“Have you ever wondered whether all the “make money” stuff you see online is a bunch of...

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Transcript of “Have you ever wondered whether all the “make money” stuff you see online is a bunch of...

“Have you ever wondered whether all the “make money” stuff you see online is a bunch of B.S...

...or whether it really is possible to make a fortune on the internet?”

Hi, this is Matt Lloyd from Australia, and over the next few minutes- I'm going to reveal to you the true story (with concrete proof) of

how I went from mowing lawns... to building an automated online business, that has allowed me to get these kind of results:

- Up to 97+ leads in a day...- A steady stream of commissions that flow into my

bank account, not just during the day, but while I sleep too...

- Recognition as a top 10 super-affiliate in some major international competitions, winning $1,000's in cash prizes...

- The freedom to work when I want, and where I want...- Some of the biggest paydays of my life- my record so

far, is $17,113.32 in pure profit, in one single day

And even better yet, throughout this video I'll show you how you can

replicate my results in your very own online business...

But First... A Warning:

This won't be your typical 'How I got rich on the internet and you can too' sales video you see...

Truth is, most of that stuff is complete rubbish- and over

way over simplifies building an online business.

Instead, I’m Gonna Be Brutally Honest With You.

I'll tell you about all the crap I've had to go through to get to where I am

today- including the months of painful struggle, that left me

drugged up on anti-depressants, with no social life, having to go to court 3 times, and at one point in 2009, feeling like I had nothing to

live for...

Because even though making money online is

easy these days... it wasn't always like this.

In fact, it took me 9 months before I ever made my

first damn dollar online- and almost cost me my


You see- a lot of people trying to 'sell you' online, will only tell you the nice stories. ..

They'll show you the photos of them sitting

on a beach, cocktail in hand, laptop by their

side, living the 'internet lifestyle.‘

This Video Will Not Be Like That...

Instead, I want to give you the raw, unvarnished truth on what it really

takes to make money online.


Throughout this video, if I am a little 'blunt,' and if I do

occasionally use some ‘choice adult phrases'

to emphasise my point, I hope you'll forgive me.

If you're easily offended, or would rather hear the typical 'how I got rich on the internet crap,' that most of the Gurus

are selling...

...you may want to leave this page right now.

On The Other Hand...

If you've always wanted to know what it

really takes to make a full time income


this video will be

the most important video you ever watch.

So I suggest you close the door, turn off

your phone or anything else that might

distract you...

...and pay very close attention to every word

I'm about to tell you...

And one more thing...

As a free gift, at the end of this video, I'll tell

you how you can get one of the best

products I’ve ever done, called

‘The O.P.T. Formula,’

absolutely Free!

O.P.T. Stands for 'Other Peoples Time,' and this is a program that will show you exactly how to leverage other peoples

time through outsourcing.

This is a program with a very real value of $997.

Ask any internet marketer who makes over a million dollars a year what their

number one strategy was for getting from 6 to 7 figures...

....and they’ll all tell you it’s outsourcing.

Outsourcing those parts of your business that you don’t want to do (like building websites), so you can focus on the parts that actually make you money.

Again, this is a program worth $997- and at the end of this video, I’ll show you how you can get your own copy,

completely Free.

So Let's Begin...

The first thing you need to know,

is that 99% of what the internet

marketing 'gurus' are teaching

you, is Grade-A Certified Bullshit.

The stories they are feeding you are designed to do one thing: keep you

starving for more.


Because that's how their game works.

Guru A promotes his ‘crap in a box’ course to Guru B’s list, and then Guru B does the

same for Guru A.

It's the good 'ol boys club, where as long as “you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.”

I’m not saying that Joint Ventures are bad...

I’m saying that when they are done with absolutely no regard for the best interests of the customers customers (people like

you and me) then it’s unethical...

Unfortunately, most of what you see in Internet Marketing is about selling

rubbish over and over again...

You see, they don't want you to think like a strategic online entrepreneur.

They want you to think like a business opportunity


And we all know what business opportunity seekers have in

common right?

They are EASY to sell.

They are the people who will chase chase the “get rich quick on the

internet” B.S. for years...

How do I know this?

Because I used to be one of 'em!

That's right. I was the biggest opportunity seeker of them all-

constantly buying the next shiny object of the week.

And it kept me broke and running in circles for a very long time.

And by the way- if you think

you have signs of being one

of these people- that's OK…

In this video, I'll be showing you how you can end those

'poverty-inducing' habits, and start building your online business like a strategic

entrepreneur- the only kind who actually makes money.

Now you may be wondering, who am I to denounce the internet

marketing gurus, and why should you listen to anything I

have to say?

Matt Lloyd

For one, I’m a university drop out. I was 4 years through a business degree

before I turned my back on becoming an employee for the rest of my life.

So I certainly don't have any fancy letters after my name.

My former occupation was mowing lawns

(and I didn't even have my own mower- I'd have to

borrow my customers, and if they didn't own

one, then I couldn't work for them).


I'm quite young. At just 24 years

old, some might say I don’t have

a whole lotta life experience...

So what the hell do I know

about making a ton of

money on the internet, and

why should you listen to


Well, there happens to be one big reason why you should listen to me, and it's more important than

any other reason you can look for...

RESULTS.I have plenty of 'em...

Results like these:

Weekly earnings of up to $7,581.50 for just sending a few emails out to my list (you'll see how I did that in just a moment)...

Invitations to speak at some of the biggest marketing conferences in the world...

My personal income record in my online business in a 24 hour period, is $17,113.32 (again- you'll see how that was possible very shortly)...

Up to 97 leads generated in a single day, on complete autopilot...

