Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here Burton PV… · Health & Safety at Work •...

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Ministry of Labour

Prevention Starts Here

Health & Safety at Work

Prevention Office Overview and Training & Safety Programs Initiatives

September 18, 2014

Ministry of Labour

Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here 2


Ministry of Labour Prevention Office

Integrated OHS Strategy

Mandatory Awareness Training

Working at Heights (WAH) Training Standards

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Training Standards

Mandatory Entry Level Construction (MELC) Training Standards


Ministry of Labour Prevention



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Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here

Reformed System


Minister of Labour

Ministry of Labour

Deputy Minister

Operations Division

Associate Deputy Minister

Chief Prevention Officer

Labour Relations Solutions Division

Policy Division


Administrative Services Division

Prevention Office

Workplace Safety &

Insurance Board

Office of the Employer


Office of the Worker


Health and












advice to


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Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here

Prevention Office Activities


Stakeholder & Partner Relations Branch

• Developing a ministry –wide Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

• Seeking ways to expand safety education for young workers

• Developing a Knowledge Management Strategy

Strategy and Integration Branch

• Developing Ontario’s first system-wide Integrated OHS Strategy

• Developing performance metrics for the OHS system to evaluate the success of prevention efforts

• Delivery of OHS research funds.

• Oversight of funding and service delivery of the Health and Safety Associations

• Responsible for preparing the Annual Report.

Training and Safety Programs Branch

• Design, implement, deliver and administer training standards.

• Designing, developing, and implementing province wide , ongoing safety programs with special attention to small businesses, vulnerable workers, and young workers.

• Putting in place strategic initiatives through key partnerships.

• Foster a culture of occupational health and safety.

Chief Prevention Officer

Integrated Occupational Health

and Safety Strategy


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Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here


Integrated Occupational Health and Safety


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Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here


OHS System Partners

Mandatory Occupational Health

and Safety Awareness Training


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Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here

Awareness Training Programs


Occupational Health and

Safety Awareness and

Training Regulation (O.

Reg. 297/13) in effect as

of July 1, 2014.

MOL offers a free

awareness training

program e-learning

modules with printed

certificates on our


Hard copy versions of the

program suite are also

available for download

on the MOL website.

The Guidance Tools

In addition to these resources, the MOL offers a free guide to the regulatory

requirements and guidance tools available on the MOL website in English

and French. The guidance tools include:

• The Training Program Assessment for Workers and Supervisors – helps

employers assess whether their occupational health and safety awareness

training program meets the minimum requirements of the regulation.

• The Record Keeping Template – sample template that employers can use

to record occupational health and safety awareness training for their

workers and supervisors.

• The Knowledge Check for Workers and Supervisors – one way employers

can verify that previous training for their workers and supervisors meets the

minimum requirements of the regulation.


Working at Heights (WAH)

Training Standards


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Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here

Overview of Proposed WAH Training Standards


Draft WAH Training Program Standard sets out requirements that must be

met by training programs

Draft WAH Training Provider Standard sets out

requirements that must be

met by training providers

A priority recommendations from the Expert Advisory Panel report is to

develop mandatory fall protection training for workers working at heights

Working at Heights training standard is to address fall hazards. It is not

limited to a specific sector.

In order for compliance with the standards to be mandatory, regulatory

amendments under the OHSA would be needed.

The current requirements for fall protection training prescribed by the

OHSA and Regulations remain in effect.

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Highlights: WAH Program Standard


Sets out a detailed list of learning outcomes that must be met

by working at heights training programs, including duration (6.5 hours), equipment and mode of instruction.

Conducted in two modules and requires practical hands-on

demonstration of skills.

Allows for tailoring of programs to specific sectors, as long as

baseline requirements are met.

Compatible with need to ensure that vulnerable workers

and/or those with learning/language/literacy challenges are

able to complete a training program which meets the


Proposal for validity of training of 3 years.

