Handel - Eternal Source of Light Divine, HWV 74

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Transcript of Handel - Eternal Source of Light Divine, HWV 74

fiir ~ r-n ~®\r.hurlsh~!\

bt!r~::nnminlnnD 11 nn


Die von Handel bei seinc:m zwciten Aufcnthalte in Tlu Od~ compostd hy Htmtltl on !tis smmd visit to London komponirtc Ode wurde ohne Zweifel am Geburts- UndtJ11 uras llndtJuiJ/ttily performed tm Qt«m Annis 6irtk· tage der KOnigin Anna, 6. Fcbruar 1713, aufgefUbrt. day, 6. Fc/J, 1713.

Dicse reiche und ki.instJerisch sellr interessante Kompo-- Of thU ri&k and arlisti&al!J int"utiJtg cgmposi/imr 6otlz sition licgt im Autograph und in Schmidt's Abschrift vor. tlu original autograpk and a copy nzadt by Schmidt art Untcr den Sli.ngem, wetehe Handel den einzelnen Stiic:ken prtS"'-'l'd. Anumg th singtrs wlwst tratnt 1/anrkl Nu alfis· bcigcschrieben hat, macht der bc:rii.hmte Kirchensiingcr Eil- td 111 particular pUus ap~tJr tlu ultlwaltd Eilfurt (or Curt {oder Elford), cin boher Tenor und l\f.itglied der Elford), a higle tnwr, 11um6" of t!tt C!Uiptl R117al, whlJ kOnigl. Kapclle, den An!ang und intonirt auch den Schluss- si11gs tlu op,Urg piccts and 1J/so itrl~ttus tl~r filial clwrus; ehor; die Kapcllisten Wheely {oder Wheelcy) und Gates, JYku{y (or JYkrtlq) and GalLs, mnnlurs oftlz~ Clulpl, as sowie die Opern.sangcrinnen Robinson und Barbier tragen u.,lltu rJJO IIJtiiu known ;,, ~tJcra, .RiJ!Jinson IJitd BarbUr, ebenfalls Soli vor. · u•ho liknuiu ltatJ~ soli.

Die Kopie von Schmidt ist ent sehr spat gemacht und ScluniJrs cop)' uw rnad~ at a t'N7 /at~ dote, ond not Ncht nach diesem Autograph. Die Abweichungen sind nicht rom litis aut~tgrttph. 77u tlctiotilms 11" not um"mfllrllltll;

unbebiichtlich und am besten zu erklaren, wenn man an- lht)' c.m 6~ 6lSI tuanm/etl for 6; the assumption tlutt th1 liJ/J' nimmt, dass die Kopie urn 176o nach Handel's Tode angc- was p,par~d after llandcfs death, ahut 176o, for a Jcr­fertigt wurde zu einer AuffUhrung vor dem neuen Konig WtiiiJil&e 6~Jqrt' tltt' nr.u ling G1orge Ill. Tlu chUf differ· Georg Ill. Die hauptsachlichsten Abweichun.gen sind folgende: mus 11r~ tlze fo/lo-,,,.u,g. Seite 8, Takt -4-5 schreibt Schmidt in der zweiten Violine Pttgt' 8, 6ars -4-5, Sdn11idt writt's ;, tlu scctmd r.·ioli11

~ und ;mAlt £i!~. ~,m•d'intlu-altopart~. Seitc JO, Takt 3 hat Schmidt im Tenor ~ Page IO, 6ar ], Schmidt wriks ill /Itt' tnror part ....

~· ,0. q ~in.rtcad'ofW ! 1 !;¥51. statt ,. ! 'f' .

Seite 11 in den heiden letzten Takten der Viola gehoren P11gt' 11; in tlu last ,.u.'ll IJtJrs of tlu t•iola the /arg~ 114/a die grossen Noten Handel, die obercn kleinen Schmidt. IJtlo11g Ia Hantlc-fs Qll/agraplt, and tit~ •II" smtt/1 C11US

111 S&hrnidls tti/J'· Seite 11, Takt 2 hat Schmidt iiber der halben Pause, wie Pagt' 11, 6ar 2. Schmidt puts a""' tr..·tr tlu 114/f-jllrue, tu

spater auch iiber der Schlussnote, ein ""'• welches ich also tr..•n: tlzr final nolt; I lun·e rdaincd il in the desshalb bei dem Klavier angebracht babe. pia,~p4rt.

Seite u will Schmidt die Arie •Vir.•au• gesungen haben, Pttgt' u. SchmiJI orders tlu air to 61 nmg "vivace" - an ein Ausdruck, welcher Handel fremd ist und zeigt, dass trprcssia" farn'"pt ta Handel, u•ltidl slurJJS tMt h1 !tad er bei dieser Abschrift nicht mehr bctheiligt war. 110t/ri11g Ia d~t with tlli.s lra11scri}l. And • Andantino •Andattlill~t quasi alltgrctto• diirfte Ubrigens besser aur quasi allegretto'" uVIuld /Jdlt'r dtsril tlu corrcct ln11pa. das richtige Tempo fuhren.

Seite q, Takt 2 ist bei Schmidt die Singstimme in Pagt' 14, /Jar 2, Sdmridl allt'YS th t"((l"ee.part rir

~ gcandert. Ebenso ;,, dksdbe am ~:j. And' aJ "" md', il u n,raU. d'iff<r·

Cll!Us;, Z\lgieiCh mit dem Choranfang, in dieser Weise rntl)t givm, as lilru.·is~ th1 6rgitmritr of tile ella. abweic:hend gestaltet : rus, 1/uu:


~ s ~=~n J=?=ME~~~ $!¥:.:=~ they ee ~ le - bn.te tbb happy, ~ day, tbe day that can

The day that rue

The day that a:ne


Dies ist anzusehen als cine uhmc Corrcctur dessen, was This is to 6r rrgartlrd as a lamr eorrrch'tm oftkat tCJhielt Handel S. 15, T. 4 von unten bis S. 16, T. J scbrieb. is ,civffl on p. 151 6tZr 4/rom Ill~ nul, top. 16, 6ar r.

Scitc 18-22 steht cine Arie in zwci Versionen, welchc zu~ Pagu t8--u. Hn-1 is an air P,•m ;, lu'IJ Vl'rn·tmS j writtm erst fUr cine Altistin geschrieben und sodann, unter first for an alto, a11d tltm altn-rd stJ as ID suit tlu lrigh Beibehaltung der ganzen Begltitung I rur den hoben lntor Ei/fllrl, rrlainillg all of tlu ammrpanimmt. Stf,nir/1 Tenor Eilfurt's geindert wurde. Bci Schmidt findet givts otr!J' tltr original alto air. sich nur die urspriinglichc Altarie. Rig~ 34· Hr" a rnwnnmt !Jrgi11S, wltith ;, Jlu autograpl'

Seite 34 beginnt ein Satz, deD Handel schon zu Anfang als is rnarkrJ at tlu luginning u "Owrus", 61d is so dtsign~ •CboruSII liberschrieben hat, Schmidt aber erst da, n·o atrd in SdttnUffs copy only whn-~ th~ tlttJrw rull~ der Chor wirklich elnsetzt. Das Unisono der drei ~rgin.s. Tlu rmison of th' thru uppn- string"/ iustru· oberen Strcichinstrumente im Vorspiel S. 3-' wurde \"On mmts in tit~ prdwJ, (J. 34) WDS insn-t'd 6y llindd Handel nachtriiglich in die Partitur eingetragen i un;priing· sH~SI'tplnti/J in tM scor~; uri'rinaiiJ tit' vl'olins and vi'ola lich pausirten Violincn und Viola in den ersten sieben wn-' n'lmt during th, first srvro Iars, as is t!u cas' ,;, Takten ganz:, wie cs auch noch bei Schmidt und in Sc!nnitifs copy and in Amold's ,-dih'tm. - Tit,- figur,-s Arnold's Ausgabe dcr FaU ist. - Die Ziffcm, wclchc wltic!J ar~ put rmd,..,- tk pi'anD &tss i'n tkn, &zrs, ar,-in dicsen Takten untcr dem Klavierbass stehen, finden /Mmd z"n Arnold, a1ul adDpt,-d 6y "'' as a JrOtJf tkat sich bci Arnold und sind von mir aufgenommcn als ein tl" prd~ttd,. was on'ginalf.y 6y no r1uans r,-gard'd as i'n Bcv.•eis, dass das Vorspiel damals keincswcgs unisono tmis01' u•ilhout luzrmDnJ on tlu piano. Such passagu, in ohne Klavicrharmonie gcdacht wurde. Derartige Stelten, wldch tlu qrcflestral instnrmmts m~r.~' in 1111ison, ar' tlu wo die Orchester-lnstrumentc unisono gchen, sind rur most diffiC'IIIt for th' cnn6alo-accompanimmt. die Ccmba.lo-Begleitung die allerschv.;erigsten.

Seitc 36, Ta1..'1: z, 7 und 10, sowic S. 371 T. z und 3 hat Pag,- ]6, !Jars 2, 7 and 10, and I· 371 !Jars 2 and 31 Schmidt

Schmidt nicht i CJ und i ~~ sondern iiberall /tas not j CJ and i c.;;, !Jut a/'ilJOyS rc ~ tJnd

i-~ c undi-C t;;. Abennals cine nach-Handel'sche rc W· Araril a Post-Hand,/ian corretlion. Correctur.

Scite 4o-.p kommcn flin( ahnlichc SteUcn vor. S. 40, Pag,-s 4o-4z. H"' ar' fiv~" similar passagu. Pag' 40,

T. 7-8 schreibt Handel~ PrJ Jl ff bars 7-B, Handtl "''"" ~ fa • ctioD elide a•'WIIJ, fa • dl!1fa g!l4c CI•V(I)'

was bei Schm;dt ;n ~~ et S I rJqF whic.iinSckmidtistltnng-cdinlo~J:mE fa • ctioa alidc a-war fa - rflolt gUde Cl-1t'<Jy,

geiindert ist. Aehnlich findet es sich T. 15-16, sowie Similary ;, Mrs 15-16, and I· 41, /Jars 6-7 and S. 41 1 T. 6-7 und T. 13-14. Die funfte Stelle S. 42, 13-14. Tlu fifth passag' I· 42, !Jars 14-15 is in

T. q-15 lautet bei Handel: ~tffiJ<:U¢ Handel 'Jli/W;j i33J::fr in Sckmi I • thla a•-•pl-doa.l dat. ,.,, ma-1pltlovl tidy,

bci Schmidt: ~f!L¥SJ·~, sic istalso $t G I LJ SfL; so thai rtistlumostdU-thb aD • 1pi· ciou dar, llllf caa- tpf- tlot11 dGJ

von allen am meistcn entste11t. Diese Correcturen zer- figur~d of all. Tltu' corrutions dutroy t/, trip/, stOren den rur Handel so charakteristischcn doppel· rllytllm in dqu!J{, not,-s, wlzitA is so c/uzractn-ish'c of grossen drcitheiligen Takt, kOnnen schon deshalb nicht H12t~tld, 12nd for this r'ason alonl' cannot "' /tis, !Jut von ihm heniihrcn und mi.isscn i.iberhaupt erst in einer "''"t hav' ~'m m12de in 1211 ag' in w/Uck this l'"'liar Zeit vorgcnommen sein, wo dicscr eigenthiimlichc Rhyt:h· rll)'ll11n a/ tlu dost' was PIO ltmgl'r nnploy'd and had mus bei Schliissen ungebriiuchlich und dam it unverstand- thn-ifore 6tc011U unintl'lligi61'. This was th,- cast' lich wurde. Solches war schon unmittelbar nach Handel imnudiately afltr lfa,a,rs /if", in tlu young,,. bei der jiingeren Generation der Fall. gnurati'on.

