Hayward Scout Shop 919 North Main Street Salinas, CA 93906...

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Transcript of Hayward Scout Shop 919 North Main Street Salinas, CA 93906...

September 28, 2013

Dear Scouting Leader, Committee Chair, and Rechartering Coordinator,

I hope you are enjoying a great year of Scouting. Thank you for all you and your fellow leaders are doing to provide a quality program in Scouting to build character and values in our young people who are the face of our future.

Enclosed, please find instructions you will need to perform the annual rechartering process. This is a fundamental and important process each unit must follow in order to provide a quality program for the youth in our communities. By renewing the membership of the youth & adults in your Scouting unit and reviewing the unit’s status with the chartering organization as part of the annual charter renewal process, the youth and adults in your scouting unit will continue as official registered members and enjoy all the benefits of Scouting in 2014.

Please complete the rechartering process as soon as possible. Beginning October 1, you can access the online rechartering system to input and update your youth & adult registration information. After this input is complete, you must print the completed rechartering application and obtain the required signatures on the charter agreement, insurance document and the applications of all new youth or adults. Please turn the rechartering forms in with the appropriate fees to your District Executive or a representative at the Council Service Center any time prior to December 6, 2013 to avoid being late.

As Scouting celebrates 103 years of developing leaders, the organization continues to evolve with the changing needs of society. A few changes to the program have been introduced this year:

• Membership Standards Implementation: Upon approval of the membership standards resolution in May of 2013 by the national BSA board of directors, the BSA began reviewing its policies and guidelines to help ensure a smooth transition to the new policy. A copy of these guidelines is included in this recharter packet.

• Youth & Adult membership fees: On August 29, 2013, the national BSA organization announced an increase in registration fees from $15 to $24 per year for all registered youth and adult leaders effective January 1, 2014. Since you are rechartering for 2014, this means that you need to take into account this increase in the fees you pay for all youth and adults included in your rechartering paperwork. In order to support the delivery of the nation’s foremost youth development program, occasionally it is necessary for the organization to increase its membership fees to offset rising costs and prepare for the future. For those who join after January 1, 2014, the fee will be prorated at $2 per month through December 2014.

• My.Scouting.Org tools: A number of new features have been added and are planned in the my.scouting.org platform enabling unit leaders self-service options to administer updates to unit rosters, training records, print membership cards, training certificates and manage unit organization and communication details including social media. Find out more at http://my.scouting.org

As a reminder, it is mandatory that all registered adults in the Boy Scouts of America, complete Youth Protection Training every 2 years. You will find a list in this packet of any adults currently registered in your unit that either have expired Youth Protection Training, or their Youth Protection training is set to expire by February 28, 2014. Please help us ensure all registered adults are Youth Protection trained. Each person can take the training online at www.my.scouting.org . If you wish to have a class taught for your unit, please contact your District Commissioner or District Executive.

I hope your unit is striving to achieve the bronze, silver or gold level of the Journey to Excellence, Scouting’s quality unit program. Please review the 2013 award form with your committee and submit the form with your charter renewal forms so your unit can be appropriately recognized. The 2014 requirements are included as well so you can review the requirements for next year.

I also hope your unit has taken the opportunity and is participating in the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council Commissioner Challenge Award program which recognizes the units who exceeded the standard Scouting program in 2013 with free cloth rank badges for the all of 2014. We encourage you to submit the enclosed 2013 form with your charter so your unit can receive the free rank cloth badges at the Scout Shop in 2014.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this important rechartering process in a timely manner. And thank you again for all you do in working with our youth and helping them to develop into upstanding adults with character and values.

Yours in Scouting,

Bob Wedig, Council Commissioner

Council Service Center 970 West Julian Street San Jose, CA 95126-2719 O 408.638.8300 F 408.280.5162

Hayward Scout Shop 919 North Main Street Salinas, CA 93906-3912 O 831.287.2020 F 831.422.1816



Registration fees for 2014 are

$24 per youth member

$24 per adult member

$1 accident insurance per member (youth & adult)

Please note that these new fees may not be reflected in the online recharter system. You will need to adjust the amount due after printing your charter to reflect the new fees. (The recharter system will calculate the 2013 rates at $15/member and you will need to adjust your unit payment to reflect $24/member).

Thank you for your attention to this matter


You have everything ready to recharter when you can check off ALL of these boxes:

[ ] Final charter is printed after Stage 5 and includes: [ ] Cover sheet listing all new Leaders and youth members (If there are no new adds, this page will be blank, it is still required.) [ ] Applications must be submitted for all the new leaders and youth listed on this page

[ ] Printed charter with the following signatures [ ] Chartered Organizational Head (Institutional Head “IH”)



[ ] Unit Leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Varsity Scout Coach, Crew Advisor, Sea Scout Skipper) (THIS SIGNATURE SIGNIFIES THAT THE UNIT LEADER HAS SEEN AND VERIFIED THE LIST OF YOUTH MEMBERS)

[ ] Charter Agreement Signed by the Institutional Head (Executive Officer) of the Chartered Organization. This person also signs the front of the roster. Included in your packet, or online at http://www.svmbc.org/svmbc/resources/unit-resources/rechartering/

[ ] New applications for all youth or adults listed on the cover sheet as new members or new leaders. The following items MUST be complete on all ADULT applications:

Proof of completion of Youth Protection training completed after March 1, 2012 Signed consent to conduct a criminal background check (opposite page of adult application).

This MUST be the applicant’s original signature (copies and faxes cannot be accepted) Name, address, birth date, gender, Social Security number

(Phone number(s) and email strongly encouraged for communication) Signature of applicant in lower left corner – this must be the ORIGINAL signature (no copies or faxes accepted) ALL Questions (1-6) answered on right side of the adult leader application Signatures of Unit Committee chair and Chartered Organization Head or Representative Must be ORIGINAL signatures

The following items MUST be complete on all YOUTH applications: Name, address, birth date, grade, gender, ethnic background* For Tiger Cubs: Parent or Adult Partner Name, birthdate, gender, address/phone/email if different from youth Parent Signature or signature of Venture age youth over 18 on lower right. Unit leader signature on lower left.

