Harry, Charlie and Paige Pitch Idea

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Harry, Charlie and Paige Pitch Idea


Harry Richardson, Charlie Hill & Paige Hawkes


We have decided to use the genre of horror for our

movie and opening, we have come to this decision as

we feel that horror will be the most interesting genre

to our film and will keep the audience entertained

and wanting to watch on.


The structure of our film will be based around an

opening which reveals the end of the movie and then

flashbacks to the start, we have done this because

we feel by showing what happens at the end will

tease the viewer and want them to watch on to see

what previously happened to the characters and with

the storyline for this to conclude the film.


If the movie was going to go into production the

target audience for the film would be any persons

over the age of eighteen due to the nature of the

story line and the images and events that would have

to be captured to portray the plot of the movie.


How we plan to open our film was to have a voiceover of a man

talking about some facts to set the scene of the movie and its plot

over a screen with text. The next scene will be of teenagers walking

into a location where the movie took place and the people were

attacked, these teenagers will be seen to be distraught and in doubt

of what to do, this will be playing while there is a voiceover of a

phone call conversation of the teenagers ringing the police to inform

them of their findings. (throughout this credits will be shown at

points). The scene will then cut to show the title of the movie in a

font which shows Sinicism and evil.


We have not come to a complete conclusion for the

title of the film so are currently using the term of

‘working title’ but we have some ideas that consist

of: ‘interlopers’, ‘the perfect intruders’, ‘unwanted

acquaintance’ etc.


We will also be creating a ‘imaginary’ company,

name and logo for the production of our film,

although we have no clear indication of this yet and

what it will be named and presented like at the start

of the production, it will play the role of companies

such as ‘Lionsgate’ or ‘twisted pictures’.