Seite 45· Den Doppelchor bezeichnet Schmidt cinfach als Pag' 45• Tkis dou6/c chorus in dnignated 6J Schmidt simply Coro t• und z4o, Handel nennt aber den zweitcn Chor Coro 1' and z••; 6ut H12ndd 'xpress(J calls tlu SI'CDiul ausdriicklich • Co &D• d. i. Echo·Chor. chorus .. Co Eco" i. c. l'Cho c!torus. Die zahlrcichen, zum Theil groben Schreibfehler bei It is as unneussary 111 tm~mt't'at' ,,,., all lhl' 11unurous

Schmidt sollen bier cbenso wenig einzeln aufgefUhrt werdcn, and fri'qnmtiJ lad """"s t~ftlu pm in Sc!Jmidfs copy, as to wic einige Kleinigkciten, die der Komponist in seiner ftiich- mmtitm somi' trivitJI points which tk' compos,,. himsdf itt tigcn Nicderschrift unbestimmt gelassen hat und bci denen writing rapidly l111s lift unut:tain, and whic/1 hav' to "' das anscheincnd Richtigc nach Gutdiinkcn gewahlt werden stttll'd !J.r tA, 'ditWs judgntmt. musste.

Das kleine \Verk, welches noch nicmals im dcutschcn This small work, whic/1 kas 11rv~r )'et aJJtaT'd ;, a Gewande erschicncn ist, bot meincr Uebersetzung besondere Gn-rnan gar!J, pr,-smls special diffttulties to my translation ;,, Schwierigkeitcn durch den stets gleich lautenden Text zu idmtical wvrdt of cltorwes rtJI'altd to different music. J, musikalisch venchiedencn Choren. lm Dcutschcn musste Gi'rman I was obliged to ''"'1 this r¢r12in scmuwluzt, ttJ ich diescn Refrain etwas variiren, um ibn rur die Musik der "'"'" it suita!J/, for th' ,ruit of till' srv,.,al cho,.,un -ChOre gceignet zu machen, cine Unbcquemlichkeit, durch an incUiwmimu, ht1Wt1Jn'1 througk wllic/1 a mort' manifold wclche sehlicsslieh ein mannigfaltigcrer und lcbhaftercr Wort· and liv'IJ 'xpression is gainrd. ausdruck erzielt ist.

Bergedorf bei Hamburg, August 1887. FR. CHRYSANDER.

BIRTHDAY-ODE FOR QUEEN ANNE. Geburtstags-Ode fur Koni'gin An1za.

.. SOLO. (Alto-Tenore).

Etemal source of light divine I With double warmth thy beams display,

And with distinguish'd glory shine, · To add a lustre to this day: -


The day that gave great Anna birth, Who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.


. ... '

SOLO. (Soprano)

Let all the winged race with joy

. . • IZ

Their wonted homage sweetly pay, Whilst tow'ring in the azure sky,

The celebrate this happy day: -


The day that gave great Anna birth, Who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.

. . . 16

SOLO. (Contralto. Alto-Tenore) . . . 18

Let Rocks and herds their fear forget, Lions and woh·es refuse their pray,

And all in friendly consort meet, Made glad by this propidous day, -

CHORUS . The d<1y that gave great Anna birth, Who fix'd a louting peace ~n earth.

DUET. (Alto-Tenore and Basso) . . z.-

Let rolling streams their gladness show, With gentle murmurs whilst they play,

And in their wild meanders flow, Rejoicing in this blessed day, -

CHORUS . . . . . ... •8

The day that gave great Anna birth, Who fix'd a louting peace on earth.


SOLO. (Aito-Tnum)

0 t'Uigtr Qudl von L«ht tmd Glull Vl'TtkpJ!e tldnr Stra/Um hn~t,

Und ,;, trluW'11nn Glanu sclui1l A11 tliunu Tag tkr uns ,.,.frnd: -

SOLO UND CHOR. Atn Tag dn- Ko,;gu. t"tJIJ ~tladd,

Die Fried' wd lange Ruh g~r«lll.


SOLO. (Sgpran)

Jhr lwldm Siingtr ;, dtr Luft, Kmnml alf mr HrJdi'glmg htr!Jn',

Uud sdr.Ju6md in tr~~num Glanz, Bningt Jm Tag nun frolr 111ul frri: -

CHOR .. Dm Tag J,, Kouigiu t'OII A/acid, Dr.., Fri((/" 1111d langr Ru/1 gc6raclzt.

3· SOLO. (Ccmtra/1(). AJt()-Tntorc) . . . . 18

Sei Hirl und Hurdt' o!ztlt' Furcftt, lJr.J.·~ rmd UOif rifiir' Ullt{ :ahm;

llm Alks schliugl d£F Eintracht Ba11d, lf(il mtllich /auger .Frit'dt' kam.

CHOR .•..• Brsingt die Jt'011i;:i11 t-ell A/acltt, Dit' Frit'J' tmd lang(' Rrth ,g,!Jrll&t.

. . • 22


DUETT. (Aito·Tmo, rutd Bass). . 24

Dtr U'C,r~ Lauf r"st frM '"'C'; /, sallf/cm Alrmudtl schlcicltt sic 'uuh,

lm Stuntu dri'tgl sic bih, 'i:ora11, Bq"u6t'l11d diuru St'gmsllfg:

CHOR ..... Dm Tag Jcr AOuigi11 ;'(1/J Ahuht, Die Fried' tmd lt~1tgt Rulz gdwacht.

• • 28

5· DUET. (Soprano and Contralto)

Kind Health descends on downy wings, Angels conduct her on the way.

To our glorious Queen new life she brings, And swells our joys upon this day: -

SOU & CHORUS • . . The day that gave great Anna birth, Who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.



,., .. 30

• 34

SOLO. (Basso) .. .. .. .. 38

Let Envy then conceal her bead, And blasted faction glide &\\Oif.

No more her hissing tongues we'U dread, Secure in this auspicious day, -

CHORUS ..... The day that gavi great Anna birth, Who fgc'd a lasting peace on earth.

7· SOLO. (Alto-Tenore.)

United nations shall combine, ·To distant climes the sound convey -

• • 42

• 44

CHORUS & ECHO-CHORUS • . • • 45 United nations shall combine,

To distant climes the sound convey, That Anna's actions are divine,

And this the most important day, -

CHORUS ..... .

The day that gave great Anna birth, Who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.

. • 49


DUETT. (S•pran wrd C•ntra/f()j . Grsruulluil, komtll mttl• du lter6n I

Etw~l, 6euiclmd ihrm Pjad I Dn- Kdnigiu !Jring' 7ugn~dlraft

Zum Heil 11114 Srrm UIISt'rPII St1111t.

.. .. 30

SOLI UND CHOR . . • • • . H St'ni1gt d" grossm Anna AltZ&kl, Die FrUtf 1111d Umgt' RnA gc6rachll


SOLO. (Bass) . 0 /1/ingwnst, ltitr r.•trlirg dri11 Haupt;

Und U.r Pr1rtdm, fort sog/cit!J I Ni&ht 111rhr 'VIIIl ntch wird mm gnuu61

FtVd~ tmd JVohlfahrt tiii.SW111 Rrith.

CHOR ... . · Es ist d~r grcmm Anna Alackt, DU Fn'rtl' tmd lt~t~g~ R11ll g~6rackt.

.. . 38

• • 4.2

SOLO. (AII•-TnttJr') . . . . • 44

Ytrn"nttr JI"Olkrr Stimm' "sciUJIJt, It~ fern~ Welt illr Prris vtrhallt -

CHOR UND ECHO-CHOR . • . . • 45

V"dttt~r V'OIJ:er Stimm' "sclta/lt, In ft'T7tt Welt ihr Prris vtrlta/11,

Dm11 An11a's Tltatm s;,uJ 6~kannt: Drum diuN' FrrudmtJJg ;, Land -

CHOR ..... Drr Tag d~r Kdnigin w/1 Alacht, Dt'r Fn"~tl' ~md lang~ Ru/, gc6rarht.

. . 49


O~inlinu l.1

Tutci. (Y;olino II.)


Mr. En.•·ui\T. (Alto- Tf'AOI't".)





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soorre of light di - 1"ioe! with dou _ L}t· Quell VDII Lirlll .. , Glulla! ver _ Jopp _ le

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- ------ .. warmth •hr bt:am!l di!i play, with doa. _ bit: warmth thy b.:am" di!i • JeL _ r.e Strala _ len lttJul,

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"' 1t -.t .. II. W. 48.L


.tio.gui'-b'd glo. .ry tr.hint:, to aJd _ .ltol/ _ "'"' GltUI _ ~ srlarin' di~ _ _

I I I~

.. ••

-~ --...

---. lu _ rolrt: lo tbi~ day, ud with di,._tin _ gui~lid ~rio _ rv shioe, lo - ,,. To;r "" ""' ,.r.freu.t, wtdin rr. lttJI/ _ nrm Glan _ ~ sdtrin' 411

r7TJ ;. .II; fj J

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J~' 1""1 <> ~ ~ 1'-:l . • : ! l~l"'

~ ...... 1:. ..... --= .J' - I" I II ! ' "' I I I r I :t 71

11. \\". "'a.4.


eA/1 <gro.


!11r. EIU"l'RT.

~eday tba1,;av~gr~at An.na •. - ~ Am Ta!f Jer 1\ii _ ni _ gin rJOU

Allegro, a tt'mpo gial!oto. -....- ...... 7

! .. r __,F ·~ 1r . I

J . p

"" "l

I"' e Ob.r.

-fiT "Ub.TI.

- -- . birth, who fix'd a la"t _ ing pt'aee •• t'arlh, a la!IL iog prue, a last. _ iog };.ace on earth! J!Dml, Jie Fried' ....!!:!.. fan _ !(' Ruh t:•- 6racld,JieFriLd'roul ltm _ Kf!, /an_ ;.!!,}!::! ge _ hracAt!

~ ~ ~ ' .

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. ....,__ - - .....,.. .

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! '--'----' ............... ... .

II. W. -tGJ.

..•.. ·····"· ... .. . I~

--- ---

-- -- -- • ing, a la!'.t _ - _ ....... _

-f(t:, tlit /an - -


~ =....., . .... . .. . .

- I I ! -- ....... -

j .. -·· 3_ ,_ ,_ .. ~-. . . . . ~ . ,_ ,_ ,_ ~-. . •

r. \"lollnl p '"· -- -- -- -.. ,_ ... ,_ ~. ,_ . .---.

_ iag,last. .ing ~aef!,_ a last.ing, la!oLiag prarr. on rarlh, a lut.ing,las.t. --G•. ;-- - K~ ItA,. Jie FrUt/'1111(1 lan.IJ' Rula G"-h••-::•,_ Jir /fiJ'Ilftl! Um - ._

. . n rn; )\ FJ ~ .Fh9 I -...

