HIGHLIGHTS OF USA VISIT - caccac.publishpath.com/Websites/cac/images/CAC CHRISTMAS AND...1...

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Transcript of HIGHLIGHTS OF USA VISIT - caccac.publishpath.com/Websites/cac/images/CAC CHRISTMAS AND...1...



Our Visa Trip to the USA the last of August, September, and a few days in October was very refreshing and productive. Since Sandra has previously written to you about this in her report, I will only touch on some of the highlights.















Brewton, Alabama

One of the highlights of our Visa Trip to the USA

was our visit to Brewton, Alabama and

renewing our fellowship with Bishop Herman

Bradley and the saints at Christ’s Kingdom

Ministry Center. Bishop Bradley is one of my

spiritual sons, my friend, part of the apostolic

company that I lead, and a member of the

General Apostolic Council of AMCI. He also

serves as a member of the Executive Council

of the CAC.

On Sunday, August 27, I ministered on returning

the Ark of God’s Presence to God’s people

from 2 Samuel 6 and 1 Chronicles 13 and 15.

My message dealt with how Israel lost the Ark

and the manner in which David brought the Ark of

the Covenant back to its “proper place” in

Jerusalem, restoring God’s power and glory to His

covenant people. The title of my message was,

“Returning The Glory To God’s People.” As I

ministered, the glory of the Lord fell on the

gathering of leaders and saints at the ministry

center on the Lord’s Day and there was a fresh

manifestation and release of God’s glory and power


My message dealt with how Israel lost the Ark through

their disobedience and how King David brought the

Ark of the Covenant back to its “proper place” in

Jerusalem, thus restoring God’s power and glory to His

people. The title of my message was, “Returning The

Glory To God’s People.” As I ministered, the glory of

the Lord fell on the gathering of Christian leaders and

saints at the ministry center and there was a fresh

manifestation and release of God’s glory and power in

the house.

On Monday I had a wonderful evening of fellowship

and dialog with the leaders of the various ministries

that are part of Christ’s Kingdom Ministry Center.

Fellowship with Charles Simpson

From Brewton, Sandra and I drove to Mobile where we

spent an evening and the better part of the next day

with Charles Simpson. Brother Charles is a beloved

pastor to many apostolic leaders in the body of Christ

and a spiritual father in the present move of God.

Over the years Brother Charles has had a formative

influence in our lives and ministry. His son Stephen also

joined us for a delightful dinner at Bone Fish Grill the

evening we were there.

Oklahoma City with Family

From Mobile we flew to OKC for a reunion with our

children and their families. Our OKC family gathered

for a family get-together and Taco dinner hosted by

Hannah and Eric. Pastor Charles Bellows, Hannah and

Eric’s pastor at Crestwood Vineyard and a long-time

leader in the Vineyard movement in OKC, and Pastor

Brian Blount and his wife Jeanine and their children

also joined us for the evening. In January Pastor Brian

will assume the Senior Pastor responsibilities at

Crestwood and his wife Jeanine will become the

Administrative Pastor.

On Saturday, Hannah and I had lunch in Brick town

with Pastor Brian and his friend, an apostle from New

Jersey, who was ministering for Brian that week in a

Leadership Conference at Crestwood Vineyard. We had a






HONOR you with the












Apostle/Bishop Herman Bradley ministering at the CAC General Council, Aug. 2016.


On Saturday, Hannah and I had lunch in Brick town with Pastor Brian and his

friend, an apostle from New Jersey, who was ministering for Brian that week

in a Leadership Conference at Crestwood Vineyard. We had a very

wonderful conversation; yes you guessed it, about Christ’s Kingdom, His

Church, and the need for apostolic reformation.

Sandra and I also had several wonderful meals with our oldest daughter

Michal, her husband Jon, their three girls – Alyssa, Ariel, and Alex, and with

Alyssa’s daughter Kailey.

While Sandra stayed in OKC to spend time as a mother and grandmother

with our children and their families, I continued with my ministry circuit, flying

to San Diego.

