Handbook - Memorial Unionmu.oregonstate.edu/.../Student-Media/2014-15_handbook.pdfKBVR-TV. Student...

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Transcript of Handbook - Memorial Unionmu.oregonstate.edu/.../Student-Media/2014-15_handbook.pdfKBVR-TV. Student...

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Handbook 2014/15

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Table of Contents

Student Media Mission, Vision & Goals

Who is Student Media…3




Student Media Goals…3

Strategic Initiatives…3

2014/15 Student Leader Strategies…3, 4

Departmental Priorities for Students…4

General Information

2014/15 Student Media Leaders…5

2014/15 Student Media Staff…5, 6

About Student Media…6


Student Media Rules & Procedures

Academic Requirements…7


Copyright/Plagiarism…8, 9

Dress Code…9

Press Pass…10


Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco…7 Email Accounts…9 Smoking Policy…10, 11

Business Hours…7




Social Media…11


Computing Resources…8

Conference Rooms…8

Keys & Door Codes…9


Termination…11, 12


Conflict of Interest…8 Mail…10

University Student Media Committee


Operating Policies & Guidelines…14-18

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Mission, Vision & Goals

Who is Student Media:

The Daily Barometer, Beaver’s Digest, Prism Art & Literary Magazine, KBVR-FM &


Student Media Mission:

Student Media educates and prepares students to inform, record, inspire and engage the



*Provide a world-class media learning experience with access to industry leading professionals,

newsmakers and state-of-the-art facilities

*Produce award-winning media

*Inspire multimedia innovators

*Expand the scope and size of our audience


*free speech *professionalism

*accuracy *learning

*integrity *creativity

*respect *innovation

*excellence *collaboration

*dignity *equality

*business *communication

Student Media Goals:

Oregon State University Student Media will set the pace for all media.

1. Student first service

2. Highly developed integrated team

3. Excellence in everything from print, audio, video, art, discovery and business

4. Highly trained, well prepared students/graduates

5. Innovation in Media

Strategic Initiatives:

*Provide facilities, tools and learning opportunities which align with industry standards and are

able to adapt to future needs

*Provide guidance for financial stewardship and effective use of capital resources

*Inspire outstanding media serving a global audience

*Increase recruitment and retention of participants from a variety of backgrounds

2013/14 Student Leader Strategies:

*Standardized training for students

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*Develop professional standards for products

*Database for documenting student training and development

*Develop process for holding students accountable for standards

*Developing community relationships

Departmental Priorities for Students:




*Student Media and/or job

*social life

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General Information:

Student Media Leaders:

The Daily Barometer

Sean Bassinger, Editor-in-Chief Eric Pinnock, Business Manager

MU East 118 MU East 118

Email: editor@dailybarometer.com Email: baro.business@oregonstate.edu

Phone: 541-737-3191 Phone: 541-737-6373

Prism Arts & Literary Magazine

Megan Haverman, Editor-in-Chief

MU East 126A

Email: prism@oregonstate.edu

Phone: 541-737-2253


Matt Walton, FM Manager

MU East 224

Email: fm.manager@oregonstate.edu

Phone: 541-737-2008


Justin Matthews, TV Manager

MU East 203

Email: tv.manager@oregonstate.edu

Phone: 541-737-6326

Beaver’s Digest

Jodie Davaz, Editor-in-Chief

MU East 231

Email: beaver.digest@oregonstate.edu

Phone: 541-737-3501

Student Media Professional Staff:

Interim Director of Student Media

Bill Gross Assistant Director of Student Media

Kami Hammerschmith

118 MU East 111 MU East

Email: bill.gross@oregonstate.edu Email: kami.hammerschmith@oregonstate.edu

Phone: 541-737-4615 Phone: 541-737-6379

Broadcast Coordinator Journalism Coordinator

Bill Gross Vacant

218 MU East 103 MU East

Email: bill.gross@oregonstate.edu Email:

Phone: 541-737-4860 Phone: 541-737-3383

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Chief Engineer Information Technology Consultant