\ I ,_ -I . ,_ .. l



(\"ll)l.!lt'ltz:a Ob.r) . I~ I' - . -~ .1". . -. '. , __ - ~

--=- --.. _tag. a . ~ut

- . - f(t', watl ion

. . { • p - .... . . ::

II. W. UA.


Tromba I.

Tromba II.

Violino I. Oboe I.

Violino II. Oboe II.







Pianoforte. ~ !

CHORUS. ). . _ ___,_ --

- ·•2:·•• a2:!• ·- -...,. 7_ ::::- ~

The day that'}(vegreat Ao_na birth,who fi:~'d _ a I~ ?.J ~m Tog'"' ·o· _ ni _ ;:in. volt JlnMt,tlie Fried'- tmd {,,. _

-~ ---=--------~ ~ - un111.

- CHORit~a fal'>t _ . . . - ing - unJ ian - . . . •, .-G:

II Tb .. day tbatpvegreat Ao_oa birth, who fiz.'J- . ....lm Tag Jno Ji.O' _ tri _ gin r_:_ll JlocAt, Jie Frier/'_ ... Thr.day that~n:great Au_oa birth, who fli'd a .Am Tu1: der ltii _ ni _ pn ~U JlocAt, iie Fried' ... . --~ .r:l .r"'7.l rm n tm 7r::::=::... • I

.. ~ \......loi I v -J.;J' p


2;. -,!-,! t

-_ iog ~eace- on -II' Jl.A_ tr•- .

peare, . . ., .. . Ruh, tmd ian_

lar.t . iog pf'arr., /on . tr• R.A,

lut ing nace OD lmo . K• uA G• .

~ J i J

I [;..J .. •

la!il _ /an-


a · I.ast _ uru/ /on _


- in;: r·•·o~.rr -- on t'lt~, a l~o;t- ing, - K' RuA -- g~ _ brdt,Ji,. JH,._tlm

- ing ·peace l"Ulh:, a -K• Rulo G•- brae/at, Jie





~ 3. i·uol _ ing.

1111d Ru _ Ia~


b.'it_ ing, a Frie.den ;,'

--...... 1


II. W. \U.


-who ru'd ... la~t -di,. frit'tl'wul lon _

ll~L mg, a ar.t _ lDg, a!' I _ 10~ Ru _A,., a;,. Frietl' raul Rula G" . . ..

. ,_. .__. . . ~

""""-" ...





~ !.~ .to.~ lt. ' (l. . _-;. II•

"'. - - -II pnr~, ..-bolix'd __ . la!'.t- :~~g ~e:,.ce 011

lmu:lat, - die Fried' und ian _ - R'-

- _ iog prate oo earth,

- - - - - - K• II.Ja K• IJracAt,

prue, the day that ~'l'e gmt Aa _ oa birth, "-ho Cix'd a b.11L iog proart' on _brae/at, am Tag der lt"U _ ni _ gin roll JlacAI, die Frietl'tllld ian. ge ltuA !Jt: •


thf' day that rve grrat An_ na birth, who fix'd . Jut iog p.-ue on am TaG du KO • ni - gin roll J[.cll.t, die Fried' und 1an ,.. li.Ja K•-

.r I r--- I jJ ~.n .rm .~ J .i

I r-'1 r--!"'1 I ,......, I _.., I I


. .. - . . .. .. :;1 • ~



_jl_ _!_

~ - =-II~ - -II -I~ earth. . luLiug, . ast.iog. . uLing prace,

_ !Jracltt, die Frie.den, die Frie..Jen und R.Ja K•- bracAt, • a la~Ling, a lasLi~, a 1_:111l.1ng ~eate, w~_o !!~'d. a ~ut.1og peace on

die Frie..Jm, t#t: Frie.Jen llllfl Rd ge _ rarAt, a;,. Fried' ~mJ Ia. Gt: RJt Kt: -

urtb, . lasLing, a lut.iog, . lut.iog, laaLiog lpeare,1\ho fix'd -- a lar.t _ .brad!t, die Frie.Jnr, die Frie.Jnr. und lan-tr• II.Ja K•- ra~ untl illll _ ...-... n ~

earlh. a last - - - - - - -_ 6r4cltt, 101J llln _ - - -- - -

. J c r--.-. - .......... ~

\ . .. - '--f '--'

- . II.W.UA.

.), • ,. ,. .. ~,.

-:. - ,..._ .-. ------ .. . ... .. .. .. ~-~ • q,o. • •

I~ "-bo fix'd . ••• _ ing, last _ . . ::-- . Jie FneJ'rmd fan - -~", ian _ • . . .. ,. ... -

•·a~lb. who fix"d . ..... - - ing pncr OD artb, the day that ~vr gnat A a _aa _ brad/, Jj,.. Frid' rtnd lun _ - 1:• lluh IJ' • radii, lUll Tog Jer /(il _ ni _ gin tJoU

. _ ing p.-;u·r (Ill . arth, the dav that p:an gmt A a_ ca birth, that ~ve great Au .oa -~

• ,:e Jluh /[1!- racllt,am Ti~: J,.,. Hij _ ni _ &in voU Jlacltt, t!~r HO _ ni _ gin ~ou

. ing pracr oo arlh, a lut _ iog peace on arlb, . K" Rulr ;:e _ ratl/1, uml lttn - K' RuA ~ . ra~ld,


. .r, rn ' J"""'"j ,J J J .I J

t - .. ~ . .. ;: ..

........-- .





• . • • • • ____/ __ . --_ ..


1r ··fix'd a lbt .mg pt'ace, w-ho fix'd a lad.iog peare,a lill'l • Fri"l'u.ntl lnn.;:_ff Rula, tli~ Friffd'wul /an./(~ lf111., und /an _ -.. _ -_

Ill. fix'd a la"l- ing peace, •·bo fix if a lui. i11g pr.are, il last -· Fried'UIItl ltm- Kt RJa, tlie Frieti'IUIJ lou. K" RuA, uM /an -

~~ fix_'cl. a .,.,._ ~ng pr.acr, who tx'd a Ja,.Liog prar~e,a , l.a"t- -Frittf'und ';_n-Kt! ~ula, rlie Fried' und /an • /{1! lluA, I!Jftl fan -

~-'"- -•• j!:.. ;.. _._ :


f_!x~d a ~a!'>L ing peace, wbo 1x'd a la!'lt.iog peace, a Ialit- - - -Fried'wul ltUI - K" Ru.A, dif!' Frierf',,.4 /an _ G' Rula, wu{ /an - - - - ~ -

• • • ~ ~'r.rm ~ i n'fl

. . . . &

I l JL A JL i'"""" -~-


-. -. -. . p (



. 1":. --- - ... ~ .... -~~- ~ . ~

II .. . II"' ~ ~


... - _ing prace- OD earth. - -K' RuA_ K" hradtt.

lut - ing pra~e ou t'artb. t •• ;;• RuA !(' /Jracltt.

lut - iug p~&('t' on ¥-art h. /an K" Ru4 !r' 6rarM.

lut_ _ iug pr.aee on earl b. , .. _ _ f(' n.A K' 6-.dtt.

I n .. ~!!.n Im ['JTJ I ~ "' j ... -. ~ j - "' I ~ r-. . !!

~ ... ~ .. .. II. W. ••J.


II.W. 48.4.

r, I

~ I

r ~

r----I I' r I ~ I 'f

. I'

Ld all lh• wiog-. _.d nee with ,_ -~

lhr lwl- den Siin_ -lr'r in '" • =- ~ - ..

! . - .~ ., pp v I

• ........ .. . • '"'"--.J.....1 -. ~ i

U.W. UJ..

" ~"""'- .1 .,~~ I • ~ --- .. I I

r r r J' I ' _I f I v

~ ~ - '"'!Ill - ·- -:- 11111111 - - ~ ..... _

- -

.-... ~ - . .---;---- ------...

~ -~ - ~ ~ • ' - ~ ~

~ . ~ .


-l""""""'!!l IF'I ~

~ v -~ - ..__ J ~-I~ ' I I I

- 'F---1 ~""""""""~; I

- - '!--""!' ~ jjt! t~Weel -l~r _ - - • - f:Unfr

-~ l:-- I ~ _1_ I! I~ ----- ;- ~ ~ :} .I

II. W. UA.


-"" ~

-~ .~ ...- I

' , I I I"( .

~ ~ . - .zur.. (;~;,:-.. ,. thf"T' ('~ - .... -lb~- ~ - ~~~r- _ltt'IA IJ,. ·_ ~in;:t Jm TaG;

-. .f-.

~ I ' . ..



.In Tutti, forte- . ,. ,. ,. ~

~---- - . . ,. - __ ..,

1-!""- I"'""' !""' """" -CDORUS. - - -.. .......... - -

II The day lh•l ~~·- grnt \u- _ na ~lb. •-ho fix'd . Jut_ Den Tac ti" _ ni ,..·. t•o/1 acllt, die Fdn/'und /an - . The day that ~;'_ gr_eat A.a- - ua ~.irlh. -bo fix"d a Ia~ .....-: p,.. Tag tier - n• K~"n f'oll Jlaclat, die Fri~d'untl Inn _ -

The day that ~i· grf'at Au_ - uo birth, who fix"d a la!ol ing, Drn Tatr titT ci_ _ ni - f\'in r:o/1 .1/adat, Ji~ F'rid'unJ ! •• tr•, .. The day that ave grt-al Au_ - uo birth, who fix"d a la"t _ -Ono Tatr tier Jia_ _ ni - in voll JlarAt,,_

I. Jie FrinJ'untl /on_ -.


~~ ,--,; --- ~ ~ ~

.. lT1 ,-

~--- ~--- --- -. . . . a a I.

............... -...J ~

.I n

-~·· •• - _....... _ ........ ~ . ~ - c--~ ,....__ - .__........ --.- . .,. -.;-. •• --- ... ....._ ....

_ ..,. - ing,a last _ :~J: pt'art' on f"Utb, I he d•y that gan grt'al - -G'' und {tm - RuA 1:•- 6rarAI, den Tatr tirr },"jj_ _ ni _


- _ iog p~are on earth, I he d•y that gave grtat - ------ -1:• Rul. ge • ,rae/it, tien Tac tier f."- .ni _

lait_ - ing p«"acr oo earth, the day that gave gtf!at /an _ - -/(~ RuA c• - 6radat, tim Tuc tirr RO. .ni •

--~ ing rear~ on earth, the da,- that gave grral

- - - - ~G•- 6raclat, ""' T.lg ,_ • der /(;j_ .m-,. .

__....... ...... -...! -~ r.l-3'_ ~ 11'1 ;-_ ........ . J ~

! ~ ~ - -- -- --..

l • • . - -- .... ._ -



~ ~ ... - -

l':!~llooiJ - -::.:.-

- -----.. ~ ~

r _ ingpnce oo - K" RuA K"

jearlh .. bracAt.

Ill - iog pracP- on .utb. - tr• RuA K" hracAt.

- ing r~at'r.on f'arlb. _ 11• Ruh K"- bradtt.

_ ing r.rare on ruth. - xr RuA II' hran\1.

