Het Heru - Introduction to Meditation

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Het Heru - Introduction to Meditation

Transcript of Het Heru - Introduction to Meditation


    www.taui.biz | nvm@nilevalley.com | www.blogtalkradio.com/taui

    Copyright2009 Ra Un Nefer Amen

    Reproduction and distribution in any form of this document is

    strictly prohibited. All rights to the content of this

    document reserved.


    www.taui.biz | nvm@nilevalley.com | www.blogtalkradio.com/taui

    Understanding What is a God is the centerpiece of the

    Kamitic Paut Neteru System Central to your ability to understand the Paut Neteru System of Kamitthat is,

    Ancient Egyptis the understanding of what is a god. There is this false belief that

    all cultures have the same idea of what a god is. Many people take for granted the

    western definition of what a god is to be universal and correct. We will see that this

    is wrong. Not only is the western idea of what a god is not universal, it is also

    flawed. Unless you correct this wrong idea you will not be able to cultivate your

    spiritual faculties.

    A God The Western vs. Kamitic Definitions The Western Definition

    1. Supernatural

    2. Immortal

    3. Having power over events in nature and in mans life on earth.

    4. An entity that is to be worshiped

    5. An entity that one must ask for favors to assist in living.

    The Kamitic Definition

    1. Natural

    2. Immortal because not mortal

    3. Having power over events in nature and in mans life on earth.

    4. Not worshiped as it is a part of mans and Gods spirit

    5. A faculty within the spirit that must be cultivated, not worshiped.

    According to the above comparison list, western thinkers got two out of five points

    right in their definition of a god. In the first class of this course, we learned that the

    words nature and natural were borrowed from the Latin Natura, which was in

    turn borrowed from the Kamitic Neter and Neteru. In other words, the Kamitic word


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    for God and the so called gods was taken by the Romans to represent nature and the

    natural world. They did this for the very reasons that they were taught by their

    Kamitic spiritual teachers that the entities that have been translated as gods are

    intrinsic to the natural world. They are the natural, not supernatural, intelligences

    that govern the events in the world. Take note of the fact that science has long

    proven that there is no chance operating in the world. All events are governed by an

    intelligent order. These intelligences operate in the world, as well as in the spirit of

    man. For your life to go well, you must cultivate the workings of these metaphysical

    intelligences in your spirit.

    The words god and demigods have been used by western thinkers

    to translate what are called Neteru, archangels, orishas, devas, etc. in other


    The neter Het Heru corresponds to the archangel Hanael in the Kabalistical System,

    Oshun in the Yoruba Religion, Erzulie in the Fon religion, Aphrodite in Greek


    Het Heru is the faculty in mans spirit that is the source of her/his abilities and

    talents for art, sociability, romance, invention, creativity, experiencing and giving

    joy, compromise and accommodation, esthetic sense (apprehension of beauty),

    harmonizing incongruents, etc.

    Joy is the most important Het Heru contribution to mans life. It is the other half of


    Peace and Joy are the expressions of 2 of the 11 divine faculties (Neteru) that lie

    within you. Amen (peace), and Het Heru (Joy).


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    You are happy when your life moves from peace to joyto peace. Theres no room

    for pain. Be joyful when you have what you want, and be at peace when it is gone,

    or is delayed in coming, or it is clear that you will never have it.

    Happiness: Peace and Joy are the components of Happiness. Happiness is the expression of divine faculties residing in your spirit. Your ability to

    be happy, that is, to be at peace and to be joyful depends on your cultivation of these

    faculties and not on the way your life is going or has gone. That is why there are

    many people who are unhappy and even take their lives while they are surrounded

    with material wealth, and others who are happy, yet have little or nothing in material

    terms. Living your life waiting to achieve, to acquire and to hold on to things that

    you cannot control directly is the worse strategy of all. Happiness is totally

    independent of what happens in your life. It is the expression of two of the 11

    neteruthat is two divine faculties within your being. As we can see from the Paut

    Neteru, or tree of life as it is popularly known there are no faculties in the spirit for

    pain and suffering. Peace and joy, amen and het heru are transformations or energy

    states within your spiritor ra as it is called in the kamitic tradition. A fundamental

    law of being is that the spirit is totally receptive to the will of God and of man. And

    since man has been bequeathed free will, man is able to choose, then, what energy

    state will prevail within her or his being as a response to the various events in life.

