Healing Through Awareness and Recall Gilbert Renaud, N.D., Ph.D.

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Transcript of Healing Through Awareness and Recall Gilbert Renaud, N.D., Ph.D.

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  • Healing Through Awareness and Recall Gilbert Renaud, N.D., Ph.D.
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  • Recall Healing In Recall Healing a person is asked the right question(s) to cause a buried emotion and an associated belief or decision to come into awareness enough to be resolved, which often results in the resolution of an associated physical or psychological illness. The creation of Recall Healing was inspired by the work of Karl G. Jung, Ryke Geerd Hamer, Claude Sabbah, Bertrand Lemieux and many others, including myself Gilbert Renaud. As we continue to learn and discover, this body of knowledge will continue to grow. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Disclaimer In Recall Healing, the facilitator works on the emotional and/or psychological trauma behind conditions and behaviors. The Recall Healing facilitator does not make any diagnosis and never interferes with any medical protocol. The client remains at all time under the care of his Professional Health Care Practitioner. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Objectives To bring to the attendees an understanding of the magnitude of hidden emotions and associated decisions upon the disease process. To share a quick synthesis of the process of how to identify the psychological/emotional trauma using the Life Time Line, the Project//Purpose and the Family Tree. To demonstrate how helping a challenged client become aware of their hidden emotions and decisions can optimize & support healing not otherwise expected; in combination with a Letting Go Process! www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Overview What is Recall Healing? A process of awareness: understanding why I am ill. Ways We Get Sick Pyramid of Health Disease Development Sudden Emotional Shock Healing Process Discovering the Conflict Resolving the Conflict Facilitating Healing www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Recall Healing Emotional conflict if overwhelming and unresolved: can trigger disease Recall healing: identifies the emotional conflict and initiates a healing response Disease is not the enemy Brains perceived best solution at that moment to keep the person alive as long as possible. Ryke Geerd Hamer German New Medicine 1979 to Present Thousand of cases Claude Sabbah Total Biology 1968 to Present Thousand of cases (practitioners) www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Awareness Contributes to Healing Putting Awareness into Action = Wisdom Its not what we are aware of that counts; its what we do with our awareness. And then: Letting go! Name it, Claim it and Dump it! Awareness is the camera in Dr Quantum, The double slit experiment. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Karl G. Jung: In order to heal, Three (3) recommendations 1 st : Identifying and resolving the emotional trauma that has initiated the condition (or behavior). 2 nd : Taking the appropriate action. 3 rd : Perseverance & determination. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • 1 st : Identification & resolution of the trauma behind condition This is where Recall Healing works. We use a system to help the client to become aware of the conflicting situation that has brought the condition as a survival response from the brain. This is the goal of this presentation. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • 2 nd : The appropriate action For the Recall Healing facilitator: the client remains at all time under the supervision of his Health Care Professional who makes the diagnosis, who monitors the evolution of the situation, who recommends the right medical protocol, treatments, etc. Here we include: Diet (appropriate food), exercises (tonifying exercises, yoga, tai chi, breathing, etc), complementary therapies, meditation, etc www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • 3 rd : Perseverance To Keep going with the right action & protocol: Most people have an illness as the result of years of life patterns. Quite often they expect to be healed by their therapist. They wish to heal after one session, one week of therapy, etc It is with the transformation of our perception and the way we live & experience life that we can improve our physical condition with perseverance & determination. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Karl Jung What does not come back to our awareness, comes back as a destiny. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Explanation: Each level Dr Hamers The Bus The Child www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D. :Mind & Consciousness