• ,.._ ~-• ~ ~ - r "4_ ---- ~~~ -

~ c......!::a [111 - ~-- I c:.......r::::.· 1~'=-

! - J. . . .. • -..... "1. ~ ~-.,

~--.• i 11. \'1': ••A.

I!! A. (P. pa~;. ao.)


}, -~ • ,. ,. .,. - A "'· ···~~ ~~ ~·

(Tutti unis.)

,....... Mrs. BAIU!IER.

I (Bassi.)

t; • . I /1. - ._..... ~ fl. ..

{ "! ~ 1' .. 1 _)\

"' fl. .. ;- -~ . •

-... .__... Pialaofortc.

- - - (\'~~f'IU:a Ob.

I"' ~ ~. .. .-:----. fpj -~

ru Let norkll- aod ~~rd~ _ their - - - Sei llirt- .. d /leer. _ -.:J..e

- . _......,- - -

\ -~:..:;:u r_ vr-~ UJi; ...

Oboe !'!olo. - ;------ ------ ~ ... (/')

-::::=:::: - - - --,.,. fur~ for

~·· li_ -;: aad JwnL 'C'r!~ rr.. fu"r. th~ir prey, li. - -

oL _ ..

fclal, - J~o- -Itt" tDU/ Wolf 1(•-f.ig• IJ1U! • .w.. LU.

....,..---........or ~I r-T'"':l -~ . l""'r"':'

t --. .. Ia: -I I .__I

....... ~ - ~

---;-~ .. . I~ .

- --I~ I -

, ~ .: !'!'T1"l

ll ~ t.J_;f~ ";::::::::' I - I

-; 1• t -; t-; ~ -;

_,..._ :~


t - '"-t''

-h .--::---..


II ... eon_ sort rnret. ma~~ ')}ad,

sdJU,~, tlt'r l:.'U..trarld and, . 7"-"-

t 1,....,..., ~ . (Tultl.)


·t::- ~;-Jt;- ·~~·8 day-WI.

_...., .. { •• .,


- .....

- -and all ___ io (rif'Dd.z t'OD. JOfl ..... "''- -'~· clolingl -. E~olt

--; It ,. ,. . =- ,. _..,

~ .... --- bv thi1 pro-~ _ lion"' dav, ___ and .lilA laN.~r-~, Frir. _ .Je


. u m •=

- --~

.. t:'\

. I, •. t:'\

- - "" - I ~


"" -~


.1""!-1 l""'r""r'F' l""oo

' v~

- ... n. w. ••-'·


med,made gla~ Bant!, u:ril e>v~.,_

-*- "2:::;--1

all .. friead_),· klllft, U.. AI _ fn

mad• glad by tuil rru/ _fir/a


Scgut• Chorus, pag. 22 .

!!0 B. (fl. P•'='· '"'·)

(Tuai unis.)


Mr. EILFURT. (A.IIo-Tuor~.)


Pianoforte. {





"{ . :.

_,..., -... .-:------..




............ -t ~ ~

-ru ! ... I


fear-- fo~1f,et, o/a_ _ _ ne iu-clat,

,.;_ Lii_

~ ...........

~ ,. ,.

. . ,. =·~H~~ I!'


- ~ I~ . . . ~ .. 1

..... ........ . .. .

1 - ........ ~ ~ I" .. • • ~ ... """'"

- '""-.:; (\lol .. rnza fib)

,,.., .....


I .._....

Let floc~· aod!rb·rd•- tht>ir - ' Sei ffort __ IIIUI Hl!er~ _ -,, -

• -

7 P r-7 E.Li ~ . I - =-- p

.. Oboe eolo

-~- -:-------. ~

(P.J I I I


_ on• ud ,,...)_ - - ~Vf'i'l ,._ fa>e th•iriP"r• li.

- "" wvl Wolf lft-Jiil:' 1111tl zaAm, Lo.

...... -._. .............. ......

If. w . .....


J. .----.., ~-TaUI . (fro) .

I"' I l I' ~ . ~- ~-

-,..._- ~ ";...,

• ona and wol _ - -~1- -I - J Tn rr..~ethr.ir prey, ,.. vnd Wolf G'-Ju!J' vnd slllun; . -- -- -

' ri1 ~ ..,..., ~ r1r.

t I I I r __ w 1

. . .r, I

1_ ~

- - . - --.~ ~- .

I!' I -- _a

~~- . • . ,._ ~

~ .-----. . .. -~

I and •"-- io frieod _ h· coa. _ sort mf't't, mad.- gla~ _ ... .AI_ _[, .. ..Alin.,-t de• Eio _ tnulal BonJ. ~nil r~tl- _ ... -

,. 7 - - --.. .-.:. I"!'T:I"i

t ~-u.;.,:::: I - 1~- . ~ I ~ .. . .. '---

I' -~ ·- ~

~ ;•., ~ .... y; - --...


II"' I I I I

-. .:-----.. ,_ ,__ _., • .-;-. I

. -_. .:----... . ~

. _-;-. I

:~;f.~}~ ~-~,~~tlday.-•n•llall io rri•nLiy I I I Fru• _ _ _ J,. ..JI _ J,., ,...;.., ---

-· ·-r r ,QrJ:l .,

' I I -

II. \f. UA.

;. .---...._

,_ ,~:----._.r---~-=-----c--.... .. ~ • • .. . • .,---... -:-..... ~ -:----... . . "" -

t'ou _sort meet, m:;t stArutgt Jrr EU. . tr11i

glad, B•ntl,

madeglad by wei/ i:nd _ liCh

.'-"""" :- - "' t~~ I'_.., ,. I •· • 1 ~Ur

, .. I

J• ' -_., .. ~

this pro.~ _ tiooa I ~ay- I lun - gno rie- a~ kam. - Segue Chorus.

_., .. 1"""1-1 __,.....,.. -I ·~ I ..., "d ~ ~;:::::!;::::!, I n

l "-1 --.... ...

CHORUS. . ,_ . ,. ..---... .. (Tutti.) - -

~ . . (Viola.) -CANTO I.

The day that gave great An - oa birth, 1\ho fix'd . la"t _ iag p~aee on

CANTO II. "' D•-•in&l tlie /(;;_ .ni -Gin 'DOU JlacJ..t, d~ F;ird' und 14~ RW. tr•

At. TO I. Tbe day that ga•• great An - .. birth, wbo r~·d . last iug ptacP .. ---..

ALTO II. De_oinl(l dk hii_ _ ni- gin roll jM•oll, die Frietl'""tl., /an - G' RuA ge


I The d:r tbal gave grr.at An - .. birth, who fix'd a l!st _ i;g peace .. . BASSO.

Oe_oingt Jie /(;j_ -'"-&in ••« Maclrt, die Frkd' rmtl /!' - ,_ li' RuA tr•-. (Continuo.)

~ . & .• • J . Pialloforie. ~ ~

,._ -·

.r ~ I I ~~ ;; ~ ........ ... • ~

~ • .. I

i w...J.....J ............... = II.W. ••.<~.

23 ) VIol. TUUI

• ; . ~

~ ,. \, I - -•uro. ROBINSON.

mlh, the day thai p•• ... birth, . ':tit~}~~:: --.

_ 6mcAt, he_ 1ingt die lifo _ Gin ~oil !Jiamt,>IN. BARBIER.


h .. .••• ···'- .£i..

Ill day •lga•e greatAo. lbirth,~l: fix'd . a I;;t 'j?;,;,.;,.. ••• - - -

. 6"!tAI, 6e _ s~t;l die Ko. .ni ·K':' • roll IJI•a\1, the

earlh, ~· ~!1 lhal '\! •• f::""'Ao- -·· ~irlh. 6e

• 6rodsl, b: - :~'1!"1 die !" -,:';_ gi• roU I.JI•a\1, the

~J "" . ...., t ~~ r ...............

p . • I"

.. v r~ .. .Jo - ..-... ..--... • --II":.


II ..-... .-- -Ill' - _ing,lut_ - iug fi'UC~ OU arth.

.ge, Ia~ -....-'

- !(' Ruls If' lmu·Al.

llr day, "~' ~= .~ut_ _ mg peace on art~.

- •••~:1: • .••••• ·- .. r:~~ uNI/t111 - · - -If' RuA G" ltrarltt. . Ill - - iug, •!>•l_i_x'd_ . a,;Liog puce OD t>ar~--

_ !:'· di• Fried' .. , lan.!if' RJa If' b,..ml.

Ill, day, thr ay, rlofh:'d . last.ing peace .... earth.

Ill - $ingt, ~-- sif1GI, tlirFrit!d' unrl lan.p- RJa If•- ltracllt.

d.y. tbt~ ay, who fix'd . last . ing prare OD rartb.

J-.1""1=1 i'l""M • ...., I rT"M L........J v r ~ , ............. =- I~ r I

"i .. . 3 .. i II. W. U.t.

Violini unisoni




Pianoforte. \. ~I

""" ... .,

t .,,.. -..

""- ~~

t " rc~.


t.. . ..

,.., 1""1 .. ... .... ., .

,...., r-... .... .... .. .

,..._ r--.--

• ... i

.. ,. . ... -

I ---------. 6.

........ W,.JJ ......


Ld rol _ /Jer 1Yo .




-ling, rol _ liog !'!lream10,

1,_ •. !('' L:f,


II. W. U.l.

..... -- - ···~ ~ .

--1,[ ., -..

·~~ ~

""" ..

----.. -- •••• rol _ w.. ·,...., ....

'l ., . ---~

7 "

'l 7 . --....-... ....

. -':-=.

. . -- -

.... ~ ,.._

, ~ L :· . -·- . • liog strums, 1<1 rol • - f:t'! LaJJf,

,II ,.--..,.~,.~, ,,. -; .;~ ;, ; ,.;,.,;. .. ;..,..-

l<t rol _ - -_:,;;, fF'u _ ;... ...: ~ - .~ - .

-.....r • . -- ~

-I - I

I ... . . """J ... • --

-II - ...... i _.!_ . .. . .. • • ---------.

I - - r"- hog, rol. - -liag !>I reams tb .. ir glad _ - - oes~

- ,.- G" L .. J i$1 fro A er --,_ . f. • ,.._,. !!a,.!!_e. . a

. liog, rol. ling stream A tht'ir glad.nrs.s show, thrir glad - - nr~s -,. ;. - ... -lr' Lauf Ut fro/a~,. _ r1_t, ist froA " -• " ........ • . -- -


~ .. ~ "-oo . ~

• t """" .. . --

r--.. r--.. ... " ,..,

II ···~ ....... .. . - .

II ,.bo"·· thrir glad - - Df"SS

- ':f'· ;,, froA ,.. " -- . . .. .. bow, th .. ir glad_ - Dt'S!>

_ rr~:t, _:;,., fruA <r -- . ..... . • "-J """-J ~ -


~ - ff~ .. ~ ~ .... I ..

""-J -II.W.u.ol.


... - ·:· 9.3--__,.,.,. . . .. . • •..,! -------

~how, th~::ir glad _ - - --- - Dt:lo~

- rrxt. ;' froh " ·p_- ,. t ,. ,. _n--- ,. §how, tbt:ir ~lad- - Ot'S~

- ';_K'·,. • ist fruh "-... ... """ - "'-.[ - -. • - .. ~ u -a 1:....! ~

I £ . """"l .. . - ..