Jack Kemp Mark Williams

210 MU East 126 MU East

Email: jack.kemp@oregonstate.edu Email: mark.a.williams@oregonstate.edu

Phone: 541-737-6322 Phone: 541-737-5676

Creative Services Coordinator Newspaper Nightshift Coordinator

Don Boucher Markie Belcher

123 MU East 123 MU East

Email: don.boucher@oregonstate.edu Email: Markie.belcher@oregonstate.edu

Phone: 541-737-6374 Phone: 541-737-6375

Office Manager for Print Media Office Manager for Broadcast Media

Melissa Knowles Julie Freshwater

118 MU East 210 MU East

Email: melissa.knowles@oregonstate.edu Email: Julie.freshwater@oregonstate.edu

Phone: 541-737-3374 Phone: 541-737-3522

About Student Media:

The Daily Barometer, Prism Art & Literary Magazine, KBVR-FM, KBVR-TV and

Beaver Digest are a few of the many activities at OSU. All student activities fall under the

jurisdiction of the vice-provost for Student Affairs. The vice-provost reports to the University


All Student Media entities are part of the university and must abide by state policies and

procedures. Policies and procedures for bidding, contract negotiations, payroll and accounting

directly affect Student Media operations.


As a recognized educational activity, Student Media entities receive an annual allocation

from the Educational Activities Budget, which is funded by student incidental fees. In

December/January each year, Student Media entities must follow Student Fees and Educational

Activities guidelines to prepare the budget for the following fiscal year.

For the 2014-15 budget cycle, Student Media will be leaving Education Activities and

moving to the Memorial Union Board as its budgeting board.

All Student Media entities have an index. Budget reports and quick access to budgeted

and actual finance activity by index can be viewed online through Oregon State’s Office of

Budget & Fiscal Planning at https://bfpsystems.oregonstate.edu/OpenReport/IndexLookup.aspx.

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Student Media Rules & Procedures

Academic Requirements:

All students in Student Media must carry a minimum of 6 credit hours and maintain at

least a cumulative 2.00 grade point average.


All accidents (on or off campus) that are job-related must be reported immediately to the

Student Media Director, who will complete an accident report form.

Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco:

Student Media’s policy on alcohol, drugs and tobacco are in accordance with Oregon

State’s Student Code and Community Standards http://oregonstate.edu/studentconduct/. Students

found in violation or exhibiting behavior that violates any part of the Student Conduct Code are

subject to one or more sanctions outlined by Student Conduct and Community Standards.

Showing up to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be tolerated and will

be immediately reported to the Office of Student Conduct. If you know that you are going to be

coming in to work in the Student Media Department, take care not to engage in the use of alcohol

or any mind-altering substance prior to or during your work day.

The illegal use of drugs on university property is a violation of Oregon State’s Student

Conduct and Community Standards. Unlawful manufacture, use, dispensing, possession, or

distribution of controlled substances by university employees and students in the workplace is

prohibited under university policy. Failure to comply will result in immediate termination.

Chewing tobacco shall not be used on Student Media departmental premises. If you

engage in the use of chewing tobacco, keep it (and all evidence of it) outside.

Business Hours:

Student Media has two office locations:

Print Media (The Daily Barometer, Prism Art & Literary Magazine, Beaver’s Digest)

118 MU East (Snell Hall), hours 8a.m.-5p.m. Monday-Friday

Broadcast Media (KBVR-FM, KBVR-TV)

210 MU East (Snell Hall), hours 8a.m.-5p.m. Monday-Friday

The first and second floor doors of MU East are accessible during non-office hours by

door code only. Door codes are obtained from the Student Media office manager in #118 and

only at the request of a direct supervisor. Keys are also obtained by request of a direct supervisor

in #118 from the Student Media office manager.

The Daily Barometer Newsroom opens at 8a.m., Monday-Friday. The newsroom and

production areas close when the newspaper is complete. This time varies from 10p.m. to 2a.m.

Sunday through Thursday. On Sunday, the newsroom opens up as editors arrive.

The Daily Barometer, KBVR-TV, KBVR-FM, Beaver’s Digest and Prism Art & Literary

Magazine staff office hours all depend on an individual’s class schedule. All staff positions

require a set number of office hours. These are described within the job descriptions. Each staff

member must schedule their office hours between the times of 8:00a.m. – 7:00p.m.

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Complaints from readers or viewers about any Student Media entity should first be

directed to the student creator involved, secondly to the editor-in-chief or business/station

manager, followed by the Student Media Director and, finally, the University Student Media


Staff members with complaints regarding Student Media should first meet with their

immediate supervisor, secondly, their direct advisor and/or the Student Media Director.

