Health Impact Assessment for the Ashfield Local Plan · Health Impact Assessment for the Ashfield...

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Transcript of Health Impact Assessment for the Ashfield Local Plan · Health Impact Assessment for the Ashfield...

Health Impact Assessment for the Ashfield Local Plan (2017-2032)

September 2016 Ashfield District Council

Contents 1.0. Introduction 2.0. Linking the Local Plan to Health Impact Assessment 3.0. Linking the Health Impact Assessment to the Sustainability Appraisal 4.0. Health Profile of Ashfield District 5.0. Health Impact Assessment Process and Methodology 6.0. Findings and Recommendations

Appendices Appendix 1: Ashfield District Health Profile Appendix 2: The Rapid Health Impact Assessment Matrix

1.0. Introduction

1.1. The Ashfield Local Plan will guide development in Ashfield District up to 2032. The strategic objectives and planning policies set out in the Local Plan will indefinitely impact upon the long-term health and well-being of Ashfield’s residents. This Health Impact Assessment (HIA) embeds public health and well-being considerations within the Local Plan’s strategic objectives and planning policies, with the purpose of identifying any potential negative impacts and making recommendations to mitigate against them.

1.2. The World Health Organisation defines health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental

and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity1’. Determinants which can influence health encompass the physical, social and economic environments, all of which can be influenced by the Local Plan. The National Planning Policy Framework makes multiple references to supporting the health and well-being of communities, including within the ‘social role’ of achieving sustainable development:

“Supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by creating a high quality built environment, with accessible local services that reflect the community’s needs and support its health, social and cultural well-being”.

1.3. This HIA assesses the strategic objectives and planning policies of the Local Plan

against criteria outlined by Nottinghamshire County Council2. A collaborative assessment approach has been taken between the Planning Department of Ashfield District Council and the Public Health Department of Nottinghamshire County Council. This has resulted in wider awareness of considerations, resulting in better recommendations.

Ashfield Local Plan (2017-2032)

1.4. The Ashfield Local Plan will perform the following functions:

Defines a spatial vision for Ashfield across the plan period (2017-2032);

Outlines strategic objectives to achieve the vision;

Outlines a spatial development strategy to meet the objectives;

Outlines strategic policies to guide and control the overall scale, type and location of new development and infrastructure investment;

Allocates sites for housing and employment development;

Contains policies which guide the determination of planning applications. 1.5. The following Strategic Objectives, Strategic Policies, Area Policies and Development

Management Policies are contained within the Local Plan:

1 World Health Organisation (1948), ‘Preamble to the Constitution of the WHO’. 2 Nottinghamshire County Council (2016), ‘Spatial Planning for the Health & Wellbeing of Nottinghamshire’, p.60.

Strategic Objectives The Economy

SO1 Economic Prosperity for All

SO2 Employment and Enterprise

SO3 Sutton-In-Ashfield Town Centre

SO4 Hucknall Town Centre

SO5 Kirkby-In-Ashfield Town Centre

SO6 Local Shopping Centres

The Community

SO7 Strong and Vibrant Rural Communities

SO8 Provision of Sustainable Housing

SO9 Safer Communities

SO10 Opportunities for All

SO11 Timely and Viable Infrastructure

The Environment

SO12 Addressing Climate Change

SO13 Reducing the Need to Travel by Car

SO14 Environmental Responsibility

SO15 Environmental Capacity

SO16 Legacy and Natural Resources

SO17 Natural Assets

SO18 Heritage Assets

SO19 Character of the District

SO20 Sustainable and High Quality Design

Strategic Policies S1 Sustainable Development Principles

S2 Overall Strategy for Growth

S3 Settlement and Town Centre Hierarchy

Area Policies Hucknall

HA1 Hucknall Town Centre

HA2 Hucknall Economy and Jobs

HA3 Hucknall Housing Allocations

HA4 Green Infrastructure in and around Hucknall

Sutton-In-Ashfield and Kirkby-In-Ashfield

SKA1 Sutton-In-Ashfield and Kirkby-In-Ashfield Town Centres

SKA2 Economy and Jobs in Sutton and Kirkby

SKA3 Sutton and Kirkby Housing Allocations

SKA4 Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocation

SKA5 Green Infrastructure in and around Sutton-In-Ashfield and Kirkby-In-Ashfield

The Rurals (The Wards of Selston, Jacksdale and Underwood)

RA1 The Rurals Economy and Jobs

RA2 The Rurals Housing Allocations (Selston, Bagthorpe, and Underwood area)

RA3 Green Infrastructure in the Rurals

Development Management Policies Adapting to Climate Change

CC1 Zero and Low Carbon Developments and Decentralised, Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Generation

CC2 Water Resource Management

CC3 Flood Risk and SuDS

Protecting the Environment

EV1 Green Belt

EV2 Countryside

EV3 Re-use of Buildings in the Green Belt and Countryside

EV4 Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity, and Geodiversity

EV5 Protection of Green Spaces and Recreation Facilities

EV6 Trees, Woodland and Hedgerows

EV7 Provision and Protection of Allotments

EV8 Equestrian and Other Rural Land Based Activities

EV9 Agricultural Land Quality

EV10 The Historic Environment

EV11 Protection and Enhancement of Landscape Character

Providing Jobs

PJ1 Business and Economic Development

PJ2 Business and Employment Development Sites

PJ3 Rural Business Development

PJ4 Agricultural, Forestry or Horticultural Development and Farm Diversification

PJ5 Education Skills and Training


SH1 Retail, Leisure, Commercial and Town Centre Uses

SH2 Local Shopping Centres, Shopping Parades and Single Shops

SH3 Food, Drink and the Evening Economy

SH4 Shopfronts

Providing Homes

HG1 Provision for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

HG2 Affordable Housing (Including Starter Homes)

HG3 Public Open Space in New Residential Developments

HG4 Housing Mix

HG5 Housing Density

HG6 Conversions to Houses in Multiple Occupation, Flats and Bedsits.

Contributing to Successful Development

SD1 Good Design Considerations for Development

SD2 Amenity

SD3 Recycling and Refuse Provision in New Development

SD4 Infrastructure Provision and Developer Contributions

SD5 Assessing Viability

SD6 Telecommunications

SD7 Contaminated Land and Unstable Land

SD8 Environmental Protection

SD9 Traffic Management and Highway Safety

SD10 Parking

SD11 Advertisements

SD12 Provision and Protection of Health and Community Facilities

SD13 Designing Out Crime and the Fear of Crime

2.0. Linking the Local Plan to Health Impact Assessment

Health Determinants 2.1. The environment in which we live is a major determinant of human health and well-

being. Town planning in Britain originated in a series of public health and housing reforms in the late-19th and early-20th century, focusing upon basic human living conditions. Today, the modern health and well-being agenda is much broader, with determinants considered to influence health and well-being encompassing the physical, social and economic environments3. Determinants are outlined in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Barton and Grant’s (2006) ‘Health Map’ of Determinants

2.2. The Local Plan will influence some of the determinants of health and well-being

outlined in Figure 1. The multi-discipline nature of these determinants presents the opportunity for collaboration between planning professionals, and others with a public health focus.

National Planning Policy and Health

2.3. There is an established link between planning and health and well-being. The National

Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) emphasises this as a core principle of the British planning system:

“Take account of and support local strategies to improve health, social and cultural wellbeing for all, and deliver sufficient community and cultural facilities and services to meet local needs4”.

3 Barton, H. and Grant, M. (2006). ‘A Health Map for the Local Human Habitat’. 4 DCLG (2012), ‘National Planning Policy Framework’, para 17.