~ ,. . .---... .----... ___,_ .. ~

•how, Wltb g:o-_ llr mor _ _ mnn wbil"t lhrv pb.r. with grn _ tl• _ rrgl; ,. . in ••'!£..- , .. , Jlur. - _ mf'ln •cA/n"ccat sie • nacla, in tltu~j _ /rm .. . ~ . ,. ~ . 11bow,lrith gt'n _ tlr mur- - _ mnnwbilst_ lhPV pl•y.

_ rrgt; in =/- '':.- JI.,. _ - - _ tN!n u/JeicAt ,;,." n;tla, • .t. .. ...... ,. .. " loo,[ ... • -ioo"' .... -

~ ~

! .. .___• . .. 17 ... ~7 1' .. . ..... -; .,. _:;;;;;_ '---- r I

PP -loo,[ 7_ -; .....


mnr _ • mnrllwbilllt ~·y plai, with gu. llr Jlur- _ meln •claleidtt 1ar nar, in •anJ _ ,..., . .-... ~ t• ,. ~ II•


'lf'ith gt'D _ tlr mnr _ _ munwb.il!'t ·~rr play.•ilh g•• tlr. mnr-

,_in ••~, /em Jlur. ;;..... _ mtln ulr./,idat ... naiA, in ·~ ''"'

Jlur. _;, .... ~ ...._, - loo,[ - . • ......

~ -I • ; :; :; ; ; -~ i$ : j J ">' I• .. : r -I -.. ~ :; :1 ~

... .. .....- .. .. l.o'

II. W. to.t.



mur- - - - wurnob,ilst ·~·r play, aud io their

Jlur~- ,_ jj~ ~ -meln tcAieiclt.t ... ••cA. im. Stu.r. .me

- - - _ mnl'l'wbilsl ·~·r play,

_,M_ro.;, - 1111!/n u:/Jeiclt.t ... MClr, ol•#,_ ~:.·. . ~ .. I~

: - -..r -- - -~ ~

··-· 7 I~ ~ . W" . ' z ~

....... li •.. l .. -- ....... . .. .

v -----wHd me_ .. - _ dt"rs now. ,. joice. -tlri11g! •ie __ kii/ua __ ror. -""· br ju- - -. .

aod io tbt>ir wild me_ ao. dtu flow, " im Stur. _ ... JriJ,gt ... kiih roor ... ~

be . .. ,,.u ~a~. • ..... "'i ""'-! -~~~~"""' ---

t I ... L,.....j -. . =·b. ~ ~ ; .. "• ......... ...... -- .....

iug io tbi!' blt'tr. .. d dar.-_ IJt*lnJ tli~ s,. _

-~liS I of::

ing iu tbi!' bles sed day.--briM dO. ... St. _,_ .. Ia;;:

_ juire-

-i; -

- - -... ,...,_.


CHORUS. \"lol ul. ....., ~ .. .... _IIIIa ~ .. 0~1.11. ·I.J .. . - ···~I ~ I Ullfs.

\'lola. .... """'

_, ,.- - ~ ,. .. -l.r-, . -...- I

Tb• day that ~;e_ great ~ll"- -.. -Jfath. f".bo fix'd a la"t _ Den TaG ,~,. • ni ~,,._ roll dlt, tlie Fried' ••• fan_ -----:.

'Tbe dav that gan great Ao_ - .. birth, ~; fix'd a J.,.,.- -o-. TaG- du Ru .. _ ni gi'!=:- roll Jlaclat, Fried' ••• lt~n -

The day that gave great Ao _ - .. birth, f.:h• rix'd . lut. - -o •• TaG "" Ho_ _ ni 1(1'11- I.'Ofl ~-x~dll, tlit' Frtetl' ••• fan - -. . . ~ The day that g:<•• g~eat Ao_ - na birth, !-:ho liid . last. -Den TOG drr hO _ - .. Gi•---- •• u Jladlt, di~ Frin/' ... /an -

:t ~. . . ~. .. .. .... • "'-/ .. ~ -- .. .


\ .Q

""" t~ • ....

"""" ............

..... .. . . ,. .. ..... . . -~-.~ ....... IIOtoi""-1 - .. .. .. . .............

_j " ---II v - ·--~- I~ I I - .....

li - r I I ~ .. -

II. .,

_ iog prare on eartb, . la"'t • iog pure, a lut ••g peace,

- G' Ruh G'- 6radtt, die F,.;,._J,., /(e hrarllt U:J fan "" Ruh,

_ iog p .. ace on earth, a la"'t _ ing pt!ace, . lut iog prace, _ G• Ruh ge 6radat, die Frie .tlen ge _ hradlt untl fan G• Ruh,

iog pruron nrtb, a Ja,..l • iog ~eacr, . lut ing prare, .ge Rula frt' 6rru1at, Ji,. Prif'~tif"tt K" _ rac4l unJ /an K' Ruh,

• ing pr:at'e on earth, a lut ~ iug reaee, . la!lt ing p .. ace,

_ g• Ruh K' hraclat, die Fri'-.tif"'l 1e- raC'Ial omdlan - If' ~~uh, c~• - •• .. - - ...... ~ - ,.., ....... -·

\ 1'"'1

!1 r r ,_r ~ l . ,.,

'i--~ ....... --....J - - - -II. W. 4•.4.


- - • •• ----...

-.:r i "" ~ .....

. . -

ru who fix'd . last_ ----:" iog peace .. earth. dit! Fried' ";' ian_ -;:• Ruh G• 6rnclat.


who fi:c'd a last_ iug peace .. nrtb. die Fried' unJ ian_ ;:t Ruh G•- 6rnclat.

I "·bo fi:c'd . lut_ iug pr:ace on earth. die Fried' und ian _ !:• Rula Ke 6ral'lal.

who fix'd . la'\1 _ _ iog peace .. ear lb. Jie Fried' und /an_ -.!' Ruh K'- 6raclat.

.-:11 ~-. .. I. . - - :';

-.;;;r • -- ..... .r ... • ....... .,._,..._ .r-; ~~~ J...,J~~

\ .... .......... ..... I "' ~ . r-il . . ..

..... ~....~- ~~ ~ r .. .. •••• r .. .....

1 - • ··- .. -07 ....... I~ - ·•·i II

II ...



. Ia •- - I~ ea. . ••• ·- II .... ""'-J. • ~

.... - • ... -~ t 1:- ta.

r~, lit' =---. . . -"" .. -.....r ..... .....- ..

n. Vl. u.t.


........._ ......._ - •• Oboe solo.


Violino I. IV ~ ...._.

Violino IL ~ - • ·~· -: ~·-- cJ'~J'


Mrs. B.umn:u.


_.\udaole. --:---- ~ ffl _...---.._ ~

l -p~tllu. Pialloforle.

....__..- ~ • ....__..- . ·....__.~ ,] ... =r ~ '" . "---'

.J ... .-~ ....- -


v • ~· .. .. .. cJ .. ,.--.... ~ _--, _...---.._ ..


liind !lrallh _ dr"_('rnd~ on du""· _ oy ";og", an gel" coodort, eon c~- •untl. _ A,.;l,komm aurlo '•- Aer_hei! En pi, En_ -G''· ~~~-


~ - '!i --. .-..

\ - ~

I l ~ '-• -----

~ J!j .__.. :; . . '-' ~ i' :0../ ----

II. \f. -\8 A.


) ... "'

~ ;.

-I"' _ durl b.-r vu lhf' '1\'2\·; --

- :riclur.el ila. "'" 1:/aJ!-.--;----. t .. ~ •• -- ~-:--,. f: t~· ~'"'. '• .

Iii ad Ilulth -dt"~_,.rad" on dow_ -or wiaR'l'• .. .gf'l!\ coodoC't. ... c,. suntl. .lteil,komm aurll d11 _ Arr .6ri! En _grl. £,.-&fi, he_

. -~ I. .......... r-:M ~I

\ 11"----'1 v l~f I f I I v I I r r

( l-1

~ '-"' \.._; --...-' '-' · 1 r +

)_ . "' -"' ,. ~"i ,. ;..-; 'i'

,. --.. ~

lcindllraltb- drs l"t'Ud~ OD do~ _ a,· ·.:= .gt') .. '"" IDh"· ao _ Gr.auntl. .ltl•il, kom.n aur!JJ,_ ,;,. 6ri! En_ _,.,, br

.a&. ~~~ ~-u. .---.._ ~ .---.._ .

• durl h..r on lb~ '1\-ay; Jdud ll···hh drs.rt'od" on do"·- .oy wiap, .. _ .grls ... _ ~rirlr.Nt'l iA _ t'r'll l'fotl! Gr. suntl _ Arit,/coiiUII ··"' ""-- ltf'r.bri! En_ _g./, b-_

• ... . . . ... . -... - 1-1 ~ I ---

~ . I• r I~ r ' ' ' ,. r r r-r 1 "

t t ~ ... ~~ ~ .. ,......

.. II.W. ••lt.


.. ..•. v

- - --_ durl hl'r ou tbt'""a)', run ncl b~r on the way,- ron uri brr on tb .. way; - :t'ir/urt'l iA _ ren PfGJ, he_ :ridant'l iA _ rr-n PjaJ, _ he _ ;t>idt..Rt'/ iA _ f'r'll Pfatl!

-1! •• -:---.~ ~ .....-.... ---:--- . • dart h..r fiR tb~ r.r.y, ... uri bt'r uu lhr. w~y • eon • ~art her on tbt" way; _ :f'irlutet ih _ ren /fat!, 6e _ :rirlmt'l iA _ ren ljatl, 6e_ ztirla...11rl i4 _ rf'n PJatll

• ~- -• .

I , 7

_..., - - ••• "'

~· I"' '- -- /

... --..

kind llralth dr~crod~ .. dow_ - oy wiog~t, an !:"'' ro1Ldort, coo. ~ot'tbrr on thr M'71f·-Ge - •uttd _ Atit,kOIItlft """' '•-- laer.6ei! J:.ir J,"'t'l, 6r _ :tiduwt, 6,- t.t'irl111rl ih- un lfutl! _

~ ..• • ~ ~ • kind lfn.lth de"_reod!l on dow. _ oy wing", an g..Is coo..durt, ... dart b,.r on the way.-Gt! •und _ heil, komm U.Hcla '"-- lv~r.6ril En -. f?l, ht _ :eU.IInet, 6e. :eidlllrl iA _ renPfatll-

• . ... n-, r-r-, I _...,

~ - l l"1'"'l ~ \ -- ........ ' - -- ~ r ~~ ( • . .. •

H.W. ......

• - -..

..... .....

~~ ,_...,,.., ------I"' Too01 glo _ riOD!i Qat:t'D ... Dt''R" life --"be brings, aud '>'W"t"lls __ oar jo~ ,.,. op.

IJer h"ii- _ ,,; • gin _ brin~· Ju. -!r"'dlcrajl ~r-

IJ.i/ __ ...J s,. -K"• . ~ ... . ... TooUJ ~·0 - rioa" Quten .. ..- lifr--"'ht'Lri.ngs,a.od ~W't'!u~ _ oarjoy!l- ap . IJ~r Ja"ij_ _ ni _ gin _ bring' J •. -K•Nikrajl """ IMI ...JSe. -IJ<" .