Computing Resources:

Student Media computers, printers, copy machines and equipment are for departmental

related use only. Students should not use computers or copiers for class work. Computers are for

producing media. Unauthorized use is in violation of the University’s Acceptable Use of

Computing Resources Policy http://oregonstate.edu/fa/manuals/gen/computing-resources.

Additionally, refrain from sharing a password or using another person's password. All such

activity is strictly prohibited.


Conference Rooms:

The Student Media Department has two conference rooms (#120 and #220) that may be

reserved for The Daily Barometer, Prism Art & Literary Magazine, Beaver’s Digest, KBVR-FM

and KBVR-TV related meetings. Reservations are made through Outlook. Contact Student

Media office manager(s) for assistance. The conference rooms are not for lounging, eating,

socializing, watching TV, loitering or non-departmental related work.

Conflict of Interest:

A conflict of interest occurs when you are faced with a situation or story where you might

have a personal motivation in the outcome. In reporting, for example, a reporter (who is also an

OSU gymnast) should not write about gymnastics because he or she would have a personal

interest in how the story affects the OSU gymnastics program. Student Media employees are

expected to disclose their interests when a story assignment lines up with one of them. Student

leader will decide how best to proceed.


From the United States Copyright Office: “Copyright is a form of protection provided by

the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to the authors of original works of authorship,

including literacy, dramatic, musical, artistic and certain other intellectual works. This protection

is available to both published and unpublished works.”

Student-produced work is protected under copyright laws. No material shall be printed or

aired without the proper permission and/or attribution. Proper attribution to sources of ideas as

well as quoted text, images, audio and video must be given.

Student Media’s policy on plagiarism is in accordance with Oregon State’s Student

Conduct and Community Standards http://oregonstate.edu/studentconduct/. Plagiarism is

“representing the words or ideas of another person or presenting someone else's words, ideas,

artistry or data as one's own, or using one's own previously submitted work. Plagiarism includes

but is not limited to copying another person's work (including unpublished material) without

appropriate referencing, presenting someone else's opinions and theories as one's own, or working

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jointly on a project and then submitting it as one's own.” Copyright infringement and plagiarism

are grounds for termination.

Dress Code:

Student Media staff members should use good judgment in what they wear while on the

job or while representing the department outside the office. Dress in accordance to your position.

Email Accounts:

All Student Media managers, editors, directors and ad reps are assigned an e-mail address

that they must check on a regular basis. It is Student Media policy that these individuals must

respond to requests addressed to their media. If an email is better suited for another individual,

reply to the sender and copy the relevant Student Media staff member. Email should be replied to

within a timely manner.


Student Media staff and students cannot accept gifts from any source. All gifts must be

returned to sender or donated to charity. Respond with thanks, but no thanks, and notify sender

of intent to return or donate.


During the year, Student Media staff observe the following holidays: Martin Luther King

Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after

Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (classified staff), Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

Keys & Door Codes:

Keys and door codes for Student Media offices are assigned to staff members who hold

major editing, business, composing, directing and production positions. Key and door code

requests are processed by Student Media’s office manager(s). The door outside of the Barometer

and KBVR offices that is accessible via door code will be unlocked or propped open during

business hours.

Once a staff member has a key/door code, he/she is not to lend the key/code to other

individuals under any circumstances. If a staff member lends his/her key/code to another

individual, the key holder forfeits their right to use the key/code. Student Media employees are

required to turn in their keys upon end of employment or he/she may be subject to fees charged to

student accounts.


Windows must be shut and curtains drawn when the main Student Media office closes at

5pm. Only safety light banks are left on to deter vandals. All office entrances and inner-office

doors must be shut and locked. Never leave any office entrances or inner-office doors open when

a staff member is not in attendance. All video display terminals, air conditioners, heaters, stereos

and miscellaneous equipment must be turned off.

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Student Media has two mailing services at its disposal, one of which is free. All mail

addressed to campus locations is delivered through campus mail. Materials sent through this

delivery service must be clearly marked with the recipient’s name, the department name and the

words “campus mail.” All other mail is routed through the U.S. Postal Service. U.S. mail related

to the Daily Barometer, Prism Art & Literary Magazine, Beaver’s Digest, KBVR-TV and KBVR-

FM can be sent through the Student Media main office.

Press Pass:

The Department of Student Media at Oregon State University issues press credentials to

individuals who have legitimate need to obtain news in situations where identification may be

requested or required by police, fire departments, or other agencies. Credentials may be requested

for access to entertainment and sporting events.

