History of Music Video - Group 35

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of History of Music Video - Group 35

The History Of Music Video

Daniel Braddick, Reece Eileens, Michael Burton

Radiohead - Creephttp://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcu54z_parental-advisory-radiohead-creep_music

Representation of the artist

• From the music video the band is represented as a minority in the music world mainly because the in the video the band has a small audience in a underground venue.

Use of Micro Elements


• The camera is often panning, as opposed to staying still. It gives the impression that it is always moving. There is also a lot of close-ups, usually on the singer but also on the other band members when their instrument is more prominent in the song.


• There are frequent cuts between close-ups, such as showing the same shot but mirrored, and cutting between the band and the audience. It also often jump cuts to the band members playing their instruments, usually when their instrument is louder in the actual song.


• The video has no extra sounds, such as the audience cheering. It is only the song that plays. There is no non-diagetic sound, as the video is the band playing their song in a run down venue, so all of the sound is diagetic.


• The venue in which the band is playing appears to be run down and shoddy, and the audience for the band is not very large. The band all where dark clothing, somewhat blending in with the low lighting of the venue.


• The lyrics are about a girl who the singer feels is perfect, while he feels like an outcast in comparison. He sings about wanting to fit in with everyone else, but knowing that he doesn’t. (“I don’t belong here”)

• During the chorus they show more emotion than the rest of the song, suggesting that the lyrics relate to them and almost as though they are angry at themselves for not fitting in.


• The band all remain quite passive throughout the video, not seeming to put much energy into the performance. They have brief bursts of energy and emotion when the chorus comes in, but this only lasts for the chorus.


• There is not really any branding for the band, although the image for the band is that they are usually quite depressed

Taking over me - Lawsonhttp://www.mtv.co.uk/mostwanted#360313

Representation of the artist

• The artist is represented as being quite happy and cheerful, being almost a polar-opposite of Radiohead. The song’s video is a mixture of narrative and the band playing.

Use of Micro Elements


• The camerawork is a lot of long shots during the band playing, while during the narrative there is a lot of close-ups of the two characters. Radiohead was almost entirely close-ups, usually of the main singer.


• During the narrative parts of the video, there is a lot of jump cuts in quick succession, possibly indicating that things are moving quickly in the narrative. The band parts tend to be longer clips, with fewer cuts. Radiohead often had cuts between the band and the audience, similar to this between the band and the narrative.


• Just like Radiohead, there is no extra sound in this music video. A difference however is that all the sound in the narrative parts of the video is non-diagetic, as the characters can not hear the music. The same sound is also diagetic though, during the band areas of the video.


• This music video has a lot more colour in it than Radiohead’s video. The video shows a lot of bright colours, daylight, and a desert. The characters of the narrative and the band are also wearing bright clothing, instead of all black clothing like Radiohead.


• The lyrics of this video mostly seem to indicate that the main character of the narrative/the singer is happy because he is falling in love with someone. This is a large contrast to Radiohead, who were singing about not being able to be with the person they were in love with, although both bands sing about love in general.

Presentation of Genre elements

• Music videos have developed and changed a lot over time. Based on our research, old videos tend to be entirely about the band. Newer videos have a large focus on a narrative, as well as seeing the band play.