
Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Homophones


By: Anthony

Definition of Lute

A stringed instrument that was somewhat similar to a guitar.

Sentence with Lute

Crazy wanted to learn how to play the lute, so he asked his mom if he could get a lute teacher.

Images of a Lute

Definition of Loot

To rob or steal something,

commonly valuable things.

Sentence with Loot

Some robbers made a plan to loot the jewelry store.



A cruise is when people go on a relaxing trip on a boat.

Sentence with Cruise

We went on a long, relaxing cruise to South Korea and back.

Images of a Cruise


Crews are groups of people that work together as a team.

Sentence with Crews

For our trimester Ancient Egyptian projects, we worked in crews.

Images of Crews


Something that is grimy.

Sentence with Foul

My sister came home with a foul odor following her.


Definition of Fowl

A fowl is a bird.

Sentence with Fowl

I saw a bunch a different fowl at the shore yesterday.

Images of Fowl

Definition of Course

A course is a path or direction you are moving in.

Sentence with Course

We are going on a different course than planned.

Images of a Course

Definition of Coarse

Something that is not so smooth or fine.

Sentence of Coarse

The road had a coarse surface, and when we went onto it, we got a flat tire.

Something Coarse

Definition of Bridal

A bridal is a wedding.

Sentence with Bridal

Octagonatrolomapagus’s grandma died in her bridal robes.

Images of Bridal

Definition of Bridle

The headgear of a horse, or pony.

Sentence with Bridle

I bought the best bridle in the universe for my new pony.

Images of Bridle