[ ] Insurance form Signed by Unit Leader and Committee Chair. Included in your packet, or online at http://www.svmbc.org/svmbc/resources/unit-resources/rechartering/ [ ] Fees for registration [ ] $25 per youth - $24 for registration and $1 for member accident insurance [ ] $25 per adult - $24 for registration and $1 for member accident insurance [ ] $12 per Boys' Life subscription (available for any registered youth or adult) [ ] $40 Unit Liability Insurance Fee [ ] Insurance charge will not show on your print out, you will need to add this amount to your total.

[ ] Boys’ Life Your unit is considered 100% Boys’ Life if every youth's household receives at least one copy of the magazine. If a sibling in another unit is receiving Boys’ life, please indicate this near the other sibling’s name on the charter.

[ ] Charter is ON TIME when all above are submitted to the Council BY Dec 6, 2013, 5:00 pm

---------------------------- Optional but strongly encouraged forms to include----------------------- [ ] 2013 Journey to Excellence application (filled out and signed) [ ] Unit Information Sheet [ ] Commissioner Challenge Award application (filled out and signed)

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2014 Rechartering Instructions

This process must be complete by December 6th for your unit to retain its registration and charter status for 2014..1414 Link: http://www.svmbc.org/svmbc/resources/unit-resources/rechartering/ The online recharter system will be available for Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Units on OCTOBER 1, 2013

Be sure to work with your Unit Commissioner. Also on the rechartering page, you will find links to the TUTORIAL, which we suggest you go through BEFORE logging on to process your recharter, as well as downloadable step by step instructions and/or a series of web pages which address the ‘how-to’ as well as the questions we have found to be most common in previous years.

How to get started: Select an adult to be the renewal processor for Internet Rechartering. Please select someone who is familiar with your unit’s youth members and adults.

1. Links & support materials: Any time after October 1, the renewal processor should gather recharter material and log onto Internet Rechartering using the link on the council website. http://www.svmbc.org/svmbc/resources/unit-resources/rechartering/

a. You will need this document with your unit online recharter access code b. All applications that have not yet been submitted and copies of applications that have been submitted after Oct 1. c. A current roster from your unit leader (so you know who to register for next year) d. A listing of who wants to subscribe to Boys’ Life

2. Select First-Time User and enter the unit access code. If you are processing the recharter for more than one unit, you will need to log in and register for each separately using each unit’s access code. (Everyone is a “first time user” even if you were the renewal processor last year)



Select the unit type («UNIT_TYPE») and enter the unit number. («UNIT_NUMBER») – you may need to add leading zeros to make a four-digit number …. So Pack #1 would be entered as PACK 0001

3. Create a password as instructed. Once you have selected a password, please write it down and keep it in a secure location. • If you are processing the recharter for more than one unit, you CAN but do not HAVE TO use the same password

for all. • You can choose to use the information in ScoutNET (the PAS file) or you can use your Unit Management

Software to go through the recharter process and upload the resulting file (upload UMS). • NOTE: if you are using a compatible program to manage your unit, it is HIGHLY SUGGESTED that you go

through the re-charter process in the software, upload the UMS recharter file and go through the steps of reconciling any differences between what you have in your database and what is in PAS. YOUR information is more likely to be current and correct.

4. Complete the information requested on each screen. You can stop at any time, log off the system, and begin again where you left off by reentering your access code and password.

5. When you’ve completed all the information to recharter the unit, click the Submit button. 6. Print the Unit Charter Renewal Report Package, which includes the charter renewal application and lists of new

members, transfers, multiples, and no-fee adults. Print the Charter Agreement form and acquire the signature of the head of your Chartering Organization on this form and on your charter printout. Acquire the appropriate signatures on recharter paperwork and other forms.

7. Turn in your recharter: take the entire packet along with new applications, Charter Agreement, Insurance Agreement, Journey to Excellence report and (optional) Commissioner Challenge award application.

8. Please complete your recharter and electronically submit it to the Council office before December 6, 2013 with appropriate fees. Don’t forget to have your Commissioner look at and sign your paperwork before turning it in.

For more detailed instructions and a FAQ (list of Frequently Asked Questions) available at: http://www.svmbc.org/svmbc/resources/unit-resources/rechartering/

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Reminder: You are not finished until you “submit” at stage 5, print the report and forms the system generates. Please print AND TURN IN all of the pages in the recharter report, collect the necessary signatures and turn the paperwork in with the required fees.

Review and inputs during the process: During the process, you will be given the opportunity to print a hard copy that you can share with the other leaders in your unit for their input. Please do NOT turn this form in with signatures on it. Until you complete stage 5, the information is NOT in the system and your charter cannot be processed.

Registration Fees & Multiple Registration:

You WILL be given the opportunity, at STAGE 4 of the recharter process to mark those in your unit who have paid their registration fee somewhere else in the council and are also active in your unit. This may be your chartered organization representative, if your chartered organization has more than one unit (both a troop and a crew or a pack and a troop). This may be a parent in your unit that is also active in another unit (has a son in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts – parent is active on both committees). Or, this may be a long-time Scouter in your unit that is also active at the council or district level. We call those registrations “multiples”. A multiple registration has no cost for registration to the unit which marks that person multiple – but please be sure everyone has ONE primary paid registration. Please be aware that the ONLY required position which can be multipled within the same unit is the Charter Rep (CR) – the Charter Rep may ALSO be [multiple] registered as Committee Chair or a Member of the Committee. Institutional Head [IH] and Tiger Cub Partner [AP] are no-fee registrations and as such are “wild cards” – a person registering as IH or AP may also be registered in another [fee required] position. ONLY the CR may be registered in another “fee” position within the same unit.

