Health for all

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Health for all

Wearable Subwoofers; Musical Healing Kyle Haas - February 2017 High School Utah Entrepreneurship Challenge

Impact Statement

The purpose of this project is to create a line of clothing and accessories that integrates a type of subwoofer (tactile transducers or bass shakers) to be used for new-age healing techniques as well as a cutting-edge musical experience.

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

- Albert Einstein

A Personal Preface

I originally created this idea around a way to provide top-notch bass fully integrated into clothing. But once I started doing research on how sound has been used for healing over the millenia, I was hooked. As I was learning more and more about sound, energy, and vibration, it struck me that an idea like this should not be confined as a music accessory, but has the potential to be a life-altering device meshing modern western medicine and ancient eastern teachings.

I hope you find this as interesting and practical as I did.

Vibrational Healing

It’s becoming widely regarded in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics, that the universe, made of waves and particles, is constantly vibrating. Alternative medicine, thousands of years old (such as singing bowls, tuning forks, Gregorian Chants, etc.), is becoming mainstream, with a plethora of studies suggesting that certain frequencies produce healing results.

Neurological Frequencies

- Gamma, 30 to 50 Hz (Memory, and conscious attention (1)) - Beta, 14 to 30 Hz (Active or busy thinking/concentration)- Alpha, 8 to 14 Hz (Wakeful relaxation with closed eyes- network coordination and communication)- Theta, 4 to 8 Hz (Meditative, drowsy, hypnotic or sleeping states)- Delta, 0.1 to 4 Hz (Deep Stage 3 - slow wave sleep)- Mu, 8 to 12 Hz (Suppressed when visualizing a motor action)- Sigma (sleep spindle), 12 to 14 Hz (Maintains and aids sleep)

1. Iaccarino, Hannah F.; Singer, Annabelle C.; Martorell, Anthony J.; Rudenko, Andrii; Gao, Fan; Gillingham, Tyler Z.; Mathys, Hansruedi; Seo, Jinsoo; Kritskiy, Oleg; Abdurrob, Fatema; Adaikkan, Chinnakkaruppan; Canter, Rebecca G.; Rueda, Richard; Brown, Emery N.; Boyden, Edward S.; Tsai, Li-Huei (7 December 2016). "Gamma frequency entrainment attenuates amyloid load and modifies microglia". Nature. 540 (7632): 230–235. doi:10.1038/nature20587.

2. da Silva, F. H., Neural mechanism underlying brain waves: From neural membranes to networks. Electroencephalography and Clinical

Neurophysiology, Vol. 79, 1991, pp81–9

There are natural frequencies of the brain (2), stemming from macro-firings of neurons. Detected by an EEG, these brain waves are responsible for the building blocks of neurology.

Some Known Physiological Healing Frequencies These are only some of the known frequencies with more in the process of being discovered or studied. In reality, the healing possibility are almost endless.

- 528 Hz- (Mi on the Solfeggio scale) Repairs broken DNA and strengthens cell walls (immune system) (3)

- 111 Hz - Releases Beta endorphins that help control pain, produce feelings of well being and increased empathy, and faster cell regeneration, skin repair, and wound healing. (1)

- 30 Hz ~ 35 Hz - increased bone mineral content and improve bone repair, and bone resorption. (2)

- 25 Hz - Increases mitochondrial health and quantity (4)

(1) Binaday, J. "Increased Wound Healing Effect of 111 Hertz Sound Frequency in Male ICR Mice." Research Gate (2015): n. pag. Web. 27 Feb. 2017.(2) 10 Goodship AE, Lawes TJ, Rubin CT. 2009. Low-magnitude high-frequency mechanical signals accelerate and augment endochondral bone repair: preliminary evidence of efficacy. J Orthop

Res 27:922–930.(3) "Cellular Resonant Water, Clustered Water, Dr. Lorenzen's Water, Structured Water." Cellular Resonant Water, Clustered Water, Dr. Lorenzen's Water, Structured Water. N.p., n.d. Web. 27

Feb. 2017.(4) Cheng, C. "Electroacupuncture at different frequencies (5Hz and 25Hz) ameliorates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats: possible involvement of p38 MAPK-mediated anti-apoptotic

signaling pathways." Bio Med Central (2015): n. pag. Web.

Historical Examples of Energetic Healing

Solfeggio Scale (known for ancient Catholic Gregorian Chants):

- UT – 396 Hz - RE – 417 Hz- MI – 528 Hz- FA – 639 Hz- SOL – 741 Hz - LA – 852 Hz

The lower note scale of the Indian Chakras:

- 1st - 128 Hz- 2nd - 144 Hz- 3rd - 162 Hz- 4th - 182 Hz- 5th - 192 Hz- 6th - 216 Hz- 7th - 243 Hz

Om - 432 Hz

These are some frequencies known and utilized in ancient eastern and western religions for physical, mental, and spiritual healing.

Because the Chakras operate on a note by note scale, they can be utilized in not just the low end frequencies noted here, but also for midrange and treble.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

- Nikola Tesla

Addressable ProblemsDealing specifically with vibrational healing, a practical and easy application of these low frequencies could be used to resonate with any organ or organ system.