Bishop Michael Babin and Genesis King’s Church

Mike and Marsha Daub

Tuesday, September 12, Apostle Mike Daub picked me up at my hotel and

drove me to his home in Oceanside, where I had a wonderful time of

fellowship with Mike and his wife Marsha.

is another of my spiritual sons. dear friend, and long-time member of my

apostolic company, part of faculty of ATS, and a member of our AMCI

General Apostolic Council, picked me up at my hotel and drove me to his

Sunday morning, September 10, I

ministered in Bishop Michael Babin’s

pulpit at the Genesis King’s Church in

Oceanside, California. As in Brewton,

once again I ministered on, “Returning

The Glory To God’s People,” and once

again the glory of God fell on the

leaders and saints who had gathered

to worship our great King on the Lord’s

Day. Like Apostle Bradley, Bishop Babin

is also my son in the Gospel, my dear

friend, part of my apostolic company,

and a member of the General

Apostolic Council of AMCI. He also has

apostolic spheres in Ghana, Nigeria,

and Pakistan and serves as an

Ambassador at Large for the CAC.

Is a son in the Gospel, my dear friend, part of my apostolic company, and a

member of the General Apostolic Council of AMCI. He also has apostolic

strong spheres in Ghana, Nigeria, and Pakistan and serves as an

Ambassador at Large for the CAC.

On Monday, Bishop Babin, his son Gabriel, Sister Diana Caringi (who heads

the intercessor’s ministry) and her son Justin (a successful young Christian

businessman) spent time in fellowship talking about the Kingdom, the work

of the ministry, and apostolic reformation, sitting on Justin’s front lawn

overlooking the Pacific Ocean.


drove me to his home in Oceanside. Mike and his wife Marsha are dear

friends of my wife and me and long-time members of the apostolic

company I lead. Mike is also a member of the faculty of ATS and of our

AMCI General Apostolic Council,

In addition Apostle Daub serves as an Ambassador At Large for the CAC

and one of the apostles working closely with me in our CAC India Apostolic

Campaign. (Mike and Ravi Paul - the young apostle who serves as my

apostolic deputy and National Director of the CAC India Apostolic

Campaign - ministered the Gospel of Christ, His kingdom, and apostolic

reformation in Northeast India. On Sunday, December 17 Mike preached in

Siliguri to the saints who are members of churches founded by Apostle

Adam Rangnamei. On Monday and Tuesday the 18 and 19, they ministered

in a Leadership Training Seminar and Workshop encouraging and

strengthening the leaders and ministers who are partnering with us in

Northeast India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Myanmar.

San Diego with Apostle George Runyan

Wednesday, September 13, George Runyan, also my son in the Gospel,

picked me up and drove me to San Diego where I was a guest in his home

for 3 days. Brother George Runyan is a true apostolic pioneer. He is founder

and head of City Church Ministries in San Diego County where he has

labored for 30 years to bring apostolic leaders and church fathers together

in the fellowship of the apostles and raise up an authentic model (the

Ephesus model) of the Lord’s Apostolic Church in the City of San Diego and

the surrounding region.

Together with a number of other senior ministers and leaders in the region,

George has launched a number of very successful Kingdom initiatives that

have impacted both the civil government and Educational systems of

several of the cities in San Diego County.

Finally, while I was with Mike and Marsha, we

enjoyed a special lunch hosted by their son

Brent Daub in a beautiful restaurant in San

Clemente overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Brent

is a faithful servant of the Lord, an outstanding

attorney, and a true Kingdom visionary. He and

his law partners are currently building one of the

largest law firms in California. This past week

Brent, Mike, and Apostle James Rebbavarapu

were in Hyderabad preparing to launch an

Information Tech Business in Hyderabad.


build an Ephesus model of the Lord’s

One Holy Apostolic Church in the City

of San Diego and the surrounding


Together with a number of other

senior ministers and leaders in the

County, he has launched a number

of very successful Kingdom initiatives

that have impacted both Civil

government and Education in several

cities in San Diego County.

apostles who have planted churches

head apostolic ministries in India and

in San Diego, and who are looking to

George for apostolic fatherhood. On

the afternoon of the 13th, George

gathered 20 or so members of his

regional team who head various

ministries that are part of City Church

Ministries, so that I could meet them

hear their testimonies, and so they

might meet me. It was a very

strategic time together in the Lord.

