaCollier RT @GregOrtbach: Q6: How do you prioritize suggested

    improvements? #custserv2013-07-31 1:36 am zacharyjeans RT @GregOrtbach: Q6: How do you prioritize suggested

    improvements? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:36 am CustServGreeter @SandyRikkers Hello, Sandy! Welcome back. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:36 am CustServGreeter RT @GregOrtbach: Q6: How do you prioritize suggested

    improvements? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:36 am sstealey A5: I think a better question is - How are you measuring if you are

    easy or hard to do business with? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:36 am MarshaCollier @Pat_Cluett Unique is what will sell these days exceptional

    #custserv - good formula

    2013-07-31 1:36 am BarryBirkett IF you use it to improve MRT @grazie1110: Cust feedback whether

    good or bad is key to the growth, direction & success of your org#custserv

    2013-07-31 1:36 am JustinFlitter Relevance RT @GregOrtbach: Q6: How do you prioritize suggested

    improvements? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:36 am BH_Social A6 Top priorities in suggested improvement hinge on frequency &

    emotional concern caused #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:37 am complexified #custserv A6: ideas are shared with all, and prioritized based on

    feedback. Collective sense- and decision-making.

    2013-07-31 1:37 am Michael_Lytle "Customers develop relationship with people, not products."

    @ValaAfshar Open communication is key! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:37 am AlHopper_ RT @CustServGreeter RT @GregOrtbach: Q6: How do you prioritize

    suggested improvements? #custserv2013-07-31 1:37 am SandyRikkers A5: I think 'we think' it's pretty easy, but I am not sure that exact

    question has been asked #custserv #justask

    2013-07-31 1:37 am MarshaCollier @berkson0 Thank you - jump in #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:37 am LovelyLu I wouldn't have gone out there if they didn't call me - I try to never turn

    down an invite @MarshaCollier @VickieMacFadden #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:37 am thecxguy Best experience improvement for the investment RT @GregOrtbach:

    Q6: How do you prioritize suggested improvements? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:37 am CustServGreeter A6: Most critical first, of course; then maybe some quick wins to spur
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?


    engagement ll around. But keep important things up front. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:37 am greg_levin Treat your agents like consultants. They'll share customers' & their

    own great ideas for #custserv improvement. Tap their insight!

    2013-07-31 1:37 am sstealey @BH_Social Agreed. One of the biggest issues with emerging

    channels & data. We aren't equipping agents with unified systems


    2013-07-31 1:37 am BH_Social Heard the same complaint over-and-over? Top priority. Inaction

    causing emotional feedback? Top priority! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:37 am ideabloke A6: Urgency & scope of impact first. #custserv2013-07-31 1:38 am MarshaCollier @complexified The wisdom of the crowd. Good plan #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:38 am VickieMacFadden A6 Most critical. Then easiest/fastest to implement. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:38 am GregOrtbach A6: If you want clients to invest in your business, you must invest in

    your improvement process. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:38 am businessgp Dealt with uniquely or 'taken seriously' for #custserv problems? Time

    for me impacts the latter creating issues. @BH_Social

    2013-07-31 1:38 am thecxguy Remarkability Impact. RT @GregOrtbach: Q6: How do you prioritize

    suggested improvements? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:38 am BH_Social Brands should also push urgency behind #custserv feedback that

    impacts other depts or never-ending loop

    2013-07-31 1:38 am berkson0 @marshacollier Or, how do you determine/measure how easy you arto do business with? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:38 am CustServGreeter Urgency+ Impact = severity. RT @ideabloke: A6: Urgency & scope of

    impact first. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:38 am TeresaAllen @CustServGreeter Thanks Roy - preparing for mtg w adjuster

    tomorrow re May tornado damage - that's worthy of a #custserv chat

    by itself!

    2013-07-31 1:38 am LovelyLu A6 We prioritize according to benefit to the customer. Immediate

    benefit & ease of implementation goes first, and so on. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:38 am SweetSoaps RT @GregOrtbach: A6: If you want clients to invest in your business,

    you must invest in your improvement process. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:39 am MarshaCollier @berkson0 When customers return? #custserv2013-07-31 1:39 am astrostation *People *RT @MarshaCollier: "Technology enables and moves faster

    than business, but never forget people buy people" ~@businessgp


    2013-07-31 1:39 am treyragsdale RT @Michael_Lytle: "Customers develop relationship with people, no

    products." @ValaAfshar Open communication is key! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:39 am ideabloke RT @VickieMacFadden A6 Most critical. Then easiest/fastest to

    implement. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:39 am BH_Social @businessgp It's almost chicken/egg issue. Always want to provide

    quality but stealing quality bc of delay to other #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:39 am grazie1110 True technology is great but humanity on the other end ...regardless

    of media keeps that customer coming back for more! #custserv2013-07-31 1:39 am MarshaCollier @LovelyLu You are the smart one #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:39 am CustServGreeter @TeresaAllen I'll wager it is, Teresa! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:39 am Pat_Cluett @CustServGreeter #custserv Hi Roy! Late but here