- The lung’s resonant frequency is between 30~40 Hz (1): can loosen mucus for those diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (developed vest right)

- Athletes to manage chronic or acute pain, or who want faster muscle, bone or blood recovery (2 and 3)

- Military Veterans or active duty members with wounds or injuries who desire faster healing, less pain, and improved strength (2 and 3)

- Anyone with an injury that wants less painful, more effective, and more cost effective care.

(1) Martin 2001 and Dpt. of Navy 2002(2) Binaday, J. "Increased Wound Healing Effect of 111 Hertz Sound Frequency in Male ICR Mice." Research Gate (2015): n. pag. Web. 27 Feb. 2017.(3) 10 Goodship AE, Lawes TJ, Rubin CT. 2009. Low-magnitude high-frequency mechanical signals accelerate and augment endochondral bone repair: preliminary

evidence of efficacy. J Orthop Res 27:922–930.

Integration Into the Body

Typically, you would have to use a subwoofer to play these low frequencies as they produce sounds that range from approximately 20-200 Hz. Yet subwoofers move sound through air, not ideal for direct integration.

However, there already is a type of bass producer called tractile transducers (or bass shakers). Moving masses instead of air, that shake your body directly, providing the best way to integrate this type of healing.

But why stop at healing?


People love concerts for the chest thumping beats that echo reverberate straight through your heart and body.

Most people simply love a good song, but then there’s audiophiles, like myself, who trek miles, pick over every detail, and spend thousands to make sure our cars and headphones produce the cleanest, brightest, best sound possible.

Competing Wearable Subwoofers - Subpac

Wearable subwoofers have already hit the market. While well received, they aren’t perfect.

- Expensive ($300)- Heavy (5lbs)- Has to be worn outside of the clothes

Competing Wearable Subwoofers - Basslet

This subwoofer bracelet was one of the most heavily funded projects in Kickstarter history, showing that this technology can be shrunk and consumers will love it.

- 3,720 backers pledged £599,950


- Bass can’t reach past elbow- Low strength/power- Hard to strap on

Competing Wearable Healing Devices

FDA approved pain blockers are coming on the market as we speak, and technology such as Alpha-Stim have been treating pain, anxiety, depression and insomnia since the 1970’s using the same principles.

The Solution

I propose a line of clothing and accessories to deliver this rhythmic welfare; workout wear with sewn/built in tactile transducers to deliver intimate healing or soul fueling bass lines.

Paired with an app that could deliver pre-loaded frequencies for different uses, this line of clothing would mirror the sizing and materials of compression workout clothes to eliminate as much “wiggle-room” between the bass components and the skin.


Providing the ability to take healing, and high quality bass lines everywhere you go, this kind of dual integration knows no technological bounds.

The bass units would be connected through either bluetooth (for healing) and/or an aux port to be used with headphones, cars, or speakers.

Prototypes:- The Mi Vest and the Mi+ Vest - Chest strap- Messenger style amulet- Socks


Mi Vest Three Speakers; main unit following the contour of the breasts, but directly on top of the lungs and heart, and one unit under each armpit running down flat along the ribs.

Mi+ VestSame as the Mi vest but with two more speaker units placed under the ribs and reaching along the lower abdomen above the hip bones.

PrototypesChest StrapA single speaker unit wrapping around the chest (like a heart rate monitor) that clips in the back.

The Messenger AmuletA single unit (larger than the chest strap) in the center of the chest and over the heart attached by a crossing shoulder strap.

SocksA strip running up along the inside the leg from the ankle to mid or lower calf.

Technology Specifications

- Wireless Receiver - Headphones/aux plug into a connecter, which in turn plugs into the streaming device (or bluetooth capability for healing only)

- Wireless Charging- Main battery charged with hanger and/or radiating box that transmits to the hanger or the clothes/accessories themself.

- Speakers - Separate the speaker units into blocks or smaller pieces to allow flexibility to movement and body

- Control Center (volume and on/off) - for the Mi Vests, place in collar to avoid the necessity of retraining market; people used to adjusting volume from headphones.

Potential Future Technology Specifications

- Material - Make the threads of the vest fabric nanowires that can act as a battery so no central unit battery unit is needed.

- Physical Scales - Allow communication between separate device (Mi+ Vest and socks) to make your body into a physical scale; keep the upper chest units playing bass, but make the lower abdomen section play the midranges, and the socks the treble.

- App integration with Spotify’s running playlists, designed to match running pace with music (smart metronome).

Industry Viability

A product able to combine music and healing has huge market potential. Average Americans will spend anywhere between $100 to $400 on a single pair of over the ear headphones while alternative medicine is reaching new highs in reach and credibility.

The Potential

- The average American will spend $3,600+ annually for TV’s, radios, and sound equipment; $68 billion total (1).

- Americans spent more than $30 billion in 2012 for treatments ranging from acupuncture to homeopathy; 59 million Americans paid for an average of $500 per person (2).

(1) Beauru of Labor Statistics - NBC News -

Target Market

Combining the the markets for new-age, non-invasive healing and speaker heads, these clothes and accessories can be easily used by and for, but not limited to

- Young people and adults age 14-65- Music lovers- Athletes - Military personnel- Doctors and nurse practitioners- Post-surgical care - Alternative medicine practitioners and users

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

- Nikola Tesla