Homepage | ACS Division of Organic Chemistry - American … · 2018. 1. 8. · June 16-18, 1982....

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Transcript of Homepage | ACS Division of Organic Chemistry - American … · 2018. 1. 8. · June 16-18, 1982....

American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry

Executive Committee Albert I. . Meyers, Chainnan James C. Martin, Chairman-Elect Walter S. Trahanovsky, Secretary-Treasurer Philip E. Eaton, Symposium Executive Officer Robert G. Bergman Robert M. Coates Paul G. Gassman Carl R. Johnson Koji Nakanishi Leo A. Paquette Martin Semmelhack

Office of the Secretary-Treasurer Department of Chemistry

Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011

Members of the Division of Organic Chemistry:

Councilors Edward M. Burgess Michael Cava Norman A. LeBel Ernest Wenkert

Alternate Councilor David M. Lema! Albert Padwa Stuart Staley Jacob Szmuszkovicz

You are invited to attend the meetings and to submit a paper for presentation before the Division of Organic Chemistry at the 184th National ACS Meeting in Kansas City, September 12-17, 1982. Requests for hotel reservations should be withheld until publication of the preliminary program in Chemical and Engineering News.

Instructions for submissions of papers are contained in the accompanying sheet entitled "Information for Authors of Papers." Please read them carefully. The firm deadline for receipt of papers is May 14, 1982 as noted on the accompanying sheet.

The Divisional Program in Kansas City will feature:

Award Symposia Arthur C. Cope Award to Frank H. Westheimer-Tuesday p.m. Symposium on "Inhibition of Liquid Phase Autoxidation Reactions" organized by Glen. A. Russell and Steve Korcek, joint with the Division of Petroleum Chemistry. Part of this symposium will consist of contributed papers. Authors who want their paper to be included in this symposium should indicate this upon submission of the paper to the Secretary. The normal procedure for submission of general papers, as described in the sheet entitled "Information for Authors of Papers," should be followed-Monday. Symposium on "Transition States in Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes" organized by Richard L. Schowen and Gerry Maggiora, cosponsored with the Division of Physical Chemistry-Monday through Friday. Symposium on 'The Biosynthesis of Natural Products" organized by Steven J. Gould, cosponsored with the Division of Microbial and Biochemical Technology-Wednesday and Thursday. Symposium on "Batch Process Development and Optimization" organized by Vasken Paragarnian, joint with the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, the primary sponsor-Wednesday. Seminar on "Heilbron' s Dictionary of Organic Compounds" presented by the publishers, Chapman & Hall, joint with the Division of Chemical Infonnation, the primary sponsor-Thursday a.m.

Future .. l>ivisional Programs March 20-25, 1983. Seattle, Washington. The 185th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Symposia in the area of organometallic chemistry are being organized by Robert G. Bergman, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, John. E. Bercaw, Department of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91 125, and P. W. Jennings, Department of Chemistry, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717. These symposia will be joint with the Division of Inorganic Chemistry. A symposium on "Fundamental Heterocyclic Chemistry" is being organized by R. A. Abramovitch, Department of Chemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina 29631 .

June 19-23, 1983. Bozeman, Montana. The 28th National Organic Chemistry Symposium. A ballot which will allow you to indicate your preferences of topics, speakers and symposium fonnat is enclosed.

August 28-September 2, 1983. Washington, D. C. The l 86th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. A symposium on "Carbene Chemistry" is being organized by Robert A . Moss, Department of Chemistry , The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 and Peter J. Stang, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Utah 84112. A symposium on "The History of Physical Organic Chemistry" is being organized by Leon B. Gortler, Department of Chemistry, City University of New York, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York 11210 and Cheves Walling, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112. This symposium will be co-sponsored with the Division of the History of Chemistry. A symposium on "Application of Theoretical Principles to Reaction Processes" is being organized by Charles L. Liotta, Department of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technolory, Atlanta, Georgia 30332.