George is also involved in apostolic ministry in Cuba, Kenya and other nations

in Africa, and in India. In addition to all of this, George serves as an esteemed

member of our CAC Executive Council.

I was blessed while in San Diego to have a wonderful time of fellowship and

dialog with Brother George, his wife Becky, as well as, a couple of Indian

apostles who head ministries in India and in San Diego and who look to George

for apostolic fatherhood. The afternoon of the 13th, George gathered 20 or so

members of his regional apostolic team who head various ministries that make

up City Church Ministries, so that I could hear their testimonies, and so they

might hear from me. It was a very blessed time together in the Lord.

Dr. Stan Dekovan and the Apostles Theological Seminary

Thursday, September 14, Dr. Jim Bradshaw, President of ATS, his wife Anne,

Mike Daub, George Runyan, and I met with Dr. Stan Dekovan, President of

Vision University in his home in the mountains of Ramona, California to explore

the feasibility of ATS and Vision partnering to build a “leadership training

engine” to raise up a new generation of apostles, prophets, evangelists,

pastors and teachers for the 21st Century.


Dr. Dekovan is highly regarded as an apostle and educator, who for many

years has pioneered distance-learning and online education for apostolic

leaders and ministers of Christ across denominational lines.

Brother Dekovan was very hospitable and generously committed himself,

and the resources of Vision University, to help Dr. Bradshaw and ATS develop

some of the courses that we need, market our Masters and Doctoral

programs, upgrade our administrative systems, and further develop our

ministry training capability in the nations by developing video courses.

Since the meeting in Ramona, Dr. Bradshaw has already made the

changes and adjustments needed in our Masters requirements so that

our ATS Masters decree students can complete their Masters in Apostolic

and Prophetic Studies in a single year.

Dr. Bradshaw and his wife Anne

September 15 was spent in fellowship with Brother George and

Becky, strategizing our work together in the CAC, and exploring

together George’s possible involvement and the involvement of

members of his apostolic sphere in the India Campaign.


The CAC Dallas Gathering and Apostolic Dialog

On Saturday, September 16, I flew from San Diego to Dallas for a gathering

of apostolic fathers and other leaders for fellowship, dialog, and

strategizing concerning the condition of today’s Church and what it is

going to take to restore the authentic foundation laid by the Lord Jesus,

Head of the Church, and reorient, restructure, and reform today’s divided


Monday, September 17, I had lunch with my

good friend and colleague Apostle Jim Hodges,

renewing our fellowship, sharing with each other

what we have been doing in our respective

ministries and spheres of responsibility, and talking

about our hopes and expectations for the

leadership gathering immediately before us.

September 19-21, I met with the fathers of the networks that make up the

CAC and other apostles and prophets who give overall leadership to our

global communion of apostles and churches. It was a wonderful time of

renewing fellowship, strengthening relationships, and discussing the key

issues concerning today’s denominated Church and what it is ultimately

going to take to reform a divided Church so that together as One, Holy

Apostolic Church we might fulfill the Lord’s mandate to disciple the

nations and fill the earth with the glory of God.

We also discussed strategies the Lord has given to enable us to

accomplish our apostolic campaigns for India, Africa, First Nations, and

North America. Among a number of decisions that were made is to

convene an Apostolic Summit for North America May 8, 9, and 10 in

Oklahoma City to help us launch the CAC’s North America Apostolic


Our gathering and dialog in Dallas was strategic and I believe will be seen

in the future as a historic gathering. (No pictures are available.)

Back To OKC and Family

Friday, September 22, I flew back to OKC to rejoin Sandra and enjoy a

few more days of family interaction before returning to India. This last


week in OKC we stayed in the home of our son Paul, His wife Jenny, and

their three younger children.

Recent photo of Paul and Jenny’s family “goofing off” in a “photo shoot” with Eric and Hannah’s family.

