“HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY” COMENIUS PROJECT European multilateral partnership

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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“HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY” COMENIUS PROJECT European multilateral partnership. European multilateral partnership Participating countries:. (Greece)4 th Primary School of Alexandroupolis a coordinator (Bulgaria) PRIMARY SCHOOL “ St.Kliment Ohridski ” (Hungary)BELVÁROSI PRIMARY SCHOOL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of “HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY” COMENIUS PROJECT European multilateral partnership


European multilateral partnership

European multilateral partnershipParticipating countries:







“S-t Kliment Ohridski School BURGAS BULGARIA

Pupils` healthy recipes

Peppers stuffed with curds and eggs Ingredients: peppers, cords, 1 or 2 eggs, 1 or 2 tomatoes, olive oil, yoghurt,

fresh dill and fresh garlic.

Preparation: Peel and cut the tomatoes in small pieces.

Clean the peppers from the seeds

Mix the curds, the cut tomatoes and the eggs together

Fill the peppers with the mixture and set the peppers in a large baking dish. Pour the olive oil on the top of the dish and bake in an oven.

Beat the yoghurt with the garlic, the dill and some salt.

Serve the peppers cold with the beaten yoghurt.

K ristian 5th v grade


Ingr edient s: Yoghurt



Beat the yoghurt with the salt, then add some water and stir the mixture. Pour in a jug and keep in thr fridge. Drink when

you are thirsty.

Borislav 5v grade


Whole grain bread in slices

For the pate:

Cords – 300gr

Olive oil – 3 soup spoons

Green spices – parsley or dill

Salt – KaCl

Mix everything well and spread on the slices of bread. Decorate with slices of tomatoes or cucumbers.

G o o d a p p e t i t e ! Yavor 3rd B grade

T y p i c a l v e g e t a r i a n s a l a d

Products per portion: 1 tomato half a cucumber one green pepper a few olives Chapter aqueous red onion small tin of corn sliced soy cheese - tofu sprouted sunflower seeds - optional

Preparation: All products are cut into pieces. The salad is seasoned with a little red pepper, basil - fresh or dried, salt diet low in sodium, lemon and olive oil.

* * *

Daniel Kirilov Krastev – 4th grade

Diet salad with tuna Necessary items for the salad 1 Tin of tuna in its own sauce.

50 grams sliced cucumber. 50 grams sliced tomato.

50 grams peeled and chopped avocado (opitional). 50 grams sliced radishes.

½ pcs cut lettuce. For the sauce:

4 tablespoons Extra olive oil. 2 tablespoons lemon juice.

2 cloves garlic. ½ tsp black nous.

Method of preparation 1. Are arranged in layers all the vegetables in

serving dish. 2. Prepare the sauce in a shaker or jar with a screw

cap is olive oil mixed well, lemon juice, pressed garlic and pepper.

3. The salad is seasoned with the sauce.

You cute! Zlatina Zlateva 4 a klas



100g onions,400g peppers 200g tomatoes

4 eggs,100g cheese, salt, ground black pepper, parsley or dill


Onions be peeled and cut into small pieces. To fry in heated pan until softening. Add cleaned and cut into small pieces peppers and is stewed

about 20 minutes on low fire. Tomatoes be cut in cubes and added in the pan. Stew the dish for 20 minutes. When the water is steamed away add crumbled cheese, mixed

eggs, cut parsley or dill.

Chef: Atanas Popov – class5v

Spr ing Sal ad P r oduc t s: 250 g r adishes 250 g c ucumber 5.6 st icks gr een onion 2.3 l w it h fi nel y chopped dil l l et t uce 2 boil ed eggs P r epar at ion: • In a l ar ge bowl c r eam is beat en, l emon j uice, sal t and pepper . • r adishes and cucumber s cut int o t hin c ir c l es, and gr een onions and fi nel y cut dil l and add t o dr essing. • l et t uce cut int o t hin st r ips • In sal ad bowl pl ace l et t uce, r adishes and cucumber s on t op. • Each egg is cut int o 6 par t s and pl aced in a c ir c l e ar ound t he sal ad. By: P ol ina f r om 4a gr ade

Salad - red tomatoes

1-2 tomatoes 40gr. cheese 1spoon olive oil 3-4-green leaves lettuce 5-6-olives

o Arrange a green leaf of lettuce in a plate.