2.4. The NPPF regards achieving sustainable development as the overall purpose of the planning system. This encompasses economic, social and environmental dimensions, all of which have relevance to the health determinants outlined in Figure 1:

“Economic: contributing to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth and innovation; and by identifying and coordinating development requirements, including the provision of infrastructure;

Social: supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations, and by creating a high quality built environment, with accessible local services that reflect the community’s needs and support its health, social and cultural wellbeing;

Environmental: contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; helping to improve biodiversity, using natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy5”.

2.5. Policies within the NPPF underpin the planning process, so have influenced the

production of the Ashfield Local Plan. Throughout the document, the NPPF makes various references to issues which influence the determinants health and well-being:

Transport policies which promote sustainable modes of transport;

More inclusive communities through greater participation in the planning process;

The achievement of places which enhance community contact, reduce crime and the fear of crime, and have high quality public areas as pedestrian routes;

The delivery of social, recreational and cultural facilities which service community needs;

The provision of sufficient choice in school places;

Access to high-quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and recreation;

Adopt proactive strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change, including taking full account of flood risk;

Conservation and enhancement of both natural and historic environments;

Ensuring permitted operations do not have unacceptable adverse impacts upon human health – including from noise, dust, visual intrusion, traffic, tip- and quarry-slope stability, flood risk and the cumulative impacts of the development of multiple individual sites;

Assessing the quality and capacity of various forms of community infrastructure;

Cooperative working between planning and public health leads and health organisations to understand the health status and needs of the local population.

5 DCLG (2012), ‘National Planning Policy Framework’, para 7.

The Ashfield Local Plan and Health 2.6. Reflecting national policy, health and well-being considerations have been embedded

within the Local Plan. The strategic objectives and planning policies within the Local Plan include allocations of housing and employment; provision of appropriate community and commercial facilities; protecting and enhancing the natural and built environments; and enabling an inclusive and healthy district. These provisions should contribute towards the removal of health and wellbeing inequalities within Ashfield.

2.7. However, many health determinants are not within direct influence of decisions made

by the planning system, or the expertise of planners. As a result, Ashfield District Council has consulted with various organisations to inform decisions made during the plan-making process. Consultees include the Coal Authority, Environment Agency, Historic England, Natural England, Network Rail, Highways England, Surrounding Local Authorities (Planning and Education), Surrounding Parish Councils, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioners, Western Power Distribution, Relevant National Health Service Groups, Severn Trent Water, National Grid, Homes and Community Agency, Civil Aviation Authority, Lowland Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Local Nature Partnership and D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership. Whilst some of these consultees are more relevant to health and well-being than others, the successful coordination of this broad scope of expertise has enabled the production of a well-considered Local Plan.

2.8. The Local Plan must be demonstrably deliverable to be considered a ‘sound’ plan. The

Infrastructure Delivery Plan co-ordinates the delivery of infrastructure, by understanding infrastructure provider’s strategies, business plans and funding timeframes, and ensuring that these take account of the Local Plan. This is continually reviewed and updated as necessary. As health and well-being is embedded within the Local Plan, and the Local Plan is assessed to ensure deliverability, it should have an overall positive impact upon health and well-being in the long-term.

Health Impact Assessment

2.9. Producing a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for the Local Plan enables the Council to

identify any potential negative health impacts. From this, a set of recommendations are made to highlight areas for further consideration; and ways in which to mitigate against any identified negative impact of the Local Plan.

2.10. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines HIA’s as:

“A practical approach used to judge the potential health effects of a policy, programme or project on a population, particularly on vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. Recommendations are produced for decision-makers and stakeholders, with the aim of maximising the proposal's positive health effects and minimising its negative health effects6”.

6 WHO (2016). ‘Health Impact Assessment: About HIA’,

2.11. The two-tier administrative system (county and district) is recognised as exacerbating the lack of priority given to collaborative working between health-influencing professions, which is detriment to the health and well-being agenda7. As such, Nottinghamshire County Council has responsibility for coordinating local health policy with district planning policy. It has produced a ‘Rapid HIA Matrix’ with the purpose of assessing district-level planning decisions against the wider county health agenda (see section 5.3. for how this has been utilised). The criteria used is based upon the ‘Healthy Urban Planning Checklist’ developed by the London Healthy Development Unit, which aims to “ensure the health and wellbeing implications of local plans… are consistently taken into account8”.

7 LGiU (2015). ‘Planning, Health and Wellbeing’, p.13. 8 HUDU (2015). ‘Healthy Urban Planning Checklist’.

3.0. Linking the Health Impact Assessment to the Sustainability Appraisal 3.1 This Health Impact Assessment (HIA) forms part of the evidence base for the

Sustainability Appraisal (SA). The production of the SA, which meets the requirements of the European Directive on Strategic Environmental Assessment, is an integral component of the plan-making process. This is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework9.

3.2. The SA has been undertaken at each stage of the production of the Ashfield Local Plan,

including the assessment of housing and employment options; the assessment of site allocations; and the assessment of policies. The SA considers and assesses the main alternatives faced during the process of developing the Local Plan against a set of sustainability criteria.

3.3. The methodology for the SA is set out in the Sustainability Framework. This framework

was established in the Ashfield Review of the Local Plan Sustainable Appraisal Scoping Report (2015). The criteria includes considerations of social, environmental and economic dimensions.

3.4. This HIA provides greater scope and depth specifically in relation to health and

wellbeing determinants. Whist the SA has an approach to consider general sustainability factors, the purpose of the HIA is to compliment the SA and ensure that specific attention is taken by Ashfield to consider all health and wellbeing determinants which are relevant to the Local Plan.

9 DCLG (2012), National Planning Policy Framework, para. 165.

4.0. Health Profile of Ashfield District Statistical Indicators 4.1. Appendix 1 is the ‘Ashfield District Health Profile 2015’ produced by Public Health

England10. The report concludes that the health of people living in Ashfield district is generally worse than the England average. The life expectancy in the most deprived areas of Ashfield is 10.6 years lower for men, and 11.2 years lower for women, when compared with those living in the least deprived areas of Ashfield.

4.2. Appendix 1 highlights that early deaths within Ashfield District as a whole have been

consistently above the England average in both men and woman. Early deaths as a result of heart disease, strokes, cancer and smoking related deaths are also above the England average. Particular indications of adult lifestyle in Ashfield District are ‘obese adults’ (28.2%) and ‘excess weight in adults’ (69.6%), both of which are significantly worse than the England average.

4.3. Appendix 1 also provides indicators of child health and well-being. The ‘child obesity

(year 6)’ (20.1%) is slightly worse than the England average. The measure of ‘children in poverty (under 16)’ (23.1%) is significantly worse than the England average, as is ‘GCSE achieved (5A*-C including English and Maths)’ (51.6%). As a whole, the general health of children in Ashfield District is worse than the England average.

4.4. The 2015 Indices of Multiple Deprivation conclude that Ashfield is the 79th (out of 326)

most deprived district in England11. In the Nottinghamshire context, this makes Ashfield the 3rd most deprived authority in the county, behind Nottingham City and Mansfield.

Priorities for Planning 4.5. The Nottinghamshire County Council Health and Wellbeing Board outlines a strategy

developed through collaboration with a wide stakeholder network12. It outlines four key ambitions: to enable people to have a good start in life; to enable people to make healthier choices and life healthier lives; to support people in improving their own health and well-being; and to encourage collaborative working between stakeholders.

4.6. It is widely accepted that certain individual lifestyle changes, dependent upon disease,

can be effective prevention measures in reducing early deaths. Proactive planning measure have the opportunity to be at the forefront of providing adequate facilities and provisions to enable and encourage lifestyle changes. The health profile of Ashfield District provides a solid basis to prioritise health and well-being considerations in the Local Plan.