Student journalists may use these press credentials for access to events only when

explicitly assigned to review artistic performances or cover athletic and entertainment events. No

journalists except for those assigned — not even an editor in the arts, feature or sports department

— may accept free tickets.

Press credentials clearance form must be signed and authorized in advance by Student

Media’s Broadcast Coordinator, Journalism Coordinator, or permissible student leader.


Represent Student Media in a professional manner when working on and off campus.

While acting as a representative of Student Media, you are expected to behave professionally and

with courtesy. All staff members and student participants are expected to introduce themselves

and disclose they are with Daily Barometer, Beaver’s Digest, Prism Art & Literary Magazine,

KBVR-TV or KBVR-FM when they covering an event or speaking to a potential source.

Employees are expected to make ethical decisions based on the Society of Professional

Journalists’ Code of Ethics http://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp. Student Media employees and

student participants are expected to treat one-another with respect and courtesy at all times.

Student Media operations and programs promote professional standards in compliance

with OSU’s Policies and Procedures, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules and

Regulations http://www.fcc.gov/ and University Student Media Committee (USMC) Policies and


In addition, KBVR-TV and KBVR-FM promote adherence to the professional standards

set forth in the program codes of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)

http://www.nab.org/, Oregon Association of Broadcasters (OAB) http://www.theoab.org/ and the

Radio Television Digital News Association’s Code of Ethics http://www.rtdna.org/.

Organizational effectiveness and programming excellence are regarded as responsibilities

to the students, to the University, to the community served, and to the broadcast profession.

Therefore, KBVR strives to establish and maintain professional standards appropriate to a student

university organization in program production, content and broadcast operations.

Smoking Policy:

Oregon State University’s President’s office no longer allows smoking on OSU's

Corvallis campus, effective Sept. 1, 2012 (OAR Chapter 576, Division 040). This Oregon law is

enforceable by the Department of Public Safety on campus year-round, including game days.

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Student Media will not tolerate violations of this policy and violations will be reported to

the Department of Public Safety.

Social Media:

If you want to create a social media platform for Student Media, talk to your

editor/manager and advisor first. We need to make sure there is more than one admin and that the

platform does not duplicate something that already exists. See the University Social Media

Policy and Guidelines http://oregonstate.edu/main/social-media-policy-and-guidelines.


Telephones are for Student Media departmental use only, not for socializing with friends

or acquaintances. To answer a phone other than your office phone, press *7 followed with a

standard departmental greeting. If the call is for another staff member, simply press “hold” to

place the caller on hold, then press “hold” a second time to take the caller off hold. To transfer a

call, press “flash,” dial the 5 digit extension number beginning with “7” and press “flash” again.

Otherwise, take a message.

To call on campus, dial “7” and the last four digits (the university extension number). To

dial local, off-campus, first dial “9” and then the ten digit telephone number. All long distance telephone calls must be approved by editors, managers, or the Student Media Director. To make

a long distance call, ask an editor, manager or director to make the call for you, using his or her

long distance code.


Student Media observes a three-strike policy, wherein staff members will be given two

warnings prior to termination. The process for termination includes:

1. Termination will take effect after three strikes, or as a result of a single

serious offense.

2. Upon termination, keys must be turned in immediately and door code

privileges will be revoked

3. Student Media Director and Human Resources will be notified of intent to


4. Student Media Director must approve termination before a student leader

terminates employee

A strike is an offense or a series of offenses. Three strikes will result in termination. A

single strike is given at the discretion of a student leader and may be the result of one of the


*substandard work

*behavioral violations

*policy violations

*tardiness/leaving early violation



*general misconduct

*ethical misconduct

A single serious offense may result in immediate termination. A serious offense is

recognized at the discretion of the student leader and may be a result of one of the following:

*harassment of any kind

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*missing three consecutive workdays without checking in

*any action deemed serious or damaging by the student leader

*making up news, quotes, sources or

*violation of OSU Policies & Procedures, Student Conduct and Community

Standards, FCC Rules & Regulations or Society of Professional Journalist’s

Code of Ethics


Visitors of Student Media staff are welcome in the department, but may not loiter or

linger in the newsroom or studios for an extended length of time. Visitors may not use

departmental computers or newsroom/studio equipment. Additionally, visitors shall not be left

alone in offices/newsroom/studios.

