Hiring And Socializing New People...

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Transcript of Hiring And Socializing New People...


•Hiring •Socialization•Orientation Information•Orientation Experience•Meeting Social and Psychological Needs

•Engaging the services of (a person) for a fee•Employing•Puting the right person on the right job.

“You cant build

business if you have

revolving door”

- Harvey McKay

Preoffer Planning

Some thought should be given to the offer process before actual recruit contacts begin. •The acceptable recruits should be ranked. •Some thought should be given to how the offer(s) will be extended. •Contingency plans should be developed.

Hiring Tricks that Job Seekers Must Know

1.They inspect your car.

2.2. They watch while you wait.

3.3. They try to see your inner gossip.

4.4. They mind your manners.

Ranking the Recruits

Two List Should be Developed1.List of the recruits in the order of the firm’s preference for them. 2.List of the recruits in the order of their preference for the firm.

“If you think hiring professionals is expensive, try hiring amateurs”

What Will Be Included in the Offer?


Other benefits which might be part of the employment package:•Insurance•Retirement contributions •Vacation pay •Educational benefits•Profit sharing •Company car

Most large companies usually pay for the following moving expenses when they transfer employees:•Packing and moving all household furnishings and equipment , with insurance to cover any damage.•Meals, lodging, and first class transportation by land or air for the entire family and for family pets.•Broker’s commissions and legal fees for buying or selling homes.•Entire expense of housing the employee and family in a hotel for several weeks after arrival. Thereafter the company pays the difference between charges for hotel rooms and normals rental costs if other living space has not been found.•Installation of appliances in the new home and allowances toward reffiting draperies, carpeting, and blinds.•A reasonable number of personal trips between the new and old location when the employee is separated from the family for a long time. •A trip for the spouse to visit the new location to look for a new house and expenses whilehouse hunting.

How Will the Offer Be Extended?

•Who will make the offer?•How will it be made? •Will a contract be offered?

How much time will be allowed for acceptance and what concessions will be made if the recruit wants to negotiate some of the terms of the deal.

81% of relocation candidates turn down the opportunity because of family-related problems.

A formal letter follows only if the telephone offer is accepted.

Agressive managers often prefer to make job offers in person.

Extending the Offer First, review the job. Go over the job opportunity with the recruit Ask for Questions.  Let the recruit talk. This is the time to clear away any misunderstandings about the job Determine Interest. In selling it is called Trial close.

“Are you interested in working for us? Do you want the job?”

“If we made you an offer, would you accept it?” “Can you give me an answer by Friday?” Accept the decision with grace.

Review the Job

Ask for Questions

Determine Interest(Trial Close)

Close the deal or accept recruits’s rejection


If yes, close the deal – Hire the Recruit

If no, probe for recruit’s objections

“The manager is by himself. He can't mingle with his players. I enjoyed my players, but I could not socialize with them so I spent a lot of time alone in my hotel room. Those four walls kind of close in on you.”

- Al Lopez

Socialization is the progress trough which the new recruits take on the values and attitudes of the people who are already working for the firm.

Preemployment Socialization Before accepting the offer and during the pre employment period the recruits will start thinking about the experiences they are about to encounter and they will begin to prepare themselves mentally

Assimilation  The second stage in the socialization process begins when the recruits accept the position

Orientation Information

Firms prepare detailed booklets

Immediately on reporting for work, there are several

issues which should be covered as part of the

employee’s orientation.

A truly paperless office may still be a dream, but its getting closer. Learn the newest technology and how it can help you.


By Brandon KoehlerOffice Pro

April 2007 vol 67/no 3

The PaycheckA trainee should be told when and how payment will be made. All deductions should be itemized so that the rep knows exactly what to expect.

In these times where corporations compete for talented individuals, a paycheck alone can’t ensure that these employees will keep working hard for your company. One of the most effective ways to keep staff happy and loyal is by implementing an employee recognition program.

Employee Recognition Programs

By Carrie ArlissOffice Pro

March 2007

The Expense Account

The new rep must be told precisely what can and cannot be put on the expense sheet and in what manner the money will be paid.

Office Practices

Office facilities and supplies should be checked to see that the new rep has everything needed and knows how to replenish supplies.

The performance review it strikes fear into the hearts of workers everywhere. Learn how this office ritual can work for you.

Your Performance Review

By Martha McCartyOffice Pro

March 2007 vol 67/no 4

Dining FacilitiesNew sales reps need to know if they can use the executive dining room to entertain customers.

What Is Going to Happen

NextGreatly appreciate when their training are schedule.

New person’s status in the firm must be made clear.

Entire organization should be explained.

Plans of company to them.



The new person has little opportunity to become

integrated with the work group.

He or she also learns how the company operates.

Administrative professionals know that to ensure true corporate success, employers must fully train, empower, and reward their staff.

Train, Nurture, Reward

By John TsehohlOffice Pro

May 2004 vol 64/ no 4

Need for Effective Communication

For some years now, the importance of

effective communication has

been stressed in management theory.

It is specially relevant when new

reps join a sales force.

There are many different kinds of difficult co – worker. You may be familiar with owners, micromanagers, and gossips. No matter which type of co – worker you have there are strategies you can get along better.

Dealing with Difficult Co – workers

By Jenny McCuneOffice Pro

March 2007

Vertical Channels of Communication

The manager must do extra work to get the

recruit started. Co-workers may have to

make allowances for the new employee’s lack of


The trainee should be encouraged to ask

questions about the job and the company

In this project management case study, one company learns that rewards and recognition and letting employees take the ball and run with it are critical to bottom line success.

Recognizing the Important Things

By Bernice l. RocqueOffice Pro

January/February 2005 vol 65/no 1

Horizontal Channels of Communication

Sales managers should not force trainees to rely on the grapevine to find out what is going on in the organization and what is expected of find out what is going on in the organization and what is

expected of them.

Trainees have no alternative if they are not given proper communication


They seek information from other people on their own level.

The career collaboration program can help you and your co – workers improve your careers. Don’t forget to download the career action plan and time – planning from that help you put the program into action.

Career Collaboration Program

By Joanne Dustin and Elizabeth BlackOffice Pro

March 2007

Meeting Social and Psychological Needs

He or she should be socially integrated into the new environment.

Newly hired salespeople may be under a lot of stress the first few months.

The manager should take positive steps to see that recruits and their families get into activities in which they are interested.

The job itself also plays an important social role.

Socialization and Cultural DiversityCompanies should develop programs to facilitate the smooth entry and socialization of these individuals into the work group.

Mentoring New EmployeesA mentor is someone with knowledge, experience, position, or power who provides personal counseling and career guidance for younger employees.

Manager advices, teaches, and helps the rep learn the corporate culture.

Senior salespeople are assigned to the new sales reps and are expected to “teach them the ropes”.

Mentor knows the cast of characters and can provide valuable advice.

Three types of mentoring programs