o Slice the tomatoes into circles and put on the top of the green leaf lettuce.

o Sprinkle with feta cheese and olive oil.

o You can decorate with olives. Емануела Царева от 4 a class

Желиран език От Александра от 4б клас

Необходими продукти: За една порция: 250 г език 20 г моркови 20 г целина 5-6 зърна черен пипер сол 1/10 дафинов лист 1 яйце магданоз 10 г сьомга 7 г желатина 1/2 лъжичка оцет 20 г кисели краставички Начин на приготвяне: Измитият език се вари с морков, целина, пипер, сол и дафинов лист. Уврял, още топъл му се избелва кожата. Реже се на тънки филийки и се желира, като се маже само веднъж с разтопеното желе. Отгоре се нарежда момина сълза, изработена от сварен белтък и клонче магданоз. Наново се маже внимателно с аспик, за да се закрепи цветето. Така желираният език се украсява наоколо със скълцан замразен аспик, с краставички, моркови и магданоз. Време за приготвяне: 30 минути Приятен апетит!

Happy fruit saladbby Alexander Vassilev

4th v class

You Need1 watermelon ,

20 strawberries ,26 white grapes ,

26 cherries

PrepareGouge the watermelon.

Rinse the strawberries ,the cherries and the grapes . Put all this fruits into the

gouged watermelon.Good appetite!

How to make a:Healthy

fruit saladand a cup of

deliciousorange juice.

Click presentation and stand back.There is no need to change slides.They change automatically.

First the saladAll you need are:

• Three kiwis• Two or three apples• Two bananas• A knife• A sink• And most important • Yourself.

Peel and cut the apples like so:

• Then peel and cut the kiwi and bananas like the apples.

• After that you put them in a bowl and we continue with the juice.

• We need to cut the oranges in half and to squeeze all their juice out with the squeezer until the cup is full.


Shopska saladby Georgi-4v

Need• 3 or 4 tomatoes• 1 or 2 cucumbers• 1 or 2 fresh peppers• An onion, some cheese,

some salt, some olives, parsley and some oil

Prepare• First wash the vegetables and peel the cucumbers, grate the cheese.• Put peppers, onion and salt.• Mix everything in a bowl.• Decorate the salad with parsley and olives.

Good appetite !

We sell MARTENITSAS – symbol of health - during the Healthy eating week

Pupils made posters with their

healthy recipes

3rd v grade

4th A grade

4th B grade

4th V grade

7th V grade

7th A grade

5th A grade

1st A grade

The workshops

We enjoy our work

We performed a play about Healthy Eating

We wanted to show the importance of the vegetables and fruits about the growing up children.

The local newspaper wrote about our work on the project.

We study new mobile games during the Healthy Eating week3rd b grade

Mobile game

“Lift up – sit down”

Instructions and organization: Pupils divide in 3 or 4 teams and form up in parallel rows at distance of 2m. The players space out at distance of 1 meter and sit on the floor. The teams need one thick ball -1kg and put it on the floor next to the first player.

Description and rules: At the teacher`s call the first player stands up, takes the ball and says “Lift up”. The players without the last one lift up their bodies and make a tunnel. The first rolls the ball under the tunnel and the last one waits squatting, takes the ball and says “Sit down”. Then he runs, jumping over his mates` legs. He reaches the first place, turns to the pupils and says “Lift up”. He rolls the ball under the tunnel and sits down. The game goes on until the last player does the same. The winner is the team who finishes first without faults or with least faults.

Relay game

“Hot potatoes”

Instruction and organization: The class divides in several teams and form up in columns behind the starting line. There is a ring with two balls inside at a distance of 3-4 m in front of each column and another ring with two balls at a distance of 6-7 m from the first ring.

Description and rules: At the teacher`s call the first player from each team runs to the first ring, takes one of the balls, runs to the second ring, puts the ball there, takes the other ball, runs to the first ring, puts the ball and takes the second ball. Then he runs to the second ring again, puts the ball, takes the second ball and runs to the first ring, where he puts the ball. He runs to the next player and touches his hand. The second player execute the same, the next player – the same and so on till the last one. The winner is the team who finishes first.

“Eat vegetables to grow up big, with pink cheeks” is the message of this song.


Yuliya GeorgievaCoordinator for

“S-t Kliment Ohridski”school



HEALTHY BODY”Този проект е финансиран с подкрепата на Европейската комисия .

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