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University Student Media Committee Organization





4 faculty members 5 student members

7 ex-officio, student members

(Student Media’s editors and managers)

2 ex-officio, faculty members

(Director, Assistant Director)

2 student members

(Alternates to student voting members)

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Oregon State University



Operating Policies

and Guidelines

Adopted January 11, 2013

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I. Introduction

OSU Student Media honors the belief that Student Media should always consist of

student work. Experiential learning should always be the primary focus, and in no

instance should learning be compromised for the sake of maximizing production.

A. The University Student Media Committee (hereinafter, Committee) acts as the advisory board for

hiring and strategic planning for the following publications: The Daily Barometer (including the

Summer Barometer), Beaver’s Digest, Prism, and the following broadcast media: KBVR-TV and

KBVR-FM and associated digital and social media. These media are published and broadcast under

the authority of the committee for the students and staff of Oregon State University. Each issue of

the cited publication and each broadcast medium will include printed and/or daily broadcast notice

of that fact as follows:




B. The Committee has no responsibility for or jurisdiction over publications or broadcast media not

listed in I.A.; in those instances, the sponsoring authority is responsible.

C. The Committee is responsible to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs (hereinafter, Vice Provost).

II. Committee Organization and Selection A. Two groups of members comprise the Committee.

1. The voting members are five (5) students, four (4) faculty.

2. The non-voting members are the Director of Student Media (hereinafter, Director), Assistant

Director of Student Media, Daily Barometer Editor-in-Chief and business manager, Beaver

Editor-in-Chief and business manager, Prism Editor-in-Chief, KBVR-FM station manager, and

KBVR-TV station manager.

B. The voting members of the Committee are appointed.

1. The five (5) voting students must be selected from those interviewed by

Prism editor, Barometer editor, Barometer business manager Beaver editor, Beaver business

manager, KBVR-FM station manager, and KBVR-TV station manager. The media advisers

will act as facilitators in the selection process.

Alternates will be selected in case of vacancy of the respective voting member occurs. Alternates

are encouraged to attend regular meetings of the committee as a non-voting member.

2. Major editors, station managers, and business managers may not serve as voting members of the


3. The Director of Student Media will appoint the four (4) faculty members. The names will be

forwarded to the Vice Provost for final approval.

C. Terms of service for committee members.

1. The student voting members will serve one-year terms.

2. The faculty voting members are appointed for three-year terms. Two members

should be appointed in alternating years, so there are returning members each


3. The terms of the non-voting members are concurrent with their positions in Student Media.

4. Should a faculty member not serve his/her full term, the replacement appointed by the Director

of Student Media will fill the remainder of the three-year term.

D. The Committee functions under the leadership of a Chair and a Vice-Chair appointed by the

Committee at the first regular meeting of the school year.

1. The Chair will be a voting faculty member, who has served at least one year on the Committee;

the Vice-Chair will be a voting student member.

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2. The Vice-Chair assumes leadership of the Committee during absences of the Chair.

E. Vacancies.

1. Vacancies created for any reason will be filled in accordance with the methods used to select

Committee members (II. B. 1-3).

2. A minimum of one student alternate will be selected in case of absences.

3. Faculty or student members who miss two (2) consecutive meetings unexcused are deemed to

have resigned their position.

F. Responsibilities.

1. The Director and Assistant Director of Student Media serve as supervisors for the various student

publications and broadcast media.

2. The Assistant Director is responsible for obtaining, reproducing, and distributing committee-

meeting minutes.

3. The Assistant Director is responsible for notifying committee members and others of committee


4. The Director, following Committee recommendations, is responsible for budgets, hiring and


5. The Director will perform other Committee-related administrative tasks as agreed upon.

6. The student leaders shall twice annually make a financial report to the committee. This report

shall include a current estimate of each account balance that shows both income and


III. Committee Operating Procedures A. The Committee will meet no less than once per term or as needed, October through May. Regular

meetings will be scheduled and members notified.

B. Quorum.

1. Committee business may be transacted only when a quorum is present.

2. A quorum shall be five (5) or more Committee voting members, with no less than three (3)

voting student members and two (2) voting faculty members. The Committee Chair may direct

the Committee into Executive Committee Session should a quorum not be present. All decisions

would be ratified at the next scheduled meeting.

C. Recommendations of the Committee will be based on simple majority votes. The Chair will vote

only in the event of a tie vote.

D. Voting members of the Committee must cast their votes in person; proxy votes and substitutes will

be permitted no more than once each academic year.

