Hearing Devices Fisherville VA

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Hearing Devices Fisherville VA

Hearing Hearing


What image comes What image comes

to mind when

someone says

"hearing devices?"

Most individuals

think of a single

listening listening

instrument, or

purpose they are

used for but the

term is non-specific

and can refer to a

variety of tools.

In fact, listening

instruments are instruments are

used to aid those

who suffer from

hearing loss,

musicians and even


A large majority of

listening listening

instruments are

used by the hearing

impaired. Here,

we're talking about


other hearing aids.

People rely on

them to live, work them to live, work

and play

comfortably and

with adequate


There is another class of

listening devices used to

augment sound. These augment sound. These

may be used by law

enforcement, game

hunters and others looking

to gain a critical advantage

a heightened sense of

sound can deliver.

Consider a hunter

pursuing game that is

cloaked by forest, laying in cloaked by forest, laying in

wait somewhere in the

distance. Listening

instruments that improve

hearing by 7 times gives

this hunter a "super"

human advantage.

Consider musicians, who's

livelihood and practice

depends as much on good depends as much on good

hearing as it does playing

an instrument or singing.

In this case, a good

listening instrument allows

band members to get the

best music mix possible.

Finally, there have to be

those tools that are used by

hobbyists and professional hobbyists and professional

eavesdroppers, wearing a

set of earphones and

holding a directional

microphone designed to

pick up sounds in the
