Holy Cross Primary School · Web viewNext, look at the illustration depicting the wolf- Fenrir...

Post on 02-Mar-2021

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Transcript of Holy Cross Primary School · Web viewNext, look at the illustration depicting the wolf- Fenrir...

Year: Year 4Week beginning: 4.5.20

Work to be undertaken at home over the course of this week. Each day will consist of one English activity, one Maths activity and other tasks that should be completed during the week. Exquisite Year 4, Who would believe that we are already in Week 3 of the Summer term? I hope that you and your families are well and that you do not loose the enthusiasm to persevere at your work.I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all positive emails and encouraging feedback about the video I have made for you. I also would like to thank your fabulous parents who continue to support you and keep in touch with me to let me know how you get on with your work.You are doing so wonderfully well! Please continue working hard and most of all remember to be kind and smile, even when it is a bit difficult.

This week we will focus on: estimating, rounding and adding numbers using formal written method in Maths, revising the spellings of statutory Year 4 words, completing reading comprehension, planning, writing, editing and performing a kenning poem in English, reflecting on the Ascension of Jesus in RE, exploring the landscapes of Ancient Egypt and thinking about the importance of river Nile, and finally investigating how sounds are made with different objects.

Remember that I set up weekly tasks on Purple Mash. You can also use it to play various educational games, such as times tables and spellings games.You have received the Education City logins, so please use it too.This week you also have another exciting educational resource added to your list. It is the First News ihub. I have emailed you the logins, so please test it this week. On the First News ihub, you can read fantastic newspaper articles and access fabulous activities linked to it.

As usual, I linked all the Resources to One Drive documents. If you have One Drive installed on your device, you only need to CTRL+ CLICK on the underlined link and the attachment will open.

Please remember to read your books and complete activities from your Reading Journal Activities Sheet.

To keep active, remember to join Joe Wicks, for 30 minutes of daily exercise in the comfort of your own home. Just google: ‘P.E. with Joe’

Remember to stay in touch and email me if you have any questions about the work. I cannot wait to hear from you and see all your marvellous work.

Look after yourselves and your families.Good luck and stay safe!

Miss Stojek

Monday Maths Read and complete ‘Monday Textbook p.38-41’.Complete ‘Monday Worksheet 13, p.16-17’.Challenge: Complete activities ‘Monday Challenge’.Please write down the answers in your green exercise book.

English Check the answers from the previous dictation, using ‘Words with sc Dictation Answers’. Look at the ‘Statutory Words Table’ activity. Do you understand all the words? If not, find the definition of each word in a dictionary. Click here to use online dictionary . Copy and fill in the table, practising your spellings. Make a wordsearch or crossword, using the spellings from the homophones sheet.Once you confident enough, you can ask your adult/older sibling to

carry out the dictation for you (Check: ‘Statutory Words Dictation’) This can be completed any day this week. Take your time and make sure you practised your spellings.

Physical Activity Start standing tall. Place both hands on the floor and walk them out into a press-up position. Tap each shoulder with the opposite hand one at a time. Walk your hands back and stand up tall. You can take out the shoulder-taps to make this less challenging. Complete breathing exercise- ‘Pharaoh’- to cool down.

Tuesday Maths Read and complete ‘Tuesday Textbook p.48-50’.Complete ‘Tuesday Worksheet 1, p.23-24’.Challenge: Complete activities ‘Tuesday Challenge’ Please write down the answers in your green exercise book.To revise the formal written method for addition, watch this BBC Bitesize video clip.

English Read the text from ‘Reading Comprehension Tuesday’. Answer questions in your green exercise book.Read Arthur and the Golden Rope p. 26-29. This is a middle point of the story. Can you tell your sibling or adult what happened so far in the story? Reflect on the story so far: What do you like about it? What don’t you like? Why? Is there anything that puzzles you? Does it remind you of anything – other stories you have read; films you have watched; or experiences you have had? Write a short answer for each question. Next, look at the illustration depicting the wolf- Fenrir (p.28) You can draw Fenrir. Today, you will collect vocabulary to describe Fenrir and on Thursday, you will write a kenning poem, using the vocabulary you have collected. Gather as many words as possible to describe the wolf and list some of the terrible things that he has done/might do. Write nouns or noun phrases (e.g. night, forest, terrible jaws) and verbs (e.g. prowl, hunt, snap) Can you read out your words collection with appropriate expression? You could be in role as Fenrir.

Physical Activity Start with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat. Take a step to the right, staying low and squat again. If there’s space, repeat this – going the same way a few times. Then squat and step to the left a few times. Remember to keep low and to have a straight back. This exercise will strengthen your quadriceps. Complete breathing exercise- ‘Pharaoh’- to cool down.