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  • 3 Levels of the Rocket (Pyramid) TOP LEVEL: THE PSYCHE/THE MIND/CONSCIOUSNESS Mind, Thoughts, Feelings, Beliefs, Religion, Education, Conditioning, etc. The Mind: resolves the daily life problems with the resources that have been recorded (Life Story, P//P, Family Clan). MIDDLE LEVEL: THE AUTOMATIC BRAIN Our brain is the control tower of the body. Each part of the body is run by a corresponding part of the brain including the brain itself, which runs itself. Its function is to keep us alive for the following instant. It is like a very powerful computer and it is programmed exclusively in terms of biological survival. LOWER LEVEL: THE PHYSICAL BODY We are an agglomeration of about 70 to 80 thousand billion specialized cells, each working for the benefit of the whole. For instance, the cells of the digestive system digest food and feed themselves with the resulting nutrients but also feed all the other cells of the body. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • When the nerve is involved This means: It precedes the action The action did not happen yet Pathologies which involve the nerves are based on: Anticipation Apprehension Fear of what is going to happen. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • When the organ/muscle is involved This means: The action is happening now The action has happened Pathologies which involve organs/muscles are based on: Remorse Regrets Shame ..for what I am doing or for what I have done.. ..for what is/was done to me and/or to someone I care for www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Examples E XAMPLE 1: THE MOTHER WHO WORRIES FOR HER CHILD EXAMPLE 2: A MAN WHO CARES FOR HIS DYING FRIEND. EXAMPLE 3: T HE V ICTIM O F A N I NSULT E XAMPLE 4: WOMAN ALMOST BLIND BECAUSE OF A STENOSIS OF THE OPTICAL NERVE ( M & P ) Conclusion: For the brain, disease is a way to cope with the reality of life, it is an adaptation. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Quote from Dr Sabbah In the world of creatures - human, animal, plant, mineral, etc. - everything is programmed in a survival mode. So every biological modification (disease, health, etc.) has a great meaning. Claude Sabbah We may be embarrassed because of a disease, but: for nature, this is (at the first moment of the disease) a winning program (a gain for survival). Disease is not a fault but an adaptation (it belongs to the therapist to demonstrate and prove it to the client). www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • WAYS WE GET SICK When the daily life conflicts arise, we are machines to elaborate solutions. Sometimes we fail to apply a solution. A conflict becomes biological (disease in the body) in two possible situations: 1. Through sudden, enormous shock, trauma or stress 2. A continuous, ongoing high psychological stress www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • For the autonomic brain: As If = It Is Death by inadvertence Death by exhaustion www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Hamers Major Discoveries Two phases of diseases Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS) Emotional Conflict DHS Causes Specific Predictable Hamer Brain Focus Hamer Brain Focus Immediately Manifests as a Specific Predictable Disease Examples Dr. Hamer Testicular Cancer Bronchial Lung Cancer: Supermans wife Yoga teacher www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • DHS Dirk Hamer Syndrome (Deep High Stress) DHS is a highly, acute-dramatic psychobiological condition of intensive stress [sympathicotonia], where releasing action and verbalization (deep negative feeling) are inhibited. The Shock is: Dramatic (devastated & overwhelmed: we cant take any action). It can be an intensive shock or a repetitive stress that occurs over a long period of time. Unexpected (mostly), we are surprised and defenceless. Isolating experience: we wish to talk about it but we are in fear, nobody is reliable, e.g. we cant talk about it at the moment of the shock. In an obsessive state of mind: day and night, 24/7, non-stop, the conflict spins in our mind, we look for an issue and there is any. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Hamer Focus (Herd) See the following examples www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Brain Focus For Larynx Cancer www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • 60 y/o woman Larynx Cancer Heavy smoker since 15 y/o. She was promised cancer one day So when the diagnosis came she concluded about smoking & everybody around her agreed. Recommended treatment: radiation. Conflict behind larynx cancer: feminine fear. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Her quick story for Larynx Daughters baby: August 2007 Girls friends baby: August 2007 Both Grandmothers took care of their grand-daughters since both mothers went back to work in November 2007 (Nurses in Montreal, Qc, Canada). February 2008: the other baby died from cribs death baby while the Grandmother took care of her. My client is told: Yes, this can happen until your grandchild is 1 y/o. So for the next 6 months, she is scared to death. August 2008: Happy 1 st Anniversary. The stress level goes down. Larynx cancer appears as a recovery phase from these 6 months of intensive stress. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • 48 y/o man: Glioblastoma, area of the larynx Therapy work with his psychologist. Uncovered trauma with father when young. Day after: diagnosed with brain tumor. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Felt Experience: the deep feeling Each person experiences an event depending upon their previous programming Example: Man walks in on wife in bed with another man Here are some possibilities: Macho, Loss of Territory Heart Attack Guilty & Devaluation Depression I cant mark my territory Bladder What will people say about me in my family?, such being a fool Bronchial I should never have returned/Feeling like crap & I thought I was #1 Multiple Sclerosis I will never forgive her/ It was like walking in a shitty situation Colon Feeling hurt and soiled in my Integrity Melanoma Solution: You too darling? www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Diagnosis/Prognosis Conflict Often when a person receives a bad diagnosis or prognosis a new emotional conflict can develop. It is said that the conflict of the diagnosis it the worse conflict at the surface of the planet; it is responsible for 90% of the diseases and 99% of aggravation. Example: Chinese woman with double breast cancer. Multiple Sclerosis. Colon Cancer metastasizes to lung. Breast Cancer : the fear to get it, to be a statistic. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Recall Healing Tools The primary objective of Recall Healing is to expose hidden emotions that negatively affect a person, often leading to disease, and then to resolve these emotions. We have discovered a number of tools which help us to know where to look. These include: Specific Emotion/Disease Relationship Project//Purpose or Programmed Purpose Repetitive Life Cycles Generational Syndrome Fundamental to each listed tool is finding the emotional event(s) that predisposes to a disease - much like digging for gold in a large uncharted territory. The above listed tools help predict where to dig first for causative emotional event(s). www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Explanation: Each level Dr Hamers The Bus The Child www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D. :Mind & Consciousness
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  • Dr. Mark Frechets 1 st Biological Principle The psychological and emotional overwhelming conflicts of the parents become the biological conflicts of the child. Dear Parents: No guilt, no blame, no victim www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Time October 2010 www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Child with incurable eczema For a year the parents have gone through the Canadian medical system which is mostly free and then they have spent $20,000 in various alternative medical modalities: nothing worked. They met Carolyn Dean MD who just attended a Recall Healing workshop. Dr Dean made the parents talk about what happened during the Project//Purpose. A disagreement between Dad and Mom about finance which created a sense of feeling separated for the mother. Five days after the session with Dr Dean... www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • With permission of the mother www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Repetitive Life Cycles Definition The inherent tendency of an individual to repetitively experience similar events that cause similar emotions and decisions throughout their life at predictable intervals. Here is the story of Marc Frechet Cycle of Autonomy Cycle divided by 2 www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • The 60 y/o Japanese woman Chronic lower back pain since 58 y/o The lower back is mainly connected to: financial worries, worries for children, feeling the pillar, sexual performance. All the conflicts have a connection with feeling not supported by the mother (when young). 4 y/o 8 y/o 18 y/o 58 y/o 60 y/o ______|_______|____________|_________________|____|_ Question? What did happen on the golf court? She played with 3 other women who were jealous of her which had awaken the memory of her childhood. The lower back pain went away within minutes upon verbalization and awareness. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D. Leaving the father. Back to Japan, living with Grandmother The mother died. She is raised by Grandmother until 18 y/o While living with Grandma: gossips and jealousy from relatives. Lacking the support of the mother. Apparently hurt her lower back while playing golf at 58
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  • Questions and Answers www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D. Cycle of autonomy Marc Frechet