Boys’ Life subscription:

You will also be given the opportunity at stage 4 to mark each person for Boys’ Life subscriptions. You can go backward to a previous stage and make changes and then continue onward. Changes can be made until you finish stage 5.

New youth or adults:

Please do not forget to include application forms for any youth or adult which ScoutNET has identified as a new registrant in your unit. If you have turned the application in previously [for instance, you turned in a youth for registration after you started the recharter process] please be sure to “reload” roster to update information from the ScoutNET system or attach a photocopy of the application. Units do not have to input Social Security Number (SSN) for new adult registration online but forms have to be turned in with SSN along with Background Check Disclosure/Authorization form (attached to application forms).

Youth Protection Training: All adults are required to have Youth Protection Training expiring no sooner than February 28, 2014. Any adult listed on the re-charter at the time it’s submitted who does not have current Youth Protection Training will be dropped from the charter and the charter could be defective especially if this adult is in a required leadership position. Verify the training of every adult listed on the roster provided in your packet. If their Youth Protection Training was taken earlier than March 1, 2012, they will need to renew their youth protection training by the end of this year to be able to be reregistered on the charter. Youth Protection training can be renewed at www.myscouting.org . Y01 is required for leaders in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Varsity Y02 is required for leaders in Venturing and Sea Scouts. Leaders in Venturing and other programs must have both trainings.

Non paid adult positions: Tiger Cub Adult Partners and Institutional Heads will be listed on your charter. These are non-paid positions that do not require an adult application. IF any of these adults are taking on an additional or different role in the unit that is a paid position, they will need to complete an adult application and take Youth Protection Training.

Reset unit’s login:

From the office we can reset your unit information so you can start over or reset your password as long as you have NOT finished stage 5.

We CANNOT reset the information after you “submit” – any changes that need to be made after that point must be made by hand writing in changes on the print out.

1. Attach a photocopy of the application Institutional Head (this is a NO FEE registration) 2. Chartered Organization Representative (who *may* ALSO be either Committee Chair or Committee Member) 3. Committee Chair

Cub Scout Pack Boy Scout Troop/ Varsity Team/Venture Crew/Sea Scout Ship Committee Member (2) Committee Member (2) OR Committee Member (1) AND Pack Trainer OR Committee Member (1) AND Parent Coordinator Cubmaster Scoutmaster/ Varsity Coach/ Venture Crew Advisor/Sea Scout Skipper Den leader OR Webelos den leader OR Tiger Cub den leader

Persons holding NO FEE registrations (such as Institutional Head or Tiger Cub Adult Partner) *may* also hold a paying position listed above.


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______________________________________________ and the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, BSA Name of Organization

Pack Troop Team Crew Ship Number _____________________ The Boy Scouts of America is an educational resource program. It charters community or religious organizations or groups to use Scouting as part of their service to their own members, as well as the community at large. The BSA local council provides the support service necessary to help the chartered organization succeed in its use of the program. The responsibilities of both the BSA local council and the chartered organization are described below.

The chartered organization agrees to: The council agrees to:

• Conduct the Scouting program according to its own

policies and guidelines as well as those of the Boy Scouts of America.

• Include Scouting as part of its overall program for

youth and families. Consider organizing a program to meet the developmental needs for every age level served.

• Appoint a chartered organization representative

who is a member of the organization and will coordinate all unit operations within it. He or she will represent the organization to the Scouting district and serve as a voting member of the local council. (The chartered organization head or chartered organization representative must approve all leader applications and verify that personal references and any previous experience working with youth in other organizations have been checked before submitting the application to the local council.)

• Select a unit committee of parents and members of

the chartered organization (minimum of three) who will screen and select unit leaders who meet the organization’s standards as well as the leadership standards of the BSA. (The committee chair must sign all leadership applications before submitting them to the chartered organization for approval.)

• Provide adequate facilities for the Scouting unit(s)

to meet on a regular schedule with time and place reserved.

• Encourage the unit to participate in outdoor

experiences, which are vital elements of Scouting.

• Respect the aims and objectives of the organization and offer the resources of Scouting to help in meeting those objectives.

• Make available year-round training, service, and

program resources to the organization and its unit(s). • Make available training and support for the chartered

organization representative as the primary communication link between the organization and the BSA.

• Make available techniques and methods for selecting

quality unit leaders. • Provide primary general liability insurance to cover

the chartered organization, its board, officers, chartered organization representative, employees, and volunteers currently registered with Boy Scouts of America. Coverage is provided with respect to claims arising out of an official Scouting activity with the exception that the coverage is excess over any insurance which may be available to the volunteer for loss arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle or watercraft. This insurance is only available while the vehicle or watercraft is in the actual use of a Scouting unit and being used for an official Scouting activity.

The insurance provided unregistered Scouting volunteers through the BSA general liability insurance program is excess over any other insurance the volunteer might have to his or her benefit, usually a homeowner’s, personal liability or auto liability policy.

• Provide camping facilities, a service center, and a

full-time professional staff to assist the organization in every way possible.

Signed:_________________________________ For the chartered organization


For the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, BSA

Executive officer email address: Work or Home




Hayward Scout Shop 919 North Main Street

Salinas, CA 93906 Phone: 831.287.2020

Fax: 831.422.1816

Council Service Center 970 W. Julian Street San Jose, CA 95126 Phone: 408.638.8300 Fax: 408.280.5162 Original: Chartered Organization Copy: Silicon Valley Monterey Bay

CouncilO:\Data\ADMINISTRATION\REGISTRAR\Recharter\2014\Recharter Packet\AnnualCharterAgreementSVMBC.doc

Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council Boy Scouts of America

Unit Accident and Sickness Insurance Application

This form indicates if your unit is choosing to elect accident and sickness insurance coverage for each registered member at $1/person or if your unit is providing coverage

through a separate insurance carrier.

