Health Informatics & Legal Issues- Doris

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Defining E-health and the related legal issues that may emerge when using ICTs in the health field.

Transcript of Health Informatics & Legal Issues- Doris

Health Informatics & Legal Issues 26 March 2014 NDU

Health Informatics & Legal Issues26 March 2014 NDU

Dr. Mona Al-Achkar Professor of Law President of the Lebanese Information Technology Association (LITA) Nancy Abi Karam LITA member

Thank youAdded value Directory of eHealth policies

4"Medical InformaticsObjectives 9health informatics10

Scope - 1Scope -2 include 13Scope -3 Around 1970, 1516Nursing Informatics17E-health 18e-health in the academic environment19E-health :More than a technological developement 20E-health by the academicsE-Health

22Defining E- Health2324The goals25Some applications

Concerned areas28Going digital

29Implications in practice Multi-layers stakeholders

The main players in the field :new players

32Multidisciplinary a variety of disciplines33Electronic Medical Records and Electronic Health Records

34EMR legal aspects 35Legal Challenges Health information networksRisks samples Main Legal issues in MI38What is Medical Data?

Sensitive data Risks41Obligations & Liabilities42Increasing risks 43Standards: ISO 27799 information security standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Its title is Health informatics -- Information security management in health using ISO/IEC 27002The purpose of ISO 27799 is to provide guidance to health organizations and other holders of personal health information on how to protect such information via implementation of ISO/IEC 27002.The content sections are:1: Scope2: References3: Terminology4: Symbols5: Health information security6: Practical Action Plan for Implementing ISO 17799/270027: Healthcare Implications if ISO 17799/270028: Annex A: Threats9: Annex B: Tasks and documentation of the ISMS10: Annex C: Potential benefits and tool attributes11: Annex D: Related standards

Contractual Agreements Data Management with Third PartiesNursing informatics Legal issues 46Cyber Security: Must for E-health 47Health cyber ThreatsIn the e-commerce world, consumers have some protection from theft and fraud. In the healthcare world, consumers are directly responsible for costs related to compromised medical insurance records. A survey last year by the Ponemon Institute estimated the cost of Medical Identity Theft to consumers at $12 billion for 2013 (here).The larger consumer risk isnt financial its the life-threatening inaccuracies in the medical records themselves (often used for committing the financial fraud).

48cyber crime can be of economic, physical or digital scope but it always implicates the use of ICT. It can be committed by individuals or by criminal and terrorist groups. 49Minimizing Risks


Lebanon Administrative, legislative and regulatory frameworks

54Administrative, legislative and regulatory frameworks

55Administrative, legislative and regulatory frameworks

Administrative, legislative and regulatory frameworks