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  • Cycle of Autonomy Some other examples 1. The woman psycho-analyst with depression 2. The dancer with breast cancer 3. The air pilot with lung (pleura) mesothelioma www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia I fail to protect the people I love...within my clan Story 18y6m 21y1m 42y2m 84y4m 86y11m _______|___|____________|___________|___|________|____ his brother Forced Chinese Culture Shock Wife is missing * Final got married to leave home Revolution with Family for 3 hours He is sent to be reformed SAME Cant protect my family www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • The study of the Family Tree: research for the Invisible Family Loyalties According to research, the Family Tree Syndrome is the predictable emotional/illness pattern in the conception order matrix (magic square) in each preceding generation for at least three generations. Conception Order Matrix www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Boy: Raped & beaten by teacher at 14 y/o Boy: Born healthy, develops Osteosarcoma above right ankle at 14 y/o
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  • Case of Osteosarcoma Brother #6 - Rape and beaten by a teacher at 14 y/o Brother #15 - Diagnosed with Osteosarcoma at 14 y/o Osteosarcoma means: To provide structure and support That was the exact feeling experienced by the mother during the P//P of #15 which: I feel so bad for not providing protection & support to my child. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Tourette Syndrome 21 y/o man: Tourette started at 6 y/o What did happen? The squirrel At 6 months of the pregnancy 43 y/o man: Tourette since 28 y/o What did happen? Near drowning exp. During pregnancy the mother lost her brother. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Child born with ventricular septal defect 8/2013 Conflict: To enhance the communication between two men within the family clan. During P//P, the mother of the baby suffered a great deal of the harsh communication between her father and her husband. Solution of the brain: the baby is born with VSD. 3 months after the diagnosis of the baby, the Grandfather died. 3 months later, the child healed completely. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • 17 y/o
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  • 45y/o USA woman: Stage IV Lung Cancer Despite 2 apparent good Recall Healing sessions, she did not improve: She is a #2 Her mother is a lonely child #1 Her grandmother is a #1 This research helped her to discover that she had a great-auntie #2 like her, who died at 45y/o from lung cancer. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D. From the moment you explore your family tree you become an observer. The observer quite often change the result of the experiment.
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  • On Youtube (for French speakers) Clip with Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger, the author of The Ancestor Syndrome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUCtOuQ0i6k www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Quote from 1930s Our diseases are an expression of the daily life conflicts that we experience in our secret mind and being. Conflicts for which we cant elaborate a solution... www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • the core of the emotional work Understanding why I am ill: What is the story behind my disease? What is the message of my disease? I am not a statistic! Healing is to empower oneself... www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Some examples www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • The neophyte mountain biker Up the Hill Enjoying the View: beautiful city The way down and the threat of death The steep hill The threat of death The wrong direction The powerlessness Complete annihilation: this is the end The bicycle trip to Europe: 4 hours before leaving... Exhausted from exhausted... www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • The lover stuck in the stairs 45 y/o woman, CFS for the last 10 years She lives in 18 th floor of an apartment complex of 30 levels... She has many friends in the building, they visit each others using elevators and stairs She has long ago decided to remain single and to dedicate her life to her mission Until when? It is her 35 th birthday anniversary: 20 people are around a table to celebrate this event. Among them, a man....so handsome, so kind...and then she started to dream...She dreamt about that during the whole party, until the party was over... Comment on her P//P: Renovation of the house during the summer (lived in a tent). A programming conflict: When she is an 8 y/o girl, her brother will die while driving the tractor on the farm on a icy hill... www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (cont) To lose ones way (getting lost). To feel far from ones flock (family, friends, association, religious or spiritual group, etc.) The adrenocortical glands produce a natural cortisone: cortisol. Cortisol: the hormone of action! Question to ask to someone who has CFS: What are you going to do tomorrow? Goals Objectives Projects www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Prostate Cancer Biological meaning: The prostate contains a natural antiseptic which cleanses the passage of the genital ducts felt to be unclean. The prostate is the orchestra conductor of sexuality and enables an older man to recommence procreation when necessary. Endoderm tissue. 