Choose one of the two options, SIGN and return with your recharter or new unit paperwork.

For information regarding the specifics of BSA insurance coverage for volunteers, youth and chartered

organizations, please refer to http://www.svmbc.org/svmbc/resources/unit-resources/rechartering/ and read the document titled Insurance Coverage FAQ

1) Please include our unit in the Unit Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan provided through Health Special Risk.

Pack Troop Team Crew Ship Explorer Post # ___________ # Youth being rechartered: _________________ @ $1.00 each = $ ___________________ # Adults being rechartered: _________________ @ $1.00 each = $ ___________________ (Do not include “multiple” adults – only adults who’s registration is being paid for by this unit for rechartering) Total premium: $___________________

Please note, the amount charged for insurance is not included in your total on the recharter print-out. Please add this amount to your payment. OR 2) Our unit has selected our own insurance carrier for Unit Accident and Sickness Insurance.

LDS Stake: __________________________________________________________

Or Name of carrier: ___________________________________________________________________ Policy #: _______________________________________ Expiration date: _______________________

Insurance Approval for the unit: Unit Leader Signature __________________________________________________ Printed name: __________________________________________________ Committee Chair Signature: _____________________________________________ Printed name: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

SIGN and Return with

Charter paperwork

INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR VOLUNTEERS & CONDUCTING SAFE SCOUTING PROGRAMS All Scouters need to have a basic understanding of the insurance needs and the coverage relating to Scouting activities. It falls into three categories: 1) Accident and Sickness 2) Comprehensive General Liability, 3) Automobile Liability. Listed below are brief outlines of insurance coverage provided by or through the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council. Unit Accident & Sickness Insurance Plan The Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council requires that every unit have a supplemental accident insurance policy. An accident and sickness insurance plan is offered by the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, provided by Health Special Risk. It provides some financial protection for accidental injury and illness for all registered youth, volunteer leaders, seasonal staff; and prospective youth members or leaders who visit. Other guests are not covered. The plan provides year-round coverage while: 1) Participating in any activity approved and supervised by the BSA whether at a unit, district or council level. 2) Traveling to and from such events or activities. 3) At approved Scouting activities outside the council boundaries. There are limitations to this plan. It is not the purpose of this coverage to replace or diminish the need for family health insurance. Rather its purpose is to provide assurance that financial help is available to help meet emergency medical expenses should an injury or illness occur during a Scout activity. There are benefits under this plan for loss of life, dismemberment, loss of sight, dental treatment, and ambulance insurance. Details of the plan are available at the council service center. If you unit elects not to participate in the Council plan, then proof of insurance coverage must be provided at the time of recharter. The cost for this insurance is $1 per registered youth or adult for a full-year (or 50 cents for registration after June 30) and is collected at the time of rechartering. A form is attached to this handout for the unit to complete when submitting your payment. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance This coverage provides protection for the council directors, officers, all Scouting employees, Scouting units, chartered organizations, and volunteer Scouters (whether or not registered) with respect to claims arising in the performance of their duties in Scouting. The council pays an annual premium and each unit pays a $40 unit liability insurance fee. This liability coverage is primary for charter organization, their officers and all registered scout volunteers. There is no coverage for intentional or criminal acts. Because of the high limits, volunteers should NOT be placed in a position where their assets are jeopardized because of a negligence liability claim or lawsuit. Automobile Liability Insurance Every person who drives a car in connection with a Scouting activity MUST meet state minimum requirements of 15,000/30,000/5,000 and should carry a minimum of $50,000/$100,000/$50,000 of automobile liability limits on their vehicle. Any vehicle carrying 10 or more passengers is required to have limits of at least $500,000 combined single limit. The council's automobile liability insurance is excess of the insurance the owner of the auto carries (becomes primary after personal insurance is exhausted), but does protect the owner above his limits for the council's $15,000,000 limit of coverage. This is part of the national comprehensive general liability insurance. Serious Incidents All serious incidents, accidents, sickness or summons served on a volunteer, related to Scouting, must be reported to the Council Service Center immediately. Call (408) 638.8300 and speak with Ron Schoenmehl, Margaret Caldwell, or Jason Stein.

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Leadership Requirements for Trips and Outings:

Two-deep leadership: Two registered adult leaders, or one registered adult and a parent of a participating Scout, one of whom must be at least 21 years of age or older, are required for all trips or outings. There are a few instances, such as patrol activities, when no adult leadership is required. Coed overnight activities require male and female adult leaders, both of whom must be 21 years of age or older, and one of whom must be a registered member of the BSA.

During transportation to and from planned Scout outings: A) Meet for departure at a designated area; B) Prearrange a schedule for periodic checkpoint stops as a group; C) Plan a daily destination point. A common departure site and a daily destination point are a must. If you cannot provide two adults for each vehicle, the minimum required is one adult and two or more youth members—never one on one.

Safety rule of four: No fewer than four individuals (always with the minimum of two adults) go on any backcountry expedition or campout. If an accident occurs, one person stays with the injured, and two go for help. Additional adult leadership requirements must reflect an awareness of such factors as size and skill level of the group, anticipated environmental conditions, and overall degree of challenge.

Male and female leaders must have separate sleeping facilities. Married couples may share the same quarters if appropriate facilities are available. Male and female youth participants will not share the same sleeping facility.

Single-room or dormitory-type accommodations for Scouting units: Adults and youth of the same gender may occupy dormitory or single-room accommodations, provided there is a minimum of two adults and four youth. A minimum of one of the adults is required to be youth-protection trained. Adults must establish separation barriers or privacy zones such as a temporary blanket or sheet walls in order to keep their sleeping area and dressing area separated from the youth area.

