Highlights - Waves 7 · 2018. 3. 14. · Highlights For the third year, ITEAM-UPV participates in...

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Transcript of Highlights - Waves 7 · 2018. 3. 14. · Highlights For the third year, ITEAM-UPV participates in...

81ISSN 1889-8297/Waves - 2015 - year 7

ITEAM received in October 2015 the visit of Prof.Mykola Kushnir of the Chernivtsi National Universityof Ukraine. He gave an interesting lecture on “Chao-tic Communication - Communication with ChaoticDynamical Systems”. We were also honored with thevisit of the 2015 IEEE – Signal Processing Distinguis-hed Lecturer Prof. Hamid Krim of the North CarolinaState University (USA) on May 2015. Prof. Krim tal-ked an excellent lecture on “SENSOR AND SOCIALNETWORKS: A CASE FOR TOPOLOGICAL DATA ANALYSIS”(see photo).

ITEAM 2015ITEAM researchers have been awarded three grants fromthe National Programme for the Promotion of Talent andIts Employability of the Secretary of State of Research,Development and Innovation (SEIDI), within the Ministryof Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). Thesegrants will allow iTEAM hiring three young engineerswho will be working at the R&D laboratories of OpticalCommunications, Signal Processing and Multimedia Ap-plications. They will learn advanced technological skillsin their respective fields in order to increase their exper-tise and employability.



For the third year, ITEAM-UPV participates in the mostprestigious audiovisual sector congress, "SMPTE 2015Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition", to beheld from 26 to 29 October in Hollywood, California.Researchers from ITEAM-UPV will present their resultsin the field of scalable video coding for future broad-casting services in Ultra-HD with high frame rate, byusing the new HEVC standard.

ITEAM-UPV participates in SMPTE2015 Annual Technical Confe-rence and Exhibition

The Group of Mobile Communications (MCG) ofITEAM will participate in the European project WirelessIn-Body Environment Communications (WIBEC). Thisproject, which will start in January 2016, is an Innova-tive Training Network that aims to train excellent rese-archers in the field of wireless communications insidethe body. This project will have a duration of 4 yearsduring which 16 researchers will be trained in 8 Euro-pean institutions, among them, ITEAM from UPV. WIBEC consortium is coordinated by Oslo UniversityHospital from Norway and is composed of 3 universities(Norges Tekninsk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Nor-way; Universitat Politechnica de Valencia, Spain; andTechnische Universität Dresden, Germany); 3 compa-nies (Sorin CRM, France; Ovesco AG, Germany; and Va-loTec, France); and 2 university hospitals (Instituto deInvestigación Sanitaria La Fe, Spain; and Oslo UniversityHospital, Norway). WIBEC is one of the 121 proposals funded by the Eu-ropean Commission between the 1320 proposals re-ceived from all European countries.

iTEAM-UPV will participate inWIBEC, an Innovative TrainingNetwork under H2020

Researchers from Eu-rope and the rest of theworld met in septemberin Kista for a two-dayworkshop hosted byMETIS-II for collabora-

ting on the future 5G system. The Mobile Communica-tions Group of ITEAM is one of the partners of METIS-IIproject, which is the continuation of the previous projectMETIS, focused on radio aspects for future communicationnetworks.The workshop gathers 11 of the 5G PPP projects (5G-NORMA, 5G-XHAUL, COHERENT, Euro 5G, Fantastic 5G,Flex5Gware, METIS II, mmMAGIC, SELFNET, SPEED-5G,XHAUL), and topics like scenarios and evaluations of 5Gsystem will be treated along with discussions on spectrum.The workshop is a significant effort of the project METIS-II, which aims to bring the European research activities on5G together, to enable collaboration among the ongoingprojects to create a unified European view, and to ensurea successful start of standardisation of 5G system in thenext years.METIS-II is a project with 23 partners co-funded in the Eu-ropean H2020 research programme with a budget of 8M€. Ericsson is the project coordinator and Nokia Networks

is the technical coordinator. Furtherpartners are Alcatel Lucent, DeutscheTelekom, Huawei, iDate, Intel, ITRI,Janmedia Interactive, KTH, NTT DO-COMO, NYU, Orange, Samsung, Te-lecom Italia, Telefónica, University ofKaiserslautern, Universitat Politècnicade València and WINLAB.

82 ISSN 1889-8297/Waves - 2015 - year 7

David Gomez Barquero brings unique perspectives as aninternational standards expert, researcher and academicto his important role as Vice Chairman of the ATSC 3.0Modulation and Coding Ad-Hoc Group, a key partici-pant in the development of the Physical Layer that’s spe-eding toward Candidate Standard status this month.

David Gómez Barquero, a rese-archer from the iTEAM-UPV asVice Chairman of the ATSC 3.0

EU project METIS-II hosts workshop on 5G system with 5G PPP projects

Prof. José Capmany has been awarded one of the presti-gious 2015 Fellowships for Distinguished Scientists underthe Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) President’s Inter-national Fellowship Initiative (PIFI). This programme sup-ports highly-qualified international scientists to work andstudy at CAS institutions and strengthen their scientific co-llaboration with CAS researchers.Under this framework, Professor Capmany gave a courseon Microwave Photonics at the CAS Institute of Semicon-ductors in Beijing last October and met with the Instituteofficials to formalize research collaboration agreementsand future PhD and Postdoc exchanges.

41st European Conference in Optical Communica-tions (ECOC) 2015

Last October, the 41st European Conference in OpticalCommunications (ECOC) 2015, the biggest optical com-munication conference in Europe, was celebrated in Va-lencia from 27th September-1st October, attracting morethan 5000 visitors. ECOC was organized in Valenciathanks to Prof. Jose Capmany and Prof. Salvador Sales,chair and technical chair, respectively, and their organi-zing team from iTEAM UPV.Outstanding optical communications breakthroughswere presented during ECOC, ranging from incipientphotonic integrated circuit processors to optical connec-ted and flexible data-centers, with the participation ofmore than 1500 participants and more than 500 indus-trial exhibitors. Among the research activities, a specialsymposium centered in the International Year of Light2015 was celebrated. Worth to mention the first everrump session for young researchers about the future ofphotonics with more than 400 attendees during ECOC.The overall research, exhibition and social activities or-ganized by the local committee and iTEAM made thisfirst ECOC visit to Spain in the 21st century an unforget-table event.

Prof. Capmany Receives the Prestigious Distinguished Scientist AwardFrom the Chinese Academy of Sciences