Family Dinner at Josh and Nancy’s

The highlight of our final few days of family-time in OKC was a wonderful

family dinner hosted by Josh, his wife Nancy, and their children, featuring

a Lebanese feast prepared by our OKC family. Our children,

grandchildren, and a great granddaughter that live in OKC were all

present. Our oldest son Mark flew in from Jacksonville, Florida, and Mark’s

daughter Leilah and her husband Jonathan flew in from Kansas City. My

brother Don and his wife Shirley even drove all the way from Houston to

be with us, and my cousin Tommy Shadid and his wife Gloria (who live in

OKC and whom we haven’t seen in years) also joined us. (Hopefully, you

have all read Sandra’s USA report about how much fun my brother Don,

our cousin Tommy, and I had swapping stories and reminiscing about our

more youthful years.)

Nancy’s parents, Rob and Leann Adair, dear friends of ours, rounded out

the special guests to make this a perfect evening of family, food, and fun.

(Sadly, I looked through my photos, but couldn’t find any pictures of this special



Jacksonville Florida with Mark’s Family and Friends

September 28 Sandra and I flew to Jacksonville to

spend a few days with Mark, his wife Jinan, and

their family, and to tend to some personal business.

In addition to staying in their home and spending

quality time together, we also got to spend time

with my namesake and grandson George Allen

and his young son, “Georgie,” and little daughter,


While at Mark’s, his oldest son Caleb, whom

Sandra and I haven’t seen in several years flew in

from California for his work, and we got to spend

quality time with him also. (I was unable to download

the photos I wanted from Facebook. The photo on the right is

of Mark when he and Jinan visited Paris a couple of years


While Sandra and I were in

Jacksonville we got to share a very

special time of fellowship at our

favorite Mexican restaurant the

Laredo Cantina with our long time

friends, David and Ines Kowalski,

shown here with our granddaughter

Claudia. In addition to being dear

friends, David and Ines are our son

and daughter in the Gospel and

part of my apostolic company.

David moves very strongly in the gift of prophesy and is a civil engineer;

Ines, originally from Chile, is very fluent in Spanish, has a Doctorate in

Theology, and is well grounded in the message of the Kingdom and

apostolic reformation. She has translated two of my books in Spanish - The

Sign of The Kingdom and The CAC Constitution - and is ready to begin

work on others. She is also an anointed teacher and minister of the Word.


On October 4, after a blessed and fruitful visit to the USA, Sandra and I

flew from Jacksonville to Hyderabad. After a long and arduous 36-hour

journey, we arrived back on our mission field in India.


After resting and recovering from jetlag, Sandra and I returned to the work

of the CAC India Apostolic Campaign to extend Christ’s Kingdom and

help birth an authentic apostolic reformation in India and Southeast Asia.


The first thing was to meet with

Apostle Ravi Paul, my son in the

Gospel, the National Director of

the CAC India Apostolic

Campaign to hear his update

on what he and his team had

accomplished while Sandra and

I were in the USA.

Taught Leadership


Ravi reported that he had taught several Leadership Training Seminars on

“God’s Agenda For the 21st Century” in several cities in the Hyderabad


My Number 1 priority for the India Campaign has been to equip Ravi Paul

to lead the CAC India Apostolic Campaign and the apostolic company

being raised-up around him.

As part of his training preparation for this mission, I have given Ravi digital

copies of each of the books I have written: The Sign of the Kingdom,

God’s Agenda For The 21st Century, Rediscovering The Keys of The

Kingdom, The Non-Negotiables of Apostolic Christianity, The Last Watch,

and The CAC Constitution for personal study. In addition, I have given him


my personal notes that I use when I teach my seminars or preach my most

important apostolic and prophetic messages.

I also spend time with him each week, answering questions he may have

about what he is reading and talking about the assignments I have given

him. He also spends time watching videos of my preaching and teaching

on YouTube.

Because of this Ravi is now able to lead the Leadership Training Seminars

and preach the message of Christ’s Kingdom and apostolic reformation.

Many doors are opening for him to teach the leadership training material

to church leaders and preach the message of Christ’s Kingdom and

apostolic reformation in churches.

Worked On Our India Campaign Calendar for 2018

While Sandra and I were in the USA, Ravi met one-on-one with key leaders

in other cities, sharing our message and recruiting them to partner with us

by organizing and hosting leadership seminars and apostolic summits in

key cities like Darjeeling in the Northeast, New Delhi in the North, Chennai

and Kochi in the South, and Mumbai on the West Coast for next year.