When staying in tents, no youth will stay in the tent of an adult other than his or her parent or guardian.

If separate shower and latrine facilities are not available, separate times for male and female use should be scheduled and posted for showers. The buddy system should be used for latrines by having one person wait outside the entrance, or provide Occupied and Unoccupied signs and/or inside door latches. Adult leaders need to respect the privacy of youth members in situations where the youth are changing clothes or taking showers, and intrude only to the extent that health and safety require. Adults also need to protect their own privacy in similar situations.

A Guide to Safe Scouting is a publication of the BSA, to inform our adult leadership of its policies on a broad range of topics. If your unit doesn't have a copy it may obtain one at the Scout shop or through the national web site: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/GSS/toc.aspx Leaders are required to have a copy of this guide as stated on tour plan requirements.

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Meet all the requirements below and your pack, troop, team, ship or crew can receive all cloth rank badges at no cost for all of 2014!

-Pack -Troop -Team -Ship -Crew #__________ -Coyote Creek -Quicksilver -Pioneer -Polaris -Loma Prieta -San Benito -Santa Lucia -Outreach Yes No 1) 2013 Journey to Excellence Award: Our unit has or will meet by December

31, 2013 all 13 (Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts) or 11 (Venturing) objectives in at least the bronze category of the Journey to Excellence Award program.

Date Completed: ___________________ Yes No 2) Scout-O-Rama: Our unit had a booth at Scout-O-Rama. Booth theme: ____________________________________ Yes No 3) Friends of Scouting: Our unit met our 2013 Friends of Scouting goal. Goal: $_______________ Actual: $__________________ Yes No 4) Popcorn and Scout-O-Rama Fundraising Goal: Our unit met our 2013

combined Popcorn and Scout-O-Rama fundraising goal. Popcorn Goal: $________________ Actual: $________________ A dollar goal is established and agreed upon by the unit and the district popcorn sales leadership

Scout-O-Rama: $________________ Actual: $________________ (1 ticket($10)/scout) Goal Total: $________________ Actual Total: $________________ Yes No 5) District or Council Volunteer: At least one member of our unit provided

significant leadership/service to our district or to the council during 2013. Name of unit volunteer: _________________________________ Service to District/Council: ______________________________ Yes No 6) Turned in by December 6. All completed and signed recharter forms and

this Commissioner Challenge form have been turned in and accepted at the Scout office by December 6, 2013. Date Received: ____________________

Based on review of this application: ___ Yes, you have achieved the 2013 Commissioners Challenge Award. ___ No, you have not yet achieved the 2013 Commissioners Challenge Award. Reviewed and approved on this date ___________________ by: ___________________ ________________ _________________ Unit Leader/Committee Chair Unit Commissioner/ District Representative District Executive Explanation of requirements and details for the Commissioner Challenge are found on the second page of this form.

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Free cloth rank badges: Packs, Troops, Teams, and Crews can receive the following badges without charge from the Scout Shop for the next calendar year (January 1 – December 31, 2014) if all the requirements are completed and this form is submitted to the council office by December 6, 2013.

• Cub Scouts – Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light cloth badges, arrowhead points. • Boy Scouts and Varsity – Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle cloth badge, Eagle

recognition kit , merit badges, and Varsity letter. • Venturing – Star, Life, and Eagle cloth badge, Eagle recognition kit, merit badges, Bronze, Gold, and Silver

Award kits. 1) Journey to Excellence Award: The Journey to Excellence Award is a national recognition for units that achieve certain

objectives measuring aspects of a quality program. Throughout the year, the unit works towards fulfilling the requirements and completing the objectives by the end of the year. In order for a unit to earn the Commissioner Challenge award, the unit must meet or exceed the bonze level for all 13 (Cub Scout and Boy Scout units) or 11 (Venturing crews) objectives of the Journey for Excellence. A unit may submit their Journey to Excellence application with their rechartering paperwork as long as it is before December 6th.

2) Scout-O-Rama: Scout-O-Rama is held at History Park in Kelley Park in San Jose. At this event, units have booths showcasing fun, interactive, exciting games, crafts, and projects. When a unit participates in Scout-O-Rama, it gives the scouts of the unit the opportunity to show off what makes their unit special as well as exposing the scouts to the skills of other units and other levels and aspects of scouting.

3) Friends of Scouting: From January to April, families of Scouts and other friends of Scouting are asked to make a donation towards the support of the council. A dollar goal is established and agreed upon by the unit and the district Friends of Scouting leadership. Typically, a presentation is made at a pack meeting or a court of honor to the families of the unit. To satisfy this objective, a unit is asked to meet or exceed their agreed upon goal.

4) Scout-O-Rama and Popcorn Fundraising:

March through May, Scouts sell family admission tickets to Scout-O-Rama. One $10 ticket allows the entire family to enjoy Scout-O-Rama as well as providing a full years worth of coupons. Furthermore, 30% of each ticket sale ($3) stays with the unit. A unit’s goal is calculated to be one ticket for each scout in the unit at the time of the Scout-O-Rama.

In September, units receive a consignment of popcorn for the Scouts to “show and sell” in front of stores and door-to-door. The Scouts also collect orders from friends, neighbors, and others and the “take order” popcorn is delivered to the Scouts for distribution in November. A dollar goal is established and agreed upon by the unit and the district popcorn sales leadership. Approximately 1/3 (33%) of all popcorn sales stay with the unit.

To satisfy this Scout-O-Rama and Popcorn Fundraising objective, a unit must meet the combined fundraising goal of Popcorn sales and Scout-O-Rama tickets. Units do not need to meet each goal individually; only the combined goal must be met.

