How computers have affected people’s health

Post on 26-Jan-2015

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By Brianna Heinle :D

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is pressure on the median nerve -- the nerve in the wrist that supplies feeling and movement to parts of the hand.

It can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage in the hand and fingers.

How can People get Carpal Tunnel?

People get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by : Sewing. Assembly line work. Painting. Use of tools. Playing some musical instruments. Texting. Ages between 30- 60. Common in more

women then men.

How to treat Carpal Tunnel.

Treatment: You may have to wear a special splint . Take special medication . Have surgery .

What is Internet addiction?

There's a variety of addiction some are: Cyber-Relationship Addiction – addiction

to Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Etc. Computer Addiction- Addiction to

videogames on the computer. Net Compulsions – such as compulsive

online gaming, gambling, stock trading, or compulsive use of online auction sites.

What are the Risk factors for Internet addiction?

Suffering from anxiety. People will get depressed. Being an unhappy teenager. Being stressed. Getting fat

What are the signs and symptoms?

Losing track of time online. Having trouble completing tasks at

work or home. Isolation from family and friends Feeling guilty or defensive about

Internet use.

How to stop Internet Addiction.

Use the Internet for the same amount of time each time you use It and make that time short.

Delete accounts that you really don't need anymore.

Don’t go on the computer unless you really need to.

What is Eye Strain?

Eye strain is : The medical term for eye strain is : asthenopia

Eye strain occurs when your eyes get tired from intense use, such as driving a car for extended periods, reading, or working at the computer.

Being close to the computer.

Symptoms of Eye Strain

Symptoms included: Soreness of the eyes Mild tearing or dryness Blurring of vision Soreness of the back of the neck Doubling of vision Light sensitivity Difficulty focusing on images