Preached in Local Churches

Each Lord’s Day he was busy, sometimes morning and evening,

preaching in local churches throughout the Hyderabad region and other

key cities.

Implemented Media and Video Strategies

Ravi also met with his Christian IT friends to work with them to develop an

India Apostolic Campaign page and with a video team he has recruited

to help us communicate our message and recruit others to join us. The

India campaign page is located on our CAC website




Made Plans for 2018

After Ravi had briefed me on what he and his team had accomplished

while Sandra and I were away, we took several days to review our India

campaign strategies, make plans, and set goals for the first half of this

coming new year.

Met One-On-One with Key Leaders

Ravi has brought several key leaders from the Hyderabad region and

other areas to meet one-on-one to get acquainted with each other and

to share the vision the Lord has given us and His mandate for the India

Apostolic Campaign with them.

One of these was Dr. P. Permanas, General Manager of the Andra Pradesh

Co-Operative Corporation. Dr. Permanas has organized major crusades

for Evangelists Morris Cerullo and Reinhard Bonnke, as well as, teaching

conferences for Joyce Meyers and others. According to Ravi, he is a very

committed Christian businessman, who has donated the equivalent of

hundreds of thousands of US Dollars to the work of the Gospel. The Civil

governments of Hyderabad and of Telangana and Andra Pradesh have

given him a special license that permits him to organize crusades and

large conferences in these geographic regions.


Dr. Permanas, shown above with Sandra and me in our apartment was

very responsive to our message and vision and has volunteered to serve

on the advisory council that we are forming for the CAC India Apostolic

Campaign to organize and fund our leadership seminars, apostolic

summits, and national congresses. He is a good example of the caliber of

other Christian leaders in the business community and in civil government

that Brother Ravi is reaching out to and recruiting to join with us in the

CAC’s India campaign.

In addition to Dr. Permanas, Ravi Paul

recently met an apostle from South

Korea who leads an apostolic team that

is working in Hyderabad planting

Churches. Ravi shared our message and

vision with him and has arranged for him

to meet with me after the Christmas

Holidays to explore connecting and

working with us in the India Apostolic

campaign. He has also invited Ravi and

me to come to South Korea to minister

in their leadership conferences.

According to Ravi, there are many

others, such as a Bishop of the Orthodox

Church in Kerala, who are asking to

meet in my apartment to get

acquainted with me and explore

connecting with the CAC and

becoming part of our India Campaign.

International Leadership Training Seminars

On October 17, not long after my return to India, Ravi and I hosted

another Leadership Seminar on “God’s Agenda.” It was held in another of

the many colonies that make up the City of Hyderabad. We ministered to

70 pastors and church leaders who received our message with great joy.

Several of the senior pastors who are the principle leaders of the group

gathered around us afterwards, declaring they had never heard these


essential apostolic truths before and would like to be part of what we are

doing and help get the message of the Kingdom and apostolic

reformation to all the ministers and church leaders in the City of

Hyderabad. Ravi continues to communicate with them, as with others

who have attended our previous seminars and have expressed a desire to

connect and be part of what we are doing in India.

Calendar for Seminars & Summit in 2018

While Sandra and I were in the USA, Ravi worked on our India Campaign

Calendar for the first 6 months of 2018. He made the necessary

arrangements with minister friends and church leaders in several key cities

to host our International Leadership Training Seminar and First Regional

Apostolic Summit. Since returning, he and I have confirmed the dates.

December 18-19, International Leadership Training Seminar and

AMCI Leader’s Conference in Silguri and Darjeeling

January 9, 2018, International Leadership Training Seminar on God’s

Agenda for the 21st Century in New Delhi

February 7, 2018, International Leadership Training Seminar on God’s

Agenda for the 21st Century in Mumbai

February 20, 2018, First Regional Apostolic Summit in Hyderabad

March 5, 2018, George & Sandra’s Visa Trip to The USA

Other Leadership Training Seminars are in the works for Chennai, the key

city in the State of Tamil Nadu, Kochi, the key city in Kerala, and Mumbai,

the key city in Maharashtra during the summer and fall of 2018, after

Bishop and Sandra return from their next Visa Trip to The USA. Sandra and I

must leave India for another Visa trip on or before March 6. Our plan is to

return to the USA the first of March and stay until the end of May. While we

are in the States, the CAC will host its North American Apostolic Summit

May 8, 9, and 10 in Oklahoma City.