5) District or Council Volunteer: A district and the council exist for the purpose of building strong units. This is accomplished through district/council volunteers serving as unit commissioners, trainers, camp promotion team members, etc. Some of the district/council opportunities for significant service are short-term while others are year-round. Your district commissioner, program chair, district chair, or district executive can identify opportunities for significant leadership service within the district or council. Even if an individual has multiple unit registrations, one volunteer may only satisfy this objective for one unit.

O:\Data\FIELD OPERATIONS\A- FOR STAFF\RECHARTER\2014\Packet Documents\7Commissioner Challenge 2013 green.doc

Item Number Objective Bronze Level Silver Level Gold Level Bronze

PointsSilver Points

Gold Points

1 Advancement: Increase the percentage of Boy Scouts earning rank advancements.

Have 40% of Boy Scouts advance one

rank or have a 2 percentage points


Have 45% of Boy Scouts advance, or 40%

advance and have a 2 percentage points


Have 50% of Boy Scouts advance, or 45% and have a 2 percentage

points increase.

75 150 300

2 Retention: Improve retention rate.

Retain and re-register 75% of eligible

members, or have a 2 percentage points


Retain and re-register 80% of members, or retain and re-register

75% and have a 2 percentage points


Retain and re-register 85% of members, or retain and re-register

80% and have a 2 percentage points


75 150 300

3Building Boy Scouting: Have an increase in membership or be larger than the average size troop.

Have a net gain of one member over last year,

or have at least 15 members.

Increase youth members by 5% or have at least

25 members.

Increase youth members by 10% or have at least

35 members with an increase over last year.

75 150 300

4 Trained leadership: Have a trained and engaged troop committee.

Have a Scoutmaster, an assistant SM, and a

committee with at least three members.

Bronze level, plus the Scoutmaster and 60% of

assistants have completed Leader

Specific Training, or if new complete within

three months of joining.

Silver level, plus 2/3 of active committee

members must have completed Troop

Committee Challenge.

75 150 300

5 Short-term camping: The troop conducts short-term or weekend campouts throughout the year.

Conduct four short-term overnight campouts.

Conduct seven short-term overnight


Conduct nine short-term overnight campouts. 50 100 200

6 Long-term camping: The troop participates in a long-term camp.

The troop participates in a long-term camp.

60% of Scouts attend a long-term camp.

70% of Scouts attend a long-term camp. 50 100 200

7 Patrol method: The troop uses the patrol method.

The troop has patrols, and each has a patrol

leader. There is an SPL if more than one patrol. The PLC meets at least four times a year. The

troop holds patrol leader training.

PLC meets at least six times a year, including

an annual planning meeting.

PLC meets at least ten times a year, including

an annual planning meeting, and one Scout

attends NYLT.

50 100 200


Service projects: The troop participates in service projects, with one benefitting your chartering organization. The projects and hours are entered on the Journey to Excellence website.

Participate in four service projects.

Participate in five service projects.

Participate in six service projects. 50 100 200

9 Webelos-to-Scout transition: Have a Webelos-to-Scout transition plan.

With a pack or Webelos den, hold two joint

activities, one of which is a Webelos parent orientation and camp promotion meeting.

Earn the Bronze level, plus recruit two Webelos


Earn the Bronze level, plus recruit five Webelos

Scouts.50 100 200

10Budget: The troop has a budget that is continually reviewed by the committee and follows BSA policies relating to fundraising and fiscal management.

Have a written budget reviewed at committee

meetings and that follows BSA policies.

Earn the Bronze level, plus Scouts participate in

the budget planning process.

Earn the Silver level, plus budget is completed before the next program


25 50 100

11 Courts of honor/parents meetings: Scouts are recognized for their badges at courts of honor.

Scouts are recognized for badges or cards at least twice a year at

courts of honor, where troop plans are reviewed

with parents.

Three courts of honor are held with families


Four courts of honor are held with families

attending.25 50 100

12 Fitness: Troop meetings and activities include physical fitness components

Introduce the SCOUTStrong program

in the troop.

Bronze plus the troop promotes and

coordinates group fitness activities.

Silver plus the troop holds an ongoing fitness

competition where members can track their


50 100 200

13 Reregister on-time

Complete charter reregistration, obtain all signatures, and submit

paperwork to the council office or your

commissioner prior to the expiration of your


Meet the Bronze level, plus email addresses are provided for all parents of youth members and registered adults who

have one.

Meet the Silver level, plus promote the new Unit Tools software program accessed

through your MyScouting account.

25 50 100

Points ________ ________ ________Bronze: Earn at least 700 points by earning points in at least 11 objectives.Silver: Earn at least 1,000 points by earning points in at least 11 objectives. Total points ________Gold: Earn at least 1,600 points by earning points in at least 11 objectives.

We certify on our honor as Scout leaders that these requirements have been completed.

Scoutmaster ______________________________________ Committee chair _______________________________________

Commissioner _____________________________________ Chartered Org. Rep. ____________________________________

Level achieved _______________ Did not achieve _____ Date ______________

This form should be turned in to the Scout service center or your unit commissioner with your charter renewal paperwork.

TROOP ________ of _________________________ District2013 Scouting's Journey to Excellence


Revised 5/13/13 513-106

1Total number of Boy Scouts advancing at least one rank (Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, Eagle) since your last charter renewal date (A), divided by the number of boys you started your charter renewal year with (B1) plus all new boys who joined or transferred into the troop at any time during the current year (B2). Advancement = A / (B1 + B2).

2 Number of youth members on this year’s recharter (C) divided by the number of youth members on last year’s recharter (D) plus any additional youth members (E) minus any transfer outs or age outs (F). Total = (C) / (D+E-F).

3 At charter renewal time, have an increase in the number of youth members over the number of youth members on the previous year's charter renewal.

