History of the Church Didache Series: 1st Quarter Exam

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Transcript of History of the Church Didache Series: 1st Quarter Exam

Theology III Period A 1st Quarter Final ExamName___________________________

Short Answer (25 points) Thursday, October 1, 2009

What three cultures were part of the world Jesus was born into?

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________

The following cultures excelled in what areas?

4. Greek _________________ 5. Roman ________________

What are the two components of Church history?

6. _______________________________ 7. _______________________________

Why was the council of Jerusalem Called?

8. _______________________________ 9. _______________________________

What are the four marks of the Church?

10. ________________ 11. ________________ 12. ________________ 13. ________________

What are the three movements of history in the time of the Dark Ages?

14. ____________________ 15. ____________________ 16. ____________________

17. What is the importance of studying the covenants that God made with man in studying history?

18. What does it mean to say that history begins in the mind of God?

19. Explain the difference that Pope John Paul II sees between Christianity and Is-lam.

20. Which son of Abraham do Muslims see as their ancestor in faith?

Name the five pillars of Islam

21. ____________________ 22. ____________________ 23. ____________________

24. ____________________ 25. ____________________

Matching - Dates (5 points)

26. Jewish temple was destroyed _____ A. 313

27. Edict of Milan, Christianity was legal _____ B. 382

28. Canon of New Testament declared _____ C. 70

29. Council of Nicea convened by Constantine _____ D. 391

30. Christianity made official religion by Theodosius I _____ E. 325

True or False - Please place a T for True or F for False in the blank below (10 points)

31. _____ St. Agnes led the Jews from captivity.

32. _____ Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus according to legend.

33. _____ St. Jude was exiled to island of Patmos after having survived the boiling oil.

SCOREOut of 60

34. _____ God sent the Holy Spirit to guide the Church on the feast of Pentecost.

35. _____ The first masses were celebrated on the streets and synagogues.

36. _____ St. Paul was physically impaired by being crippled after his encounter with Jesus.

37. _____ Dogma is a springer spaniel, doberman pincher, or other common pet dog.

38. _____ Bishops are the successors to the apostles.

39. _____ Christians observed Saturday as the holiest day of the week.

40. _____ Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Church

Vocabulary. Define one term in each box. (12 points) EXTRA CREDIT- Define as many as you like!

Pax Romana -Pontifex Maximus -Hellenization -

Diaspora- Sadducees -Augustus -

Apostle -Martyr -Council-



Agape-Eucharist-Apostolic Father-

Heretic-Ad Metalla-Trajan’s Rescript-

Apostasy-Vox Populi-Domus Aurea-


Arianism-Logos-Church Fathers-

Hermit-Ora et Labora-Islam-


Essay. Choose 2 of the following. (4 points each) EXTRA CREDIT- Answer as many as you like!

1. We study history so we learn how to make it ourselves. What kind of importance can your decisions have in the lives of other people around you?

2. Abortion, euthanasia, contraception, prostitution, divorce, adultery, fornication are all evils that appear throughout history. What can you do to stem the tide of these evils?

3. The martyrs of old and the martyrs in our age witnessed to Christ even unto the shedding of their blood. What will you do to witness the love of Christ in your life?

4. How is history affected by people being faithful to God? How is it affected by sin? How is it affected by your faithfulness or your sinfulness?

5. History has some dark ages. How will you shine the light of Jesus Christ to your own era of history?