1. The member submitting a proxy must submit, to the Assistant Director, a written, signed

document or email stating their vote on a specific issue.

E. The Committee will establish emergency and/or sub-committees, appointed by the Chair,

empowered to meet and make recommendations. These recommendations will be reported to the

Committee at the next regular meeting

F. The Committee will abide by the Oregon open meetings law. In cases not covered by these Policies

and Procedures the Committee will follow Robert's Rules of Order.

G. Minutes of Committee Meetings.

1. Will name voting members present, non-voting members present, voting members absent, non-

voting members absent, and others present.

2. Will contain a verbatim transcript of each motion voted on by the Committee.

H. Executive Session.

1. Acting as the search committee, only voting members will be present at interviews and

recommendations for student leader positions. The Chair will report the recommendation to the

Director of Student Media.

2. The Chair reserves the right to call an Executive Session.

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IV. Specific Activities of the Committee.

A. Receive and review policy, progress or other reports from Student Media, either written or oral.

B. Review proposed budgets for Student Media and recommend budgets (with suggested

modifications) to the Student Incidental Fees Committee (SIFC).

C. Announce annual openings for the editors, business managers, and station managers of Student


D. Review applicants and recommend students for the following positions in student media: student

editors, business managers, and station managers. The Committee will recommend replacements to

the Director for appointment in case of resignations. Applicants to be considered for appointment

must meet eligibility requirements for office holders as specified in the Student Code of Conduct


1. To be recommended to an editorial or managerial position, an applicant must receive the votes of

a majority of the voting members present.

E. Hear and investigate complaints involving student media.

1. The Director will resolve issues only when the editor or manager involved is unable to resolve

the matter. Personnel matters, such as disagreements between staff members, will be heard by

the Director.

2. If the Director is unable to resolve the issue, it will be referred to the University Student Media


3. Any appeal of Committee decisions first will be made in writing to the Vice Provost for Student

Affairs, or the Vice Provost’s appointed representative; if the complainant deems the response

unacceptable, the appeal may be submitted to the President of Oregon State University, whose

decision will be binding.

F. Ensure distribution of these OPERATING POLICIES AND GUIDELINES to each voting and non-

voting member of the Committee, the Vice Provost, or the Vice Provosts appointed representative.

G. Hear, discuss, and recommend courses of action in other matters related to Student Media.

V. Statement of Professional Ethics A. Standards for serving on the committee will focus on understanding of cultural diversity, past media

experience, knowledge of the definitions of free speech and a strong commitment for attending

monthly meetings.

B. Student Media are professional endeavors, providing the University and community with a unique

perspective on events and activities of the University, the community, and the nation. Staff

members of Student Media are expected to conduct themselves as professionals, and should be

guided by the responsibilities they accept upon becoming professional.

C. Staff members must be guided by a sense of justice and fair play to individuals and institutions.

They should remember that the need for justice and fair play is not just a moral commitment, but a

legal one as well; staff members, ASOSU, the University, and the State Board of Higher Education

may be held legally liable for injury to individuals or institutions incurred from the actions of

Student Media, even if a non-staff individual submitted the material in question.

D. While the Committee entrusts content of Student Media to the respective student editors, station

managers and business managers, responsibility for Student Media, their conduct and operations,

rests with the Director in collaboration with the Committee. It is mutually beneficial for students

holding media leadership positions to maintain close communications with the Committee.

E. The Committee affirms that publications have freedom to publish consistent with the mandates set


F. In connection with all editorial material that may be produced by Student Media, the following

points are to be considered:

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1. All facts that can be obtained from pertinent sources should be gathered, reviewed, and evaluated

prior to release.

2. The question of the appropriate time to broadcast an expose or to mount a crusade must be

considered carefully.

3. Staff members must avoid producing material that advances the selfish interests of any particular


4. When applicable, students will abide by Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and Radio,

Television, Digital News Association (RTDNA) Codes of Ethics as guiding principles.

G. All Student Media staff members are responsible for reporting to the Committee Chair, any


H. Managers and editors will endeavor to eliminate discrimination from the work place.

Professionalism leaves no room for consideration of age, creed, race, religion, sex, national origin,

veteran status, or sexual orientation.

VI. Creation or Elimination of Publications/Broadcasts A. Those who wish to create or cancel any publication or broadcast entity must bring it to the

Committee. Regular voting guidelines will be followed.

1. Based on the committee recommendation, the Director will decide on the creation or

elimination of a publication or broadcast.