Last, and most importantly of all... I haven't had to take orders from a boss in over 3 years- I have full freedom over what I do, when I do it, and who I do it with...

But like so many people who get started online, it wasn't always this


You see, back in August 2009 when I was still mowing those lawns, I was desperate to make more


Around the time, I was making minimum wage. And that wage just wasn't going to

allow me to reach my target for how much money I

wanted by the end of the year...

So, when I’d get home from work, I’d go to my computer, and I’d look for ways I could

make money... maybe you’ve done the same thing.

I don’t know what I was searching for exactly... but I knew that with hundreds of

millions of people using the internet everyday... there had to be a way to make

money with it.

I figured, I only needed a tiny fraction of .1% of the hundred

million people who were using the internet, to buy whatever I was

selling, and I’d be rich...

... and surely with all these ‘make money’ websites you see, at least a few of them had to be legit, right?

So one night, I came across a business opportunity site that looked fairly promising, so I filled out my details, and the

next day this man called me for an 'interview' (really, a sales


After talking to him for an hour or so, it

looked easy enough...

... So I ended up buying into his business

for just over US $1,700 (even thought

that was about 5 weeks of mowing

lawns for me)

I was convinced I'd soon be rich, so I wasn’t too worried about my


Well, as you probably guessed, after 2 months of trying to make my new

online business work, I still hadn't got my first sale.

My friends and family thought I was being conned. “Don't you know all those things you see online are just a bunch of scams?” they'd


But even after 2 months, I didn't care too much.

I saw other people making money on the net, and I

knew if they could...then I could too.

Now, around this time, I found out that in this particular company, unless you were fully positioned (meaning you

invested at all three levels, not just the first), you could not make the big

profits- which were commissions of $5,000 and $9,000 a piece!

Turns out that was how the compensation plan worked.

So what that meant, was that

if I ever wanted to make

50K – 100K a month (like a

few individuals in this company

were), I'd have to invest

around $38,000!

It was actually US $25,000... but at the time- (April 2009), the

exchange rate for Australian dollars to US dollars was at one

of it's worst in history...

So, at the age of 22, I had a HUGE decision to make.

Either I go all in... and invest my life savings which I'd been

saving up from the age of 8...


I quit, and walk away.

I also knew that if I did go all in, I'd have to quit university. With 38 grand at

stake, I would need to work full time on this- I couldn't study at the same time

as well.

I thought long and hard about this for about a week.

But I decided that in business... you're either all in... or you're

not in at all.

So I took the plunge.

Looking back on that moment, I cannot help but think “how naive could I have been...”

If I had known the pain and frustration I was about to go through, (which 99% of

Internet Marketers go through when they try and figure this industry out for themselves), I don't think I'd have ever

got started.

Now don't get me wrong. In hindsight... it's the best decision I ever made.

But at that exact moment, I had no idea what I was about to go


Instead of riches and fame... instead of the lifestyle of fast

cars, expensive holidays and easy riches I'd read about in all the 'get rich on the internet' sales letters...

...I entered into what can only be described as, “a living



Because for the next 9 months, I would try everything I could to

build my online business.

I'd take all the advice I was getting from the internet marketing gurus, I'd buy all their products, and yet:

NONE of it worked for me.

Pretty soon, I was DEAD broke.

I was so broke in fact- that at one point, I remember catching the train to my sisters house, and having to ransack the pantry for some tinned food, because I couldn't afford to buy dinner for myself that night...

I'd spent ALL my money on internet marketing products and buying ads...

Chasing the dream.

At one point, I was even getting letters from Googles legal team, because I'd

racked up a bill of about $1,500 on Google Adwords, and I couldn't afford

to pay it.

Pretty soon, all the stress and never ending series of disappointments got

to be too much.

I hit rock bottom...

I became so depressed, that I couldn't get out of bed till till 1 or 2pm in the afternoon. I just didn't want to face the world.

And then I'd stay up until 5am in the morning, watching movies

by myself.

I pretty much lived out of my room 24/7.

I became a hermit.

And a very broke hermit at that.

When things got to be too much, I went and saw a psychologist- and I was put on the anti-depressant 'Zoloft' for a few months.

Now, you may be thinking, “well Matt if this was so bad,

then why didn't you just quit? Why'd you keep on


The only honest answer I can give to that, is I'd made the decision that I was going to build a successful business online, and

that was that.

The more I failed... the more determined I became to make it work.

Besides- I couldn't just quit- I'd given up my entire education, and invested way too

much money to just walk away.


I began to CHANGE my approach.

Instead of listening to what the gurus were teaching... I began

to study what they were actually DOING...

And I was a good student...

If a guru sent me a sales video... I'd literally sit there, pausing the video every 5 seconds, and transcribing it

by hand.

Everything they did, I'd break it down to it's components, and study.

“What were they doing that enabled them to sell millions of dollars a


Around that same time- I came across one particular website that would

change my life forever.

As soon as the video on this site started to play, I recognised the soft-spoken

but confident voice behind it Instantly.

I'd first heard that voice when I saw the guy speak at a marketing conference in

Sydney, early 2009.

The guy who owned this site was the top earner for the company I was telling you about earlier- the one which I'd

invested $38,000 into.

This guy would go on to make 1.2 million dollars in 2010 (after marketing

expenses, it was probably more like $900,000 in profit, but still, it was a lot

of money).

He was doing more in business a month, than most people in that company did

in a year.

But what really caught my attention, was that on his site, he was doing

something very different to everyone else.

So, I put in my email address to find out what he was doing- and what I

discovered stunned me.

He wasn't doing what the rest of us were doing... he wasn't

making cold calls... he wasn't buying leads... he wasn't trying to recruit friends and family...