10 Public Health England (2015). ‘Ashfield District: Health Profile 2015’. 11 Nottingham Insight (2015). ‘Indices of Deprivation 2015’. 12 Nottinghamshire County Council (2014). ‘Our Strategy for Health and Wellbeing in Nottinghamshire 2014-17’

5.0. Health Impact Assessment Process & Methodology

5.1. The Health Impact Assessment (HIA) has been undertaken using the following process:

Screening → Scoping → Appraisal → Reporting → Evaluation

5.2. Step 1: Screening

The purpose of the screening process is to establish the health relevance of the topic,

and to determine whether or not a HIA is required. As discussed above, the role of

planning in enabling communities to lead healthier lifestyles has become increasingly

recognised. From a health impact perspective, it is therefore beneficial for planning

policies and planning decisions to be mindful of the relevant public health agenda.

The objectives and policies contained within the Ashfield Local Plan will guide the

development of Ashfield District for the plan period 2017-2032. It is therefore

considered appropriate to assess the potential health impacts of the Strategic

Objectives, Strategic Policies, Area Policies, and Development Management Policies

contained in the Local Plan through a HIA. These policies are outlined in Section 1 of

this document. This will increase the positive contribution towards public health and

wellbeing made by the Local Plan.

5.3. Step 2: Scoping (Methodology)

The purpose of the scoping process is to determine how the HIA appraisal stage should

be undertaken. It considers the potential to collaborate with subject specialists, and

outlines the method utilised to ensure maximum consideration of health and

wellbeing issues.

Ashfield District Council has utilised the expertise of the Public Health Department of

Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC), and integrated this within the methodology

of the HIA. In particular, NCC has undertaken research to link spatial planning with

health and wellbeing considerations, and has developed the ‘Nottinghamshire Rapid

HIA Matrix’ to enable appropriate and efficient HIA’s to be produced for reviewing

Local Plans in the county13. The Rapid HIA Matrix includes 26 assessment criteria

(across 12 themes) relating to the following issues:

13 Nottinghamshire County Council (2016), ‘Spatial Planning for the Health & Wellbeing of Nottinghamshire’, p.60

Housing quality and design

Access to healthcare services and other social infrastructure

Access to open space and nature

Air quality, noise and neighbourhood amenity

Accessibility and active transport

Crime reduction and community safety

Access to healthy food

Access to work and training

Social cohesion and lifetime neighbourhoods

Minimising the use of resources

Climate change

Health inequalities

The Rapid HIA Matrix will be conducted by a planner from Ashfield District Council and

Public Health Specialist from NCC. This dual-assessment approach will ensure that

cross-discipline considerations and reflections are made during the HIA process,

resulting in greater benefit in the outcomes. The methodology for conducting and

considering the HIA will be:

I. The HIA for the previously submitted 2013 Local Plan will provide a consideration

basis for the development and assessment of policies proposed in the 2016 Local


II. The Preferred Local Plan will be assessed by a Public Health specialist from NCC

using the Rapid HIA Matrix. Recommendations will be reflected upon, and

appropriately considered in the formulation of the Publication Local Plan.

III. The Publication Local Plan will be assessed by a Planner from Ashfield District

Council, expanding upon NCC recommendations and considering each individual

objective and policy in relation to the 26 criteria.

IV. The Publication Local Plan and HIA will be reviewed by the NCC Public Health

specialist to ensure there is an agreement between the two disciplines in terms

of the impacts upon health and wellbeing.

The multi-assessment and cross-discipline approach utilised in conducting this HIA ensures that there are plenty of opportunities for reflection and alteration of policies, based upon their health and wellbeing credentials. The approach considers the chronological development of the Local plan, utilising the HIA of the previously submitted 2013 Local Plan; and assessment at both Preferred Approach and Publication stage of the Local Plan. The aims and objectives of the HIA assessment is supported by cross-discipline and cross-boundary research undertaken by the Planning and Public Health Departments of NCC.

5.4. Step 3: Appraisal (Assessment)

The purpose of the appraisal process is to identify the potential impacts upon health and wellbeing determinants of the Local Plan. The criteria for assessment and the methodological approach for conducting the appraisal is determined at the scoping stage of the HIA. Appendix 2 is the completed Rapid HIA Matrix. Evidence which supports a positive contribution towards each of the 26 criteria is provided by highlighting the individual objectives and policies which are relevant. The evidence used for the appraisal is gathered entirely from the Local Plan document. It was not considered necessary to gather further evidence for the purpose of the HIA, as the Local Plan is an evidence-based document. Subsequently, the overall impact of the Local Plan upon each of the criteria was determined. Finally, comments made from a Public Health Perspective propose ways in which health and wellbeing considerations within the Local Plan could be improved.

Discussion relating to the results of the HIA appraisal is contained in Section 6.

5.5. Step 4: Reporting (Recommendations)

The purpose of the reporting process is to provide a coherent synthesis of the findings of the HIA. It presents the main potential health impacts of the Local Plan, and makes recommendations which could minimise any negative health and wellbeing impacts which are highlighted. The report is based on the 12 policy themes, plus a section for general recommendations. The reporting and recommendations of the HIA are contained within Section 6.

5.6. Step 5: Evaluation and Monitoring

The purpose of the evaluation and monitoring process is to assess the outcome of the HIA, and ensure that the highlighted potential negative impacts upon health and wellbeing, and the recommendations made, continue to be considered in the future. A follow-up evaluation of this HIA, in relation to its process, input of expertise, and general appropriateness in assessing a Local Plan could be undertaken to guide the development of future HIA’s – both for Ashfield District Council and other Authorities. However, this will be subject to the resources available at a later stage. Annual monitoring of health and wellbeing considerations will take place within the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). This report is a requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004), providing a profile of the social, environmental and economic issues in Ashfield District which drive spatial change over time. This reporting will highlight relevant changes occurring within the district, and assist in the formulation of future plan-making and the associated HIA’s.

6.0. Findings and Recommendations 6.1. The completed Rapid Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Matrix, in Appendix 2, includes

12 general assessment themes. This section draws findings from the assessment of each criteria and identifies appropriate recommendations.

6.2. Housing quality and design

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to housing quality and design was positive. This considered whether the plan (1) addresses the wider housing requirements including for older and disabled people; and (2) promotes the reduction of energy requirements and living costs across seasons. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations: Objectives: Housing which provides suitable tenures and affordability; promotes social inclusion through its distribution; meets immediate and lifetime needs (including those with mobility problems); is sustainably located to reduce travel costs and increase active modes of travel; and is environmentally sustainable.

Policies: The allocation housing provision includes 400 residential care home bed spaces; 8 gypsy/traveller pitches; internal living standards with 10% easily accessible units in developments over 10 dwellings; thresholds for affordable housing depending upon location. Housing developments must also mitigate against climate change and be adaptable to the evolving effects of it.

The following recommendations are made to improve housing quality and design impacts upon health and wellbeing:

Affordable housing should meet standards to maintain warm and healthy living conditions, and adequate internal living standards.

Gypsy/traveller accommodation should have access to primary care facilities.

Consider ‘A Research and Evaluation Framework for Age-Friendly Cities’ to ensure housing for the elderly supports healthy living14.

6.3. Access to healthcare services and other social infrastructure

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to access to healthcare services and other social infrastructure was positive. This considered whether the plan (3) seeks to retain, replace or provide health and social care infrastructure; (4) addresses the proposed growth and impact of growth on healthcare services; and (5) explores opportunities for shared community uses and co-location of services. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations:

14 UK Urban Ageing Consortium (2014). ‘A Research and Evaluation Framework for Age-Friendly Cities’. p67-91.

Objectives: Healthcare services and other social infrastructure provision should be appropriate for new and existing residents as a part of development; the location and distribution of such infrastructure should be equal to reduce social exclusion; and rural communities should have access to community facilities. Policies: Existing health and community infrastructure will be maintained or new infrastructure provided in respect of new development, and will be situated within the development; opportunities for co-location and multifunctional educational, health and community facilities will be promoted; the provision of specialist accommodation for the elderly and disabled. The following recommendations are made to improve access to healthcare services and other social infrastructure impacts upon health and wellbeing:

Potential to undertake modelling work to assess population growth and the associated impact upon healthcare services.

