How coaching can help you to become an inspirational leader, as well as a great manager

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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A presentation by Lesley Trenner for the APM South East branch's 'Leadership in 3PM' event, Wednesday 23rd October, in Crawley

Transcript of How coaching can help you to become an inspirational leader, as well as a great manager

APM October

Lesley Trenner

Change Coach 1

What is coaching?

Benefits of coaching

Listening Exercise

When to use a coaching approach

Key Coaching techniques


Discussion, Q&A



In 2s or 3s, please discuss e.g.

◦ I have received coaching and…

◦ I have coached others and…

◦ My definition is….

◦ Not really sure because…


A thought-provoking and creative process that inspires people to maximise their personal and professional potential*

◦ Executive/Leadership coaching – same but with focus on achieving goals in the context of your organisation, business or institution

Coaching is part of career and personal development

◦ Be the best leader/PM you can be

◦ Solve problems, achieve your objectives, get results


A ‘sophisticated infrastructure’ may include development coaching for the P3 management team

‘Leadership’ and ‘delegation’ – to develop team members

Could also be included under ‘stakeholder management’?

*ICF definition







Leadership Coaching can help you to

Be an inspirational leader

Solve problems, improve your communication, manage risks

Develop and support your team

Build better relationships with key stakeholders


‘This has been the greatest gift the company ever gave

me. They can give you a bonus and you’ll just blow it

on something, but this is a gift that will stay with me.

When this started, my new boss was ready to fire me. Now he’s promoted me’

‘Good business coaching

is so powerful that if it

were a drug they would

make it illegal’ (FT Guide

to Business Coaching)

‘The coaching experience

was low cost in terms of

my time and high benefit

in terms of results’

*CIPD survey 2011 8

Estimates of Return on Investment*

◦ Coaching translates into

◦ Doing translates into the business

◦ Impact can be

Improved productivity

Increased quality

Better customer service, reduced complaints

Process improvement leading to cost reductions

*McGovern, Manchester Review 2001


Improved leadership style

Better decision making, prioritisation

Improved relationship with sponsors and stakeholders

Decreased stress, increased resilience

Bring out the best in your team

Increased job satisfaction for you, your team



o Ethical framework

o Agreeing the purpose of the conversation

o Encouraging someone to explore options

o Asking questions, not answering them

o Ending with actions, learnings and next steps

o Really listening, not interrupting

Three levels of listening

1. Superficial listening

2. Pay attention to the content

3. Deep listening for the underlying meaning

In pairs – As and Bs

A - take 2 minutes to talk about ‘myself as a leader’

B - try to listen at level 2 or 3. Just listen – no interrupting at all

B – tell A what you heard about the facts and what you picked up under the surface

Swop after 5 minutes



◦ Talking to your senior sponsor about time vs cost vs quality

issues on your project

◦ Your vendor hasn’t delivered on time

◦ Sharing end of project lessons learned with your team

◦ Telling a new colleague how to use new risk management software


Manage project targets and goals need to be met

Mentor you’ve ‘been there and done that’ and can share your expertise

Consult you are asked for ideas, plans, solutions

Train you have knowledge and skills to share


Think of a problem you have on your project, programme or portfolio that you’d be willing to talk about (or some other business issue)

In pairs

Person A coaches Person B for 10 minutes

Then swop for 10 minutes

Use the script provided in the handout to guide the conversation

Listen carefully. Try to keep on track and not to provide solutions


o How did the exercise go, what did you learn?

o What will you do differently as a result of this session?

o Any questions?


07919 880250

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