    Now science has shown that all emotional reactions other than peace and joy are

    harmful to our health and performance. Anger, fear, worry, grief, etc. are all stress

    states that damage our health, lower the IQ and performance ability, thus

    compromise ones ability to survive. Nothing that endangers our well being can be

    natural to us. Since we have free will, we are able to choose to respond with peace

    and joy to any and all situations in life. You must cultivate the ability, the divine

    faculties that reside in your spirit, to enjoy things when you have them, to be at

    peace when you dont have them, and to turn around and enjoy the peace in the

    midst of wants and challenges It is thus that you are always enjoying life. It is as


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    easy as it sounds. Just follow the Kamitic way.

    Het Heru (Joy), the other half of happiness. The Kamau, that is what the ancient Egyptians called themselves, built many cities

    around the study and cultivation of different divine faculties in man. It is like the

    towns in America that surround major universities, but on a much grander scale.

    Some cities were built around templesmore life university complexesthat were

    dedicated to the study and cultivation of the Ausar part of being, others to the Tehuti

    part of being, others to the Heru, and so on. The reason for this is that each part is

    so complex that major resources had to be dedicated to each one of them. It is not

    different than hospitals that are devoted, some to cardiology, others to GI issues,

    other to pediatrics, etc. We expect that this will give you the understanding of why

    we will devote ourselves in this class to the study and cultivation of one half of

    happinessHet Heru.the faculty of joy within our being. Please consult Metu

    Neter volumes 3, and Maat the 11 laws of God for directions on cultivating the peace

    of the Amen part of being. Realize that it is happiness that you want most in life,

    and things cannot give it to you. It is already within you waiting to be called out

    and developed.

    Keeping your person in a perpetual state of joy. It induces

    the harmonious and vital state of RA (the spirit) for success,

    and healing. You must cultivate the ability to fully enjoy the good in life. Of course you will not

    enjoy the negatives in life. For them you must be at peace, and this peace must be

    enjoyed. It is in this way that you are always in a state of joy. The enjoyment of

    peace in the midst of difficulties was given a special name in Yogic philosophy. It is

    called Ananda, and it has no western counterpart. The closest phrase is inner joy,

    which fails to capture the essence and full import of the Yogic concept. Joy is an


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    emotional or energy state of Ra, the Holy Spirit of man. Western medicine has

    shown that joy in proper measure and from proper sources has a healing and

    vitalizing effect on the body and mind. You might be familiar with the story of

    Norman Cousins. He was diagnosed with a rare terminal illness and given six months

    to live. He read somewhere that laughter can have a healing effect so he treated

    himself to a daily, all day course of comedy videosthree stooges, Abbot and

    Costello, Jerry Lewis, and so on. After several months he laughed himself to health,

    the state of joy is very healing and invigorating to the body and to the mind. We all

    know this, but fail to treat it as a principle that must be methodically cultivated in

    our lives. We must do, on a daily basis, the things that cultivate joy in the same

    manner that we religiously take vitamins, medication, food, rest and exercise. Joy

    is one half of those things; the other, as said earlier, is peace.

    Joy is the engine of success. All successful people have a great passion for what they want in life. Passion, of

    course, is a high energy state of the spirit. The passion that drives you to the

    achievement of a goal is the pre-enjoyment of the objective you are pursuing. The

    time you spend joyfully visualizing the thing you are pursuing is filled with the

    energizing energy of joy. It provides the motivation, and energizes the thoughts and

    images that act as psychic vehicles for attracting to you the things you need or

    guiding you to the places and situations that are necessary for the accomplishment of

    your goals. It is not only the joy for the things you want. You must maintain a

    general state of joy in order to maintain your spirit and life force in a vital,

    harmonious and productive state. If, for example, you are joyful about 3 out of four

    things in your life, the one thing that you are unhappy about will act to destroy the

    vitality and harmony of your life force. But you can avoid unhappiness once you

    realize that joy is an expression of a faculty within you, and not an energy pay off

    from achieving or acquiring things in life.


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    Cultivating Joy. You must know that you have the ability to

    summon joy at any time and always in your life. Now that we have seen how important joy is to our happiness, health and success, the

    logical conclusion that we should experience joy constantly, and that the ability to

    experience it at will is inescapable. But can we turn on joy as readily as we can

    make water run from a faucet? The manifestation of joy in our being is a subconscious

    and involuntary event like our blood pressure, circulation of blood, digestion of food.

