Happiness Revolution Webinar 3 - altruism

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Happiness Revolution Webinar 3 - altruism

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Altruism involves the unselfish concern for other people. It involves doing things simply out of a desire to help, not because you feel obligated to out of duty, loyalty, or religious reasons.

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What is STOPPING us to help?

1) Diffusion of Responsibilityhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSsPfbup0ac

2) Pluralistic IgnoranceWe assume that others may know something that we don't, so we gauge their reactions before we decide how we will respond.

3) Procrastination- ‘Wait till I have…’

3 factors that HINDER altruism

Some of us take a step further by Paying It Forward

1. Volunteer of the Year, Reneisha!


2. New York police officer's kindness buying shoes for a homeless man becomes online hit


Think and Share!

Think of a time you did something especially helpful for someone else . Looking back, what do you remember? Why did you help? How do you feel?

Why do people help?

• Tendency to help people related to us is higher

• See ourselves as universalBiological

• Pleasure centers of the brain become active.*psst.. You don’t always need to buy branded items or eat good food*Neurological

• Relieve out own distress or because being kind to others upholds our view of ourselves as kind, empathetic people = Helper’s Therapy


3 Perks of ALTRUISM that increase odds of well-being

1) Psychological & Mental Well being• Helper’s High = The feel-good sensation that results

(Luk, 1988)- 50% “high” feeling– 43% stronger and more energetic– 28% sensation of inner warmth– 22% calmer and less depressed– 21% greater self-worth– 13% fewer aches and pains

- Broaden and Build effect by Fredicksonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broaden-and-build

- Reduced negative psychosis e.g. depression, anxiety

2) Physical

- 52% (non-volunteers) experienced major illness as compared to 36% who volunteered(Moen et al., 1993)

- 44% reduction in mortality associated withhigh volunterism (Oman & Reed, 1998)

3 Perks of ALTRUISM that increaseodds of well-being

3) Social and Moral Development

- Cultivating compassion and empathy

- Creating a cohesive and cooperativeenvironment

- “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

3 Perks of ALTRUISM that increaseodds of well-being

1) Act of Random Kindness (ARK)

– While You Were Sleepinghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRavlRmgaLA

2) Start from your first degree of friends/families

3) Join volunteering organizations or NPO with your strengths/interests

- Student Advisory Centre http://www.studentadvisory.org.sg/donate/be-a-volunteer/

- Lion Befriendershttp://www.lionsbefrienders.org.sg/

- Start Now Singaporehttp://www.startnow.sg/

3 Actions You Can Take NOW!

Quit reading and start helping others !


Merry X’Mas!May you be blessed and

happier everyday!