
Post on 12-Nov-2014

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As an eldar player of many years and having published my last one with a shed load of mistakes it I hope this one is a bit better. This codex is about the game. I hope it works as a codex list as well as captures that early Harlequin Army ferocity that has sadly left it of recent years. GW has done a good job on the fluff, as have the many other fans, so rather than repeat I have chosen to concentrate on the list.

Transcript of Harlequins

Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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Codex Harlequins Fluff Free Having published my last one with a shed load of mistakes it I hope this one is a bit better. This codex is about the game. I hope it works as a codex list as well as captures that early Harlequin Army ferocity that has sadly left it of recent years. GW has done a good job on the fluff, as have the many other fans, so rather than repeat I have chosen to concentrate on the list. Cheers Krom‟ Lek (AKA the Snot-Goblin) With thanks to: (And if you like fluff also check them out) Citadel Journal 39 and 44 GW „official‟ codex published 2000 www.rasmushome.com http://www.nso-mod.com/files/Codex-Harlequins.pdf GW 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Edition Codex Eldar Bill Napier‟s website Harlequin‟s dance website www.kalland.net The guys who let me know about my mistakes in the last one (that‟ll teach me to be a cocky know it all!) Disclaimer: This fan made codex is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. 40k, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Cityfight, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Dawn of War, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, the Fire Warrior logo, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, GW, GWI, the GWI logo, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Kroot, Lord of Change, Necron, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners. Contents: Page 3 – Rules Summary Page 4 – HQ Page 5 – Elites Page 6 – Troops Page 7 – Fast Attack Page 8 – Heavy Support Page 9 – Armoury and Rules

Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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Holo Suit 5+ invulnerable save -1 on enemy‟s weapon skill and Initiative in close combat.

Flip Belts Ignore difficult terrain All within 2” may use full attacks.

Fear Mask In close combat reduce opponents‟ leadership by 1

Fleet of foot Can assault after running

Dispersed 4” unit coherency

Dance of Death Furious assault and hit and run special rules from 40k rulebook

Blitz Attack Can assault 12” each unused “ = +1 extra attack up to a maximum of 8 attacks

Spiritless No leadership tests ever and no effect on anything that requires a Leadership Test

Infiltrate See Warhammer Rule Book

Monstrous Creature See Warhammer Rule Book

Eldar Jetbike Can move 6”in assault phase

Wraith Sight Needs a psyhcer within 2” or must roll d6 on 1 remains inactive

Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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HQ: Great Harlequin - Leader

Points WS BS S T W I A LD SV

100 7 5 3 3 3 8 4 10 -

Equipment POWER WEAPON DIGITAL WEAPONRY SHURIKEN PISTOL May choose any extra equipment from the Harlequin Armoury Rules

Holo Suit

Flip Belts

Fleet of foot


Dance of Death

Independent Character

Shadowseer - Psycher

Points WS BS S T W I A LD SV

100 6 5 3 3 3 7 3 10 -

Equipment SHURIKEN PISTOL DREAD MASK May choose any extra equipment from the Harlequin Armoury Rules

Holo Suit

Flip Belts

Fleet of foot


Dance of Death

Independent Character

Psychic Powers (See Warhammer 40000 Psychic Powers section)

Power Effects

Phantasm (misdirect) Any enemy wishing to charge the shadowseer or their unit must make a test on 3d6

Veil of Tears Any enemy wishing to shoot at the shadowseer or their unit must roll 2 d6 x3 to see how far they can see

He who Laughs Last Cast on any unit within 12” that unit counts as fearless

Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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Elites: Solitaire

Points WS BS S T W I A LD SV

100 8 5 3 3 3 8 4 - -

Equipment May choose from

Harlequin‟s Kiss 10

Neuro Disruptor 20

Plasma Pistol 15

Power Weapon 10


Holo Suit

Flip Belts

Blitz Attack


Fleet of foot


Independent Character


Points WS BS S T W I A LD SV

28 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9 -

+20 5 4 3 3 1 6 3 10 -

Unit Size 5 Equipment HARLEQUIN‟S KISS HAND FLAMER May upgrade

1 x Power Weapon for Kiss Free

1 x Fusion Pistol for hand flamer +10

Hallucinogen Grenades + 2 per model

Plasma Grenades + 2 per model

Tanglefoot Grenades + 4 per model

Haywire Grenades + 3 per model

1 mime can upgrade to Mimemaster (+20) the Master can take any equipment from the Harlequin armoury up to 30pts worth. Rules

Holo Suit

Flip Belts

Fleet of foot

Fear Mask


Dance of Death


Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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Troops: Troupe

Points WS BS S T W I A LD SV

25 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9 -

+20 5 4 3 3 1 6 3 10 -

Unit Size 5 -10 Equipment CLOSE COMBAT WEAPON SHURIKEN PISTOL May upgrade

1 in 3 models may take a Power Weapon + 5

1 in 4 models may have a Harlequin‟s Kiss + 5

1 in 3 may take a Fusion Pistol or a Plasma Pistol FP +10 PP + 7

1 in 5 may take a Scorpion‟s Chainsword + 5

Plasma Grenades + 2 per model

Tanglefoot Grenades + 4 per model

Haywire Grenades + 3 per model

1 Trouper can upgrade to Troupemaster (+20) the Master can take any equipment from the Harlequin armoury up to 40pts worth. Rules