T -lJ'!"!'LI"'M I ~ I

l : : L..U I -, . . ... .. .,. •p .

r -.. .. ~ . ,....,._,

"' - - ..___ :-- -


.. • oo ___ thillo day. fliad .. - _ lf'rm Stnn.l, Ge-

. OD-- thi!'l day . ... _,,.,.,.Staat . ~ • . ,_.

:; lll _J.,.---....~ j,---..__~ J r-.... '11

~ r :: - ~ L...J...J I p ::: ::

~ ., -. .. • f. •


II. W. 4.e.A.

SoLI & CHoRus.

(Violino 1.)

(Violino II.)



Mrs. BAitBIEI\







e4d n an e. '"

.. I~

Anda.ote c:un moto.

,·~ 1""'111 -

.. '· .. ..

. .--..... 'I!>• dar that Be.sinKf~

gav., grnt An ~ na -

r;ro.u .. A•:i:-... ,

! u H'. ~ ~ l • --...

" .. ~


Ill" - - - -- - - - -

\ .. .

- .~ 7 1,. .. ~=- ~ ~ ~ ;-:'.. •• :t I'• -~ff;

""" - .

,. .. ... -- .... """ 1.,[ ,';:; ""' -

,...,., ..... ,. . ,r..., r ..... -j;,.,J~

.. .. ~ ,.,~ i ' ., ·"· ~

.. . . . . (lr-

birth. "~o fix'd a b,,Uog peace. a rllal\t _ . Jl•"''· tt;. Fried' ...J t ... fi< RrJo, tmd 1 ... .


u i. .... I •

-The dar that ave great An _ na _ .. .. . Be. •inKI tltr- !("O.Iten An_ na _

iag P'eace no earth,

- /(< RJ. fi<· 6radll,

~ ......... -r r r r ·r-r f u..r i n

.. - -R. W.4.eJ.


_n_ I


-birth. who lix'd a luLiag J!fat'4!, . lasLiag peaer on earth, a last - iug J/acltt, tlir Fn'td' !Did la.Ge llulo, ... IIDLG' llulo IJ•- 6rtt.clrt, .~ _- -G'

~· ... '•·

a luting- pr.are, a lut~iog pracr. OD- earth, a last _ - _ ing' unJ {tm_ge llulo, ...J lan.p Ru/o &"- • 6radtt, ...J i4n • - -II'

-- -....-_; -1- ~

~ r ~ ~ ·~ r

--- -

CA!"fTO I. -r prace, . la~t _ ~

llulo, ""' ""'-f'ANTO Jl,

- _ iug pt'l('f OD

II' Rulo 1"-

ALTO 1. -· k. . . ..... a• :!: ... ~ L• ~ •· '• '•

~race, a last_ Rulo, ""' , .. -ALTO II.

- iag pn('e p Ru/o P-



- ...

11. W. ttl.l.

J r. * . * ";\

v - -v

peace, "~o rixil a Ia sLing prar.e, Ruh, diP Fried' unJ lan.!fC Ruh,

~ /_ r"'1 ~ ~ I r"'1 I ~ I 11 \ ~ I n t_h• day ·~at ~~ve grral An _ na hirtb, tbr day that gan grt'al An_ na br._ •in;:t tier Jrrn _ um An _ na .llacAt, he_ •i~tgl tier fr"U _ ••en An .no

the day t~at gavf" grf'al .~\o _ ua birlb, th• day that gavr grt'al Ao _ na lie -•ir~KI tl.-r gro. um An_ no iJiocAt, !Jr _ •inl(t J,,. l(rD _ nen An _ no

thr dav that gan gr.-at An _ oa _ birth, tbl" d;~y that r:~e great An .ua_ 6e .•in'jrt tier GrtJ.nr.n An_ na- JlarAt, he. •in~:t '" n_ Ut'tl An.na_

n- - 1"1 .... r: . r-:

\ r-...":: 'r-... M=l ~ -~

' ; . -; . .. T II.W.U.t.

37 . h.o. .. . ~~- - . • '.t ... ~ . -- -l

.,. . - .. . ' I I I r-:-. ...,.

la!oot- -_who fix'd a la!'t-ing r .. arr, . -_ die Flied' und laJI.if< RuA, r:-,m l11u -

h I • ~ J m .h '~ ] rn .h I

birth, th .. dav ·that gave great Au • na birth, who fix'd a la!>l. .ing JlucAt, 6e _,in"gt der J:ro • nen An _ na JlarAt, tlie Fried' 111111 fan. -G•

birth, 1_~. day that gave great An • na birth, "~o fix'd a la!il -J/a('llt, he."":K' d..,- gro _ 11en .A11 _ na Jlaclat, die Fried' u.nd ian _ . • birth, lb• day that_ gan grr-'t An _ aa _ birth, ..-bo fix'd a lbt- -J/IJcllt, 6e _ •":fl '"-- po • 11m An • na -- Jlaclll, die Fried'wul fan_ -

' ~ ro rr:J .J . . . . .---, . ~ ~ ~

\ r-::; - -I . ' . ' I

. l.,..l...:f . l.....l..:i . -.- .. . ~- ·- . - . ' .. - .

., ... ,...___ --.,- ----

.... 1- • I • I"' _ ing- .. earth, who fix"rl . last _ _ ing nrtb. pntf'! f-- pnre ..

;:!]' R.A ~- "Jdal, 'J' F~l\~d la11 _ -G•- ~. 1\ RuA G" 6rarht! ,I_ I .t---


- puce .. rartb, who fix'd __ a la111 _ - _ iug pt"arr un ruth. - RuA G"- 6raclat, tH.- ~~-""" ian _ - - K' R.A !(' 6racltl!

• in~ prace on earth, who rix'd . lui. iug pearr ou nrth. • !(• RuA tr•- 6rocllt, die ;;·-:· .. d ian_ : -" G" R•A !(' 6rarAt!

_ iog peacr. ou nrth, .. -n. lixiJ __ . last_ iug J'!l':lfe OD nrth.

- ~· RuA p. 6ratAt, Jie I;;•::_ .. , r .. - - .. K' n.A I!" brii.C'At.'

.! .J .~ . . rrrl ,..., ..... \ .. ",. I

====:: I '

-. .. . i -... I v ~ "#

II.W. , ....

!Ill . II-:,


! it •t· •

. ) - . -~ ~ ... !

.. <:Allegro

fViulino 1.)

Tuni. 1\lolino nJ

I"' ,;t :j'* --I"' .....


Mr. GAT>:S.


.. Allrgru mod .. ral~

~ • ~ : . t


- - - -..



-~ -I

~ II

- ~· II -II

-.. it-~· I .a'· I II

~ ~ .. : . ... ,. -. >+- .---:1· v·




__., . ~ •

. --..... ·- f: ... . .

.. - - - --• ,


-. -.


r-. • ......-

II. W. UA.,


-• . ------~

• - - - -::::== r-- ---.----- .


- ---. ,.._ . . . - - ---... . ...........:~ _,., r-- . ,--r-'1 .

\ . -.....a....J. 1"

. - -.. . . ,__.. .........

_._ . ["'"-,..._ r--

"' ~ r--- ~ . - r---. _ ....

"' ~ . ~. ~ . ... ... ~

--.... - ,....-:-. .. ............... Ll!'t Eo- vy lbrn- ('Op - cui hr. brad,

0_3!/::g"· hKr- t'TT - 6jll dtU. Haupt, .. ... .__.,.

• r--- -\

_! -~ . --::- J I 4 ~. ....., ..


• r--... ~ .. _...,

I"' ul.._~•-.1 :i • ==-""""' r---.. .. ..... :i

I"' r. .... :i • ~. ~ ..... :i -- ---- •• 1-

--==:l:::::j - -l•t En- '1" tht'o- COD cui her brad, a..od bla_strd fa_ rtioa, and bla._~otf'd

~ 0 ~~~. hirr--;,. rt'r ~·II' Jri" Oa11pt; uml w Par tri- ,.,., uml iltr Par_

cL.r:- ~ - --~ 1" • ~


.. .. .. • f .. .. J

~ _., ,.

- ........... H. W. 48.1.

40 .. . .~ - .. - I~ -

....- J' ---: . .~ - . . . . . . . . """":--" - -

r::-:- - • rtion, and b Ia _ hlf'd fa_~_ction _,,.;_ - r-;._ - t'n, un:._mr Pur trL ...;..::·-

- - -___, ,..----:; r--. ........- JL J ~ r-.. r.::::::'

I if ~ ~ w .:..c.-

~ - --'. :---..... .......... ..

... .. - 7 - i••· • ~··:i···. .. ..

... 7 ... . ~······ .. :-. . J. . . . .

- - =---- .. - glidr. a _ ""f·

~ -==== and hla.lllrd a~dion

- for/ .. - g/,.icla, ., .. ";.d ilcr Par lt'i - .. ,_

- ==--- i::::ii::::!:== ~ .~ r-, •

\ - ·~ ~ t.

-..... -======- """"--J

.. .

. -- - ... - ""'"':;;;..,

. "::-' - . ,_ .- . - - -. t • . ~ .

- glidl" . - w-ay. and bla _ !llrd ra- ctino, and bl:L111t·d r._ - Jm·l 10 - ,;lf'it1t! untl illr Par. ,,.; _en, rmi ilrr Par_ (t'i-- - ~ ,_, _., :-:-.. __.., - . ,..._ _....,

I -:: .. 7-if if . , . "-""""" . ! _.............. - .,......;._

....... . . . . .. . . . ~ 11. W. u..t.

41 .. - .. 'd

v ,.-- . ,. .,. . 7':"' -

- _ cliuo, · aod bla _sled fa_ .thoo - glidr a -- en, uml ilt~r- t,.i_ _f"n, -- fort, 0

-----... - . . ~ . . r . I - - --- .

.. ~


. ; . ~ ... _way, aod bla _ f;h•d fa_ _ ttiuo ~ glid. a

fort, ""' illr Par ,,. .. - - f'n, -.fort .. -.......-- - - ---- . ..... -

t ~ 7 ., '---LJ w-· ,..._ . -......- - - .

• •- .. -IV "i: • ---:.. . IV . . .

.. - ----=- . . ,......_,

- -- ~·ay.

- ~:f,icla! ..........., ____, ---- - . __.., . - -{ ! : . -::, . - . .

~ . .


~ ; ; ; ; ; ~ - ---- . ;

n. w -hi..!.


4'' - • -or 2

-.r -:;-.

1r . . L . :

No more bl'!r bi~;11 _ iog toogu~s w-e'll dtead, !I~- C'Drl'! io this .. spL .eiou• day, .J.Yirlt.l JM/tr t'UJI r~~.c!t wirJ ,..,. G"- _ruuht fli•-~ .. d '!fA1 - faAri ,.,. _ _ .Jtrm n,;c~a, ..


\ .. . . . . .

a ·---~-: r s: •P . .

~ . ·~ ..


- #• ~ .. . "" mort Ttr his• _ ••g toogtrr!' wr'll dread, !'r. - C'Orf'' Ill ~~"-- aa _ 11pi _ cious nich.t mellr t•un ncA rrirJ ... G'- _raJJt I f;i• _ "i ."':d 1YuAL _ -faArt "" - '""' ..