    2013-07-31 1:40 am MarshaCollier @grazie1110 So true! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:40 am AlHopper_ gamechanger RT @Michael_Lytle: "Customers develop relationship

    with people, not products." @ValaAfshar Open communication is key


    2013-07-31 1:40 am zacharyjeans A6 Let customers vote up the most needed improvements ala reddit
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    style. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:40 am GregOrtbach As always - BIG thanks to the #custserv community for the question

    retweets. Much appreciated!

    2013-07-31 1:40 am ideabloke Indeed, she is! RT @MarshaCollier @LovelyLu You are the smart

    one #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:40 am berkson0 the best way :) RT @marshacollier: @berkson0 When customers

    return? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:40 am businessgp A6 Do instantly what can instantly be done. Show you listen AND

    care. #custserv2013-07-31 1:40 am AlHopper_ RT @GregOrtbach: As always - BIG thanks to the #custserv

    community for the question retweets. Much appreciated!

    2013-07-31 1:40 am CustServGreeter Here is all that matters. :) RT @Pat_Cluett: @CustServGreeter

    #custserv Hi Roy! Late but here

    2013-07-31 1:40 am vledajaks RT @ValaAfshar: Social CRM technologies enable businesses to

    monitor market activity, including competitors, in real-time. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:40 am MarshaCollier @berkson0 ...whew #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:40 am AlHopper_ Hear Here! RT @businessgp A6 Do instantly what can instantly be

    done. Show you listen AND care. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:41 am MarshaCollier Q7: How do you inform customers that their suggestions are being

    worked on? #custserv2013-07-31 1:41 am VickieMacFadden RT @zacharyjeans: A6 Let customers vote up the most needed

    improvements ala reddit style. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:41 am PTPIATL RT @Michael_Lytle: "Customers develop relationship with people, no

    products." @ValaAfshar Open communication is key! #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:41 am AlHopper_ RT @MarshaCollier: Q7: How do you inform customers that their

    suggestions are being worked on? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:41 am GregOrtbach RT @MarshaCollier: Q7: How do you inform customers that their

    suggestions are being worked on? #custserv .

    2013-07-31 1:41 am CustServGreeter RT @MarshaCollier: Q7: How do you inform customers that their

    suggestions are being worked on? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:41 am johnmcduffie RT @MarshaCollier: Q7: How do you inform customers that theirsuggestions are being worked on? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:41 am ValaAfshar Very important for companies to communicate to customers rational

    behind accepting or rejecting recommendations. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:41 am TeresaAllen A6: You must ASK customers how easy they perceived process to b

    at all stages of the process - before, during & after the sale #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:41 am AlHopper_ A7 I tell them it's in the works, then get their attention when it gets

    deployed so we can share successes #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:42 am zacharyjeans RT @CustServGreeter: RT @MarshaCollier: Q7: How do you inform

    customers that their suggestions are being worked on? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:42 am MarshaCollier A7: Email one - two, often send small gift for the idea #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:42 am complexified #custserv A7: if implemented and standardized, inform customer andthank them for their contribution. Advertise to all.

    2013-07-31 1:42 am GregOrtbach A7: How about posting feedback publicly through an opt-in newsletter

    -with the folks that actually opted in? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:42 am Pat_Cluett @GregOrtbach @MarshaCollier #custserv A5: clients comment all of

    the time that they find the flexibility (me and company) refreshing.

    2013-07-31 1:42 am berkson0 Good question...RT @marshacollier: Q7: How do you inform

    customers that their suggestions are being worked on? #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:42 am NBIA RT @ValaAfshar: Smart companies view customer feedback as a gift
  • 8/22/2019 How do you measure your customer service success?



    2013-07-31 1:42 am BH_Social A7 Publicly responding to public #custserv feedback shows brand is

    tackling accountability. Private? Provide personal touch pt

    2013-07-31 1:42 am Christinejcb Gotham would never be the same! :)) @CustServGreeter:

    @AlHopper_ @BH_Social You have to picture @Hyken in a Batman

    cape. :) #custserv\\u201d

    2013-07-31 1:42 am VickieMacFadden A7 Email or phone depending on issue. #custserv

    2013-07-31 1:43 am LovelyLu A7 We let them know personally and publicly - we like to acknowledge

    their contribution and that encourages others. #custserv2013-07-31 1:43 am zacharyjeans A7 Set up a customer community around product/service

    improvements a