Heart disease fact or fantasy c2 your health llc - cindy cohen rn

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Transcript of Heart disease fact or fantasy c2 your health llc - cindy cohen rn

Heart Disease

Prevention is the right cause,

the right issue, the right time.

Quote by Tommy G. Thompson Secretary, U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

No one in my family

died of a heart attach

so I don’t need to know about it. (see the celebs who died of heart disease with no prior history)

Burt Lancaster

Richard Pryor

Bill Clinton

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

#1 Cause of is Death Heart Disease

• 7.1 million have suffered a heart attack.

• 100,000 million have been diagnosed with heart disease.

• 500 million women & 450 million men died of heart disease.

• 1 in 3 people will die from complications of hardening of the arteries.

• 23% of Americans have high blood pressure.


Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

Men are much more likely to have a

heart attack than women.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Women are 6 times more likely to

die of a heart attack than breast cancer

1 in 9 Women 45 – 64 years old

1 in 3 - Over 65 years old July 26, 1999

CNN Web posted at: 5:48 PM EDT (2148 GMT)

“ Heart attack is more likely to kill women than men, study says”

New England Journal of Medicine

Heart disease is the # 1 cause of

death for women

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Women are more likely to die of heart

attack and stroke than…

…the next 16 causes of

death added together. American Heart Association


Lung Cancer


Breast Cancer

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

“Hormone replacement therapy study halted

due to increased risk of heart attack ….”

Researchers also found hormone replacement therapy (Premarin) to increase your risk of:

• Breast Cancer

• Stroke

• Blood Clots

• Pulmonary Embolism

• Dementia

July 2002 Women’s Health Initiative

August 14, 2002

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC


or Fantasy?

Heart disease is a disease of

middle age and older years?

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

By age 18

30.2% high blood pressure

17.3% high cholesterol

6.5% physician–diagnosed diabetes

30.5% obese

By age 19, 90% have early stages of heart disease


By age 3, children have fatty deposits in their arteries.

By age 12, 70% have developed beginning stages of hardening of the arteries.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

No Pain No Gain: You need to get sweaty &

out of breath for it to count.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

It’s all about activity

Exercise is the only

way to develop



in the heart.

Collateral circulation is

created by the tiny arteries that

serve your heart. When the main

vessels of the heart become blocked the tiny

vessels pick up the slack and deliver the

needed oxygen.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

It’s in my genes,

I can’t avoid it.

Not true! If live your daddy’s life with

smoking, over weight, high blood pressure,

poor eating and no exercise then maybe

but not 100%.

Better idea! Live your life with healthy


Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

There is more than

one factor that contributes to

Heart Disease.


Risk Factors Increasing age

Male sex (gender)

Heredity (including Race)

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Controllable Risk Factors

What’s the risk? ↑ Smoking – 3x

↑ Cholesterol – 4x

↑ B/P – 3x

↑ Activity – 20%

↑ Obesity – 2x

↑ Diabetes – 4x

Cigarette smoking

High cholesterol

High blood pressure

Physical inactivity

Overweight /obesity


Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

My cholesterol is high because

I have a family history.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Heart Disease “Basics”




Not true!

Cholesterol is important to good

health. A very small percentage of

the population’s high cholesterol is

related to genetics.

The problem with high cholesterol

is it causes inflammation – artery


Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Bad Fats

LDL Cholesterol • Moves the cholesterol towards the heart. This is the

main source of arterial buildup.


Good Fats HDL Cholesterol

• Carries cholesterol away from the heart & back to the liver where it can be eliminated by the body.



Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Inflammation Ask your doctor to check - C reactive protein

Rupture of plaque =

Sudden closing off of coronary arteries.



C – reactive protein will be

elevated with inflammation

is present – indicator of

your heart attack risks.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Blood Pressure

The higher the number the harder your heart has to pump

blood through your body.


Among people with

high blood pressure,

31.6% don't even know they

have it. If your blood pressure is more than

140/80 you are considered borderline


Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

The stress is killing me.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Mayo Clinic Study

“Treating depression and

curbing anger my be nearly as

important for

preventing heart attack as much

as diet and exercise”

Consumer Reports OnHealth 2007

“The new do’s and don’t for protecting your heart”.


Increased 22 % during laughter

Decreased 35% during stress

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

THE DOLPHIN STRESS TEST Below is a picture of two dolphins.

If you can see both dolphins, your stress level is within the acceptable range.

If you see anything other than two dolphins, your stress level is too high …

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

• Poor food choices

• Eating too much “BAD” foods

• Not eating enough “GOOD” foods

• Not drinking enough water

• Lack of exercise

• Stressful lifestyles

• Environmental factors

Why We Are So Unhealthy

Approach to medicine:

“TREATMENT” instead


Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

It doesn’t matter what I eat because…..

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Foods and Inflammation http://nutrition.about.com February 5, 2007

Can the foods you eat make a difference?

“ In fact Omega 3 oils have been shown to reduce your risk of

cardiovascular disease due to their anti-inflammatory properties.”

“Choose a diet rich in fruits and vegetables which have strong

anti-inflammatory agents.”



Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Omega 3 Fats Are Anti-Inflammatory

Flax Seeds, Oil

Nuts, Walnuts

Chinook Salmon

Scallops, Baked

Soy Beans

Halibut, Baked/Broiled

Snapper, Baked

Tofu, Raw

Squash, Winter, All

Sea Weed

When you eat these


Lower blood pressure



Prevents blood clots

Reduces risk

Abnormal heart


Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Plants are:


Disease Fighting



Plants are Mother



Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

What’s on your plate?

The US government has spent billions trying to find

the cure for heart disease, cancer & other diseases.

The Conclusion: Disease is easier to PREVENT than it is to cure.

The Recommendation: Eat 11 to 13 servings fresh,

raw fruits and

vegetables every day.

The Problem: Almost no one does.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

The Solution

ORCHARD BLEND Apples Cranberries

Oranges Papaya

Pineapple Peaches

Acerola Cherries

GARDEN BLEND Carrots Broccoli

Spinach Cabbage

Parsley Tomato

Beets Barley

Kale Oats

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC


Really Works! Third party independent

research shows:

• JuicePlus+ is packed with

whole food nutrition.

• JuicePlus+ raises levels

of antioxidants.

• JuicePlus+ is

anti-inflammatory. •JuicePlus+ helps enhance

immune function.

•JuicePlus+ reduces DNA damage.

•JuicePlus+ improves circulation.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

What’s In A

Fresh Whole Clean Apple?

What’s Not!

Why take chemicals when you can get more

naturally? A whole apple has 12,000

vitamins, minerals and healing


Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

See The Research University of Texas Health Science


University of Arizona

Georgetown University

MD Anderson

Vanderbilt University

Brigham Young University

King's College, London

University of Mississippi

University of Vienna


University of Maryland

University of Sydney

Wake Forest University

Baylor College of Medicine

Vanderbilt University and

Hypertension Institute

University of Mississippi 4.500 articles have

documented the value of

fruits and vegetables.

"It isn't just what

you eat that can


… it isn't just your

DNA that can


…it's how they

interact." Newsweek, January 2005

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

University of Maryland Heart Disease, Circulation, Diabetes Clinical Research

Benefits Identified the


Reduced Inflammation

Increased Phytonutrients

Reduced Oxidative stress

Cardiovascular & Homocystine


Normal Blood Flow after a high fat


Deceased DNA damage

Improved Immune system function

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

It is ok to drink wine

because it is

good for you…

Fact or Fantasy?

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

French Paradox

• 100% real food prepared in a kitchen

• 52% smaller portion sizes are smaller than US

• 76% eat meals they have prepared at home

• 75% eating at the family table.

• 2 hour lunch

• 100% eat at regular intervals, small courses

• Red wine (Resveratrol)

French government's Committee for Health Education (CFES)

French Women Don’t Get Fat: The Secret of Eating Pleasure

- Mireille Guliano

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

“New clue to red wine's heart protection

Grapes from southwest France contain higher

levels of healthy ingredient” Updated: 11:09 a.m. ET Nov 30, 2006

↑ Blood Pressure

↑ Heart failure

↑ Stroke Risk Factor

↑ Triglycerides

↑ Irregular Heartbeats

↑ Obesity

↑ Alcoholism

↑ Suicide

↑ Accidents

↑Clot Formation

↑ Insulin Resistance

↓Psychosocial Stress

↑Heart Muscle

Scientific American

Reports Special Edition

Eating to Live

March 14, 2007



Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Honorable Mention

Daily chocolate cuts

heart attack risk Reuters

Updated: 8:34 p.m. ET Nov 15, 2006

“ …chemical in cocoa beans has a

biochemical effect similar to

aspirin in

reducing platelet clumping,

which can be fatal if a clot forms

and blocks a blood vessel,

causing a heart attack," 2007 MSNBC Interactive

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

Once you have a

heart attack it’s all down hill,

no recovery.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN,

BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

I will know when I am having a heart attack

because I will have chest pain.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

•Chest discomfort: pressure, squeezing,

fullness, or pain.

•Discomfort in other areas of the upper

body: arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach.

•Shortness of breath.

•Other symptoms. May include

breaking out in a cold sweat,

nausea, or light-headedness.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Fact or Fantasy?

I will wait an see if I feel better in a

minute. It will go away.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN,

BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

• Dial 9-1-1 Fast

Heart attack and stroke are life-and-death

emergencies -- every second counts.

• If you see or have any of the listed symptoms,

immediately call 9-1-1.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC


No one in my family died of a heart attach so I don’t need to know about it.

Men are much more likely to have a heart attack than women.

Heart disease is a disease of middle age and older yrs?

No pain no gain.

It’s in my genes, I can’t avoid it.

It doesn’t matter what I eat because…..

It is ok to drink wine because it is good for you…

Once you have a heart attack it’s all down hill, no recovery.

I will know when I am having a heart attack because I will have chest pain.

I will wait an see if I feel better in a minute. It will go away.

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

• Know your numbers.

• Take it easy, get some sleep.

• Stay active.

• Drink more water.

• Eat more nuts, fish.

• Eat more fruits and vegetables.

• Eat Juice Plus+

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

Ask us

how to get started on JuicePlus+ today.


“If I had known I was going to

live so long

I would have taken better

care of myself.” Mickey Mantle

Presented by Cindy Cohen RN,

BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC

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Presented by Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA – C2 Your Health LLC