Hitachi eco friendly (i)

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Transcript of Hitachi eco friendly (i)

Soluciones de almacenamiento Eco-friendly

© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

Reduciendo los costes de Consumo, Espacio y Refrigeración

Bilbao, 7 de mayo de 2008

Javier Orejón – Director de Marketing

Certain statements found in this document may constitute "forward-looking statements" as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of1995. Such "forward-looking statements" reflect management's current views with respect to certain future events and financial performance and includeany statement that does not directly relate to any historical or current fact. Words such as "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "estimate," "forecast,""intend," "plan," "project" and similar expressions which indicate future events and trends may identify "forward-looking statements." Such statementsare based on currently available information and are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially fromthose projected or implied in the "forward-looking statements" and from historical trends. Certain "forward-looking statements" are based upon currentassumptions of future events which may not prove to be accurate. Undue reliance should not be placed on "forward-looking statements," as suchstatements speak only as of the date of this document. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied in any"forward-looking statement" and from historical trends include, but are not limited to: fluctuations in product demand and industry capacity, particularly inthe Information & Telecommunication Systems segment, Electronic Devices segment and Digital Media & Consumer Products segment; uncertainty asto Hitachi's ability to continue to develop and market products that incorporate new technology on a timely and cost-effective basis and to achievemarket acceptance for such products; rapid technological change, particularly in the Information & Telecommunication Systems segment, ElectronicDevices segment and Digital Media & Consumer Products segment; increasing commoditization of information technology products, and intensifyingprice competition in the market for such products, particularly in the Information & Telecommunication Systems segment, Electronic Devices segment

2© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

price competition in the market for such products, particularly in the Information & Telecommunication Systems segment, Electronic Devices segmentand Digital Media & Consumer Products segment; fluctuations in rates of exchange for the yen and other currencies in which Hitachi makes significantsales or in which Hitachi's assets and liabilities are denominated, particularly between the yen and the U.S. dollar; uncertainty as to Hitachi's ability toimplement measures to reduce the potential negative impact of fluctuations in product demand and/or exchange rates; general socio-economic andpolitical conditions and the regulatory and trade environment of Hitachi's major markets, particularly, the United States, Japan and elsewhere in Asia,including, without limitation, a return to stagnation or deterioration of the Japanese economy, or direct or indirect restriction by other nations on imports;uncertainty as to Hitachi's access to, or ability to protect, certain intellectual property rights, particularly those related to electronics and data processingtechnologies; uncertainty as to the results of litigation and legal proceedings of which the Company, its subsidiaries or its equity method affiliates havebecome or may become parties; possibility of incurring expenses resulting from any defects in products or services of Hitachi; uncertainty as to thesuccess of restructuring efforts to improve management efficiency and to strengthen competitiveness; uncertainty as to the success of alliances uponwhich Hitachi depends, some of which Hitachi may not control, with other corporations in the design and development of certain key products;uncertainty as to Hitachi's ability to access, or access on favorable terms, liquidity or long-term financing; and uncertainty as to general market pricelevels for equity securities in Japan, declines in which may require Hitachi to write down equity securities it holds. The factors listed above are not all-inclusive and are in addition to other factors contained in Hitachi's periodic filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and in othermaterials published by Hitachi.

Hitachi, Ltd. Fundada por el ingeniero Namihei Odaira en 1910 en Japón, en el pueblo de Hitachi,Prefectura de Ibaraki.

394 empleados en 1910

Primer producto Motor eléctrico de 5 CV

Los inicios

3© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

Primer producto Motor eléctrico de 5 CV

Motor eléctrico 5 CV Birthplace of Hitachi


Information & Telecommunication Systems

Power & Industrial SystemsFinancial Services




Hitachi Agrupa sus compañías en 7 sectores

Facturación por Segmento Industrial

Electronic Devices$10.300m



4© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems


Digital Media & Consumer ProductsHigh Functional Materials

Logistics, Services & Others$94.100millones






25%11%El negocio de Hitachi esta diversificado.

Hitachi, Ltd.: Creadores del Tren Bala

5© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

Hitachi Europe inventa el µ-Chip, Pioneros en la tecnología Smart Tag

El µ-chip de Hitachi es el dispositivo RFID más pequeño y avanzado del mundo.