    We cannot turn on joy with the will as we can will our arm to move, our head to turn,

    and so on. The fact that we generally experience joy as an effect that is triggered

    by interacting with something outside of us, or after accomplishing or acquiring

    something, and the fact that we generally lose joy when we lose something, or

    cannot accomplish our desires has lead to general assumption that in order to

    experience joy we must wait for these externals to happen. It is important to

    realize that every time you experience joy for about 30 minutes, the body goes into

    its anabolic and healing mode. Our body is flooded with beneficial hormones, steps

    up detoxification and repair. Joy is so important in our lives, that one of the 11

    divine centers in the spiritHet Heruis devoted to it, and so are several brain

    centersthe pleasure center which moves us to relive pleasurable experiences not

    merely for the sake of pleasure, but for the healing functions of joy. We also have

    endorphins production centers in the brain. Endorphins are opium-like compounds

    that the brain secretes to heighten our pleasure and lift us above pain and emotional

    suffering. These centers can be triggered into activity by prolonged and intense Het

    Heru meditation, as well as the other well known means; prolonged exercise induces

    release of endorphins to alleviate pain, and so on.

    The chief technique for cultivating Joy: Reliving the memory

    of pleasurable experiences in the meditation state. Lets recall the experience of Norman Cousins. When he spent hours each day for


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    several months in the state of laughter, his enjoyment of the comedies induced and

    kept him in a pronounced and prolonged healing state. You can achieve the same by

    spending about 30 to 60 minutes each day reliving your most joyful memories. Do

    you recall how good you felt when you succeeded at something? When you were

    going through a very pleasant and special moment? Do you remember how much

    your health improved during and after that trip to Mexico or Hawaii? And you are

    probably thinking that you have to renew the experience take another vacation trip,

    go to another Broadway show, go on another date, be with so and so in order to feel

    good again; to rejuvenate yourself. Subconsciously you know that joy is very good

    and healing and you are right, but you are wrong in thinking that the joy is only real

    and beneficial to your well being if it is the effect of a physical act. What you need

    to know is that the brain, endocrine system and nervous system reacts to imagined

    events in the same way as it does to physical events. An imagined event is as real to

    your body as the same taking place in the physical world. If you took the time to

    carefully relive the joyful things you experienced on one of your vacations, or with

    your mate or a friend, and so on your body will register the same healing and

    energizing effects as the original situation. A memorable event in a persons life is

    the fabled fountain of youth. It is the inexhaustible source of ambrosia that takes

    away pain, illness and old age. This ambrosia, of course, is joy. People make

    themselves sick by mentally rehearsing and prehearsing negative events and

    situations, when they should set time aside to relive the memorable events in their

    lives. Twice a year, during the Het Heru lunar month you should set aside an hour

    daily, and more than that once or twice a week to nourishing joy in your life. You

    kind of know that. You are seeking the healing power of joy when you go out on the

    various pleasure outings in life, when you take intoxicants to make up for the lack of

    production of your bodys own opiates. And of course it is not all the same. Once

    you are convinced that you can only experience joy and feel good from things outside

    of you, you have made the great power of joy dependent on things that you dont

    have direct control over. Theres the money factor, the lack of cooperation from


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    others, the ill treatment from others, or conflicts with them, the rained out vacation

    trip, and so on. Realize that you have a faculty that will fill you with joy once you

    take the time to relive your pleasurable memories in the altered state of meditation.

    Not only will you heal, you will find that a positive, vital and optimistic mood will

    pervade your life. Your creativity and sociability will improve. You will attract

    more good things and positive people to you. You will do better in the romance

    department, and so on. One word of caution. Ensure that the memories that you

    are reliving are positive. Do not dwell on memories of past relationship as you will

    find yourself desiring to engage with the person again. The same applies to

    memories of taboo subjects, and undesirable behavior. Had a good time in the good

    old bad days when you got stoned and . Forget that one. Focus on the positive

    ones; things that will fit in well in your life if you found yourself desiring them again.

    Great! Lets now focus on the meditation.

    The Het Heru Meditation. Make a list of as many positive joyful experiences that you have had. You will relive

    these when prompted to do so in the course of the guided meditation.

    The Guided Het Heru Meditation is composed of:

    1. A heka or mantra (word of power), set to

    2. Music specially composed to set the Het Heru state of energy

    3. Instruction to guide your breathing

    4. Seed statements to mobilize subconscious thought activities that will trigger

    revelations and aid behavioral changes in your life force (the ka)

    Breathing Instructions: Breathe deeply from the lower abdomen

    1. Through your nostrils

    2. Gently push your lower abdomen out on the in-breath

    3. Gently pull it in on the out-breath


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    Before attempting the meditation, practice the breathing as instructed until you are

    competent with it. Ensure that you are not engaging the chest or upper abdomen in

    the breathing. Do not lift the chest on the in-breath. Push the lower abdomen out.