Co-operate with those who commission primary, community and secondary health care services to ascertain the requirements of service co-location. Also potential to identify opportunities for co-location within Ashfield.

6.4. Access to open space and nature

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to access to open space and nature was positive. This considered whether the plan (6) retains and enhances existing or provides new open and natural space to support healthy living and physical activity; (7) promotes links between open and natural spaces and areas of residence, employment and commerce; (8) ensures open and natural spaces are welcoming, safe and accessible; and (9) provides a range of play spaces for children and young people, including those who are disabled. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations:

Objective: Promote active forms of travel as an alternative to cars by providing infrastructure which connects jobs, homes and services; protect and promote green and blue infrastructure and recreational facilities to enable healthy lifestyles; require attractive design to enable the enjoyment of nature; take opportunities to reduce crime and disorder; ensure development does not detriment capacity of an area to support activity; ensure community facilities are distributed fairly and are inclusive for those with disabilities.

Policy: Natural environments, green spaces and existing recreational facilities will be protected against development and fragmentation, and will form focal points where possible; strategic green infrastructure/corridors are allocated within the named settlements of Ashfield; outdoor sports facilities will be considered exceptional circumstances for development within the Green Belt; outdoor open space, including gardens and children’s play spaces will be incorporated within residential development; green infrastructure linkages will be preserved, enhanced and created.

The following recommendations are made to improve access to open space and nature impacts upon health and wellbeing:

Greater reference to children’s play spaces for disabled children within policy. 6.5. Air quality, noise and neighbourhood amenity

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to air quality, noise and neighbourhood amenity was positive.

This considered whether the plan sought to minimise (10) construction impact such as dust, noise, vibration and odours; and both (11) air pollution and (12) noise pollution caused by traffic and employment/commercial facilities. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations:

Objective: Ensure that development takes consideration of the environmental capacity of the surrounding area.

Policy: Encourages designers to consider construction changes which reduce building carbon footprint; requires the management of contaminated water during construction; ensures amenity is maintained through the reduction of all forms of pollution; ensures retail and leisure facilities mitigate against all forms of pollution; ensures small and work-from-home businesses do not cause detrimental traffic generation; development must not impact upon human health and wellbeing and relevant mitigation strategies should be taken. No recommendations are considered necessary.

6.6. Accessibility and active transport

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to accessibility and active transport was positive. This considered whether the plan prioritises and encourages (13) walking and (14) cycling; (15) supports traffic management and calming measures to reduce road injuries and (16) promotes accessible buildings and places for people with disabilities and mobility problems. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations:

Objective: Promote active forms of travel between areas of employment, residence and services and distribute these to enable healthy lifestyle choices; ensure buildings and public places are accessible to people with disabilities and mobility issues.

Policy: Promotes sustainable active travel infrastructure as an alternative to cars; supports highway optimisation and development in general which supports highway safety; developments must have appropriate access including for pedestrians and cyclists; requires access for people who have disabilities or limited mobility in relation to highways and car parking, shop access, appropriate housing and inclusive design. No recommendations are considered necessary.

6.7. Crime reduction and community safety The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to crime reduction and community safety was positive.

This considered whether the plan (17) seeks to create environments and buildings which make people feel safe and secure from crime. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations: Objective: Improve community safety and reduce crime through well-planned environments and prioritising Ashfield’s most deprived areas.

Policy: Supports proposals which contribute to daytime activity of commercial areas; requires a Crime Impact Assessment on outside-of-centre evening/food/drink economy proposals and Partnership Plus Areas, ensures that police and other relevant bodies agree with proposals; promotes shop fronts which retain street surveillance through windows; promotes secure-by-design principles to reduce crime and the fear of crime; ensures potential for vandalism is considered in refuse provisions.

No recommendations are considered necessary.

6.8. Access to healthy food

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to access to healthy food was positive.

This considered whether the plan (18) supports the retention and creation of food growing areas such as allotments and (19) restricts the development of hot food takeaways. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations: Objective: Conserve and enhance existing natural resources and ensure new development does not adversely impact existing communities.

Policy: Supports the retention and provision of allotments; ensures conservation of good quality agricultural land; supports farm diversification; restricts the development of hot food takeaways (A5 units) within 400 metres of schools, colleges and youth facilities.

The following recommendations are made to improve access to heathy food impacts upon health and wellbeing:

Limiting the number of adjoining A5 units.

Restrict open hours of A5 units depending upon proximity to residential properties, which further addresses issues of crime and perception of safety.

Encourage the provision of healthy food options at A5 units to improve the nutritional value of menus.

6.9. Access to work and training The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to access to work and training was positive. This considered whether the plan (20) seeks to provide new employment opportunities and encourages training. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations:

Objective: Enables a range of economic developments to ensure a prosperous district; promotes social inclusion through learning, skill raising and a culture of enterprise; ensures rural access to education and employment; address worklessness.

Policy: Allocates employment sites within the named settlements; encourages local training and employment through the expansion of local business and re-use of rural buildings; enhances the skills of the working-age population through educational and training uses; supports the development of new employment sectors including working-from-home and tourism; supports farm diversification.

The following recommendations are made to improve access to open work and training impacts upon health and wellbeing:

Consider the ‘Social Mobility Index’15, which identifies older industrial towns as becoming social mobility cold spots – limiting opportunities for young people.

Greater emphasis on supported employment and job retention schemes, for example mental health supported employment and people with learning disabilities.

6.10. Social cohesion and lifetime neighbourhoods

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to social cohesion and lifetime neighbourhoods was positive.

This considered whether the plan (21) seeks to avoid physical barriers and severance between communities, and encourages social interaction between existing communities. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations: Objective: Ensures that communities have access to a range of suitably located and accessible facilities and infrastructure; maximise opportunities to reduce crime; ensure that development maximises settlement identity and promotes neighbourhood pride.

Policy: Development must be permeable and legible with secure-by-design principles and enhance the build environments of the urban centres.

No recommendations are considered necessary.

15 Social Mobility & Child Poverty Commission (2016), ‘The Social Mobility Index’.

6.11. Minimising the use of resources

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to minimising the use of resources was positive.

This considered whether the plan seeks to (22) incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations:

Objective: The provision of environmentally sustainable housing; energy efficient development which promotes renewable energy generation where appropriate. Policy: Supports renewable energy schemes within development and encourages pre-application discussions on such schemes; encourages water resources management including contaminated water from construction; expects high quality, sustainable design against current best practice guidance; supports energy efficient housing.

No recommendations were considered necessary.

6.12. Climate change

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to climate change was positive. This considered whether the plan (23) incorporates renewable energy and ensures buildings and public spaces respond to various temperatures, and (24) maintains or enhances biodiversity. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations: Objective: Promotes renewable energy generation, energy efficient design and safeguards Ashfield’s natural assets.

Policy: Development must mitigate against and adapt to climate change; supports renewable energy schemes; protects, restores, enhances and creates green infrastructure, natural environments and habitats through various policies; allocates strategic green infrastructure/corridors in named settlements.

No recommendations were considered necessary.

6.13. Health inequalities

The appraisal stage concluded that the overall impact upon all criteria relating to health inequalities was positive.

This considered whether the plan (25) takes health inequalities into account and whether it encourages engagement from underserved communities. The following aspects are highlighted as positive contributions towards these considerations:

Objective: Reduce inequalities through the location and distribution of health and social infrastructure; ensure buildings and public spaces are accessible to people with disabilities and limited mobility.

Policy: Development must contribute towards health and wellbeing and consider impact on existing facilities; shopfronts must have equal access.

