Healthy and unhealthy habits

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Healthy and unhealthy habits

Healthy and Unhealthy


A health diet is a balanced diet

Different nutrients help our body system

Exercise makes our body stronger and it also helps our circulatory and respiratory system

Sleep allows our body to rest and grow

We brush our teeth after we eat

We wash our body to remove dirts

We wash our hands before eat

Medical check-ups check that our body systems are working properly.

Unhealthy habits

Some diases, such as cold, are very contagious

Eating a lot of fast food and doing little exercise can cause weight problems

Some people are allergic to dusk, pollen, animal hair and certain food

Paying video games can result in weight gain, in sleep loss, headaches, backache and eye strain

Alcohol and tobacco causes serious healthy problems

These power point was created by: Denitsa MihaylovaDeneva of 2°B I.E.S. Clara Campoamor

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