hotel booking feedback Sudha

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Transcript of hotel booking feedback Sudha

1. When the error for group booking gets displayed, the form gets cut

2. The error message after 5 booking for free user should be – Sorry, The maximum limit for the online booking is over.

3. The email format should be changed. Use the format of Property app

4. After 5 bookings, when 6th (for every booking after 5) person tries to book, a mail should go to the hotel. Use format of Property app.

5. When 5 bookings are done, you get an error, and the app keeps showing this error. There is no way to go back to the first page of the app.

6. When a mail goes for a confirmation of the booking while using the demo account, the mail should also mention it is with demo account.

7. The form is getting cut for the below error. The error message should be – You are trying to make a group booking. Please contact the hotel on XXX for group bookings.

8. There is no way to go back to the home page post the above error9. Border and border curve is not working properly10. Hotel information accordion – mandatory fields validation11. Validation for issues timeing i.e exceptional 12:pm.12. The report formatiing and export to excell and print options for report