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Transcript of History of art "THE SARCOPHAGUS OF TUTANKHAMEN"



ARCH325 (history of art)



On November 4th 1922, archeologist Howard Carter discovers something

remarkable in the Valley of the King, Egypt.


First of all, you need to understand the reason for the very uniqueness of the tomb of King Tutankhamun. As itself in the history of ancient Egypt ruler did not leave a deep impression - the rules just a few years, has died at a very young age, no exploits, conquests, public elementary achievements do not have time.

Best of the tombs of the Pharaohs were the most famous, grand and luxury - that is, the famous pyramids. But do not confuse the appearance of the tomb and its functional purpose.

To the ancient Egyptians afterlife it was more important than the immediate life

therefore the safety of the human body and presence with him various magical amulets and objects of "essentials" was the main condition for a comfortable existence in the afterlife.

For all time the existence of the tomb attracted different robbers. Because of this, many tombs were plundered.

But the tomb of Tutankhamun was designed so that a few thousand years to the robbers did not get it, we are simply not found.


Inside the tombs found numerous decorations, household items, furniture, works of art of that era, as well as the golden sarcophagus weighing more than 110 kilograms with the mummified body of the young king of ancient Egypt.

Pharaoh of XVIII dynasty of the New Kingdom rules about 9 years old, with about 1332 to 1323 years BC (died at the age of 19).

Before they reach their age of 20, Tutankhamun died (or maybe he was killed) and was buried in a tomb in the "Valley of the Kings" near Thebes.

Most the exposure given to the description of the tomb of the pharaoh. His mummy was placed in three different . Two of them were from the gilded wood, and the third of pure gold. Sami sarcophagi were closed in four gilded "cabinets", located also in each other.

Golden sarcophagus - is the largest in the history of ancient Egyptian jewelry art monolithic product. It provides insight into the religious ceremony, which the priests had burned for the dead pharaoh, art chasing goldsmiths, who for a short time after death,

just a few weeks, it was necessary to create a sarcophagus, put on it the appropriate patterns, mount gems. During the same time it was necessary to prepare the burial place

itself, to put on the wall painting, put in the tomb of multi-ton stone sarcophagus.

It is difficult to imagine how the chasers, jewelers of the time

produced the golden mask of the deceased Pharaoh as they were

able to convey a portrait likeness. It affects the purity of metal, no

seams, everything seemed to cast, all polished to a shine.

This mask portrays Tutankhamun in a striped hat crowned with symbolic images of the head of a hawk and cobra. Poisonous snake and a bird of prey symbolized the Pharaoh protect itself and its citizens against all enemies. He - the two land lord as a hawk and cobra. The breast mask - a rich necklace, deepening filled smalt color - dark blue, turquoise, red. Especially expressive, turned out at eye mask black pupil circled dark blue outline, and the feeling that Pharaoh alive, looks at the world. Mummy itself was all littered with precious stones.