    Incidentally, this is the way you should always breathe. If you are not, then you

    know the cause of many of your physical, mental and emotional problems. Ensure

    that this is the way you always breathe. Practice it until it becomes automatic and

    your normal way of breathing.

    The Heka: Vang Kling Sauh Dame, Meri, hur Hetep The Het Heru Heka, vang kling sauh, has been imported into the Kamitic system from

    the Dasha Vidhya Tree of Life system of ancient black Indiathe Kushites of India

    known today as the Dravidians. These words have no meaning. They are used for

    the effect that they have on our life force. Vang strengthens the cool and moist

    state of energy within us; it enables us to be imaginative, to heal, to be cool and

    harmoniousessentials that Het Heru shares with the Auset faculty within us. Kling

    arouses and strengthens our capacity for enjoyment, to experience and give

    pleasure, and Sauh lifts consciousness above pain and suffering. Dame is the

    Kamitic word for harmony, Meri is love and joy, hur is and, and Hetep is inner peace.

    During the chant you will be prompted to breathe in on Vang, and to breathe out on

    the ri of Meri. During the meditation you will be chanting mentally with the

    recording, and you must follow the breathing instructions. The breathing method

    and the chant combine to take you deeply into an altered state of consciousness that

    will intensify the meditation activitiesthat is, reliving your memorable experiences,

    and the subconscious associations triggered by the seeding.


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    Preparing for the meditation: Consider the place, your dress, your seating, and energy aids

    You need a clean, uncluttered, comfortable and quiet place to do the meditation.

    Wear loose fitting clothing. The color of ones garment affects ones mood. Green

    and yellow are the main Het Heru colors, and pink can also be used if your goal is

    amorous. You can also adorn the meditation room with sweet smelling flowers of

    these colors. Use a comfortable chair with a firm seat. Do not lean on the back of

    the seat. Sit a little forward so that you can keep your back straight, yet relaxed.

    Your energy aids are the colors mentioned; rose and or sandalwood incensejust burn

    for ten minutes, and place these oils on the tip of your nose. At the beginning of the

    meditation you should also taste a little honey. These sensory items all work on the

    most primitive part of the brain which are the links between the mind and the life

    force. They serve to arouse their related neter into activity.

    The Het Heru Meditation Make a list of all of your joyful experiences.

    Prepare for the meditation according to the preceding paragraph.


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    Putting it all together

    You will breathe in for the count of

    four even taps (with hands) about a second apart each. Lets try it. Sit

    comfortably, hands on your lap.

    Say mentally,

    breathe in and tap tap tap tap (you are tapping with your hands)

    breathe out and tap tap tap tap

    Note that the first tap occurs at the beginning of the in, and of the out breaths.

    Everything should have taken eight evenly spaced taps (counts).

    Lets coordinate it with the heka (mantra) which is to be chanted mentally.

    During the in-breath (tapping/counting evenly):

    Tap Tap Tap Tap

    Vang Kling Sah

    During the out-breath:

    Tap Tap Tap Tap

    Dame Meri Hur Hetep

    Back to Vang etc. and repeat chant for fifteen to thirty minutes.


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    Once you get the feel of the rhythm and the pace, you must dispense with the


    The rhythmic breathing and chanting of the heka (mantra) will in a few seconds or

    minutes place you in the meditation state. As the meditation is repeated you will

    enter the state with greater ease and depth.

    While this method is effective you can achieve the goal of your meditation in less

    than half the time and with greater efficiency through the use of our HET HERU

    GUIDED MEDITATION CD. The music with its harmony and rhythm will take you into

    the Het Heru energy state in a manner far superior to the instructions above can


    The Het Heru Guided Meditation:

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    Since Joy is an essential component of Happiness Continue with the meditation beyond the Het Heru month. Persevere until the ability

    to live joyfully is established.

    Thank you for sampling our Het Heru Distance Learning Program and

    for subscribing to our BlogTalk Radio Show.


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    Shop Meditation CDs here

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    Copyright2009 Ra Un Nefer AmenReproduction and distribution in any form of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights to the content of this document reserved.Understanding What is a God is the centerpiece of the Kamitic Paut Neteru SystemCentral to your ability to understand the Paut Neteru System of Kamitthat is, Ancient Egyptis the understanding of what is a god. There is this false belief that all cultures have the same idea of what a god is. Many people take for granted the we...