(On the Seminar Calendar above the December 18 and 19 International

Leadership Training Seminar in Siiguri-Darjeeling region was hosted by


Nima Rangnamei, Adam’s widow, and Pastor Kaping. I have already

shared the details of Apostle Daub’s Shiliguri mission and AMCI’s two-day

International Leadership Training Seminar under Point 5a of my USA



Located close to the border of N.E. India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and

Bangladesh, 70 apostolic and pastoral leaders from Shiliguri, Darjeeling,

and these Southeast Asian nations attended the two-day leadership-

training seminar led by Apostle Daub. Brother Mike and Ravi also meet

with the faculty of the Apostles Theological extension seminary founded

by Apostle Adam.

(On December 15, before leaving for Shiliguri, Apostle Daub ministered to

group of seventy young Timothies. These are the spiritual sons of the

apostolic fathers and church planters who have been raised up by

Apostle James Rabbavarapu and who work closely with him in Operation

Saturation. These young champions of Christ the King had been in a

special 40-day training course on “The Covenant and the Kingdom”

being taught by Apostle Thella Johnson, who is James’ apostolic deputy.

Our Regional Apostolic Summit

On February 20, 2018 our first Regional Apostolic Summit will be held in

Hyderabad. This is the city where we have hosted the majority of our

Leadership Training Seminars this first year, and where thus far we have the

largest following of apostolic and pastoral leaders.

We have rented a conference room in a nice hotel in Secunderabad,

Hyderabad’s twin-city, and Ravi is making arrangements for 100

delegates to attend. These particular apostolic leaders and pastors are

being personally invited from among those who have previously attended

one of our International Leadership Training Seminars in Hyderabad or the

surrounding region. They have heard our message about “rediscovering

authentic Christianity and the imperative for an apostolic reformation.”

They have also read or are in the process of reading the CAC

Constitution, and have expressed a strong desire to connect and work

together with us to advance Christ’s Kingdom and reform the presently

divided Church.

The purpose of this Regional Apostolic Summit will be to summarize and

clarify the essentials of the message, vision, Church structure,

governmental order, and mandate of authentic Christianity, answer any

questions or doubts that they might still have, and share the benefits and

responsibilities of membership in the CAC and invite them to join us. Out of

this summit we plan to form an apostolic team that will work with Ravi to


proclaim the message and implement our India Apostolic Campaign

strategies in Hyderabad and the State of Telangana. Depending on their

gifting and measure of grace, some of them will also become part of the

Regional or State Apostolic Council that will eventually be formed.

Developing Ministry Tools for Our India Campaign and Global Apostolic Movement

In addition to all the things I have mentioned, Ravi and I are working

together to develop the ministry tools that are needed to empower

ministers and apostolic leaders who become part of our India Apostolic

Campaign and also our global apostolic movement.

Media Tools: Websites and Videos

We have been working to upgrade or improve the CAC websites, and to

create recruiting and training videos for an apostolic reformation. Since

returning from the US, Ravi and I have spent quite a bit of time reviewing

the work he has done to develop the CAC India Campaign page that is

part of the CAC website.

We also talked in detail about what we need the Media and Video Team

that Ravi is building to do to upgrade and maintain our CAC and ATS

Websites, improve our social-media effectiveness, and create the

recruiting and training videos needed to get our message and training

materials into the hands of apostolic leaders and pastors. Ravi has

recruited a few close Christian friends who are professionals in these fields

to help us accomplish these goals.

As part of our video strategy, we have set aside the first week of January

2018 to create a one-hour video in which Apostle Ravi will interview me

about my call, highlights of my ministry background and experience. We

will use this interview to introduce the CAC as a global fellowship or

communion of apostles. In this video we will briefly discuss the CAC’s

mandate, vision, message, architectural blueprint or wineskin for the

Apostolic Church, governmental and geographic structures.

