Historic Preservation Board - Pagosa Springs175F1D4C... · 蛍端上真翁瀧ふ験磯 丁owN OF...

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Transcript of Historic Preservation Board - Pagosa Springs175F1D4C... · 蛍端上真翁瀧ふ験磯 丁owN OF...

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    Historic Preservation Board

    ReguIariy Scheduied Meeting Agenda

    Wednesday, May ll, 2016 @ 5:45p.m.Town HaIl, 551 Hot Springs BIvd.

    i・ Ca= to Order / Ro11 Ca=: Peggy Bergon ca=s the meeting to order at 5:45 PM. Present were

    members Lindsey Smith and Chrissy Karas. AIso present were Loretta Ross from the pubIic and

    museum voluntee「′」ean and」ohn Taylorfrom theSan 」uan Museum, Mark Rodman from History

    CoIorado, PIanning Director 」ames Dickhoff, and Associate PIanner Rachel Novak.






    Mark Rodman′ State Preservation TechnicaI Services Manager′ W川be attending this evening′s

    Meeting: Mark Rodman discusses the CLG necessities and how the HPB has been functioning.

    He addresses the musts ofa CLG and their boards. The「e is a deadiine of November lStfor CLG

    grants and funding. A property does not need to be IocaIiy Iisted in orderto be listed nationa一一y.

    He discusses the community presentation tomorrow that emphasizes tax credits avaiIabie to the

    PubIic. Mark Rodman wouid iikethe HPBto emphasizethe use ofthese credits, Hethen discusses

    a guidebook for preservation organizations on how to operate and train new board members.

    丁his shouId be ready by falI 2016 with assistance f「om DOしA.

    Approval of Minutes:

    ApprovaI ofthe Aprii 27′ 2016 HPB ReguIariy Scheduled Meeting Minutes: There is a typo on

    Page four (′′brought’’in paragraph B) and on page five (planning director). Minutes are

    approved as amended.

    PubIic Comment: 」ean TayIor states that the Archuieta Fair is 6与years old this year and some

    CentenniaI ranches. She has been in contact with 」eff Laydon on howto incorporate these 4

    ranches into a celebration or recognizingthem at the fair this year. She states that the museum

    Wi= NO丁be cIosing・ She says that the opening w旧nclude a campfire cooking demonstration,

    Iecture series′ and many more events. peggy Bergon is excited to heip this endeavor. Piaming

    Director 」ames Dickhoff asks how exactIy the HPB can heip. 」ean TayIor says helping to get the

    WOrd out wouid be beneficiai o「 perhaps a silent auction" 」ean Tayior says that they were taken

    Offofthe exempt Iistfor propertytax =st and needs to obtain those funds back. 」ohn Tayior says

    Perhaps having persomeI attheTourism bu冊ngto heIp guidetouriststo the museum may be


    Decision Items:

    A. Herit。ge Brochure Photo Se/ect.ion: The HPB w冊provide the TTC with the photos as

    PreSented. Lindsey Smith moves to approve the photos as presented. Chrissy Karas seconds.

    Unanimously approved.

    VI.  Discussion items:

    A. Moy 12th community Present。tion Review: Associate p-anner Rache- Novak provides an

    update on potentiaI attendance forthis event. She says that many peopIe were inte「ested

    in the presentation when she distributed the newsIetters and tax credit information to the

    historic district this week. PIanning Director 」ames Dickho什discusses how the presentation

  • Wi= be run. Ma「k Rodman saysthat he w川go first because his presentation w川be the

    Shortest, then Cynthia, and last wouId be Ken.

    B. S。ndwich BoordSign Survey Resu庇: Associate Planner Rachel Novak discusses the

    responses forthis survey. These resuIts w川be made avaiIabIe to the pubIic and with the

    next Historic District newsIetter. PIanning Directo「 」ames Dickhoff says that these resuIts

    WOuId need to be presented to Town Counc冊or their information.

    C・ Student Poster Conte5t: Upd。teS: Associate PIanner RacheI Novak says she wi= reach out to

    the schooIs to ensure they are awa「e ofthe May 20th change.

    D. Historic Preserv。tion Month: Upd。tes: Associate PIanner RacheI Novak has scheduIed the

    movie′ Which is set to start next Thursday at 6:00 PM. 1t is a free movie and peopIe can

    PurChase snacks atthe Theatre. Sta什w掴forward the finaIized calendarto the radio stations


    E. Woterworks Commi請ee: Andre Redstone Update & Committee SeIection: PIaming Director

    」ames Dickho什provides a brief overview of this. He says that staff is in the process of

    Obtaining originai deveiopment plans ofthe priority for the committee to reference. 」ames

    Dickho什′ Brad Ash′ Andre Redstone′ and David Schanzenbaker were suggested as committee

    members. He saysthat a pubIic work session couId be scheduled in 3-4 weeks. Peggy Bergon

    Asks what the originaI purpose ofthe bridge was? PIanning Director」ames Dickho苗s unsure.

