Hitler's Germany

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Hitler's Germany

Hitler’s Germany1933-1939


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The Economy

The Military

The Youth


Culture & Art


Maintaining Control


The Economic Miracle

Hybrid Economy:

No restrictions of VT.

Some industry nationalized (VW)


(free business) allowed to flourish

The Economic Miracle

The RAD: Reichsarbeitdienst

Public works projects :

roads(the autobahn), parks, Dams, and rebuilding industry.

The Economic Miracle

Unemployment rates drop dramatically!

- 6 million in January 1932

- 2.5 Million in July 1933 and continues to decrease.

HUGE “BUY IN” factor for the Nazis!

The Military under the Nazis

No restrictions of VT

No size limitations

Industry geared up for war material

= greatness of Germany and the Reich

The Youth: “Blood and Honor”Education was national socialized. (1936)

1934 all youth organizations are disbanded

All youth are required to join the Hitler Youth and conform to the ideals of National Socialism.

The Youth

The Reich’s future

Taught boys to be obedient soldiers

Taught girls to have children for the Fuehrer and support families

Propaganda: The key to misinformation

Culture & Art

Roman architecture

Art idealized the perfect human body, seen as “Aryan”

Idealized Nature

Idealized Nazism.

Society: Living in Nazi GermanyPress and radio were censored

Book, art, music, movies, and clothing were regulated by the state.

Civil Rights suspended for the good of the country.

Society: Racial SuperiorityA German woman undergoes a "racial examination," in which her facial features are measured. Many Germans accepted this propaganda as scientific truth. Circa 1933-1939.


Maintaining ControlSA-Original Nazi Street thugs


The Secret Police-Gestapo The SS-Originally Hitler’s Body Guards


The SD- Secret police of the SS Sicherheitsdienst

Maintaining Control: rule of fearYouth “brainwashed”

Neighbors turn one another into the authorities

Opposition killed or punished severely

First Concentration Camp, Dachau, opened in 1933

Maintaining Control“When the Nazis arrested the Communists, I said nothing; after all, I was not a Communist. When they locked up the Social Democrats, I said nothing; after all, I was not a Social Democrat. When they arrested the trade unionists, I said nothing; after all, I was not a trade unionist. When they arrested the Jews, I said nothing; after all, I was not a Jew. When they arrested me, there was no longer anyone who could protest.”


1935 Nuremberg Laws

all Jews are denied citizenship

Boycotted businesses

No education

Jews not allowed employment

1938 -Kristallnacht

Anti-SemitismIllustration from a children's book. The headlines say "Jews are our misfortune" and "How the Jew cheats." Germany, 1936.


Police State

Germany is Nazified

All become national Socialist

Rule by fear and violence