In addition, we have set aside the second week of January to video our

complete seminar on, “God’s Agenda For the 21st Century.” We plan to

take several hours each afternoon over a 5-day period to video this

important seminar. Ravi has already arranged for our video team to


capture and edit the videos. He is in the process of arranging for a dozen

leaders who are fluent in English and who are eager to hear the teaching

to serve as a live audience. After each lesson I will answer questions. Our

goal is to have the complete God’s Agenda seminar on video for use in

India and by our other CAC campaigns. These videos will also be posted

as an additional resource for the ATS course.

Preaching and Teaching Notebooks

The last of January and first of February, Ravi Paul and I will work on

producing a preaching and teaching notebook for the use of ministers

who are part of the CAC India Apostolic Campaign and our global

communion of apostles and churches. I plan to forward some of my

preaching and teaching notes, as well as, some of Brother Ern’s (“The

Kadesh Crisis” and “The King And His Army”). Ravi will give these to the

publisher working with us to edit, print, and bind them in a binder for

distribution. (I hope to have these available for those who would want

them at our North America Apostolic Summit in May 8, 9, and 10, along

with our videos I mentioned above.)

Additional Tools

In addition, I am in the process of editing a wonderful manuscript for a

New Member Handbook. This manuscript was written by Wayne Cain, a

gifted writer and one of Apostle Bradley’s spiritual sons, My hope is that

the New Member Handbook will prove to be a useful tool for the apostolic

leaders and churches of the networks that are part of the CAC.

Also, as part of my time with the Lord and personal study of the Word, I

am currently in the process of preparing three new ATS courses. The first is

a directed study of The Life and Ministry of Jesus and His Apostles. I will be

dealing with the Lord’s identity as the messiah, His mission and purpose. I

plan to use A.T. Robertson’s, The Harmony of the Gospels For Students of

the Life of Christ and F.F. Bruce’s, The Spreading Flame, Bruce’s

commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, as textbooks. I will also require

reading and writing assignments from F.W. Farrar’s, The Life and Ministry of

Christ and Early Christianity, and Alfred Edersheim’s, The Life and Times Of

Jesus the Messiah, and The Temple: Its Ministry and Services to round out

this important study in authentic Christianity.


I am very excited about this new ATS course because as I have been

studying Robertson’s Harmony of the Gospels the essential truths of

apostolic Christianity and the revelation of Jesus as the great reformer of

the Old Covenant Church and the only source of authentic Christianity

blaze forth with great clarity and absolute certainty in the apostolic

testimony recorded for us in the four Gospels.

I am also excited about combining the study of the Acts of the Apostles

with the four gospels because the apostles of the Lamb and the first

ascension apostles are in actual fact the outworking of the apostleship of

the Lord Jesus Himself. This is why Luke begins the Acts by declaring the

Gospel he had previously written was really a record of “all Jesus had

begun to do and teach,” implying that the Acts of the Apostles was a

continuation of all Jesus was continuing to do and say,

The second course will be a directed-study in Biblical Theology entitled,

Dominion, the Theology of Jesus Christ and His Apostles. My textbook will

be David Chilton’s revelatory introduction to Biblical Theology, “Paradise

Restored.” I will also use my notes from a course I taught at Christ College

in OKC on “Kingdom Theology, The Theology of Jesus and His Apostles.”

My third course will be a directed-study of the Book of Revelation that I

plan to call, The Revelation of Jesus Christ and His Bride. The Book of

Revelation is not only about Jesus’ conquest of the devil and His

revelation as Lord and King, but also the Bride’s conquest of the Red

Dragon, the Roman Beast, and the Rulers of Apostate Israel and entering

into the marriage feast and receiving the Messiah’s Kingdom. I will be

using David Chilton’s excellent commentary of the Book of revelation,

Days of Vengeance as my text.

Because each of these courses is a directed-study in which I will use

textbooks along with reading and writing assignments instead of lectures, I

hope to have all three courses ready for enrollment by students for the fall

of 2018.