    」ean TayIor says it could have been used for horse and cart access because of how wide it is.

    PIanning Director 」ames Dickho什discusses the stab消zation pian ofthe bridge. He says the

    CuIve巾W川be extended′ aS WeIi as the two storm pipes from Lewis Street, tO heIp a=eviate

    any future fIooding. It is anticipated to have this completed by this fa=・ An SHF grant has

    fundedthis project. Pianning Director」ames Dickhoffsaysthe next stepwouid beforthe HPB

    to decide on a railing materiaI. Chrissy Karas asks about any oId raiIings that couId be

    repurposed from the Springs Resort. Sta什w紺Iook into this. Sta什w川aIso work with the

    designers on what type of ra帥ngs wouId work best.

    F. ArchuIe亡o County F。ir: Di車I。y C。Se: Peggy Bergon says that a fair board member has reached

    OuttO herand asked ifthe HPB wouId be interested in a dispIaycase atthe fair. 」ean Taylor

    asks about how Iarge the dispiay case is・ Peggy Bergon w紺fo=ow up with the fair sta什to

    Obtain these measurements. The case is roughIy 3′x6′・ 」ean TayIor saysthey have put dispIay

    items atthe fair in years past" She is w冊ngto put some itemstogetherforthis. She says that

    they are already doing a 4H dispiaywith sera=arge items. She also saysthat she w… get back

    With the HPB when she has more information, but she wants to help the Board with their

    display. Peggy Bergon says that the dispIay case w冊be under constant surve川ance for the

    items seIected for this dispiay case. Peggy Bergon Discusses how to incorporate the 125th

    amiversary of Pagosa Springs′ 100th amiversary of Wolf Creek′ and the 65th amiversary of

    the Archuleta County Fair. She aIso discusses the possibility of havingthe local breweries in

    Town to have a speciaity brew forthe 125th anniversary. This cou看d be at a tent in the fair.

    Peggy Bergon is in constant communication with R冊Ra簡and they are on in charge ofthe

    beertent a=d this couId be the HPB′s way in to the fairfor this endeavor. 」on TayIor asks if

    the ski area is having an area at the fair for their lOOth anniversary. Chrissy Karas says that

    they have a iectu「e pIanned at the fair. 」on Taylor says they have some historic skis in the

    museum that a「e about 9′IongX5′′ wide. PIanning Director 」ames Dickho什wouid iike to see

    the historic fiIm ofWoIfCreek be shown atthe LibertyTheatre

    Vli・ ReportsandUpdates:

  • A. PIanning Department Report: PIaming Director」ames Dickho什discusses updates from

    sta什He says thatthe pedestrian b「idge may be postponed untiI a償ertou「ism season. The

    Town was awarded a Safe Routes to SchooI G「antto provide a sidewaIktra冊or elementary

    SChooI ch冊ren safelyto schooI・ This w川be compieted next year. Chrissy Karas asks how

    OId a property hasto be in orde「to qua岬to be listed. Mark Rodman saysthat50years is

    typica=y the number to use. However, there are circumstances where prope巾y may be

    listed that is youngerthan 50 years old.

    B. Opportunityfor HPB membersto briefly present ideas and suggestions aswe= as potentiaI

    future agenda items for the HPB′s consideration

    C. UpcomingTown Meeting Schedule

    Vlll. PubiicComment:

    1X. Adjoumment: Chrissy Karas movesto adjourn the meetingat7:11 PM. LindseySmith seconds.

    Unanimously approved.

    HPB Board Members

    Peggy Bergon: HPB Chairperson, Lindsey Smith: HPB Vice-Chairperson

    Chrissy Karas: HPB Regular Member, Andre Redstone: HPB ReguIar Member,

    」udyJames: HPB Reguiar Member, Brad Ash: Altemate Member

    HPB Mission Statement"Moving Forward While Preservmg the Past"

    To provide leadership’engage and en∞urage Pa血erships w皿n our community ofPagosa Springs and Archuleta County,

    increase public appreciation by creating awareness, PromOting the preservation of our ineplaceable diverse cultural heritage,

    arehitecture, and economy while sharing the stories of our past with ideas for the future.