' . __....., r--.

~ --.r ~ u ~ '- .---!...'' "C..9

- ~


. L . ~ " ru ..... L ·:---. . ~ ~ . ru 'fhr dav that gave great An - .. birlb, ~'bo r .. ·d .

t'• hi der IJ'O uen An - na JlacAI, Ji,. Frird' unn

Th• dn that gave great lA• .. irlh, fwllo I X'd . I ra.t- _ tng. E• ui der gro lUll An na JlarAt, die Fr,·eJ' und Ru- - lw,

Tbr d;..v that gn·r grr.at Ao .. birth, who fis.'d . /:.'a ui Ju gru 61tU A,. .. ,lineAl, Ji~ Pritt!' und


- -day- The '}:,r tllat I!'·· grrat lAo .. I birth, •ilo ,.}~·'!· •

ut _ -lOg', /(ric/a. E• der gru U<n An - .. JlacAI, ,,.,. und R•- -A<,

-- -.... -:..----_ . a . ...::::

\-, r j ~ .......=:. Is~ ~

r ~~ ~ --··



• . . - ~ I" I~ I

~ ~ I • . ,. I

'" .. - I I

I" lut- .iog, last _ ing pract' on rarth. a ~a~ot _ ing pt'are, a l~sl _ iug ian_ -Ge, fan _ !:' Ru4 G' llradlt, Jir Frittl' ~ _ IJrtuld wul fan_~ . . who lix'd . lht- ing peace on earth, a last _ iag J!t:IU 0 a last _ ing tlie Fried' wul /an - X' Rula IJ' 6rac!Jt, Ji, FrkJ' !(I! - l"acltt untl /an _ gr

II last_ .iog, Ia,.t - iug pell"r OQ rartb, a last _ ing pt'l('f~. a last _ iog /an- .ge, lun _ G' Ru4 G' hraclat, Ji,. Fn'ttl' Ge _ 6radzt untf /an _ Ke

who rix'd a last _ ing prare un rarth, a la!!ot _ iog ~eace, a la..!il _ ing die ~ntl t.n K' Rula K' 6raclat, ....-t tl~ FrUJ' ~:e _ rarAt wrtl /an _ t:"

- ----I , • • l ;

1::: I . - . .

~ I - . ~

" ~ ----. . ::- . . ~

- -II[ prare, wbu fix'd a last_ ing pearf' OQ nrtb.

flu/a, die Frinl' wul /an_ G• Rula G• - IJraclat.

purr, •-ho fix'd . la"l- iog peue on earth. Ru4, tli'e Frinl' tu~tl /an. G' Rula G'- lmulft.

pt'ace, ·bo fix'd . last_ iog Jlf'l('f" uu t'artb . Rula, tlie JHetl' wul '""- G• Rula K,. hrarAt.

p~ace, bu fix'd . la!'lt- ing prate 011 t·arth.

R:! iir: Fried' untl lo1t _ /(' Rula 11' - hro~ht.

. . ~ _.,....., . \ ,.

~ - = r . -..... . s j

l .. ....., ~ 1--.. .... J . ~ .. ! ; ; ; ; ; ; = ; ; = LLJ r II. W. Ul.l.






, . . . - . --

Mr. Eu.•·unT. . ...



Allrgro moderato. ffi r-1'11 1"'1 I ~ I • r-r; rrn rrTJ rJTf

t:::::~~!•f': ,.:.::1 ;;::I..W::~:~~--§11: .. ~~~ ;-:::_l_::~:~:::J:::::::: • T il __ - _,..--.

I~ - -lJ _ ni _ t~d na.lioD!I!I.ball com I~J~e,

- ~ ''' •in. t.r 1~1. k.r Stimm.' er . F"allt,• -. n -

~ 1,...--.._"'""""~:-~~~-~~~~§~g _I -~rP\ !"-!..

{::::::r::-::~::' :~::::-:·:::::~::·: ~~::LJ::::~:.::~::~: ~il..__..-; --......! -




. ~,..


,..--, ~· • ni . led _ na. lion.< >hall com-1bin•.- In lfl,. _ tanl - n"n _ ,,_.,. _ If'//_ lit:r Stiwn' er _ sdlallt, in J'-'r _ ne . .. .. . ·,..._

~ rrn " I . Jl I ... -.

- _o.c--

clime", IP'rit,

to dill_taut t.limf"!l tbr. !mood ron _ VPV, i",..!::.- ne III'Plt ilrr Prl'is rer _ luJII,

II. W. -tal.

. . . . . . - - -


r imr" t~r !II.IUDd con IJl;tt iAr Puis rer ;:Tt;,

...... ,.-;



----· ...... ~· ..-.


- ......

thr. !IIIQDd COD ver, iAr P"f: ._ ver _ laillt,

- ~-

to di!l.laot in ,,.,._ nl!


u • ni _ t .. d ver _ ei" _ ter


~ ~ . ~

na..tion§ shall combine, to di~_tant clim" the sound COD...Yr.f,

f:j/.Jcer Stimm• er.r.rluJll, in fer. ne W<lt ihr Prri• t•er.haltl,

--- ~. .. .1 J L 1'1-: I

- -\ ~. ~. ..--It -

Tromba I.

Tromba II.




U- ui _ td­/&.rin _ ter-


DLtions !>ball wm..binr, lfjLker Stimm' er _ r.clvdlt,

to dis.tant in f,-r_ ne (

Mrs. Ro111Nsox {CANTU.)

.,.; Mr. EIU"URT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f.: (ALTO.) Ill U _ ni _ trd na...tioM !'hall com...bint:, to dis_ tanl

""( ~,. _ ein - t~r POI.kf'r Stimm• er _ sditJ.//t, ;,, fer. ne




..; t (ALTO.) <> ~ ~




Pianoforte. I " I .

U _ ui _ ll"d DLtion~~o .s.~all com....biae. to dis. tant l';r _ rill _ ler ';Lku Stimm' er _ rc4aDI, ~ J;,r- ';

U _ ni _ trd I&_ rin _ lf'r


oa_tiou .. !'oball coDLhine. I'Utke,. Sti111111' ,.,. _ J.tllt~.llt,

-.. 11."-'"""·

U _ ui _ trd l~r- e-in _ /,.,.

~ _ ui _ t .. d lt-r. ,.;n _ lrr

U _ ui _ lt·d Tl:r _ dn i. t;:

ll _ ni _ t..d J;,.- t'ill - (l'f'


to di·Lia.nt in Je,._ ne

na.tion'> ~>hall com..hinr, lfif_J,.·,,. Stimm' rr _ scAal/1,

nL.I:ion,. l'>haU tom..bine, IUI.krr Stitnm' u _ sr:At~lit,

mt.Jiou!l. !iha.U tom..biue, l':il.kl"r Stimm' f!f' _ scAt~l/1, .. nLiioD!I !-hall tom.biue, IUI_k,,. Stimm' ,.,. _ sdit~llt, .. .. ..


climrslb~ !>OUDd ("OQ. vry, to di~.1ant dimr!'l thf' fOound roo_ v .. y,

'""' ilt.r P~Yis t·~r-h.al/1, in Jn_..- '"'' W Preis t·er_ Aa/11, . . . . rlimrstbt" sound coo.vry, to diM. taut climes lhe sound con_ ny, IP:.It illr P"U t'U _ ilallt, in jf'r_ne W'd1 ihr PreU rt'r- hizUI,

rlimt-~ Lhr sound con_ vry, to di~t. tanl clim~:a tb.r "nand ro~ _ vry, IY.It illr PrrU r:rr _/wzllt, in frr.ne ll'flt ihr Prd:l t•er _ Aal/1, ,. . dimes thf' RODOd ('00.Vt"f0 to di!'l.laot clime!\ tht> Round ron_ T"f'y, lf?elt illr Preil r:er _Ita/It, in Jrr.ne Wf.lt illr Prril ttrr _ halft,

I~ to dil'l_ taut rlimt"!l tht" ROUUd ('OD- 'V'"fo In di11 _taut in /,.,._ ne Jl'i.lt iAr p,. .. ;., r:er _ Aallt, in frr- n~

to di" _taut dirues lhr aound eoo.vey, In diM_ tant in frr _ 11e IP:.It illr Prris r:rr _ Aalfl, in .frr- ,.,.

to dil'l_taot dimn tbr 8onod ron_ vr.y, In di ... _taut ,-n for. ne 11'elt iAr Pre~·, t•er _llallt, in fi·r_ Pit' ,. ,. ,. .. ,. to di!l _taut dimr!'l tbr sound con.vf!y, to di" _ tant in frr_ ne W:.ll illr Prtil ur_ luJIJ, in fi•r_ ""



that An.na·~ tle1.n J'ln.nn'11

that An.aa·~ Jnm.An.na6

that An.na's JnmAn.na'•

that A.o.na·~

J,.,m An.n~~'•

dimr!t lhr ~ouod coo.1·ry, lf;tt illr l'rPU rvr _ luzllt,

tliwt:!l tbr t10uod ron. vn·, IF.ft illr l'tris l'tT'. Aailt,

rlime!lo the ~ouod con.vey, IJ';it iAr P!Yis ''" _ Aal/t,

dimt:!'l thr !IOUDd coo.vry, 1~/t illr Pf'f!il t'l'l" .laal/1,

.... ...

-ae _ tioo!'l ... di T/ra_ trn ,u,a 6r _


ae tiun!l ... di

Tlaa. ''" xind 6•-

.. tioos au di. Tlaa. ten sind 6,_

ae _ lion!\ are di_ Tlta _ /I'll sind 6,.


vine, kannl:


rinr, kannt:

,-iof'. kannl:

.Tine, .ltannt:

that ..,\.Q_ua'~ ac .lioo!l. ... di _ viut'. t(,.,,. An.ruzi Tlla./t'n ,,.,, ltf'_kant~l:

that .. \o.na's ar _lion\\ ... di Tiut>, tlnm An.1111.$ TAa.lrn rind hr /..·annt:

that Aa.na"s ar _ lioo!l ... di 'f'iDP,

tlm'fl .titLna's Tht~.lrn tint/ /Jr kannt:

that AILna'~ ac _ tiOD!t arr di _ Tint', t/,.,n An.na• Tlaa.lt"ll sind !lr _ kfz1111t:



and drum

and drum

and drum


Tromb:a I . . . .-..... -- . :rroiDba 11. . .

~ \'lol. e Oboe I. _,. .~ ~ " " --~~- ~. ~----· ~

.., \"lol. t Oboe 11. - .-- -}'lola. J_ -


fix'd~ ----1_be day that ~regrrat Au_ua b1rtb, who . las _ _ing pt'are on Drr Ta~h"ii _ ni _~in~ J/atiJI, tf;,. Fri,J' __ wul fan_ -{:1' Ru/a __ f('-

- . );~st _ - - ing prate, a last -- lllld !ttn. - -~ n,Ja, untf /an - - -. .

The day that gaTt" grt>at~\u_na birth. who l'ix'd __ . ··~·

iog puc:e, Orr Ta;: der h"O _ ni _ xin r·ol/ Jlurld. dit' F,.;,J• __ und fan f(' RuA,

~- ._.._

Th~t- day that g'ITe great AD- na birth, wlao l'ix'd . Ia !iii - iug purl" on n,.,. Ta~ dt!r fi'jj - ni - Kin I'll" Jlad11, ,,.,. Fried' und fun {(' Ruh f(' .