Other Meetings of Interest June 7-9, 1982. 16th Great Lakes Regional ACS Meeting, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois; includes a symposium on "Natural Products;" Chairman: Michael Kurz, Department of Chemistry, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois 61761, 309-438-7019.

June 16-18, 1982. 14th Central Regional ACS Meeting, Northwood Institute, Midland, Michigan; includes the award symposium for the Frederic Stanley Kipping A ward in Organosilicon Chemistry, sponsored by the Dow Coming Corporation, to Thomas J. Barton; Chairman: Christian T. Goralski, P.O. Box 1902, Midland, Michigan 48640, 517-636-2929.

June 16-18, 1982. 37th Northwest Regional ACS Meeting, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon; includes symposia on "Heterocyclic Chemistry;" Chairman: L. H. Klemm, Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403, 503-686-4628.

June 27-30, 1982. 12th Northeast Regional ACS Meeting, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont; includes symposia on "Recent Advances in Organometallic Chemistry," "Frontiers in Organic Synthesis," and "Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry," Chairman: John J. McCormack, Department of Pharmacology, Given Building, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405, 802-656-2500.

December l-3, 1982. Southwest Rocky Mountain ACS Regional Meeting, El Paso, Texas; includes symposia on "Theoretical Organic Chemistry" and "Organometallic Chemistry;" Chairman: Keith H. Pannell, Department of Chemistry, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas 79968.

Election of Divisional Officers Enclosed with this Jetter is the 1982 Nominating Committee Report, a ballot and a return envelope for the marked ballot. The results of the ballot shall be determined by those votes returned to the Secretary by June 1, 1982.

Request for Opinions on the Proposal to Establish an ACS Journal on Photochemistry The suggestion has been made that an ACS journal on photochemistry be initiated. A Task Force is in operation to consider the merit of this suggestion. We would like to solicit opinions from individual members of the organic division with respect to this proposal. All opinions should be submitted in writing and addressed to Dr. Wendell Dilling, Chairman, I 8 I 0 Norwood Drive, Midland, Michigan 48640. Gary W. Griffin is the Representative of the Organic Division on the ACS Journal Task Force.

Proceedings of a Symposium on Energy A limited number of copies of a symposium on energy, organized by R. G. Wymer and 0. L. Keller of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the Southeast-Southwest Regional ACS Meeting in New Orleans, December, 1980, are available from the Secretary's office upon receipt of a self-addressed, stamped (63¢) envelope (81/z''x I I"). The proceedings will be sent free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis.

Abstracts The abstracts of papers presented before the Organic Division will be lithographed and distributed to the members of the Division. Complete sets of the abstracts of all papers presented at the March, 1982 National ACS Meeting may be obtained from ACS News Service. Be sure to indicate Divisional Membership when ordering.

A limited number of copies of the abstracts of papers previously presented before the Division are available from the Secretary's office upon receipt of a self-addressed, stamped (63¢) envelope (at least 8" x 1011

) and remission of $1.50 per abstract of National meetings, $2.00 per abstract of National Organic Symposia.

Book Discount for Members Enclosed with this letter are coupons which provide substantial discounts on the purchase of books from Academic Press, Holden Day, Marcel Dekker, Plenum, Pergamon, John Wiley & Sons, and Verlag Chemie Publishing companies. To obtain the discount, sign the coupon and include it with prepayment in an order to the publisher's address as indicated. Discounts and publishers included are:

Academic Press, Inc., 25 percent discount. Orders must be directed to Mr. Fred Haight, Academic Press, Inc., 111 5th Ave., New York, NY 10003. Holden Day, Inc., 25 percent discount. Holden Day, Inc., 500 Sandsome St., San Francisco, Calif. 94111. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 30 percent discount. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10011. Plenum Press, Inc., 25 percent discount. Plenum Publishing Company, 227 W. 17th St. New York, NY 10011. Pergamon Press, Inc., 25 percent discount. Orders must be directed to Ms. J. Rudosky, Pergamon Press, Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523. John Wiley & Sons, 25 percent discounts on Wiley-Interscience books, excluding text books. John Wiley & Sons, Eastern Distribution Center, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, New Jersey 08873. Verlag Chemie International, Inc., 25 percent discount. Verlag Chemie International, Inc., Plaza Centre, Suite E, 1020 N.W. 6th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441.