This guy was doing the complete opposite!

He was using a very simple system that required no telling or

explaining... no going to meetings... no rejection... and absolutely no


In fact- with this system, people actually paid him to hear about his

opportunity and products.

I almost couldn't believe it.

Imagine that! Instead of having to pay for leads... people actually paid YOU

to become your lead!

As soon as I saw what he was doing... I knew I had to recreate it.

I had to clone it... without outright copying it... but I knew if it worked for

him- it could work for me too!

So, for the next 3 weeks, I did nothing else but work on this thing... I barely

left my room.

I was living on a diet of caffeine and raw desire, working like some crazy

possessed mad man to get it finished.

I was possessed with one thought only... “I had to recreate his system.”

After what felt like months, it was completed.

At 2am that night, the site when live with one nervous click of

my mouse.

Exhausted, I then went to bed...

The next morning, I woke up... and as I usually do, I

stumbled to my computer to check my stats.

And this is what greeted me:

What you just saw, was a screenshot showing over 97 leads in one night...

and throughout those emails- see those little commission notifications?

Well, each of those was for $50!

So, that first day, I made something like $350!

Now some may say, “big deal.”

But what was really exciting about this, was that each of these $50

commissions had the potential to turn into much bigger sales, once the

customers went through the system I'd created, and decided to partner with me

in the direct sales business I was in.

This is what you called a ‘Funded Proposal’… a system designed to screen out the buyers on your list-

so you can follow up with them much more intensely, and make

additional back-end sales- literally for 10's of thousands of dollars in

some cases.

Less than 3 weeks after launching my first Funded Proposal- I had my

first 4 figure day.

$5,682.47 to be exact. More money than I'd ever made in an entire

week- in just one day!

And I knew that if the funded proposal I'd created could do this

once... it could do it again.

From then on, the leads flooded in.

I built a list of thousands, in just a few short weeks.

Not long after, I had my first 5 figure day…

This time, I had someone a customer go all the way- and my profit margin this

time was $15,643.43.

I still remember it like yesterday...

...I was sitting on the couch, laptop in hand, and an email notification came

in, telling me I'd just made 2 high ticket sales in the direct sales

business I was in- one for US $9,000, the other for US $15,000.

And the part I got to keep as my profit margin (after paying the

wholesale costs), was $15,643.43

Never have I felt such relief and satisfaction.

After struggling like hell, I'd finally cracked the code and figured out

how the 6 and 7 figure internet marketers were really doing it.

“This must be what a typical day in the life of a multi-millionaire feels

like” I thought...

In late 2010, I broke my own record and had the biggest payday I've

ever experienced: this time, it was for $17,113.32 (this was also

because the exchange rates were this time in my favour- so I kinda

get lucky)…

People in the company were starting to notice my success.

Shortly after, I won a Peak Performer award- that's me on the left receiving a trophy at

one of the training events in Sydney.

Since I'd now built up a large list, I started competing in major international affiliate marketing competitions... and getting good results.

One of the first major launch’s I promoted was one for this guy:

Jonathan Budd.

Now, if you don't know Jonathan, he's a very successful internet marketer- a guy who did over $12 Million in online sales by

his 27th birthday…

In October of 2010, he released a program called 'Get Traffic 3.0'- a

course designed to teach people how to get leads on Facebook...

…Since I knew Jonathan

was the real deal, and I knew he had good products, I decided to

promote it to my list...

The course sold for $297 – and paid a commission of around


It went on sale for only 7 days. After those 7 days, it was taken

off the market…

So I emailed my list a few times endorsing it, and I

put together my own Bonus Package, for the

people who bought through my affiliate link...

I wasn’t expecting to make a lot of money from it… maybe

just a couple of sales…

So you can imagine my surprise when I woke up on the morning of October 20th, and I see this very

email in my inbox:

I had made over $2,600 in less than 24 hours, and even got recognition from one of the biggest names in

the industry, Jonathan Budd himself!

For the next 7 Days, the commissions poured in.

All up, $7,581.50 for a weeks ‘work,’ or an average of over $1,000 / day…

… just for sending a few emails to my list!

And out of over 11,000 affiliates, this is where I placed:

Now at first, I thought I’d just got lucky.

It just seemed too easy- averaging over $1,000 / day for sending a few

emails to my list.

So, a couple of months later, using the same method, I tried again.

This time, I was promoting an event- and instead of competing against 11,000

affiliates, this time the competition was a little more intense... I was up against

13,000 affiliates...

The result?

I Tied For 6th Place!

And this time, instead of winning a $100 Ebook, I won $1,100 in cash!

I now had undeniable proof...

...that this method worked, even for affiliates like you and me, who didn’t

have a huge list, or big budgets.

And I decided to call the method:

‘Affiliate Bonus Domination’

The Affiliate Bonus Domination is based on 2 simple rules...

Rule #1: Product Launches are where the big money is made in affiliate marketing...

Why? Scarcity, limited-time offer, the market is excited, etc.

So if you want to make serious money online, start promoting product launches

as an affiliate!

Rule #2: If you want people to buy through your affiliate links, you must give them a reason too (ie. You MUST add on value with your own Bonus!)

By this stage, since I was now making very good money online, and my methods

were proven to work, people started asking me to train

them to do the same...

At first, my answer was a very quick No!

And I guess you can understand…

…I mean, why would I want to share all of my best secrets, that had

taken me literally years and most of my life savings to figure out-

and which might make more competition for myself...

...but, after much pleading, I thought it through, and decided

the Internet was such a big place, that it wouldn't hurt if I

showed a few people.

So, I started to think- how could I best teach someone, who was completely

new, or was yet to have success online, exactly what to do to make

money in the quickest way possible...