- .I""'"J'i n Ld J.iJ ~ I I J. r-:="1 r. ' . . ~ ! .. I ~ I I l .

.. - ;.......- I " - ' ....... ·- . ),


! ' ~, • -~ -- --- - -.... ..

earth, the dav thai gaT"I' grf'al ~\a-na birlh, who rix'd . _ln'tlrAt,

---------- . -• • dn· Tti.c- dl'r RO _ ni _ J(l'n roll Jlamt, tlit' llieJ' """ - ing prarf' ou t·arlh, - f(' Ruh f(' 6ratllf -- ----- -

a Ja,.t _ ~- _ iog. la~t _ _ iog peacr,_ ;-- a last_ mg. la!iil _ ---uno ian- _ f:t', Inn_ -f(P R.h,_ f-,,.,. Fri•d)NI fan.

earth. who fix'd __ . luL _ ltrarltt, ----- - die F'rit'tl' uru/ !tilt _

~ - - h

lr--1 ~~ ~ " ' r----, " -~ . ·~ I. !!:-~ .. .o---t-t-' -- =-I .. ..

II. \t. t.aA.

:Y, . .-----.. -:. • . - ., .-;-. .. I

... - . ~ -=

la~t _ _ iog prace OD eartb,a lu.t. iog, a lut.iog, ·who ~x'd a lut _ -ian - _ J:• RuA K'- lu·aciii,Jit' Frie.Jen rmtl Ru ./,e, tNf> •Fl-i:'ruaJ ian _ -

--------a last- - - - - - - -Utld /an • - - - - -

- - - iog pt'U~-- .. earth, a last_ ing, a lut.i..ag race, a la!lt.tng, a lut.iag - K• RuA ___ K•- rat:llt,tlie Frie.tlen ullll RuA /(; _ racAI, die Erie. dna tmd Rw/, ~:e _ . . •

- - iug pt-a(' .. OD rartb, . luLiog, . la!lt _ iag, a lut. iag, lut. iog - - K' lluA !:'- hrarlll, die Frie.tlen -;:' ~·-A,, '!' FJ.ied'rmd RuA K• -

-r--1 . ... ~ 1..-J ':. • I . ~

>' .. ........... -;

n.w .......

.), ~----51


II f. .t ... ', __ ~ 1~. fl. --••

~ ~ -

A -. p~ar.:, who fix'd -- . last _ - _ iag peare ..

_ /,radrt, - Jie FrieJ' untllun _ - -t:• Rulo t:• -

- ~ --:---- _ iog pure on earth, - - - _ -t:•Rulot:e - 6racAt,

I peare, tht> day thai g2n- grPat An_ na birth, 111'bo (ix'd a lut. iog puce on _ ,rarlat, tier To~ J,.r HO" _ ni _ gin roll Jlacltt, Jie Fritti'•IU/ lttn- Ke RIIA ~ _

the day that gave great An_ oa birth, ..-bo fix'd . lui ing J!f'are OD

tier T11g J,.r KO _ ni _ Kin roll Jlacltl, Jie J"rietl' und /an - K' Ruh K'-

,, ~I r--1 ~n _r"'!Tj ;J J J

~I ,..._ r---1 r--:-=1 I ~ ,......, _.., I .. ~ . . . .. .. .


.), .. .. .. . .. .. 1111~ .. .. --=- ....

.. - -.. .. • .. _"', .. .. .. . .. - .. ~ • " - -

lu ~ _ ing peace on nrth, a h~tiog, a la!F>tiug oo «'arth, the peace -G• ~·h P- hral'h.t, Jit' FtVrlt>ll n~ R•h ~,._hTarlrl, ,,.,.

birtla, who fix'd . lut _ iog praee OD rarth, a l;asl - _ ing peace, th• Jladot, t/il'! Frit'tl' w-1 ,.,. - G' R.A K_;- 6racilt, undlan _ _ li' n.h. '" .. birth, ~o fix'd a lu.tiog peacr on earth, a lasting, a luting a luLing peace,

·~· )[arlit, JW fTa',l'untllturK,. Rula lft'- nu.il.t,tlie Frieden, tlii> Frirden 1111tl RuA ';, _ hracl!t, '" .. -··'-· .. {'- .. I~ •,.

"hofix'd- a lbl. _ iog pl'ace OD earth, a lntiog, . lutiog,lasUog ~eat:e, th~

die Fried~- wul {~:-_, ~/(' IJ"" 1:'-- -('r,arAI, d~F;_irJen •'"' Ia~ Rultyt- racl!t, Jer . .I ' •' n '

~ .nj .J :n~ I I . . ,,.., . a • , -•- • ,

II. W.4A.I.

G3 .. I""

"' ~~~- ~ ~ . -~ •-

v ;; :- . day that gavr h'Teat An. -.. birth, who r;'d a la!il- iog ~aee, who T"K tlt!r Kii_ .ni _ - Kin r:oll Jlacllt, tlie n"etf'untl 1411-J:t! Ja, ,,,.

day that gan gr.eat Au_ -.. birth, who f'ix'd a lut. ing pe:ace, .. -t.o Tat: qer J(Q_ .711 - 1,• v~U Jlacllt, Jie -:;~eJ'Ioul faA .,;e RuA, dif': ,.,...

day that gon·f> grf'al An- -.. birth, "·bo fix'd a last.iog peace, no T"'l' "" Kii_ -"'- ~,. roll Jlacllt, die F";ied'omtl t;• -1:• ~uA, dt",.

doy that gave gteiil An. -.. birth, "-bci rix'd a lut.ing peace, who Tat: "" R'" _,.; - ~-,. t•u/1 Jlacllt, die Fj_ied'uod_l;•-&• ~u.\, die u-

,.. . . . ~ ~ I .: ;: . .. ;: ;: ;- ,.

v ..

. -• -· -~ ,. . ,. -- . . ,v fix'd a luLing pl'aCe,a lbt _ - _ iog, last.iog pure,

Fr;-eJ' un.J lnn.gr RuA, und la11 - : .. - - - - -t:e Ru.lt:• - IJrarllt,

fix'd a la,.tJng peate,a )a,.t _ - - - _ iug,la.,Liog peacr, Frit>tl'untl lan.p RuA, untl ian - - -{:' Ru.lt:•- 6radiJ,

fix'.J a luLing pt>acr,a (a,.l _ - _ iog,lasLin~ pf'ace, Fdd'unJ /an-~ R.•1A, u.ntllnn - -~-- -.-~it •• - -P': Ru.\~- 6radiJ, . fix"d a lat.Ling pun·, a , ~!II- - - _ _ - _ iog,luLiog rtace. f}ied'und Ia•-!:• Ru.\, u•d lm•- - - - :Jm, - - - - t:e Ru.\ t:' - AracAI,

··n''i~llim, ~ .J;ii fF.'I Fi"'R I"T"T'i J :

.. ;::;..._. --

~~~:c;=:::: 1:::: a 1: = w ~ • r • 1'

11. w .•• ..~.

./, ,. . . . .. ,.

,. ,. ,. ......... ...... -

th• dar that gan great An _ aa b~rth, ~bo fix'd . la~t _ _ iog pt'ace on d.r Tu;; tier /{(j _ ni _ ;:in L"Oll JJ ... At, Jit' Fri~J' __ u.mi lun _ -I" Ru/a __

~:e -

the day that gan great An _ oa birth. who fh'd . la~t _ _iug p~act! ou

~' d.r Tag '!t" KU _ ni _ ljin voll J/urM, Jit' p,.,.,.,. und /tua_ -G• Ru4 ~:• -

~he ~1 t~at ~!~ gr~at A!l _ oa J'l.'~i. "':t'::: IJ..~Zd· . II~·'- _iug peace .. tier Tag Jer o _ n• _ ~lll r:,.ll U.ltd ian_ -K' Rula II• -


the day that gave great An_ na birth, •n• fix'd . lut_ - _ iog peace on J.-;..!:!_ Jer t:.r!J~ ni - gin r:o/1 JlucAI, die JiTittl' um/ /an_ - -G• Ru4 ~r•-

. . . . • j, n

~ uu poco ritard .. nuo. - -~-

pi!,.f . I

. ......... ~ I f 1.-.1 y ~ ::! . . ~ . .,.~,.,_ ,_ ,_~~,_ e . ~ . "1. . ... v r----;--: ' J

I"' earl h. _llrarllt.

earth. _ 6rac.'at.

nrtb. - brarltl.


earlb. _ brach.t.


.. , ~ . .n lT:'"j l1T 1 r--1 "" ~ .,. ... ==7 ~ ~ ! I~ ;-- I"' I I .. ' ..



BIRTHDAY- OnE FOR QuEEN ANNE. 9eburtstagsode fur J(o"nigin Anna .








ALTO- TBNORB. f 8.&.550.





SorRAlfO. ~ ConRJ.LTO.



B.<sso. Solo.



CHORUS 6: Ecao, CHoat•s.




'!Ito -l!l:tnorr.

II auo.



Eternal 1oarc:e or light d.iviue. 0 ,_.,,. Qwll - Udl IUIId Glad.

The day that gave great ..baa bt Tag ~n KbWft. eoll Jfaclt.

The day that gue greal Amla bt n.p Mr K6ralfLI ..,1 J(«At.

birth ..


Let all the winged race with joy. JAr A.oWn. SG•pr I• d~r lAfl.

The day that gaTe great A.aoa birth. Dn Taf <kr K1111/gl• •oil Jl'""'.

Let norks llld herd9 their rear forgtt. Stl Blrl 1D14 B,rtl, ohr f,.rdt.

Let flock a ...d bnd8 thdr fear forget. Stl 1/in laid Hurdr Mu ........

The day that gan gre-at A.aoa birth. Bni.., 1U6 X<·-.Cgi• rd JIWtt.

Let rolliog tilr.-am~ their gladne~Js show. Dn V'og• £OM! Ut frull '"'fl·

The day that gave great .Aaoa birth .. Dn T~~g oll'r KJ•ili" ""II' JfmcAl.

Kiod D•altb drRt:enda OD dowuy wings. fhl-'lwir, ....,_ ..,c,t • AnN I!

Tbe day that gave great A.aoa birth .. Btri•lf tl.r f'""'" J••a Jlodt.

The day that gav.- great Aaoa birth .. S.Wtgt kr poUft .l-. Jledt.

Let En"l" thea conreal her httad. 0 JIW,.,...,, ltlrr oniJirJ lfti• B .. pl.

Tbe day that gave grut Anna birth .. Et Yt dn- f"Oan .,._ Jladr.

United nations .ball eombioe. l"rrfldll'r l'Hhr Sti-• ~.

United oalioas shall comb in~. y,.,illkr l'I'ZUr su-· f'I"«UUk.

n. day tbat gave grnl Anna birth .. D.r hf fin If•lti• •oll llot*r.

..... ...........



. ..... 18

.. :J2

..... :I. ...... 28

. 3o

........ 3•

. 36

. .. 38

... 42

. ...... . . 45

..........• 9