    A God The Western vs. Kamitic DefinitionsThe Western DefinitionSupernaturalImmortalHaving power over events in nature and in mans life on earth.An entity that is to be worshipedAn entity that one must ask for favors to assist in living.The Kamitic DefinitionAccording to the above comparison list, western thinkers got two out of five points right in their definition of a god. In the first class of this course, we learned that the words nature and natural were borrowed from the Latin Natura, which was...

    The words god and demigods have been used by western thinkersto translate what are called Neteru, archangels, orishas, devas, etc. in other traditions.The neter Het Heru corresponds to the archangel Hanael in the Kabalistical System, Oshun in the Yoruba Religion, Erzulie in the Fon religion, Aphrodite in Greek mythology.Het Heru is the faculty in mans spirit that is the source of her/his abilities and talents for art, sociability, romance, invention, creativity, experiencing and giving joy, compromise and accommodation, esthetic sense (apprehension of beauty), harmo...Joy is the most important Het Heru contribution to mans life. It is the other half of HappinessPeace and Joy are the expressions of 2 of the 11 divine faculties (Neteru) that lie within you. Amen (peace), and Het Heru (Joy).You are happy when your life moves from peace to joyto peace. Theres no room for pain. Be joyful when you have what you want, and be at peace when it is gone, or is delayed in coming, or it is clear that you will never have it.

    Happiness: Peace and Joy are the components of Happiness.Happiness is the expression of divine faculties residing in your spirit. Your ability to be happy, that is, to be at peace and to be joyful depends on your cultivation of these faculties and not on the way your life is going or has gone. That is why...

    Het Heru (Joy), the other half of happiness.The Kamau, that is what the ancient Egyptians called themselves, built many cities around the study and cultivation of different divine faculties in man. It is like the towns in America that surround major universities, but on a much grander scale. ...

    Keeping your person in a perpetual state of joy. It induces the harmonious and vital state of RA (the spirit) for success, and healing.You must cultivate the ability to fully enjoy the good in life. Of course you will not enjoy the negatives in life. For them you must be at peace, and this peace must be enjoyed. It is in this way that you are always in a state of joy. The enjoyme...

    Joy is the engine of success.All successful people have a great passion for what they want in life. Passion, of course, is a high energy state of the spirit. The passion that drives you to the achievement of a goal is the pre-enjoyment of the objective you are pursuing. The ti...

    Cultivating Joy. You must know that you have the ability to summon joy at any time and always in your life.Now that we have seen how important joy is to our happiness, health and success, the logical conclusion that we should experience joy constantly, and that the ability to experience it at will is inescapable. But can we turn on joy as readily as we ca...

    The chief technique for cultivating Joy: Reliving the memory of pleasurable experiences in the meditation state.Lets recall the experience of Norman Cousins. When he spent hours each day for several months in the state of laughter, his enjoyment of the comedies induced and kept him in a pronounced and prolonged healing state. You can achieve the same by spen...

    The Het Heru Meditation.Make a list of as many positive joyful experiences that you have had. You will relive these when prompted to do so in the course of the guided meditation.The Guided Het Heru Meditation is composed of:A heka or mantra (word of power), set toMusic specially composed to set the Het Heru state of energyInstruction to guide your breathingSeed statements to mobilize subconscious thought activities that will trigger revelations and aid behavioral changes in your life force (the ka)Breathing Instructions: Breathe deeply from the lower abdomenThrough your nostrilsGently push your lower abdomen out on the in-breathGently pull it in on the out-breathBefore attempting the meditation, practice the breathing as instructed until you are competent with it. Ensure that you are not engaging the chest or upper abdomen in the breathing. Do not lift the chest on the in-breath. Push the lower abdomen out...

    The Heka: Vang Kling Sauh Dame, Meri, hur HetepThe Het Heru Heka, vang kling sauh, has been imported into the Kamitic system from the Dasha Vidhya Tree of Life system of ancient black Indiathe Kushites of India known today as the Dravidians. These words have no meaning. They are used for the ef...

    Preparing for the meditation:You need a clean, uncluttered, comfortable and quiet place to do the meditation. Wear loose fitting clothing. The color of ones garment affects ones mood. Green and yellow are the main Het Heru colors, and pink can also be used if your goal is am...

    The Het Heru MeditationThe Het Heru Guided Meditation:Since Joy is an essential component of HappinessThank you for sampling our Het Heru Distance Learning Program and for subscribing to our BlogTalk Radio Show.