… without having to go through all the B.S. that I did…

And I came up with 3 things:

1.) Build a list…

2.) Promote product launches to that list, while adding on your own Bonus…

3.) Develop your own back end strategy with your own products...

I knew there was way too much to put in just one program…

So, I decided to divide it up into 3 separate programs to cover

each area in detail.

The first program I produced, to teach people everything they’d need to know about

list building, was called:

‘My Email Marketing Empire’

This was an 8 Module program, that taught people how to build a list in the thousands

very, very quickly, and how to monetise that list and make anywhere from $300 - $1,000

daily like clockwork…

Here’s just some of students learned, and what you’ll learn


The fastest way to get rich in the email marketing business (I show you the quickest way to build up to a $250,000/ year income online with your own list)

How to choose the right market to go into, and avoid the months or even years of pain and frustration most newbie's experience when they choose the wrong market (this simple test will take you all of 15 minutes to do)

Discover the top websites to find high paying affiliate offers for your email marketing business, and how to choose the right offers most likely to convert from leads into sales (and make you the most money)

An insiders look at how I sell high ticket items, such as seminars and coaching programs (right up to $15,000)…and it all begins with email marketing

The 5 types of subject lines guaranteed to cream the competition in your prospects inbox, and get your affiliate links clicked…

The 4 CRUCIAL numbers you must be watching in your email marketing if you want to make maximum profit, and how to improve each of them (if you aren't measuring these right now, I guarantee you're leaving money on the table)

My very own swipe file- over 200 different emails for different situations and promotions, ready for you to copy and paste in your own business and profit from…

How to 'Sell The Click' like the pros do- once you master this skill, your ability to drive masses of traffic to high-converting offers will result in huge paydays (I also hand you email templates you can copy and paste to do this)

9 minute 'trick' that will allow you to increase your email profits by at leads 35% (most email marketers are not doing this)

The 'Rack The Shotgun' technique that will allow you to identify with pin-point accuracy the 5% of the hyper-responsive buyers on your list who make up 95% of your profits- when you use this technique, they will literally put up the their hands as say "hey, sell me more stuff!"

The "Perpetual Bonus Product Creation" method- I learned this from a famous multi-millionaire internet marketer, after buying a $2,000 course from him (and you'll get it for FREE!)

Why you have a HUGE advantage over the gurus if you're just getting started out and have a tiny list, if you’ll offer just one simple thing (that you have- and the gurus do not)

Selling on webinars: this is where the best internet marketers are making most of their money... this is where you can sell products priced at $2,000 and more!

A 'sneaky technique' hardly anyone knows about to literally add hundreds of people to your list with free webinars... and not just any leads, but the most responsive ones 

The Golden Ratio of 'free content' to 'pitch content' that will result in you getting maximum cash from your list (too much pitching, and you'll burn out your list.  Not enough, and you won't have any money coming in...)

A clever tactic hardly anyone knows about to get more contact details from your list, so you can market to them from multiple channels, and drastically increase your average sales value

After completing the program, students were able to do things like this:

(Up to 97 Leads In A Single Day…)

And this…

($350 - $500 / Day Consistently…)

It took over a month to put this program together… and when it was completed, it was priced at


Now once you have a list, and are making a steady income off of it

(anywhere from $300 - $500 / day), the next step is to promote a

product launch every 3 – 4 weeks, where you offer your own ‘Free

Bonus’ to anyone who buys through your affiliate link.

And this is where you have some really big paydays…

Like I said before, my best day using this strategy, I made $2,604.54 promoting a

launch for Jonathan Budd- and that same week, from just one product launch, I received this check for


So, the next program I put together, was called ‘Affiliate

Bonus Domination’ and here’s what this program showed you how to do:

Overview of affiliate marketing- how the business model really works. If you are a complete newbie, this will get you up to speed on everything

The No. 1 source to find all the hottest launches (you’ll have over 100+ to choose from), with the best conversions, and the best payouts

The 3 stages in a launch broken down- what, when , and why you need to be doing in each stage to maximise sales (hint: treat them all the same, and it will cost you dearly).

Module 1: Promoting Product Launches; The Real Truth

Installing your Free Bonus blog in under 6 minutes (Free template is provided)

Customising your bonus blog so you look like a Pro…

Module 2: How To Set Up Your Bonus Blog In Less Than 1 Hour

How to put together a high value bonus from scratch in under 2 hours- even if you have no products of your own to offer, and are brand new to affiliate marketing…

FREE Bonus: Over $1,000 in Free content you can use as part of your bonus- and this is not cheap content… it’s actually stuff that sells (The catch: You can’t give it away for free- you can only sell it, or give it away as part of your bonus)

The One Thing you must tell people to do BEFORE they buy from you (if you don’t- it will cost you DEARLY in missed sales, and other affiliates will scoop up your sales)

Module 3: How To Create A Bonus From Scratch…

My entire strategy blueprint to mailing a launch promotion to my list- day by day, so you can see exactly what I do- when to mail, when not to mail, when to announce your bonus… everything!

The ‘Buy Now’ email- you send this out as soon as the shopping cart goes live, and the result is: A Buying Frenzy

The ‘Stealth Method.’ This one strategy – if you implement it- is Guaranteed to make you back several times what you invest in this course, and it is absolutely free- anyone can do it! It involves Facebook, and is slightly sneaky, but works every single time!