Division members are also eligible for one copy at a 40 percent discount of books resulting from symposia sponsored by the Division. Some of the books in the Advances in Chemistry Series, published by the ACS, are eligible for this discount. The order must be prepaid and made on a special order form which can be supplied on request by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Division.


Walter S. Trahanovsky Secretary-Treasurer

• · A~rican Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry

Information for Authors of Papers I. ACS Requirements

The Bylaws of the American Chemical Society place the following requirements on papers which are presented at National ACS Meetings.

1. ACS Membership At least one author of each paper must be a member of the American Chemical Society, unless the author is not a chemist or engineer residing in the United States.

II. Organic Division Requirements and Policies


The Organic Division has the following Bylaws and policies pertaining to papers submitted for presentation at National ACS Meetings. .

1. Under no circumstances should a paper appear in print in a journal other than as a communication to the editor before the oral presentation. Responsibility for ensuring that this policy not be violated rests solely with the author(s). If a manuscript is accepted for publication prior to or shortly after submission of the paper for presentation at a Meeting, the author(s) should specifically request the editor to arrange publication in an issue that is circulated after the ACS Meeting.

2. Short Abstracts Four identical copies of a 150 word (or equivalent) abstract are required. The original must be typed on the new abstract form and submitted with three Xerox or carbon copies on at least 16 lb. bond paper. The abstract itself must be kept within a 7 'l:z'' x 3 'Is" area. The preparation of a short abstract demands care and attention since direct photoreproduction will be used.

3. Long Abstracts Qne copy of a long abstract (at least I , 000 words) of the paper to be presented which contains a detailed description of the experimental work upon which the paper is based must be submitted. A copy of the manuscript in a form to be submitted for publication constitutes an ideal long abstract. No paper can be accepted for the meeting program unless it is accompanied by a long abstract. After the long abstract has been reviewed in preparation for the program, the long abstract of each paper accepted will be sent to the chairman of the session in which the paper is to be presented. The presiding officer will either serve as discussion leader for each of the papers in his session or will appoint some other person to serve as discussion leader. The long abstract cannot be returned. Manuscripts for publication should be sent to the editors of the journals and not to the Secretary of the Division.

4. Deadline for Receipt The original and three copies of the 150 word abstract and one copy of the 1,000-word abstract should reach the office of the Secretary no later than May 14, 1982. Since the program is arranged and the 150 word abstract<> mailed to Washington immediately after this date, no papers can be accepted, withdrawn or changed after May 14, 1982. Please be certain of your plans before submitting a paper.

5. Scheduling of Papers Insofar as possible, the papers are arranged according to subject matter. Please do not request the scheduling of a paper at a specific time unless a conflict makes it impossible for you to attend on certain days. However, if such a conflict exists, please advise the Secretary no later than May 14, 1982. If the author is presenting a paper before one of the other divisions during the same meeting please advise the secretary of the day on which the paper is to be presented no later than May 14, 1982.

6. ·Notification of Acceptance The author presenting the paper will be notified of the date and time when his paper has been scheduled approximately five weeks after the Secretary's deadline. If a paper cannot be accepted, the author will be notified of this fact approximately four weeks after the Secretary's deadline, and all of the abstracts will be returned.

7. Acknowledgement of Receipt Any author desiring acknowledgement of receipt of a submitted paper should include a self-addressed, stamped postcard.

Slides and Oral Presentation Each meeting room will be equipped with a blackboard and with projection facilities for 2" x 2" slides. Authors should be sure their slides are legible and present a reasonable amount of data on each slide. Manuscripts should not be read verbatim. The Executive Committee recommends strongly that each paper be presrnted by the senior author. Since the time allotted to each oral presentation is only fifteen minutes it is suggested that no more than ten slides be used in the presentation.

Walter S. Trahanovsky Secretary-Treasurer Division of Organic Chemistry Department of Chemistry Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011