The following recommendations are made to improve health inequalities impacts upon health and wellbeing:

Define what constitutes ‘health inequalities’ within the Local plan, or make reference to criteria used within this HIA. This will enable more consistent monitoring.

6.14. General Recommendations

This HIA concludes that the overall impact of the Local Plan will have a positive impact upon health and well-being considerations for the district. Recommendations have been made to mitigate against complacency on the relevant issues. The following recommendations have arisen throughout the production of the HIA, which could improve the overall health and well-being considerations for planning in Ashfield:

The adoption of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which provides both developers and the Council clear guidance on undertaking HIA’s in development proposals. This would provide greater certainty in relation to Policy SD12 of the Local Plan, which outlines the potential requirement for a HIA on major development schemes on 50 dwellings or more. An example of this kind of SPD South Cambridgeshire District Council16.

The ‘Spatial Planning for the Health & Wellbeing of Nottinghamshire’ document has been developed to provide supporting information for planners in relation to a range of public health stakeholders and considerations. The Rapid HIA Matrix used in this assessment was developed within the document. Adoption of this document should be considered.

Evaluate the health and well-being of Ashfield District through the Annual Monitoring Report, suggesting the incorporation of criteria used in this HIA. Evaluate the HIA process to determine the general appropriateness and effectiveness of the criteria used. This will help HIA’s for future Local Plan development.

16 South Cambridgeshire District Council (2011). ‘Health Impact Assessment SPD’.

APPENDIX 1 – Ashfield District Health Profile

APPENDIX 2: The Rapid Health Impact Assessment Matrix: Ashfield District Council Local Plan (2016-2032)

Assessment Criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


1. Housing quality and design

1. Does the plan seek to address

the housing needs of the wider

community by requiring provision

of variation of house type that will

meet the needs of older or

disabled people?

[For example does it meet all

Lifetime Homes Standards, Building for Life etc?]


SO8: Provision of Sustainable Housing - All residents within Ashfield should be provided access to suitable tenures and house types. SO10: Opportunities for All - Promotes social inclusion through the location and distribution of housing. -Buildings should be accessible for people with disabilities or mobility problems. SO20: Sustainable and High Quality Design - Requires housing design to be tailored to meet the immediate and lifetime needs of local people. S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Outlines the net increase of housing required over the plan period, including 400 residential care home bedspaces. - Permits identified accommodation needs for Travellers. SKA4: Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocation - Allocates 8 pitches for Gypsy/ Traveller accommodation at Park Lane, Kirkby-In-Ashfield. EV1: Green Belt - Outlines ‘limited affordable housing for community needs’ as an exceptional circumstance for Green Belt development. HG1: Provision for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople - Sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Showpeople must have adequate provisions, including water, pedestrian and vehicle access and residential amenity.


It is suggested that The Council consults

with Mansfield and Ashfield CCG and Adult

Social Care and Health to discuss

requirements relating to residential care

homes for the future. New models of

provision may mean that the information

provided in 4.16 – 4.19 may need to be


Choice of any additional sites for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation should take account of the need for access to healthcare, especially primary care (GP) services. Affordable housing should also be healthy housing, so new housing developments should meet standards required to maintain warm and healthy housing. The Council may find the Research & Evaluation Framework for Ageing Cities and Measuring the Age-Friendliness of Cities useful to contribute to the implementation of the plan:


HG2: Affordable Housing (including Starter Homes) - Requires the provision of percentage affordable housing over specific dwelling thresholds, dependant on the area of proposed development. HG4: Housing Mix - Ensures that new residential development creates mixed and balanced communities, including adequate internal living standards, the provision of 10% easily accessible dwellings (for the elderly and people with disabilities) in developments over 10 dwellings, and supports proposals for specialist accommodation/institutions.

2. Does the plan promote

development that will reduce

energy requirements and living

costs and ensure that homes are

warm and dry in winter and cool in



SO8: Provision of Sustainable Housing - Provision of environmentally sustainable housing in well-planned

locations, reducing travel costs.

- Residents should have access to affordable housing.

SO12: Addressing Climate Change

- Increase energy efficiency to tackle climate change, therefore

reducing household energy requirements and costs.

SO13: Reducing the Need to Travel by Car

- Promotes active travel opportunities and making use of existing land-

use patterns. This reduces travel costs, and promotes environmentally

sustainable modes of travel.

SO20: Sustainable and High Quality Design -Deliver high quality energy efficient and functional design, ensuring housing is tailored to the lifetime needs of local people. S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Ensures that developments mitigate against and adapt to climate change. CC1: Zero and Low Carbon Developments and Decentralised, Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Regeneration - Supports new residential development which exceeds National Housing Standards in relation to energy efficiency and carbon reduction.


- Ensures that the design of developments effectively adapt to rising temperatures as a result of climate change. CC2: Water Resource Management - Requires residential developments to minimise water consumption to 110 litres per day. SD1: Good Design Considerations for Development - Requires developments to be adaptable to the evolving effects of climate change.

Assessment Criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


2. Access to healthcare services and other social infrastructure

3. Does the plan seek to retain,

replace or provide health and

social care related infrastructure?


SO7: Strong and Vibrant Rural Communities

- Ensures that rural communities have access to educational,

community and leisure facilities.

SO10: Opportunities for All

-Promotes social inclusion to reduce inequalities through the location

and distribution of health and social related infrastructure, particularly

where this helps to promote healthy lifestyles.

-Public spaces and buildings should be accessible for people with

disabilities and limited mobility.

SO11: Timely and Viable Infrastructure

-Ensures that necessary infrastructure is provided as part of new

developments – beneficial for new and existing residents.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Ensures that existing facilities are maintained, and new facilities are provided when necessary. - Health and community infrastructure should be provided in scale of proposed development. HG4: Housing Mix - Supports the provision of dwellings tailored towards access for the elderly and disabled people, and specialist accommodation. SD4: Infrastructure Provision and Developer Contributions - Requires new and expanded health facilities as part of developer contributions.


SD12: Provision and Protection of Health and Community Facilities - Provision of high quality, accessible and inclusive health facilities across Ashfield, dependant on the potential impact of development on existing facilities.

4. Does the plan address the

proposed growth/ assess the

impact on healthcare services?


SO11: Timely and Viable Infrastructure

-Ensures necessary infrastructure is provided as part of new

developments – for new and existing residents.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Health and community infrastructure should be provided in scale of proposed development. SD4: Infrastructure Provision and Developer Contributions - Requires new and expanded health facilities as part of developer contributions. SD12: Provision and Protection of Health and Community Facilities - Requires development to consider the potential impact on existing health facilities, and contribute towards improvements or new facilities to meet local need.


The Plan could be strengthened by

undertaking modelling work to assess

population growth assessment and

healthcare service impact working in

conjunction with CCG colleagues.

5. Does the plan explore/allow for

opportunities for shared

community use and co-location of



SO7: Strong and Vibrant Rural Communities

- Ensures rural communities have access to community facilities.

SO10: Opportunities for All

- Promotes social inclusion through the location and distribution of

community facilities.

SD4: Infrastructure Provision and Developer Contributions - Highlights opportunities for the co-location and multifunctional use of existing facilities/infrastructure as making a positive contribution towards sustainable growth. SD12: Provision and Protection of Health and Community Facilities - Encourages the co-location of educational, health and community services and facilities.


It is suggested contacting CCG

colleagues who commission primary,

community and secondary health care

services to ascertain what needs there

will be for shared community use and

co-location of services.

Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


3. Access to open space and nature

6. Does the plan seek to retain and

enhance existing and provide new

open and natural spaces to support

healthy living and physical



SO10: Opportunities for All

- Promote leisure, green infrastructure and recreational facilities,

particularly where they help promote healthy lifestyles.