Diseñado para aportar funcionalidades de trazabilidad y autentificación como ningún otro chip del sector.

Sufientemente pequeño para poder ser integrado en papel, esta tecnología tiene

6© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

integrado en papel, esta tecnología tiene múltiples aplicaciones como sector financiero, distribución y transporte aéreo.

Finger Vein Pattern

Authentication is leading

Security Technology from

Hitachi, Ltd. Using light, it

scans one’s unique vein

patterns to verify a person’s





CCD Camera

Hitachi Líder en la tecnología de identificación biométrica

7© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems


PC Log-InEntrance Control

Implementation Examples Hitachi Security Benefits

Hitachi's finger vein technology is able to read the unique pattern of veins inside the finger. Employing this type of biometric device eliminates the need for keys or cards.

Because the vein is internal to the body, disguising the vein pattern is virtually impossible, making counterfeiting improbable.

Critical to the technology is the use of light, which penetrates the finger, illuminating the unique vascular pattern, eliminating the need to touch sensors directly.

Green: lo que hacemos Hoy

• Consumo – un tema “Caliente” Hoy

• Ventajas de los sistemas de Hitachi

8© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

• Inciativas “Green” de Hitachi

• Todos somos parte de la solución

Actividades de Soporte Medioambiental

• Data Centers “Eco-friendly”

9© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

• Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

Guía de protección medioambiental

Hitachi begins Hitachi begins GroupGroup--wide investment wide investment in in

environmental facilities environmental facilities (1972)(1972)

Environmental Environmental Vision 2015Vision 2015

established established (2006)(2006)


Start of Start of Green 21 Green 21 ActivitiesActivities (1999)(1999)

Environmental Action Environmental Action PlanPlan formulated formulated (1992)(1992)

ISO Certification ISO Certification Committee set up Committee set up

(1994) (1994)

Technology for phasing Technology for phasing out the six substances out the six substances

covered by covered by RoHS RoHS Directive completed Directive completed (2005)(2005)

10© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems


Stratospheric Ozone Stratospheric Ozone Layer Protection AwardLayer Protection Award-- U.S. Environmental Protection U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency (1991)Agency (1991)

Awarded Global Awarded Global Environment PrizeEnvironment Prize

-- WWF Japan (1993)WWF Japan (1993)

BestBest--ofof--thethe--Best Best Stratospheric Stratospheric

Ozone ProtectionOzone Protection-- U.S. EPA (1997)U.S. EPA (1997)

Minister of International Minister of International Trade & Industry’s PrizeTrade & Industry’s Prize-- Green Japan Center sponsored Green Japan Center sponsored

annual Resource Recycling annual Resource Recycling ceremony (1999)ceremony (1999)

Fourth Fourth Environmental Environmental Report, “Award Report, “Award for Excellence”for Excellence”


Fabricación Eco-friendly

• El 1% del suministro eléctrico en los EEUU proviene de la energía eólica

de la factoría HiCAM de Hitachi en California

• Hitachi Ltd. directiva – GREEN 21

11© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

Source: Hitachi USA and Europe

Monozukuri: fabricación de los sistemas de almacenamiento de Hitachi

• Reciclado de:

– Papel

– Cartón

– Aluminio

– Acero

– Soldadura

12© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

– Soldadura

– Baterías

• Eco-friendly

– ISO 14001

– Uso de 100% “suministradores green”

– Reutilización de los materiales de entrega y empaquetado

Source: Hitachi USA and Europe

Directiva de Impacto Medioambiental CIO


• Restricción de sustancias peligrosas (RoHS)

• Desechos del equipamiento Eléctrico y Electrónico (WEEE) (2002/96/EC)

• Uso de productos Eco (EuP) (2005/32/EC)

13© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

Visión del medio ambiente 2015

• Innovación de servicios y productos

• Prevención del calentamiento global

14© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

calentamiento global

Foco en “Verde”

Problemática Global en TI

Los asuntos de protección medioambiental y el consumo de energía están ganando visibilidad en los centros de datos

15© 2008 Hitachi Data Systems

• Consumo

• Disipación de calor

• SuministradoresGreen

• Emisiones de carbono

• Responsabilidad Social

• Fuentes seguras de Energía

• Requerimientos de refrigeración