Hoover’s Handling of the Hardship How does Hoover’s policies increase the depression?

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Hoover’s Handling of the Hardship How does Hoover’s policies increase the depression?

Hoover’s Handling of the HardshipHoover’s Handling of the Hardship

How does Hoover’s policies increase the depression?

Hoover’s tries to reassure the country

• Hoover says economic downturn is a normal part of the cycle of capitalism

● Says businesses will fix the problem, no need for government assistance

-Charities should help the needy, not the govt

-Says his job is to keep govt from over-spending during crisis

Hoover to Business: We Need Help

● Works with leaders of business, banking, & labor asking:

1) employers, please don’t cut wages or lay off workers

2) bankers, please help charities generate $ for the poor

3) unions, please do not go on strike

● Doesn’t help, since many businesses are also suffering and going bankrupt

Hoover takes some action

- Dam provided electricity, water supply, & flood control, but most importantly construction jobs (temporary relief)

•Since business isn’t creating jobs, Hoover authorizes construction on Boulder Dam (renamed Hoover Dam)

More Government action

● Cooperatives: Private entities work together including, Fed. Farm Board: a cooperative aimed at raising crop prices

•Federal Home Loan Bank Act (1932)

•National Credit Corporation: loaned $ to smaller banks

-Lowered mortgage rates & allowed farmers to refinance

•Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)

-Authorized up to $2 billion for emergency financing to banks & ins. companies

•Although these actions helped, for many, this was too little, too late

Hoover vs. WWI Bonus Army• 1932: Bonus Expeditionary Force (Bonus Army), protests that

they did not get their $500 WW I bonuses yet!

• They argue that the money was approved in 1924, before the crash and they deserve their funds

● Violence erupts as Patman Bill (giving bonuses) is voted down by Congress

•Army sends in Gen. MacArthur & Maj. Eisenhower to stop rioting

- 1,000 ppl tear gassed

- 11-mo. old baby dies, 8-yr. old boy blinded

- Two killed, hundreds injured