Module 4: Planning Your Strategy For Domination…

A complete beginners guide to setting up your first Facebook ads step by step

How to target the leads of the other top 20 affiliates, and put your bonus offer right in front of them so they buy from you (this same strategy once allowed me to beat a multi-millionaire ‘guru’ in a launch who had a list over 20 times the size of mine)

Banner ads- how to create your own from scratch, in under 7 minutes, that look professional, get lots of clicks, and are completely FREE- plus the exact dimensions to use so your ads get accepted

Module 5: How To Get Paid Traffic To Your Bonus Blog

How to get a TON of Free traffic from the search engines, so when buyers go searching for which affiliates are offering the best bonus package, you will show up all over page 1...

A complete Mind Map of the entire process (so you can see how it works and understand each step)

Module 6: How To Get Free Traffic To Your Bonus Blog…

How to deliver your bonus- the simple, non techie way – that you can set up in less than 18 minutes

How to over-deliver in the value you provide, so that in future launches, people will actually contact you, and ask for your affiliate link, so you can get the commission when they buy!

How to partner with and recruit other top 10 and top 20 affiliates in a product launch to help promote your bonus package- I tell you how to contact them, and exactly what to say...

Module 7: Your Bonus Delivery System

Affiliate Bonus Domination is a complete business system, delivered in a multi-media centre, with videos, workbooks, and bonus’s.

You’ll Get:Module 1: Promoting Product Launches: The Real Truth

$197Module 2: How To Set Up Your Bonus Blog In Less Than 1 Hour

$197Module 3: How To Create A Bonus From Scratch

$197Module 4: Planning Your Strategy For Domination

$197Module 5: How To Get Paid Traffic To Your Bonus Blog

$197Module 6: How To Get Free Traffic To Your Bonus Blog

$197Module 7: Your Bonus Delivery System

$197Bonus #1: $1,000 In FREE PLR Content $1000Bonus #2: Free Plug N Play Bonus Template Blog $97

Total Value: $2,476

Keep in mind... this method you’ll learn in this program is the same method that

made me $7,581.51 in a week the first time I used it... and $2,603 in the first 24

hours of the same launch!

Affiliate Bonus Domination was priced at only $997.

And finally, the last step to online riches I had discovered, was developing a solid back end strategy, where you could sell programs priced anywhere from $2,000

right up to $25,000 to the ‘hyper-responsive’ customers on your list… (this is where you’ll make the bulk of

your profit)

This is how I was able to make $17,113.32 in a single day!

So, the final program I put together would teach people how to replicate my exact system… and it was


‘How To Build A Funded Proposal’

Here’s what people learned:

Module 1: The Real Truth About Success In Internet Marketing…

The biggest misconception about marketing, and why 95% of all business owners get it completely wrong

The 2 main target markets you have to choose from... And why treating them the same will virtually destroy your chances of success…

Module 2: How To Create Your First Info-Product... Fast! How to get your first product done and ready to sell... In 36 hours or less!

How to use the ‘expert method’ (great if you’re just starting out) where you interview others, and turn that into a product- I even tell you a secret site I use to find hundreds of experts, all just ‘hoping’ to be interviewed by people like you, so they can get exposure

I’ll even show you how to get paid BEFORE you create the product

How to buy other peoples content for cheap, and repurpose it with your own brand, so you can turn around and instantly start selling (within hours) it for premium prices

Module 3: Creating The Ultimate Lead Capture Page

I’ll show you the opt-in pages of the multi-millionaires of our industry- and the one thing they have in common that almost everyone misses

A foolproof methods to create your lead magnet in just hours…

I’ll even GIVE YOU my lead magnet to copy ... Just to get you started!

How to get your opt-in page made for peanuts- don’t pay 100’s or 1000’s of dollars

Module 4: The Money Maker: How To Put Together A Sales Letter

A simple 3 step formula to getting your sales letter done- a lesson learned from legendary copy writer John Carlton

How to make a sales video- I even give you my templates, for you to copy so you can have one online less than 45 minutes from now!

Crafting money-magnets that convert leads into buyers on autopilot for you... Even while you’re sleeping.

Module 5: Converting Leads Into Paying Customers With Automated


The 7 elements of email that sell (if you’re missing one of these, you’re leaving money on the table)

The 4 numbers you need to keep a close eye on – just improving one of these can be the difference between having a business that makes you money and one that loses you money.

Module 6: Collecting The Money: How To Install A Payment Processor

How to install a ‘Buy Now’ button on your website in under 3 minutes – Guaranteed! You can be accepting credit cards (100% securely) within just minutes

Your 2 main options when processing payments online- and which one I recommend (one can take months to set up... the other just minutes)

I will even show you the exact upsell process in my own business- and give you the templates to copy in your own funded proposal…

Module 7: Filling The Funnel: How To Get A Ton Of Leads

The Million Dollar Ad: This 3 line ad was responsible for launching a multi-million dollar business and one of the most famous gurus in the home business industry My 6 top online lead sources I use in my own business

How to find the places where your business prospects like to hang out online... So you can target those exact websites

How to set up your own affiliate program- and have an entire sales force out there promoting your brand, and selling your products for you- and you only pay them when they make a sale!

Module 8: The Big Payday: Getting Customers To Join Your Primary


How to now get your customers to fill out an application from before you contact them (imagine that- having people apply to hear from you and about your business)

Now you know my system, and have your own, I’ll show you the quickest way to make an annual income of $250,000- literally how many customers you need to find, how many leads you need to make, how much you need to spend to get those leads... You will finally have a clear path to success and know exactly what must be done to get there...

The entire ‘How To Build A Funded Proposal’ course was priced at $997

These 3 Programs showed you everything you’d need to build a

6-Figure online business from scratch…

1.) How to build a list and monetise your first list…

2.) How to promote product launches to that list, while adding on your own Bonus…

3.) How to develop a back-end strategy with your own Funded Proposal...

