Hire a hero launch presentation

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Transcript of Hire a hero launch presentation

Friday 23rd April 2010

Founder of Hire a HeroKaren Chadwick, Chief Executive of Apex Health + Social Care

“Here are all these brave, disciplined young men and women risking their lives for our country, but when they leave the armed forces no one seems to want them. This is wrong.”

“In my experience ex-forces personnel make fantastic employees. They are reliable, work well in teams, are very adaptable and easy to re-train. The government should be doing more to help, but they don’t seem to care so now I’m calling the business community to do its bit.”

Karen Chadwick

The Hire a Hero Team

Ian Adshead, Hire a Hero, Director of Operations

“I’m so pleased people like Karen Chadwick are doing something to tackle this issue because getting ex-Service personnel back to work is a major problem for society and one which is only going to get worse.”

Inspiration for Hire a HeroBaresi Secka, Ex-soldier employed by Karen

“People like Baresi are just what my company needs and we want to hire more ex-soldiers like him.”

Hire a Hero Website

“I would like to say thank you to Karen and her team. After 18 months of low self esteem I can honestly say that I

can now see light at the end of the tunnel. I really do hope that this campaign brings to the very

forefront the skills, life and work experience that ex-Service personnel have to offer civilian employers.”

Will Flanagan

“Since leaving the Army in 2001 I found it very hard to get employment especially being disabled. On my

mission to find work I found that the support advised wasn't really there. Finding Hire a Hero some 9 yrs

after shows that progress is happening.”

Paul Hardisty

Gordon Brown backs our campaign

Miss England, Lance CorporalKatrina Hodge

Miss England, Lance CorporalKatrina Hodge

“It’s fantastic that you are helping everyone to see the issues surrounding sign off. Many

thanks for all your support.”

Neil Rogerson

In the news

“The current army resettlement scheme isn’t working and it’s as though more and more ex-military are re-enlisting, signing on or worse, turning to crime.

If the government won’t help then maybe the business community will, and that’s why I’m supporting the Hire a Hero campaign.”

Andy Gratton,ex-Falklands Veteran

In the news

“ I have just left the Army after nearly 10 years in service. I have relocated to Bristol and am desperate to find work as I have a young family to support. If you know of anything, preferably driving, then please let me know.”

Darren Chester

“I’ve been looking for a job for a year now since leaving the army in April last year.

I managed to get temporary work in a warehouse but nothing permanent. I’m now struggling to make ends meet…please help.”

Ben John Hodgeson

Messages of desperation

Hire a Hero Live on GMTV

Our Facebook Page

“Hire a Hero is a fantastic idea. Our boys and girls put their lives on the line for us, it’s about time we give them something back.”

Diane Goodwin

“I have just seen this on the news and I must say, what a good idea. It’s great to think there are people out there who care. You have all my respect. Well done and good luck.”

Micky Stevens

“Hi guys. I just read about this in the Metro and think its great. It's crucial to make people aware of the difficulties these people are facing when leaving the army. What a brilliant idea! Wish you and everyone involved the best of luck!”

Cris Tina

Messages of support

Hire a Hero Hotline0161 447 6417