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Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here

Highlights: WAH Provider Standard


The Working at Heights Training

Provider Standard outlines the

requirements for providers of

working at heights training

programs, including:

• Training provider general


• Instructor/evaluator qualifications and delivery requirements

• Code of ethics; and

• Administration/record keeping

The Working at Heights Training

Provider Standard supports the

consistent and high quality

delivery of working at heights

training programs.

The Working at Heights Training

Provider Standard outlines the

technical instructor

qualifications for providers of

working at heights training

programs, including:

• Technical Health & Safety

Knowledge and Experience

• Adult Education Knowledge and Delivery Experience

• Working at Heights Knowledge and Delivery Experience

• Advanced Knowledge in Use/Application of Relevant Equipment

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Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here

Consultations: Working at Heights


The Working at Heights Training Program Standard was

released by the Chief Prevention Officer on December 19,


Earlier this year, the Ministry consulted on both the draft

Working at Heights Training Provider standard and a regulatory

proposal to make working at heights program and provider standards mandatory for workers engaged in construction


The regulatory proposal targeted workers who use travel restraint systems, fall restricting systems, fall arrest systems,

safety belt or work belt as a source of protection against fall


The Ministry is currently analyzing the feedback from the

public consultation for implementation considerations.

Joint Health and Safety

Committee Training Standards


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Joint Health and Safety Committee Training Standards

Under the OHSA, workplaces with 20 or more workers, as well as in some other

specific circumstances, are required to have a Joint Health and Safety Committee


The current JHSC Certification Standard (1996 Standard) was developed by the

WSIB in May 1996 and was adopted by the MOL in 2012.

The 2014 JHSC Certification Training Program and Provider Standards (2014

Standards) were publicly released this year and are anticipated to come into

effect in late 2015. In the meantime, the existing 1996 Certification Standards

remain in effect.

Through focus groups this Fall, the ministry will seek input and comments on the

implementation of the 2014 standards, which will include feedback on sector

hazard lists for Part Two training, and implementation frameworks such as the

process to obtain an exemption from refresher training.

If you would like to participate, please contact us at to be included on our attendee list and to

receive additional information about dates and locations.


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Key Changes in the 2014 JHSC Standards


Key Changes for Learners to Become Certified or Maintain Certification

Formalizing Part Two • Approved Part 2 training on a minimum of 6 hazards taken from sector hazard lists* must be taken from approved training providers

Refresher Training to Maintain Certification

• On a go forward basis only, certified members trained under the 2014 Standards will have to take refresher training every three years or obtain a one-time exemption, for an active certified member*

Learning Continuity • Part 2 training to be completed within 6 months of Part 1 training • In extenuating circumstances, with prior approval from the MOL, the

6 month time period can be extended*

Key Changes to Training Delivery

Instructional Duration • Minimum Durations for face-to-face training • Part 1 Training – 3 days (19.5 hours) • Part 2 Training – 2 days (13 hours)

• Refresher Training – 1 day (6.5 hours)

Participant-Centred Learning

• Training to have a minimum of 6 and maximum of 25 participants • Increased focus on participant interactivity and ongoing evaluation

*Implementation frameworks to be developed during focus groups

Mandatory Entry Level

Construction (MELC) Training


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Health & Safety at Work • Prevention Starts Here

Overview of Proposed MELC Training Standards


Draft MELC Training Program Standard sets out requirements

that must be met by training


Draft MELC Training Provider Standard

sets out requirements that must be met

by training providers

A priority recommendations from the Expert Advisory Panel report

is to develop mandatory entry-level training for construction


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The MELC Working Group

A MELC working group was established and consists of the following:

Construction Industry Members:

• Management Representatives

• Labour Representatives

Special Industry Members:

• Vulnerable Worker Representative

• Small Business Representative

Resource Support Members:

• Health and Safety Association Representatives (WSN, IHSA, WHSC)

• Government Representatives (MOL, MTCU, OCOT, Federal)

Working group is in the process of developing draft MELC

program & provider standards for consideration by the CPO