Since I broke my ankle in May, I have been keenly aware that a greater

anointing than I have known has been released in my life and ministry. The

Lord’s presence is nearer and sweeter than ever, my prayer life is much

deeper, and the Word of the Lord is more alive that ever. I am enjoying a

greater measure of revelation and understanding than ever before. While


I have written a number of books, the Lord’s hand is on me to write and

publish the revelation of the Lord and the message of His Kingship as

never before. It is truly a new season in my life.

This finishes my report on the highlights of our USA visit and update on

what has happened here since returning to the mission field.


Together with Ravi Paul, James Rabbavarapu and the leaders of India

Christian Ministries and the Communion of Covenant Churches, and

others to whom the Lord Jesus has joined us, Sandra and I are laboring to

restore the authentic foundations of apostolic Christianity that Jesus and

the first apostles laid in the beginning, raise up a new generation of

apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and birth an

apostolic reformation of the Lord’s Church in India.

Much has been accomplished in the year and two months that we have

been here, and so much more still needs to be accomplished. But in order

to accomplish this we need your help! We need your prayers for apostolic

grace to enable us to do the things the Lord has directed us to do, and

we need your financial help.

There is a deep hunger among God’s servants and church leaders in India

to truly understand the mysteries of Christ and His Kingdom, Kingdom

Initiation and the nature and structure of the Lord’s Church, the Church’s

apostolic mandate to disciple and possess the nations, apostolic

government and the apostolic reformation of the Church. Everywhere we

minister the Word, apostolic leaders and pastors tell us, “We have never

heard these mysteries before. We want to know more.”

The greatest need of the Church in India today is for leadership training,

Of course, this is one of the principle strategies of the CAC India Apostolic

Campaign. Apostle James Rabbavarapu says that, “The Church in India is

literally exploding with growth. Therefore, the great need today is for

leadership training.”

Because of the great hunger on the part of apostolic leaders and pastors

here for the revelation that the Lord has entrusted to us in the CAC, we

could very easily minister to 500 to a 1000 ministers or more in our


leadership training seminars each month. However, because of the level

of financial support we presently receive for the India Apostolic

Campaign, we must limit the number who can attend our Leadership

Training Seminar to 70 to 100 delegates, so we can afford to rent the halls

and provide the meals that are needed for these events.

While we are very, very grateful to the Lord Jesus and to you who have

given offerings and who partner with us financially each month (even

sacrificially) to enable us to be here and to accomplish the things that

have been accomplished, I am appealing to all of you who have not yet

given or who have not yet committed yourselves to partner with us in the

India Apostolic campaign.

We need your prayers. For God’s grace to enable us to accomplish the

mandate He has given us. Truly, the fields in India are white unto harvest.

We need to pray the Lord of the harvest to revive His Church, restore the

foundations that He laid in the beginning, reform His Church, and send

forth laborers into the harvest to disciple India and other nations.

We also need your financial support. We have just celebrated Christmas

and the birth of our King. What better time of the year could there be

than now to make a one-time Christmas or end of the year mission’s

offering to help us underwrite our budget for the New Year? Also, what

better time could there be than right now for those of you who have not

done so to commit yourself to become a regular partner and give $25,

$50, $100, or even $200 each month of 2018 to support the India Apostolic


If you are a pastor of a church or head a ministry, please seek the Lord

about putting our India Apostolic Campaign in your mission’s budget.

Please make your checks payable to India Apostolic campaign and mail

it to Apostle Jim Bradshaw at 33 Felter Lane, Palm Coast, Florida 32137. For

greater convenience and ease of giving you can also deposit your gift

directly into the CAC India Campaign Account Number 5027824746 at

Wells Fargo Bank. You may also transfer your gift directly from your bank

into our Wells Fargo Account. The routing number for our Wells Fargo

Account is 063107513. All gifts are tax deductible.


If you would like to know more about the CAC or the India Apostolic

Campaign, please check out our website at:





You may contact me directly by email at gekouri@mac.com or Skype at

the same email address. My cell phone number is +91 9985334851.

Sandra’s email address is sandrakouri@gmail.com.

Ravi Paul’s contact information is ravipauld@gmail.com or +91