SO13: Reducing the Need to Travel by Car

- Aims to make efficient use of existing infrastructure to promote

active travel opportunities.

SO17: Natural Assets

- Ensures the protection, enhancement and expansion of Ashfield’s

green and blue infrastructure.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Ensures that natural environments are protected, conserved and


HA4: Green Infrastructure in and Around Hucknall

- Allocates strategic Green Infrastructure/ Corridors in and around


SKA5: Green Infrastructure in and Around Sutton-In-Ashfield and


- Allocates strategic Green Infrastructure/ Corridors in and around

Sutton-In-Ashfield and Kirkby-In-Ashfield.

RA3: Green Infrastructure in the Rurals

- Allocates strategic Green Infrastructure/ Corridors in and around

Selston, Jacksdale, Bagthorpe and Underwood.


EV1: Green Belt

- Outlines ‘the provision of facilities for outdoor sport’ as an

exceptional circumstance for development in the Green Belt.

EV4: Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and Geodiversity

- Ensures the delivery, conservation and enhancement of green


EV5: Protection of Green Spaces and Recreational Facilities

- Protects green spaces and recreational facilities, ensuring that any

loss as a result of development replaces, retains or improves existing


HG3: Public Open Space in New Residential Developments

- Requires open space asset provision within residential development –

including outdoor sports facilities.

SD1: Good Design Considerations for Development - Ensures that public realm and open space elements enhance their

surroundings, are located on main lines of movement, have high

quality design, and retain key natural features.

SD2: Amenity

- Ensures that all residential development has access to open space

and adequate garden space.

7. Does the plan promote links

between open and natural spaces

and areas of residence,

employment and commerce?


SO13: Reducing the Need to Travel by Car

- Promotes active forms of travel, such as walking and cycling, to

connect jobs, homes and services,

SO20: Sustainable and High Quality Design - Requires good quality attractive design, resulting in better health and wellbeing, ‘particularly through the quiet enjoyment of nature’. EV4: Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and Geodiversity

- Requires linkages between green infrastructure assets to be preserved, enhanced and created to improve public access.


EV5: Protection of Green Spaces and Recreational Facilities

- Resists the fragmentation or loss of green spaces and recreational facilities, ensuring that such spaces contribute towards the setting of the settlement, and are focal points of the built up area.

8. Does the plan seek to ensure

that open and natural spaces are

welcoming, safe and accessible to



SO9: Safer Communities

- Opportunities to reduce crime and disorder will be maximised

throughout Ashfield.

SO10: Opportunities for All

- Promotes social inclusion through the reduction of unequal access to

public services, facilities and amenities. Specific reference is made to

leisure, green infrastructure, cultural and recreational.

SO15: Environmental Capacity

- Ensures that development does not detriment the capacity of an area

to support activities.

SO17: Natural Assets

- Ensures Ashfield’s natural assets are protected and enhanced,

safeguarding the most important areas.

EV4: Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and Geodiversity

- Requires linkages between green infrastructure assets to be preserved, enhanced and created to improve public access.

EV5: Protection of Green Spaces and Recreational Facilities

- Ensures that green spaces and recreational facilities are distinctive

and focal points of built-up areas.

HG3: Public Open Space in New Residential Developments

- Requires open space asset provision within residential development –

including public realm and natural spaces.


9. Does the plan seek to provide a

range of play spaces for children

and young people (e.g. play

pitches, play areas etc.) including

provision for those that are



SO7: Strong and Vibrant Rural Communities

- Ensures that Ashfield’s rural communities have access to a range of


SO10: Opportunities for All

- Ensures community facilities will be distributed to increase social


- Public spaces will be accessible for people with disabilities or mobility


S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Ensures that development contributes to improve the health and wellbeing of Ashfield, including access to sports facilities and play and recreation opportunities.

EV5: Protection of Green Spaces and Recreational Facilities

- Development of school playing fields will only be permitted when

essential for educational purposes.

HG3: Public Open Space in New Residential Developments

- Requires open space asset provision within residential development –

including play spaces.


This could be strengthened in the plan

particularly around the provision for

those that are disabled.

Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


4. Air quality, noise and neighbourhood amenity

10. Does the plan seek to minimise

construction impacts such as dust,

noise, vibration and odours?


SO15: Environmental Capacity

- Ensures that development takes into account the environmental

capacity of an area.

CC1: Zero and Low Carbon Developments and Decentralised, Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Regeneration - Encourages designers to consider whether construction permits subsequent reductions in the buildings carbon footprint. CC2: Water Resource Management - Ensures that construction sites manage contaminated surface water, and prevent it from leaving a site untreated, and discharging to watercourses.

SH2: Local Shopping Centres, Sopping Parades and Single Shops

- Ensures that retail and leisure developments do not have significant

adverse effects through noise, odour, litter or disturbance.

SD2: Amenity

- Ensures that all development proposals consider the potential for

pollution, including noise, disturbance and contamination.

SD8: Environmental Protection

- Requires development to avoid impacting upon human health,

wellbeing and amenity, and mitigation/remediation measured should

be made where necessary.


11. Does the plan seek to minimise

air pollution caused by traffic and

employment/ commercial



SO15: Environmental Capacity

- Ensures that development takes into account the environmental

capacity of an area.

CC1: Zero and Low Carbon Developments and Decentralised, Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Regeneration - Encourages designers to consider whether construction permits subsequent reductions in the buildings carbon footprint.

PJ1: Business and Economic Development

- Ensures that the direct and indirect impacts of small scale/ start-up

business from home remain incidental to the surrounding residential

area, including no detrimental effects on traffic generation.

SD2: Amenity

- Ensures that the impacts of traffic movement, and potential impacts

upon air quality, are assessed for all development proposals.

SD8: Environmental Protection

- Requires proposals to demonstrate that development minimises

harmful air emissions, and will not lead to a declaration of an, or

impact negatively upon existing, Air Quality Management Area.

SD9: Traffic Management and Highway Safety

- Supports development which reduces the need to travel by car, and

promotes active forms of travel – which reduces air pollution.


12. Does the plan seek to minimise

noise pollution caused by traffic

and employment/ commercial



SO15: Environmental Capacity

- Ensures that development takes into account the environmental

capacity of an area.

PJ1: Business and Economic Development

- Ensures that the direct and indirect impacts of small scale/ start-up

business from home remain incidental to the surrounding residential

area, including no detrimental effects on traffic generation.


SD2: Amenity

-Ensures that the potential impact upon noise pollution is assessed for

all development proposals.

SD8: Environmental Protection

- Requires proposals to demonstrate that development does not have

a detrimental impact on indoor and outdoor acoustic environments.

Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


5. Accessibility and active transport

13. Does the plan prioritise and

encourage walking (such as

through shared spaces) connecting

to local walking networks?


SO10: Opportunities for All

- Distribution of facilities and infrastructure, particularly where it helps

promote healthy lifestyles.

SO13: Reducing the Need to Travel by Car

- Promotes active forms of travel, including walking, to connect jobs,

homes and services.

-Makes efficient use of existing infrastructure.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Promotes new sustainable transport infrastructure as an alternative to cars, including improvements to pedestrian infrastructure.

SH2: Local Shopping Centres, Shopping Parades and Single Shops - Protects the provision of convenience food stores to meet day-to-day community needs, ensuring that alternative stores are similarly accessible by walking.

SD1: Good Design Considerations for Development - Ensures development has clear and direct access through and within, including effective pedestrian routes.

SD9: Traffic Management and Highway Safety

- Supports development which promotes active forms of travel, by

providing safe, direct and effective pedestrian routes.


14. Does the plan prioritise and

encourage cycling (for example by

providing secure cycle parking,

showers and cycle lanes)

connecting to local and strategic

cycle networks?


SO10: Opportunities for All

- Distribution of facilities and infrastructure, particularly where it helps

promote healthy lifestyles.