1- Core Conflict of the Grandfather: this is a conflict related to worries about ones descendants. It is often associated with children or grandchildren or the equivalent. Example: a 60y/o father witnesses his 35y/o son... 2- Core conflict of Semi-sexual, unclean or abnormal; conflicting sexuality the way I feel about my sexuality and so.... Example: an aging man in order to have erection... 3- Being a misfit in my couple: We are not a good match. 4- Core conflict of having been dumped by a woman in a very bad manner. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Each Persons Reality As If = It Is Examples Real Virtual Imaginary Symbolic Expectations www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Conflicts for Breast Cancer Breast Adenocarcinoma Conflict: Drama in the Home Nest Breast Intraductal Carcinoma Conflict: Separation in the Home Nest www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Breast Cancer Some examples www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Pancreatic Cancer Story and one type of conflict 28 y/o woman Another type of conflict for Pancreatic Cancer: 62 y/o woman www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Resolving the Conflict Practical Solution : elimination of the threat Solution of the mind : Transcending solution...to rise above.... Recognize Disease Realize the Connection Between Emotional Conflict and Disease Recall the Emotion Felt and the Beliefs/Decisions Made Release Old Emotions Replace Old Beliefs/Decisions with New Beliefs/Decisions Recover Health (Physical/Psychological) Two phases of disease ConflictActive Phase The Healing (Repair) Phase www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Letting Go It is through letting go that we heal some emotional wounds Healing is beyond forgiveness. Forgiveness is always an important step within the healing process. Notion between Forgive Forget False Pardon www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • The HoOponopono - 100% responsibility Take the blame in your secret mind Recommendation On a meditation mode: visit every organ and every part of your body; and say this to your body cells. To whatever is going on in me that is causing me to experience this situation (stress, fight, disagreement, sadness, rage, impatience, grudge, etc...): 1. Im sorry! 2. Please forgive me 3. I love you! 4. Thank You! Say this at least 3x/day, during 7 days or until you come at peace with the person within yourself. You can repeat this affirmation as often as you want. It brings peace deep down which contributes to healing. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • My heart is full of love and understanding Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your left hand; and say this: My heart is full of love and understanding. 10 times _____s heart is full of love and understanding. 10 times Name the person Say this until you come at peace within yourself with the person. Your brain has just the body that it controls to download the fruit of forgiveness. You are then the winner! www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Who are the Recall Healing clients? Clients with illnesses: 40% are referred by Health Care Professionals 10% have heard about it Clients come as preventive work: This represents 50% www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • What is the efficiency? It is a work in progress, not a miracle solution: The first goal of Recall Healing is to understand why I am ill which is reached in 90% of the cases. % of healing: completely, partially, very little. % of inefficiency: mainly when they come very late. Comment from many doctors: what did you do? Attitude, improvement, medication works better, etc... www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • When ineffective, what to explore? There are many other possibilities. After studying the Family Tree, the Project//Purpose and the Life Time Line... We explore all possible secondary conflicts such: Cf diagnosis (belief of the client) Impact of the entourage (family & friends) Depression (guilt & devaluation) Secondary interest to remain ill Absence of future: the brain allows healing when there is a purpose www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Research Prepared by Michelle LaMasa-Schrader Evidence based medicine lends to the credibility of a modality. Despite the success experienced in utilizing this modality to enable individuals an opportunity to understand the cause of their illnesses, there have been no scientific studies empirically investigating the efficacy of this modality. Evidence is beginning to surface which correlates to the many areas that pertain to Recall Healing. The following is a short explanation and a reference list of the scientific studies that offer preliminary empirical evidence for the different aspects of Recall Healing. Further investigation is warranted that specifically highlights the use of Recall Healing as an adjunctive therapy in enabling individuals an opportunity to understand and potentially heal of physical manifestations. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Narrative Research indicates positive health benefits when individuals are able to form and give expression through telling ones story. The following articles illustrate empirical evidence for utilizing the narrative in processing and reframing traumatic experiences. Blanton, P. (2007). Adding silence to stories: Narrative therapy and contemplation. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 29(4), 211-221. doi:10.1007/s10591-007-9047-x Chung, C.K. & Pennebaker, J.W. (2008). Revealing dimensions of thinking in open-ended self-descriptions: An automated meaning extraction method for natural language. Journal of Research in Personality, 46, 96-132. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Davison, K.P, Pennebaker, J.W., & Dickerson, S.S. (2000). Who talks? The social psychology of illness support groups. American Psychologist, 55, 205-217. Goodrich, T. J., Irving, C. A., & Boccher-Lattimore, D. (2005). Narrative ethics as collaboration: A four-session curriculum. Families, Systems, & Health, 23(3), 348-357. doi:10.1037/1091-7527.23.3.348 Gortner, E.M., & Pennebaker, J.W. (2003). The archival anatomy of a disaster: Media coverage and community-wide health effects of the Texas A&M Bonfire Tragedy. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 22, 580-603. Graybeal, A., Sexton, J.D., & Pennebaker, J.W. (2002). The role of story-making in disclosure writing: The psychometrics of narrative. Psychology and Health, 17, 571-581. Kalitzkus, V., & Mattiessen, P. F. (2009). Narrative-based medicine: Potential, pitfalls, and practice. The Permanente Journal, 13(1), 81-85. Pennebaker, J.W., & Seagal, J. (1999). Forming a story: The health benefits of narrative. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(10), 1243-1254. Pennebaker, J.W. (1999). Psychological factors influencing the reporting of physical symptoms. In A.A. Stone, J.S. Turkkan, C.A. Bachrach, J.B. Jobe, H.S. Kurtzman, and V.S. Cain (Eds), The science of self-report: Implications for research and practice (pp 299-316). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Publishers. Pennebaker, J.W. (1997). Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotion. New York: Guilford Press. Pennebaker, J.W. (1997). Writing about emotional experiences as a therapeutic process. Psychological Science, 8, 162-166. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Pennebaker, J.W. (1982). The psychology of physical symptoms. New York: Springer-Verlag. Percy, I. (2008). Awareness and authoring: the idea of self in mindfulness and narrative therapy. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counseling, 10(4), 355-367. doi: 10.1018/13642530803577109 Phipps, W. D., & Vorster, C. (2009). Narrative therapy: A return to the intrapsychic perspective?. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 22(2), 128-147. doi:10.1080/08975353.2011.578036 Ruf, M., Schauer, M., Neuner, F., Catani, C., Shauer, E., & Elbert, T. (2010). Narrative exposure therapy for 7 to 16 year-olds: A randomized controlled trial with traumatized refugee children. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23(4), 437-445. doi: 10/1002/jts/20548 www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Project//Purpose Programmed//Purpose Project purpose refers to the eighteen months before the child is born and the first year of life. Much research illustrates the negative effects of drugs and alcohol on the growing embryo. Empirical evidence is also surfacing that illustrates the lasting impact of the parents emotional traumas for the child. The following is a list of research focusing on the emotional impact for the offspring. Murphy-Paul, A. (2010). Origins: How the nine months before birth shape the rest of your life. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Schwartz S., Dohrenwend B.P., Levav I. (1994). Nongenetic familial transmission of psychiatric disorders? Evidence from children of Holocaust survivors. Journal of Health Social Behavior, (35), 385402. Solomon, Z., Kotler, M., Mikulincer, M. (1998). Combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder among second-generation Holocaust survivors: preliminary findings. American Journal of Psychiatry, (145), 865868. Welle-Strand, G. Skurtviet, S. Jones, H., Waal, H., Bakstad, B.Rvandal, E. (2012). Neonatal outcomes following in utero exposure to methadone or buprenorphine: A national cohort study of opioid-agonist treatment of pregnant women in Norway. Drug and Alcohol Depend. (PubMed). Yehuda, R., Schmeidler J., Giller, E.L., Siever, L.J., Binder-Brynes, K. (1998). Relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder characteristics of Holocaust survivors and their adult offspring. American Journal of Psychiatry, (155), 841843. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Brain as the Origin for Physiological Responses According to Hamer (2000), when an individual acquires a disease, it is a biological response between the part of the brain that controls the organ, and the diseased organ itself; it is a specific program illustrated through a specific biological conflict. Recent research has surfaced illustrating the brain modulating tumorigenesis. Mravec, B., Gidron, Y., & Hulin, I. (2008). Neurobiology of cancer: Interactions between nervous, endocrine and immune systems as a base for monitoring and modulating the tumorigenesis by the brain. Seminars in Cancer Biology Review, 15-163. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Felt Experience and Physiological Expression A large area of focus for current research surrounds the topic pertaining to the felt experience of the individual and gene expression. The following studies illustrate current research. Ader, R. (1995). Historical perspectives on psychoneuroimmunology. In H. Friedman, T. W. Klein & A. OL. Friedman (Eds.), Psychoneuroimmunology, stress and infection (pp. 1-21). Boca Rotan: CRC Press. Ader, R. (1980). Psychosomatic and psychoimmunologic research. Psychosomatic Medicine, 42 (3), 307-321. Danner, D. D., Snowdon, D. A., & Friesen, W. V. (2001). Positive emotions in early life and longevity: Findings from the nun study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80 (5). 804- 813. Dickerson, S. S., Kemeny, M. E., Aziz, N., Kim, K. H., & Fahey, J. L. (2004). Immunological effects of shame and guilt. Psychosomatic Medicine, 66, 124-131. Glaser, R., Kennedy, S., Lafuse, W., Bonneau, R., Speicher, C., Hillhouse, J., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. (1990). Psychological stress-induced modulation of interleukin 2 receptor gene expression and interleukin 2 production in peripheral blood leukocytes. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47, 707- 712. Glaser, R., Lafuse, W., Bonneau, R., Atkinson, C., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. (1993). Stress-associated modulation of proto-oncogene expression in human peripheral blood leukocytes. Behavioral Neuroscience, 107, 525-529. Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., & Glaser, R. (1995). Psychoneuroimmunology and health consequences: Data and shared mechanisms. Psychosomatic Medicine 57, 269-274. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., & Loving, T. J., Stowell, J. R., Malarkey, W. B., Lemeshow, S., Dickinson, S. L., & Glaser, R. (2005). Hostile marital interactions, proinflammatory cytokine production, and wound healing. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, 1377-1384. Kiecolt-Glaser, N., Malarkey,W.B., Chee, M., Newton,T., Cacioppo, J. T., Mao, H., & Glaser, R. (1993). Negative behavior during marital conflict is associated with immunological down-regulation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 55, 395-409. Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., McGuire, L., Robles, T. F., & Glaser, R. (2002) Psychoneuroimmunology: Psychological influences on immune function and health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70 (3), 537-547. Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., McGuire, L., Robles, T. F., & Glaser, R. (2002). Psychoneuroimmunology and psychosomatic medicine: Back to the future. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64, 15-28. Pennebaker J.W., Kiecolt-Glaser R. (1998). Disclosure of traumas and immune function: health implications for psychotherapy. Journal Consulting Clinical Psychology, 56(2): 239- 245. Rossi, E (2007). The Breakout Heuristic: The New Neuroscience of Mirror Neurons, Consciousness and Creativity in Human Relationships: Selected Papers of Ernest Lawrence Rossi. Phoenix, AZ: Rossi, E. (2002). The Psychobiology of Gene Expression: Neuroscience and Neurogenesis in Therapeutic Hypnosis and the Healing Arts. London, Canada: W.W. Norton & Company Skiar, L. S. & Anisman, H. (1981). Stress and cancer. Psychological Bulletin, 89(3), 369- 406. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.89.3.369 www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Diagnosis Conflict According to Hamer, the diagnosis can be equally devastating for the individual as the initial illness. The antithesis of the placebo effect is the nocebo effect. This term refers to the negative symptom induced by the patients negative expectations and/or by a negative suggestion from clinical staff in the absence of any treatment (Huser, Hansen, & Enck, 2012). The following reference is a recent study examining the nocebo effect and results illustrate the preliminary validity of this response. Hauser, W., Hansen, E., & Enck, P. (2012). Nocebo phenomena in medicine: Their relevance in everyday clinical practice. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 109(26), 459-469. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2012.0459 www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Conclusion of the research The research provided in this section illustrates preliminary evidence for the different aspects of Recall Healing. Although none of the studies listed directly examine Recall Healing, they demonstrate potential efficacy in combining the aspects to provide solid scientific research for its use. The list of references is not an exhausted list, but merely an initial response to show the potential efficacy and to justify the need to carry out further studies specifically examining the efficacy in utilizing Recall Healing to support individuals on their healing path. Only evidence-based medicine receives credibility in this society. Recall Healing has helped many people to heal, change perspectives, and to shift patterns. It is important, then, to further validate its potency through further research. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • References for Emotions Affecting Cancer Y Gidron & A Ronson, Psychosocial factors, biological mediators &cancer prognosis: a new look at an old story, Current Opinion in Oncology, 20 (2008): 386-92. J Courtney et al., Stressful life events and the risk of colorectal cancer, Epidemiology, 4 (1993): 407-14 K Lillberg et al., Stressful life events and risk of breast cancer in 10,808 women, a cohort study, Am.Journal of Epidemiology, 157 (2003): 415-23. S Sephton, R Sapolsky, H Kraemer, and D Spiegel, Diurnal cortisol rhythm as a predictor of breast cancer survival, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 92 (2001): 994-1000. L Thornton, B Andersen and W Carson, Immune, endocrine, and behavioral precursors to breast cancer recurrence: a case-control analysis, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 57 (2008):1471-81. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • E Reiche et al., Stress and Depression-induced immune dysfunction: implications for the development and progression of cancer, International Review of Psychiatry, 17 (2005): 515-27. E Reiche et al., Stress, Depression, the Immune system & Cancer, Lancet, 5 (2004): 617-25. ACE study: www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/ACE/ Felitti, V., Anda, R., et al. (1998). Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14, 245-58. Brown DW, Anda RA, Felitti VJ, Edwards VJ, Malarcher AM, Croft JB, Giles WH. Adverse childhood experiences are associated with the risk of lung cancer: a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health 2010; 10: 20-32. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/10/20 26% of cancer survivors exhibited criteria for current or lifetime diagnoses of PTSD: Stukas, A., et al. (1999). PTSD in Heart Transplant Recipients and Their Primary Family Caregivers. Psychosomatics, 40, 212-221. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • De Timary, P., Roy E., Luminet O., Fillee C. & Mikolajczak, M. (2008). Relationship between alexithymia, alexithymia factors and salivary cortisol in men exposed to a social stress test. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33, 1160-1164. Guilbaud, O., Corcos, M., Hjalmarsson, L., Loas, G. & Jeammet, P. (2003). Is there a psychoneuroimmunological pathway between alexithymia and immunity? Immune and physiological correlates of alexithymia. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 57, 292-295. Left-prefrontal brain activity (happy brain) associated with best immunity (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/ pnas.1534743100) Women who believed that they were prone to heart disease were nearly four times as likely to die as women with similar risk factors who didn't hold such fatalistic views (Voelker, Rebecca. "Nocebos Contribute to a Host of Ills" JAMA 275 no. 5 (1996): 345-47 ) D Spiegel et al. Effect of Psychosocial Treatment on Survival of Patients with Metastatic Breast CancerLancet.1989,2:888-91 B Andersen, et al., Distress reduction from a psychological intervention contributes to improved health for cancer patients, Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 21 (2007): 953-61. F Fawzy et al., Malignant Melanoma: Effects of an Early Structured Psychiatric Intervention, Coping and Affective State on Recurrence and Survival 6 Years Later, Archives of General Psychiatry, 50 (1993):681-89. www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
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  • Thank you! You are welcome to attend the Recall Healing workshops, please go to: www.recallhealing.com www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.