Holo Suit

Flip Belts

Fleet of foot

Fear Mask


Dance of Death

Transport Option: Venom

Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS

50 10 10 10 4

Type: Fast, Skimmer, Open Topped. Transport: 6 +1 independent Character. Weapons: Twin linked Shuriken Catapults May upgrade

Twin Linked to Cannon +10

Twin Linked to Fusion Gun +5

Holo Field +35

Vectored Engines +20

Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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Fast Attack: Jet Bike Troupe Troupe

Points WS BS S T W I A LD SV

38 5 4 3 3(4) 3 6 2 9 3+

+20 5 4 3 3(4) 3 6 3 10 3+

Unit Size 3 -10 Equipment CLOSE COMBAT WEAPON SHURIKEN PISTOL May upgrade

1 in 3 models may take a Power Weapon + 5

1 in 2 Twin Linked to Cannon +10

1in 5 Twin Linked to Fusion Gun +5

1 in 5 may take a Scorpion‟s Chainsword + 5

1 Trouper can upgrade to Troupemaster (+20) the Master can take any equipment from the Harlequin armoury up to 60pts worth. Rules

Holo Suit

Fear Mask

Eldar Jetbike

Dance of Death

Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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Heavy Support: Death Jesters

Points WS BS S T W I A LD SV

50 5 5 3 3 1 4 2 9 -

Unit Size 1 – 3 Death Jesters per Troupe Equipment SHURIKEN CANNON RICTUS MASK Each may upgrade

Power blades 15

Bright Lance +10

Shrieker Cannon +5


Holo Suit

Flip Belts

Fleet of foot


Dance of Death

Independent Characters

Spirit Stalkers

Points WS BS S T W I A LD SV

120 5 5 10 8 3 4 3 10 3+


Holo Field

Monstrous Creature


Wraith sight

Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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Each Character can have 125 pts of wargear and no duplicates

Single Handed weapons Points Cost

Wargear Points Cost

Fusion Pistol 20 Bio Explosive Ammunition 5

Harlequin‟s Kiss 10 Domino Field 25

Neuro Disruptor 20 Dread Mask 30

Plasma Pistol 15 Jet Bikes (HQ only) 35

Power Weapon 10 Hallucinogen Grenades 2

Rive Blades 15 Haywire Grenades 3

Shuriken Pistol 1 Plasma Grenades 2

Hand flamer 5

Phase Field (Independent Characters Only)


Scorpion Chainsword 10 Power Blades 15

Digital Weaponry 10 Rictus Mask 25

Wraith Blades (Stalker Only) 10 Tanglefoot Grenades 4

Webway Portal (Shadowseers only) 50

Bright lance (Death Jesters only) 20

Shuriken Cannon (Death Jesters only) 15

Shrieker Cannon (Death Jesters and vehicles only)


Vectored Engines (Vehicles Only) 20

Holo Fields (Vehicles Only) 20

Fusion Gun (Vehicles Only) 10

Shuriken Catapults (Vehicles Only) 5


Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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Name Range Strength AP Type Rules

Fusion Pistol 6” 8 1 Pistol Melta

Neuro Disruptor Flame 8 1 Pistol Strength Vs Ld

Plasma Pistol 12” 7 1 Pistol

Shuriken Pistol 12” 4 5 Pistol

Hand Flamer Flame 3 5 Pistol

Flamer Flame 4 5 Assault 1

Harlequin Bright lance 24” 8 2 Assault 1 Lance

Shuriken Cannon 24” 6 5 Assault 3

Shrieker Cannon 24” 6 5 Assault 3 Pinning

Fusion Gun 12” 8 1 Assault 1 Melta

Shuriken Catapults 12” 4 5 Assault 2

Single Handed weapons Wargear

Bio Explosive Ammunition (Shuriken only) always wounds on a 2+ if save failed then victim explodes with ST = victims T and AP = Save and forces a pinning test

Harlequin‟s Kiss Close combat weapon with rending special rule and AP 5

Domino Field 4+ invulnerable save and in close combat always needs a 6 to hit

Dread Mask Enemy must test LD using 3d6 (no effect on fearless models)

Power Weapon No armour save

Rive Blades As power weapon but on a to wound roll of 6 instant kills (Even a carnifex)

Power Blades As power weapon but +1 attack

Phase Field (Independent Characters Only)

Nominate a direction and model moves 3d6 in that direction – Impassable terrain = death. Can phase instead of running but can shoot and assault as normal

Scorpion Chainsword + 1 to strength

Digital Weaponry Re Roll to hits in close combat

Wraith Blades (Stalker Only) Re Roll to hits in close combat

Hallucinogen Grenades 1st Round of combat reduces enemy‟s I to 1

Haywire Grenades Against vehicles (walkers) roll d6, 1 no effect, 2-4 glancing hit, 5-6 Penetrating Hit

Plasma Grenades Negate the effects of cover in close combat

Rictus Mask Any unit trying to attack this character or their unit must pass a LD test or they are incapable of attacking back

Tanglefoot Grenades Enemy Units must pass a LD test or they cannot follow up an assault allowing the beaten harlequins escape.

Webway Portal (Shadowseers only) Once activated any reserves can enter through this and units can retreat to any table edge

Vectored Engines (Vehicles Only) Can make a forced landing instead of being immobilised and destroyed.

Holo Fields (Vehicles Only) Rolls 2 dice and apply lowest result on armour pen -1 on enemy‟s weapon skill and Initiative in close combat.

Codex Harlequin Edition 5.4

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