Home Business - Your Guide to High Revenue, Simple Startup, Fast Results

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Home Business - Your Guide to High Revenue, Simple Startup, Fast Results

So You\'re Trying to Find Self Employment Ideas?

More and more before, folks are swarming to the concept of becoming self-employed, working for themselves and



Well, you will have your own reasons. But most individuals are looking for alternatives to regular work because of the

current state of the economy, and to provide an improvement in their standard of life.

Traditional jobs just aren\'t what they used to be. In days gone by, you got a job at a firm, worked there your whole

career, and were provided benefits and retirement pay when you retired.

Not any more.

Today, most companies are not hiring, but among the few that are, plenty will just hire part-time workers to get

around paying higher incomes and benefits. Today\'s jobs are not stable, have tiny advancement potential, and are

keeping people underpaid and underemployed.

Therefore since you\'re reading this, you most likely have experienced this and are looking out for some self

employment ideas and options to break free of this unrewarding job model.

Self Employment Ideas - Our Standards for Selecting the Best Self Employment

Before I tell you my recommendation, I would like to tell you precisely why I recommend it.

1. Being Self-employed shouldn\'t mean you still have a job.

Too many self employment ventures are what I call \"buying a job\". If you still have to go to work twenty four seven, you bought a job. There\'s possibly a business

you go to continually, and the owner is always there, cooking your food, working the register, or doing some other low-paying job all day 24x7. That\'s purchasing a

job. They spent a large amount of money to start a business, but now they are back to being a worker,


It boils down to time liberty. Even doctors or attorneys have no time liberty. They may make a high salary but they

remain enslaved by the clock.

2. Low-risk, low investment.

Most conventional businesses fail. An overpowering percentage. Yet folks will spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of their money mortgage their home, wipe out their savings, all on the hope that a business will succeed.

The reality is, it only has a 10 % chance. So give it some thought. You have a better likelihood of going to Vegas and

earning than you do starting a home business!

Nothing is free, so be prepared to at least spend something. But our best concepts for self employment have a low (totally cheap) start up cost and , almost no


3. It has got to be reasonable.

The aspiring rock star. The ambitious actress. The fellow trying to sell his film script. They golfer that thinks he\'ll go

pro at 25 years in age. Ain\'t gonna happen.

Sure, every once in awhile someone gets lucky. But you do not enter into a business on the one in a million hope that

you will hit the lottery.

To a smaller extent, many self employment ideas just are not that reasonable. You probably don\'t really want to spend years learning a complete new skill. Or, if you\'re

not a \"born salesman\", you aren\'t just going to instantly become great at it. Therefore clearly, it has got to be something that you can do. And the only way you will know this, with certainty, is if other people like you have

also managed to do it, and it is proved.

4. It has got to be profitable.

You would like to earn money, right? Again, seems obvious, but you would be stunned what quantity of

people become self employed and either lose money, or make a pathetic hourly \"wage\" for their time spent.

There are just too many stories of folks that made a respectable annual salary, but worked countless hours to get it. Often, when you do the math, they might as well

have a regular j0b.

Working for pay has no leverage. So we need a scalable business where profits can grow way beyond your hours of labor. So so as to meet our standards, hours worked can\'t

be a component in cash earned.

This is a troublesome one for those that do not know any other way, nonetheless it actually is real!

Self Employment Ideas - My Recommendation

After a number of years of looking work from home opportunities, network marketing and MLM businesses

and many normal firms, both on and offline, I have narrowed it down to my single fave of all of the self

employment ideas I\'ve investigated.

Here\'s why:

- Online business means total time liberty. Invest a couple hours a day, on your program. Work in your pajamas if you

want. Take your laptop and work at a coffee house or in the Caribbean if you need. Answer to no one. Your time is

truly your own.

- Lowrisk. It\'s $25 to start. That\'s it. You may spend a touch more as you go, for extra revenue opportunities, coaching, etc, but just $25 to have a complete business that you can operate starting in about 2 hours. Enough

said on that.

- You can do it. Anybody with even the most basic ability on a PC can do it. If you made it to this piece, you know

enough to do it.

- It is very profit-making. Average people are making huge incomes, in just a few months. Get rich fast? Ironically, notwithstanding that being a \"bad\" term, we have

learned that most people wish to make a healthy earnings, and they would like to have it occur fast. This is a chance

to do just that. We see no reason to \"get broke slowly\"!

Getting going takes just minutes, and it is easy to get started simply by clicking my best self employment ideas