SO13: Reducing the Need to Travel by Car

- Promotes active forms of travel, including cycling, to connect jobs,

homes and services.

- Makes efficient use of existing infrastructure.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Promotes new sustainable transport infrastructure as an alternative to cars, including improvements to cycling infrastructure. SD1: Good Design Considerations for Development - Ensures development has clear and direct access through and within, including effective and integrated cycling routes. SD10: Parking - Ensures that parking provision for cyclists is in accordance with local standards. SD9: Traffic Management and Highway Safety

- Supports development which promotes active forms of travel, by

providing safe, direct and effective cycling routes and ensuring suitable

provision is made for cyclists.


15. Does the plan support traffic

management and calming

measures to help reduce and

minimise road injuries?


SO13: Reducing the Need to Travel by Car

- Prioritises active forms of travel in order to reduce car use, and

therefore mitigate traffic.

- Makes efficient use of existing infrastructure.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Promotes new sustainable transport infrastructure as an alternative to cars. - Optimisation of existing highway networks and capacity enhancement for major highways.


PJ3: Rural Business Development - Business development in rural areas must ensure that such development can be accommodated by the transport network, and would not be detrimental to highway safety. SD9: Traffic Management and highway Safety - Supports development which promotes safe and efficient flow of traffic on the highway network.

16. Does the plan promote

accessible buildings and places to

enable access to people with

mobility problems or a disability?


SO10: Opportunities for All

- Public spaces will be accessible for people with disabilities or mobility


SH4: Shopfronts

- Ensures that new shopfronts are designed to allow equal access for all


HG4: Housing Mix - Supports the provision of dwellings tailored towards access for the elderly and disabled people, and specialist accommodation. SD1: Good Design Considerations for Development - Ensures that movement within development is inclusive of all potential users, including those with impaired mobility. SD2: Amenity

- Ensures that, in the case of residential care homes, level-access is provided to outdoor sitting areas/gardens.

SD9: Traffic Management and Highway Safety

- Ensures that suitable provision is made for people with disabilities

along highways.

SD10: Parking

- Promotes an integrated and design-led approach to parking, including

provision for people with impaired mobility.


Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


6. Crime reduction and community safety

17. Does the plan create

environments & buildings that

make people feel safe, secure and

free from crime?


SO9: Safer Communities

- Aims to improve community safety and reduce both crime and fear of crime through well-planned environments. - Prioritises Ashfield’s most deprived areas (Kirkby East and Sutton East) SO20: Sustainable and High Quality Design - Ensures that developments have good design principles which reduce the risk of crime. S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Ensures that development contributes to improve the health and wellbeing of Ashfield, including improving community safety. SH3: Food, Drink and the Evening Economy

- Supports proposal for new food, drink and evening economy

businesses which contribute to daytime activity, and do not adversely

affect the character and safety of the surrounding area.

- Such developments on the edge/outside of centres require a crime


SH4: Shopfronts

- Ensures that new shop fronts retain clear views into and out of shop windows, contributing to the attractiveness and safety of shopping areas. SD1: Good Design Considerations for Development - Ensures that developments are secure-by-design, which helps to reduce crime and the fear of it. This includes layout principles of natural surveillance, active frontages, and clearly delineated public and private space.


SD2: Amenity

- Ensures that the perception of risk from crime is minimised through secure-by-design principles, passive surveillance, clearly distinguished public and private areas, and security measures such as CCTV. SD3: Recycling and Refuse Provision in New Development - Ensures that recycling and refuse provision considers the security of such provisions from vandalism and unauthorised use. SD13: Designing Out Crime and the Fear of Crime - Expects developments within A3, A4, A5, C2, and C4 use classes to effectively demonstrate that they will not lead to increased vandalism, anti-social behaviour, or fear of crime. - Crime Impact Assessments are required in Partnership Plus Areas, and development will not be supported where police or other relevant bodies consider the development to have potential to exacerbate existing issues.

Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


7. Access to healthy food

18. Does the plan support the

retention and creation of food

growing areas, allotments and

community gardens in order to

support a healthy diet and

physical activity?


SO16: Legacy and Natural Resources

- Considers the conservation and enhancement of existing natural

resources (for example, land for food growing).

SO17: Natural Assets

- Protects Ashfield’s green and blue infrastructure.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Ensures that development contributes to improve the health and

wellbeing of Ashfield, including promoting allotments and healthy

locally produced food.

EV7: Provision and Protection of Allotments

- Supports the provision of new allotments, and includes them within

green space requirements & Ensures that allotment land is only

developed for alternative use when it is demonstrated that the space is

no longer required, or there are overriding sustainability benefits.

EV9: Agricultural Land Quality

- Ensures that grades 1, 2, and 3a DEFRA Agricultural Land Classification

is conserved as an agricultural resource for the future.

PJ4: Agricultural, Forestry or Horticultural Development and Farm


- Supports farm diversification, tis increasing the potential for food

growing industries to expand.

HG3: Public Open Space in New Residential Developments

- Requires open space asset provision within residential development –

including allotments.


19. Does the plan seek to restrict

the development of hot food

takeaways (A5) in specific areas?


SO11: Timely and Viable Infrastructure

- Ensures that new development does not have an adverse effect on

existing communities.

SH3: Food, Drink and the Evening Economy

- Restricts the development of hot food takeaways within 400 meters of

schools, colleges or youth facilities.


Being overweight or obese (excess weight) is a major public health concern for Nottinghamshire. The number of children who are overweight or obese is expected to increase by 5% between 2015-2019 and in adults by 4% over the same period. Morbid obesity in adults is expected to increase by 16% during this same period. Food environments relate to the

availability of food choices in an area

which can influence the type of food and

energy intake an individual can access.

Studies suggest that obesity is more

prevalent in areas where access to healthy

food sources is limited or considered

expensive. Exposure to takeaway food

outlets in home, work, and commuting

environments combined was associated

with marginally higher consumption of

takeaway food, greater body mass index,

and greater odds of obesity1.

The Council may wish to also consider planning approaches in relation to hot food takeaways:

Concentration and clustering/vitality and viability – limiting the number of A5 units next to one another; ensuring the number does not exceed a defined percentage of units or floor space in a primary shopping area/frontage; permission is granted where it will not result in overconcentration to the detriment of the retail function and restrictions where granting would prejudice the vitality and, or viability of a retail area. From a health perspective this

will reduce unhealthy options and poor nutritional choice available.

Hours of operation –planning conditions restrict the opening hours of the premises depending upon location and proximity to residential properties. This will also address crime and anti-social behaviour

Healthy eating options – encouraging the provision of healthy food options and improve the nutritional value of the menu (promoting sign up to the Nottinghamshire Healthy Options Takeaway scheme) The following document Tipping the scales published in January 2016 may be useful:

Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


8. Access to work and training

20. Does the plan seek to provide

new employment opportunities

and encourage local employment

and training?


SO1: Economic Prosperity for All

- Ensures that a range of premises for economic development are

proposed, enabling a prosperous and economically vibrant district.

SO2: Employment and Enterprise

- Promotes learning, skill-raising, and a culture of enterprise to address


SO7: Strong and Vibrant Rural Communities

- Ensures that rural communities have access to education and

employment opportunities.

SO10: Opportunities for All

- Promotes social inclusion through the reduction of inequalities of

employment and education.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth

- Outlines employment growth opportunities over the plan period.

- Encourages local training through supporting the survival and

expansion of indigenous and rural business, working with educational

providers and business to improve job access and training; and

promoting local employment and training initiatives.

HA2: Hucknall Economy and Jobs

- Allocates sites for sustainable economic growth in Hucknall.

- Identifies emerging employment sectors, including working-from-

home in Bestwood, and Tourism in Hucknall.