So, I decided to package them into one main program, and call it the:

Online Business Empire System

What was great about this system… was that it wasn’t just working for me. It was also working for my students as


In fact, let me play for you a short testimonial, from a man who was 77 Years Old, and was able to use my strategies to make his first $1,000


Now, at this stage, you may be wondering what access to the

‘Online Business Empire System’ costs…

Remember, each of these programs were sold for $997 separately… so, a very

fair price would $2,991.00…

But before I get to the price, and tell you how you can get access to this

business- transforming program… I’d like to offer you something else…

…a Bonus.

And quite frankly, this bonus will be worth more to you than any product

you can buy…


I’d like to offer you

90 Days of my Personal Coaching – where you’ll be able to work with me,

and get 1-on-1 support…

And here’s why:

When people start an online business, and have never done it before, they have one of two


1.) Figure It Out For Themselves.

After struggling for months... or even years in some cases, they either stumble upon the

right way of doing things... or, they give up, and become another statistic.

This is what I did- and I DON’T recommend it.

1.) Find A Mentor With Proven Results, And Learn Exactly How They Did It.

This is the FAST Way to get results online…

But it can also be the most expensive- especially if the person coaching you

really knows what they’re doing…

Most 90 Day Coaching Programs from respected trainers are priced anywhere

from $2,000 - $5,000...

… And even though the good ones are worth every penny, most people

starting out just don’t have that kind of budget (I certainly didn’t)

My own 90 Day Coaching Program is normally


As part of that program, I host a Live Coaching Call every week- where we

discuss what’s working now in internet marketing… and I show you EXACTLY what I’m doing in my own business…

You'll be able to send me your questions before each session, and I'll give you straight-up


For example…

You want to know how to create your first product?

You want to know how to build a list?

You want to know what my 3 top traffic sources are, that get me the most leads?

Well ask away...

I'll tell you everything I know, and no question is off limits.

This will be your chance to learn everything I know... in a 1-on-1 environment... without

paying my 1-on-1 fees.

(By the way, my current rate for coaching on the phone is $397/ hour)

As you’re attending these calls, it will be like you’re here in my office in Perth, Australia, looking over my shoulder at my computer

screen, as I show you Step-by-Step how it’s done, and make everything nice and easy to


Remember, This is an Implementation Program...

You see, I can tell you how to make a ton of sales online…

I can teach you the best business models that give you the highest likelihood of success.

I can share with you everything I do in my own business to clear 6 figures a year…


…unless you implement what you learn, you won’t get the results...

That's why we have coaching.

When you take my 90 Day Coaching Program, I’m going to work with you, so you’re actually getting results as

you go and are making money online in the shortest time possible…

Again… the 90 Day Coaching Program I offer is normally


But, when you invest in the ‘Online Business Empire System’ today, and today only, you’ll get it

for just…


Not only that… but if you choose to continue to get my 1-on-1 Coaching after the first 90 days, then you’ll be

able to attend the weekly training calls for just $97 a month.

But that’s ONLY if you decide to continue.

You'll have 90 days to experience what my coaching is like- if you decide it’s not for you, then no

hard feelings.

Just let me know within 90 days, your card will not be billed.

But giving you a $2,400 Free Bonus was not enough… I wanted to go

even further...

You see, I want to start our business relationship out on a good note, so I've decided to throw in one extra

Free bonus when you invest in the ‘Online Business Empire System’


Bonus #2: The O.P.T. Formula

O.P.T. Stands for 'Other Peoples Time,' and this is a program that will show you how to leverage other peoples time through outsourcing.

Ask any internet marketer who earned over a million dollars last year, what the one thing was that took them from making 6 figures, to making 7 figures, and they’ll all

tell you it was outsourcing.

Outsourcing all the parts of your business that take up your time, so

you can focus on the parts that actually make you money.

For example- this website you are looking at right now… do you think I

build it?

No! I am a complete computer moron. I can barely spell HTML, let alone do it.

Instead, I outsource all those things… and you should do the same!

So in this powerful bonus program, which normally sells for $997, you'll

learn how to do outsourcing the right way.

So let me ask you… what would you expect to pay for

training like this?

Training that will finally show you how to make REAL money online- and training

that actually works?

And more importantly, training that will save you from having to go down the

path I went down, where I tried to figure it all out for myself…

What would that be worth to you?

Before you answer, let's recap!

Here’s What You’re Getting:

Here’s What You’re Getting:

My Email Marketing Empire: $997

How To Build A Funded Proposal: $997

Affiliate Bonus Domination: $997

90 Day Coaching Program: $2,400Bonus: The O.P.T. Formula: $997

Value: $6,482

But it’s not going to cost you


(even though it’d be worth every penny)

Not $4,997

Not $2,997

Not Even $997

Not even $497...

Instead, you'll get EVERYTHING –

My Email Marketing Empire

How To Build A Funded Proposal Affiliate Bonus Domination

The 90 Coaching Program

The O.P.T. Formula

For Just…

For just 3 easy monthly payments of $97…

…or just $3.23 / Day

Isn't that ridiculous?

For less than a cup of coffee a day, you can get access to the entire

‘Online Business Empire System’ program, and finally start making the

money you’ve always wanted…

Now, if you’re wondering why I’m willing to trade this…

Value: $6,482

For this…

just $3.23 / Day…

Here’s Why:

Reason #1: By giving you access to the online multi-media training centre where your products are available for Instant Download, it saves me a few hundred dollars to get them printed on DVDs, CDs, books and shipped to your door (so I can pass on those savings to you.)

Reason #2: I’m constantly split-testing different prices. Today, this program is priced at just 3 easy payments of $97… but I’ll also be testing 3 payments of $497, and 3 payments of $997 very, very soon to see which works best.