Wednesday Maths Chant the times tables you are recalling this week. Read and complete ‘Multiplication Quest 2’. In this document you will also find Multiplication Quest 1 from previous week. This is to remind you what it was about. You do not have to do it again, as far as you can remember what to do next. Complete the ‘Times Tables Test’. This week you have 50 sums again. How many questions can you get right in 6 minutes? If you are happy with your score and you are hungry for more, try the ‘Times Tables Test Challenge’. Remember to use mental maths only when completing it.

English Read the text from ‘Reading Comprehension Wednesday’ and answer questions in your green exercise book.Read ‘Past Tense Explanation’ and complete ‘Past Tense Activity’ in your green exercise book. If you want to find out more about past tense and verbs watch this BBC Bitesize video.

Physical Activity Run as fast as you can on the spot. Remember to pump your arms as you are running. Try pressing the turbo button for the last 10 seconds. Start with your feet together. Lunge to one side, bending at the knees and hips. Step your lunging foot back to the centre. Lunge to the other side. Keep your back straight. Complete

breathing exercise- ‘Pharaoh’- to cool down.Thursday Maths Read and complete ‘Thursday Textbook p.53-55’.

Complete ‘Thursday Worksheet 3, p.38-39’.Challenge: Complete activities ‘Thursday Challenge’Please write down the answers in your green exercise book.

English Look at the vocabulary you have collected on Tuesday. Today, you are going to write a kenning poem describing the wolf- Fernir. A kenning names something by describing its qualities in a two-word compound expression (often consisting of a noun and a verb made into a noun using an -er ending) for example mouse catcher = cat. The Kenning has its origins in Anglo-Saxon or Old Norse where Kennings were used to name swords: e.g. death bringer. Kennings can be developed into a poem or a riddle but a Kenning refers to the two-word expression, e.g.

FenrirForest prowlerFlesh tearer

Bone cruncherSilent hunterJaw snapper

Remember it is a poem, therefore you need to write it in stanzas. Skip a line, each time you start a new stanza. If you are still hungry for more, you can write a kenning poem about Arthur.Now, try to learn your poem by heart and perform it to your sibling/-s or adult/-s. Did you think about adding actions or sound effects to make your performance more effective?

Physical Activity Start in a press-up position. Walk one foot in and then the other. Walk one foot back out and then the other. If your upper body starts to get tired, stop and shake out your arms for a few seconds. Complete breathing exercise ‘Pharaoh’- to cool down.

FridayBANK HOLIDAY- Enjoy the day with your family!

RE: Read Acts1:1-12 and reflect: How do you think the apostles reacted when they met Jesus? If you were one of the apostles what questions would you ask Jesus? What does word ‘ascension’ mean? Write it down. Look at Picture 1 from ‘The Ascension of Jesus in Art’. Study the faces of the apostles and answer the following questions: How do you think they were feeling? Do you think they understood what the Holy Spirit would do? Why? Now, look at Pictures 2-9. Choose two pictures and compare them: How are they similar? How are they different? Why did the artists choose to represent Jesus’s Ascension in this way? What would you call the two pictures you chose? Why?Finally, can you draw/paint your own artistic interpretation of the Ascension of Jesus?

Foundation Subjects:

First, click on the blue area and listen to the story- ‘Herodotus – The River Nile’ Why do you think the historian Herodotus called Egypt the ‘gift of the Nile’? Write a sentence to explain. Next, go to this website and read about geographical features of the Ancient Egypt. Do you want to explore more landscapes through an interactive story? Click here to find out. What was the main and most important feature of the landscape for the Ancient Egyptians? Why river Nile was so vital for them? Look at the ‘Maps of the Ancient Egypt’. Can you spot any proper nouns describing geographical names? What are they? Now, can you make a model of the river Nile? You can draw, paint or make a 3-D model, using recycled materials. It is up to you. If you are looking for inspiration, check ‘River Nile Art Projects Ideas’. Click here and watch the video to see how the different families of musical instrument create different sounds. Did you come up with some words to explain how the musical instruments make sounds? Look at the words below. Did you choose any of these

words? Twang, blow, shake, scrape, vibrate, pluck. Read ‘Instruments and Vibrations’. Do you know now how the sounds are made using different instruments? Can you find different objects around the house and make sounds with them? (e.g. pluck an elastic band, bang an empty plastic container etc.) Produce a sound using one object at a time and record your findings in your book. What do you see or hear? What happened? Why? Draw and label a diagram. Did you find anything surprising? What was it?