4Have a SM, an ASM and a troop committee with at least 3 members. SM and 2/3 or the ASM's (paid or multiple registration) have completed leader specific training or, if new leaders, complete within three months of joining. 2/3 of active committee members have completed Troop Committee Challenge.

5 Conduct short-term (at least one overnight) campouts throughout the year.

6 Boy Scouts attend any in-council or out-of-council long-term summer camp (of at least five nights), high-adventure experience, jamboree, or serve on camp staff within the past year, divided by the Boy Scout membership on 6/30/2013.

7The troop is separated into patrols and each patrol has an elected patrol leader. If the troop has more than one patrol, there is an elected senior patrol leader. If the troop has more than one patrol, the PLC meets at least four time each year. The troop holds patrol leader training each year.

8 The troop participates in at least four service projects during the year and enters them on the Journey to Excellence website. The projects may be completed as joint projects with other organizations. At least one project must benefit the chartered organization.

9 Hold at least two activities with a pack or Webelos den, one of which is a new parent orientation and camp promotion meeting, and recruit new Webelos Scouts into the troop.

10The troop has a written budget that is reviewed at all troop committee meetings, and the troop follows BSA policies relating to fundraising and fiscal management as found on the Unit Money-Earning Application form, the troop treasurer's book, and any other publication that the council has developed for fundraising and fiscal management.

11 The troop holds at least two courts of honor, where parents are invited and Scouts are recognized for badges. The troop's program plans are reviewed with the parents.

12 The troop meetings have activities that include a physical fitness component. This is ongoing and members can track their performance. The troop is introduced to the SCOUTStrong PALA award by going to www.scouting.org/SCOUTStrongPALA.

13Complete the troop's charter renewal paperwork, including all required signatures, and submit completed forms to the council service center or your commissioner before the end of the charter year. Provide all email addresses for parents and registered adults on charter renewal forms and promote the new "Unit Tools" software accessed through your MyScouting account.


Troops with a charter renewal date in any month from October 2013 to September 2014

Journey to Excellence changes the basic way we measure and recognize success in the Boy Scouts of America by moving away from measuring process and moving to measuring performance. Below provides specific information to help you understand the criteria and exactly what data will be used to determine the three levels of performance. In planning your strategy, use actual numbers from the previous year to guide your performance improvement goal planning. In each area, the troop may qualify by meeting a specific standard or by showing measured improvement.

Scouting's Journey to Excellence2013 Troop Performance Recognition Program

Scoring the troop's performance: To determine the troop's performance level, you will use the above information to determine the points earned for each of the 13 individual criteria and then add those individual point scores to determine a composite score. Count only the highest point total achieved in any one criterion. Bronze level requires earning points in at least 11 criteria plus 700 points, Silver level requires earning points in at least 11 criteria and 1,000 points, and Gold level requires earning points in at least 11 criteria and 1,600 points.

For more resources: www.scouting.org/jte

The spreadsheets will be especially helpful to you!

Item Number Objective Bronze Level Silver Level Gold Level Bronze

PointsSilver Points

Gold Points

1 Advancement: Increase the percentage of Boy Scouts earning rank advancements.

Have 40% of Boy Scouts advance one rank or have a 2

percentage point increase.

Have 45% of Boy Scouts advance, or 40% advance and a 2 percentage point increase.

Have 50% of Boy Scouts advance, or 45% and have a 2

percentage point increase.75 150 300

2 Retention: Improve retention rate.Retain and reregister 75% of eligible members, or have a 2

percentage point increase.

Retain and reregister 80% of members, or retain and

reregister75% and have a 2 percentage point increase.

Retain and reregister 85% of members, or retain and

reregister 80% and have a 2 percentage point increase.

75 150 300

3Building Boy Scouting: Have an increase in membership or be larger than the average size troop.

Have a membership growth plan that includes a

recruitment night and either a net gain of one member over

last year or at least 15 members.

Have a membership growth plan that includes a

recruitment night and either increase youth members by

5% or have at least 25 members.

Have a membership growth plan that includes a

recruitment night and either increase youth members by

10% or have at least 35 members with an increase

over last year.

75 150 300

4 Trained leadership: Have a trained and engaged troop committee.

Have a Scoutmaster, an assistant Scoutmaster, and a committee with at least three


Achieve Bronze, plus the Scoutmaster and 60% of

assistants have completed basic leader training or, if new,

will complete within three months of joining.

Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds of active committee members must have completed Troop Committee Challenge and at

least one person has attended Wood Badge.

75 150 300

5 Short-term camping: The troop conducts short-term or weekend campouts throughout the year.

Conduct four short-term overnight campouts.

Conduct seven short-term overnight campouts.

Conduct nine short-term overnight campouts. 50 100 200

6 Long-term camping: The troop participates in a long-term camp.

The troop participates in a long-term camp.

60% of Scouts attend a long-term camp.

70% of Scouts attend a long-term camp. 50 100 200

7 Patrol method: The troop uses the patrol method.

The troop has patrols, and each has a patrol leader.

There is an SPL if more than one patrol. The PLC meets at least four times a year. The

troop holds patrol leader training.

PLC meets at least six times a year, including an annual

planning meeting.

PLC meets at least 10 times a year, including an annual

planning meeting, and one Scout attends NYLT.

50 100 200

8Service projects: The troop participates in service projects, with one benefiting your chartered organization.

Participate in four service projects and enter the hours

on the JTE website.

Participate in five service projects and enter the hours

on the JTE website.

Participate in six service projects and enter the hours

on the JTE website.50 100 200

9 Webelos-to-Scout transition: Have a Webelos-to-Scout transition plan.

With a pack or Webelos den, hold two joint activities, one of

which is a Webelos parent orientation and camp promotion meeting.

Achieve Bronze, plus recruit two Webelos Scouts.

Achieve Bronze, plus provide at least one den chief to a

pack and recruit five Webelos Scouts.