Reason #3: It bothers me to see so many people lured into internet marketing with products that flat out don’t work… only to end up struggling for years like I did. I’d rather give you strategies that are proven to work…

Just think:

You can spend a year or two of your life and tens of thousands of dollars like I did trying to figure this out…

…or you can make the smart decision to invest in the ‘Online Business

Empire System, and let me show you Step-by-Step exactly how it’s done…

You’re less than 90 seconds away from having access to the entire

‘Online Business Empire System’

Just click on the Add To Cart button below to get access for only 3 easy

payments of $97…

I am so sure you'll LOVE this program, I'm giving you my famous Iron-Clad

“You Can't Lose” three part Guarantee…

Guarantee #1: Take 90 days to go through this program, kick the

tyres, and see if it's as good as I've said it was…

If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase (even if you don't like the sound of my voice) just send me a personal email at:


…any time in the next 90 days for a full, prompt refund and I will insist you keep all my bonus gifts for you FREE just for giving my training an honest evaluation.

But that's not all…

Guarantee #2: Simply implement

just ONE of the money-getting

strategies inside of the

"Online Business Empire System,"

and if you don’t at least TRIPLE your investment in

the course I will buy it back from you

at full price- just for giving it a shot.

Either you're wowed by the value or you pay

nothing- it's a simple as that.

There's no risk, and there's no way to loose . . .

Guarantee #3: Implement ALL the strategies inside of the "Online Business Empire System," and if you don’t at least multiply the current size of your business by a factor of 10 and work less than you ever have before, then I'll do 2 things:

1.) First, I will gladly refund your full purchase price.

2.) I will give you $50 cash out of my pocket just for trying it out. . . .

Are some people going to take advantage of me? Yes.

But I trust you will be honest, and you will give this a fair try.

To take advantage of my ‘No-Risk’ Guarantee, just go ahead and click ‘Add To Cart’ below,

and for less than $3.23 / day, you’ll have access to the entire

‘Online Business Empire System’

Remember- I'm only testing this price for a short time.

Don't be surprised if you come back to this site tomorrow, or possibly

in a few hours, and this video is no longer here- it has been replaced with another, where I've restored the original price of $497 / month

(or possibly more).


Because this is a test, I will be putting the monthly tuition back up to $497 very soon, and

I may never offer a discount like this again.

Click the button below to get Instant Access to the ‘Online Business Empire System’…

Again, here’s what you’re getting:

My Email Marketing Empire: $997

How To Build A Funded Proposal: $997

Affiliate Bonus Domination: $997

90 Day Coaching Program: $2,400Bonus: The O.P.T. Formula: $997

Value: $6,482

Now, at this point, I want to do a short exercise with you…

One of the most important things to my online success, was visualising the end result that I wanted to achieve from my


It’s what kept me going through all the difficult times I encountered…

For me, the end result I wanted was complete and total freedom.

Working whenever I felt like it…

Being able to get on a plane when I felt like it, and travel to another country for a weeks


Not having to ever rely on anyone else to write my checks…

So, I'd like you to do the same thing…

Imagine what your life would be like if the money your online business

made came in faster that you could spend it...

How would your life be different?

Would you take your family on more holidays?

Would you buy yourself the car that you always wanted... and be able to pay


Or would it be more about the little things, like being able to take your family out to a fancy restaurant a few times a week, or paying off your mortgage

and all your bills?

Just imagine for a few seconds what it would be like to live your dream lifestyle… and don't judge those

thoughts just yet either.

Remember- anyone who's ever make a fortune online started off with no results, and just a dream- just like I


And even though they may have had people in their life who didn’t

believe making money online was possible…

… or ever though they may have had doubts…

…they still had enough self-belief to ignore those nagging feelings, and

take that first step.

Now, I've shown you in this video that my strategies are proven to


Not only have they worked for me, and allowed me to be financially independent by age 24... but they

have worked for others too.

And right now you’ll do one of two things:

1.) You’ll trust your gut and click on the ‘Add To Cart’ button below, knowing

you’ve got Nothing to lose.

2.) You’ll hesitate, put it off to ‘later’ and end up doing nothing.

I believe that if you say ‘YES’ today, then in a few short

months from now…

You’ll look back on this

moment as one in which your life changed forever…

But only if you make the decision to click on the “Add

To Cart” button below…

(Of course, it’s 100% secure and your information is encrypted,

and never seen by a single soul).

If you wait . . . It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but with absolute

certainty . . . if you wait . . . you WILL miss this chance.

I know without a shadow of a doubt you’ll do the right thing for yourself, for your

business, and for your family.

Click the “Add To Cart Button” below now and within the next 93

seconds you’ll be well on your way to creating your own highly profitable online business.

Within minutes, you’ll have access to the entire

‘Online Business Empire System’

The same system that has worked like a clock for the past year... and it will work for you

too!All your training is delivered TODAY, instantly,

via our online multi-media learning centre.Complete with videos, audio, workbooks,

swipe files, and check lists.

And all you pay is 3 easy monthly repayments of $97…

…or just $3.23/ day!

It has worked for others, and it will work for you too.

If you're really serious about building an online business that actually makes

you money, you really need to do this.

Go ahead and click the Big Orange Button below to get Instant Access to the ‘Online Business Empire System,’

and discover the shortest path to making a lot of money online…

Remember- you're essentially getting the complete step-by-step training you need to start making the kind of money you always

dreamed of.

Value: $6,482

Looking back at my first year online, I really struggled.

But I kept at it because I believed the answers were out there.

I’ve found those answers, changed my life because of them, helped others do the exact same thing,

and now it’s your turn.