SKA2: Economy and Jobs in Sutton and Kirkby

- Allocates sites for sustainable economic growth in Sutton-In-Ashfield

and Kirkby-In-Ashfield.


Make reference to the Social Mobility & Child Poverty Commission (2016) report ‘The Social Mobility Index’ which identifies that older industrial towns such as Ashfield are becoming entrenched social mobility cold spots. There could be more emphasis to

improve the take up of ‘supported

employment’ and job retention schemes

e.g. Mental Health supported

employment and/or employing more

people with learning disabilities.

-Prioritises office development within the town centres, and small-

scale economic development in surrounding fringe settlements.

- Safeguards sites which will support and develop opportunities for


RA1: The Rurals Economy and Jobs

- Promotes an integrated and flexible approach to sustainable business

development in rural areas.

EV3: Re-Use of Buildings in the Green Belt and Countryside

- Ensures the re-use of buildings in the Green Belt and Countryside for

business use should provide jobs/services for the local community.

PJ1: Business and Economic Development

- Gives significant weight to proposals for business development which

provide, or assist in, the provision of, employment opportunities.

PJ2: Business and Employment Development Sites

- Aims to sustain and enhance Ashfield’s employment capacity by

highlighting business uses appropriate for allocated employment sites.

- Highlights educational or training uses within such areas as a means

of improving skills of the working age population.

PJ3: Rural Business Development

- Supports opportunities for business development in rural areas,

including highlighting principles of acceptable development, and

supporting the development of the rural tourism.

PJ4: Agricultural, Forestry or Horticultural Development and Farm


- Supports farm diversification provided that proposals operate as part

of an established agricultural enterprise, that it is of appropriate scale,

and that new retail uses do not have a detrimental economic impact

on neighbouring villages.

PJ5: Education, Skills and Training

- Supports development which contributes towards raising skill levels

and opportunities for all residents of the district, through supporting

the growth of existing educational establishments, and supporting new

and additional educational facilities.

Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


9. Social cohesion and lifetime neighbourhoods

21. Does the plan connect with

existing communities where the

layout and movement avoids

physical barriers and severance

and encourages social


[For example does it address the

components of Lifetime Neighbourhoods?]


SO7: Strong and Vibrant Rural Communities

- Ensures that Ashfield’s rural communities have access to a range of


SO9: Safer Communities

- Opportunities to reduce crime and disorder will be maximised

throughout Ashfield. This will be a particular consideration within the

District’s most deprived areas.

SO10: Opportunities for All

- Promotes social inclusion to reduce inequalities through the location

of services and facilities.

- Ensures public spaces and buildings are accessible to people with

disabilities or mobility issues.

SO11: Timely and Viable Infrastructure

- Ensures that the benefit of new infrastructure is gained by new and

existing residents.

SO19: Character of the District

- Ensures that development enhances settlement identity, including

developing a strong sense of place and neighbourhood pride.

SD1: Good Design Considerations for Development - Ensures that development creates permeable and legible layouts, with secure-by-design principles. SKA1: Sutton-In-Ashfield and Kirkby-In-Ashfield Town Centres - Ensures that the built environments of Sutton-In-Ashfield and Kirkby-In-Ashfield are enhanced, incorporating community uses/benefits.


Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


10. Minimising the use of resources

22. Does the plan seek to

incorporate sustainable design

and construction techniques?


SO8: Provision of Sustainable Housing

- Provision of environmentally sustainable housing in well-planned

locations, reducing travel costs.

SO12: Addressing Climate Change

- Increase energy efficiency to tackle climate change, promote

renewable energy generation were appropriate, and manage surface

water/ flood risks.

SO20: Sustainable and High Quality Design

Deliver high quality energy efficient and functional design. CC1: Zero and Low Carbon Developments and Decentralised, Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Regeneration - Supports the development of renewable energy schemes within development, including pre-application consultations with local communities and stakeholders when proposing wind turbines. CC2: Water Resource Management - Ensures that construction sites manage contaminated surface water, and prevent it from leaving a site untreated, and discharging to watercourses. SD1: Good Design Considerations for Development - Expects all new development to be of high quality, sustainable design. Proposals will be assessed against current best practice guidance and standards for sustainability, design and place making.


Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


11. Climate change

23. Does the plan incorporate

renewable energy and ensure that

buildings and public spaces are

designed to respond to winter and

summer temperatures, i.e.

ventilation, shading and



SO12: Addressing Climate Change

- Promotes renewable energy generation when the location is


SO20: Sustainable and High Quality Design

-Deliver high quality energy efficient and functional design, ensuring housing is tailored to the lifetime needs of local people. S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Ensures that developments mitigate against and adapt to climate change. CC1: Zero and Low Carbon Developments and Decentralised, Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Regeneration - Supports the development of renewable energy schemes within development.


24. Does the plan maintain or

enhance biodiversity? Yes

SO17: Natural Assets

- Ensures Ashfield’s natural assets are protected and enhanced,

safeguarding the most important areas.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Ensures that natural environments are protected, conserved and


- Promotes the enhancement of water environments/habitats.

HA4: Green Infrastructure in and Around Hucknall

- Allocates strategic Green Infrastructure/ Corridors in and around



SKA5: Green Infrastructure in and Around Sutton-In-Ashfield and


- Allocates strategic Green Infrastructure/ Corridors in and around

Sutton-In-Ashfield and Kirkby-In-Ashfield.

RA3: Green Infrastructure in the Rurals

- Allocates strategic Green Infrastructure/ Corridors in and around

Selston, Jacksdale, Bagthorpe and Underwood.

CC2: Water Resource Management

- Promotes opportunities to restore or enhance watercourses,

including the enhancement of habitat and ecological benefits.

- Ensures upstream development will have no adverse effect.

EV4: Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and Geodiversity

- Requires development to facilitate opportunities for preservation,

creation, restoration and enhancement of biodiversity assets.

- Ensures that only exceptional development will be permitted within

Sites of Special Scientific Interest; Local Wildlife Sites; nationally and

locally designates sites.

EV6: Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

- Development proposals should avoid the loss of trees, woodlands and

hedgerows. Permission will not be granted when development results

in the loss of designated trees.

EV11: Protection and Enhancement of Landscape Character

- Ensures that the location, scale, design and materials of development

are sensitive to local distinctive landscape features, such as

watercourses, woodland, trees, and ecological corridors.

PJ3: Rural Business Development

- Supports the development of rural tourism through safeguarding key

landscape and ecologically sensitive areas.

PJ4: Agricultural, Forestry or Horticultural Development and Farm


- Ensures that proposals for agricultural, forestry and horticultural

buildings should be designed to minimise adverse impact on the

natural environment, including biodiversity, geodiversity, species and


HG3: Public Open Space in New Residential Developments

- Where new residential developments cannot provide open space

assets, planning obligations will be negotiated for off-site open space,

including habitat/biodiversity schemes.

SD8: Environmental Protection

- Requires proposals to demonstrate that development does not have a

detrimental impact upon indoor and outdoor acoustic environments,

including areas of biodiversity interest.

Assessment criteria Relevant?

Yes/Partial/No Evidence

Strategic Objective

Relevant Policy

Potential health




Nottinghamshire County Council


12. Health inequalities

25. Does the plan consider health

inequalities and encourage

engagement by underserved



SO10: Opportunities for All

-Promotes social inclusion to reduce inequalities through the location

and distribution of health and social related infrastructure, particularly

where this helps to promote healthy lifestyles.

-Public spaces and buildings will be accessible for people with

disabilities and limited mobility.

S2: Overall Strategy for Growth - Ensures that development contributes to improve the health and wellbeing of Ashfield.

SH4: Shopfronts

- Ensures that new shopfronts are designed to allow equal access for all


SD12: Provision and Protection of Health and Community Facilities - Requires development to consider the potential impact upon existing health facilities, and contribute towards improvements or new facilities to meet local need.