50 100 200

10Budget: The troop has a budget that is continually reviewed by the committee and follows BSA policies relating to fundraising and fiscal management.

Have a written budget reviewed at committee

meetings and that follows BSA policies.

Achieve Bronze, plus Scouts participate in the budget

planning process.

Achieve Silver, plus budget is completed before the next

program year.25 50 100

11 Courts of honor/parents meetings: Scouts are recognized for their badges at courts of honor.

Scouts are recognized for badges or cards at least twice

a year at courts of honor, where troop plans are reviewed with parents.

Three courts of honor are held with families attending.

Four courts of honor are held with families attending. 25 50 100

12 Fitness: Troop meetings and activities include physical fitness components.

Introduce the SCOUTStrong program in the troop.

Achieve Bronze, plus the troop promotes and coordinates

group fitness activities.

Achieve Silver, plus the troop holds an ongoing fitness

competition where members can track their performance.

50 100 200

13 Annual Charter Renewal Process

Complete charter reregistration, obtain all signatures, and submit

paperwork to the council office or your commissioner prior to the expiration of your charter.

Achieve Bronze, plus email addresses are provided for all parents of youth members and

registered adults who have one.

Achieve Silver, plus promote the MyScouting Tools accessed through your

MyScouting account and invite a commissioner and your

chartered organization representative to at least one


25 50 100

Points ________ ________ ________Bronze: Earn at least 700 points by earning points in at least 11 objectives.Silver: Earn at least 1,000 points by earning points in at least 11 objectives. Total points ________Gold: Earn at least 1,600 points by earning points in at least 11 objectives.

We certify on our honor as Scout leaders that these requirements have been completed.

Scoutmaster ______________________________________ Committee chair _______________________________________

Commissioner _____________________________________ Chartered Org. Rep. ____________________________________

Level achieved _______________ Did not achieve _____ Date ______________

This form should be turned in to the Scout service center or your unit commissioner with your charter renewal paperwork.

TROOP ________ of _________________________ District2014 Scouting's Journey to Excellence


Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

Revised 7/29/13 513-106

1Total number of Boy Scouts advancing at least one rank (Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, Eagle) since your last charter renewal date (A), divided by the number of boys you started your charter renewal year with (B1) plus all new boys who joined or transferred into the troop at any time during the current year (B2). Advancement = A / (B1 + B2).

2 Number of youth members on this year’s charter renewal (C) divided by the number of youth members on last year’s charter renewal (D) plus any additional youth members (E) minus any transfer-outs or age-outs (F). Total = (C) / (D+E-F).

3 At charter renewal time, have an increase in the number of youth members over the number of youth members on the previous year's charter renewal. A membership growth plan template can be found at www.scouting.org/membership.


Have a SM, an ASM, and a troop committee with at least three members. SM and two-thirds of the ASM's (paid or multiple registration) have completed leader-specific training or, if new, will complete within three months of joining. Two-thirds of active committee members have completed Troop Committee Challenge. For Gold, one leader must have completed Wood Badge at some point in their Scouting tenure.

5 Conduct short-term (at least one overnight) campouts throughout the year.

6 Number of Boy Scouts who attend any in-council or out-of-council long-term summer camp (of at least five nights), high-adventure experience, or jamboree, or serve on camp staff within the past year, divided by the Boy Scout membership on June 30, 2014.

7The troop is separated into patrols and each patrol has an elected patrol leader. If the troop has more than one patrol, there is an elected senior patrol leader. If the troop has more than one patrol, the PLC meets at least four times each year. The troop holds patrol leader training each year.

8 The troop participates in at least four service projects during the year and enters them on the Journey to Excellence website. The projects may be completed as joint projects with other organizations. At least one project must benefit the chartered organization.

9 Hold at least two activities with a pack or Webelos den, one of which is a new parent orientation and camp promotion meeting, and recruit new Webelos Scouts into the troop.

10The troop has a written budget that is reviewed at all troop committee meetings, and the troop follows BSA policies relating to fundraising and fiscal management as found on the Unit Money-Earning Application form, the troop treasurer's book, and any other publication that the council has developed for fundraising and fiscal management.

11 The troop holds at least two courts of honor, where parents are invited and Scouts are recognized for badges. The troop's program plans are reviewed with the parents.

12 The troop meetings have activities that include a physical fitness component. This is ongoing and members can track their performance. The troop is introduced to the SCOUTStrong PALA award by going to www.scouting.org/SCOUTStrongPALA.


Complete the troop's charter renewal paperwork, including all required signatures, and submit completed forms to the council service center or your commissioner before the end of the charter year. Provide all email addresses for parents and registered adults on charter renewal forms and promote the MyScouting Tools accessed through your MyScouting account. Invite a commissioner and your chartered organization representative to at least one of your meetings.


Troops with a charter renewal date in any month from October 2014 to September 2015.

Journey to Excellence changes the basic way we measure and recognize success in the Boy Scouts of America by moving away from measuring process and moving to measuring performance. The following provides specific information to help you understand the criteria and exactly what data will be used to determine the three levels of performance. In planning your strategy, use actual numbers from the previous year to guide your performance improvement goal planning. In each area, the troop may qualify by meeting a specific standard or by showing measured improvement.

Scouting's Journey to Excellence2014 Troop Performance Recognition Program

Scoring the troop's performance: To determine the troop's performance level, you will use the above information to determine the points earned for each of the 13 individual criteria and then add those individual point scores to determine a composite score. Count only the highest point total achieved in any one criterion. Bronze level requires earning points in at least 11 criteria plus 700 points, Silver level requires earning points in at least 11 criteria and 1,000 points, and Gold level requires earning points in at least 11 criteria and 1,600 points.

For more resources: www.scouting.org/jte

The spreadsheets will be especially helpful to you!