I’ve done everything in my power to make these life-altering strategies

available to you.

Now everything depends on what you do next.

I’ve laid everything on the table for you - the entire $6,482 training is yours,

along with the 2 fast action bonuses.

You’ve heard what these strategies can do for your life, and right now you’re

only $97.00 away from instantly unlocking it’s power.

Go ahead and click the Big Orange Button below to get Instant Access to the ‘Online Business Empire System,’

and let’s get you started…

Go ahead and click the Big Orange Button below to get Instant Access to the ‘Online Business Empire System,’

and let’s get you started…

Go ahead and click the Big Orange Button below to get Instant Access to the ‘Online Business Empire System,’

and let’s get you started…

You're still here?

Maybe you're wondering whether this really will work for you.

All I can say is this:

So long as you follow you Step-by-Step instructions, then you will make a

minimum of 10 times what you invest in this program. Possibly a lot more.

My training has worked for countless others, and it can work for you too.

And it can work for you too.

And if it doesn't, or you feel it didn't live up to the promises I've made here

today, then not only will I refund you every penny, but I'll do it cheerfully.

You can simply contact my support at:


…and expect a response in no less than 24 hours- often much less.

Remember, you have nothing to lose here- the risk is entirely on


Either you get everything I've promised today, or you don't

pay. Easy.

So go ahead and click the Big Orange Button below to get Instant Access to the ‘Online Business Empire System,’

and let’s get you started…

SPARE COPYThe sense of relief, excitement, and pride you will feel when your name is announced in the Top 10 of all affiliates

is like nothing else...

Just ask yourself- what will it be like when you can finally stop struggling in affiliate marketing- and actually get the results you got into this industry to achieve?

When you can get the fame and recognition you deserve as a top affiliate, and potentially make thousands of dollars in a single day....

What will it be like when you can show friends and family that YES- internet marketing does work, you are successful at it, and you are making more in a week, than most people make in a month.

In fact… once you start promoting multiple launches, you will have the wonderful experience of deposits showing up in your bank account, and at first, you won’t even know where they are coming from...

If you’ve never had this experience, trust me- it’s a nice feeling.

If you want those results, then go ahead and click on the big orange button below, and lets make that your reality.Remember- success in this industry comes to those willing to take massive action.But you’ve got to take action first. You’ve got to be willing to learn from someone who knows what they’re doing...

Otherwise, you may spend years trying to figure this out, like I did.Within hours of reviewing this course, you’ll have everything you need to go out there and crush launches as an

affiliate, decimate the competition, beat the gurus at their own game, and have days where you make more money than most people make in a week.

I can’t think of any faster way to get massive results than by offering your own bonus- and that is what I’m going to show you how to do, with easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions.

SPARE COPY Bottom Line: No Bonus = No Big Paydays.If you’re really serious about making it as an affiliate marketer, you’ve got to add value on top of whatever you’re

promoting, with your own bonus.I tell you as a friend you really need to do this...Right now, you’ll do one of two things. You’ll either trust your gut, or you’ll hesitate.If you make the decision you know you should, you’ll look back on this as a smart choice, and the beginning of your

career as a Super Affiliate.But only if you click Add To Cart right now. If you wait, you’ll miss out on this forever.Click Add To Cart, and within 53 seconds, you’ll be on your way to creating the super affiliate lifestyle.No more excuses, click the big orange button below to get startedor you don’t pay.


 WARNING: This will offer will be up for a limited time only, until I have just a handful of testimonials and case studies-

and then the course will be printed on CDs and DVDs, and sold as a home study program for the original price of $997.

Also, by teaching this method, I am in some ways making things harder for myself... So I really will be putting the price back up to $997, as soon as a limited number of copies are taken.

Click the big orange button below to get Instant Access right today for just $97Here’s What You’re Getting...Module 1: Promoting Product Launches: The Real Truth $197Module 2: How To Set Up Your Bonus Blog In Less Than 1 Hour $197Module 3: How To Create A Bonus From Scratch $197Module 4: Planning Your Strategy For Domination $197Module 5: How To Get Paid Traffic To Your Bonus Blog $197Module 6: How To Get Free Traffic To Your Bonus Blog $197Module 7: Your Bonus Delivery System $197Bonus #1: $1,000 In FREE PLR Content $1000Bonus #2: Free Plug N Play Bonus Template Blog $97And All you pay today is just $97...Remember: there’s nothing to learn here- only things to do. You’ll have step-by-step action steps, and within days, you can be promoting product launches as an affiliate, and

having some of the biggest paydays of your life.


Now at this point, you’re probably asking, what’s it going to cost to get my hands on this business-

transforming information.

And if you know anything about the value of what I’ve just shared with you... You’ll agree that such

a course could be sold for thousands- and people would happily buy it.

Let’s look at what you’re getting:

Total Value:

Module 1: The Real Truth About Network Marketing $197

Module 2: How To Create Your first Info-Product... Fast! $197

Module 3: Creating The Ultimate Lead Capture Page $197

Module 4: The Money Maker- How To Put Together A Sales Pitch $197

Module 5: Converting Leads Into Paying Customers With Automated Systems $197

Module 6: Collecting The Money- How To Install A Payment Processor $197

Module 7: Filling The Funnel- How To Get A Ton Of Leads $197

Module 8: The Big Payday- Getting Customers To Join Your Primary Program $197

Total: $1,576

In fact... If this program was $1,576.00 (it’s not) it would be worth every penny.

Keep in mind... This was the same funded proposal that has produced up to

$15,643.45 in one day!

But it’s not going to cost you $1,576.00

It’s not going to cost you $1,200.00