Hampshire Scout News, HSN, Nov 2012

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Hampshire Scout News HSN Nov 2012

Transcript of Hampshire Scout News, HSN, Nov 2012

HampshireScout News

Nov 2012


1st Crookham Weekend of adventures

I hope you enjoyed the fireworks.Welcome to the November edition of HSN.For distribution and any other County Office matters please use:county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk

Can you send text in a Word doc and photos as a seperate

jpeg file.

Hi All

email me, Tall Paul (Jon),now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll

of honour for the next edition of HSN


Cheers TP

P lease, please, please

Please ensure that you have permission from all people included in photo’s, before sending them to us.

HampSHire SCout CaviNg Club www.hscc.randomstuff.org.uk


about usHampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential.

In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

join us

freeonline scout manager

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at: www.Scouts.org.uk/joinor email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847

Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!!

It has been developed by a Scout Leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 3,200 groups and 10,200 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk


04, adam’s bitLooking to the Future.

08, the great river raceHamble Sea Scouts.

09, Scouts Speak upTraining Course 2013.

10, gilwell24Enterprise Explorers.

11, enterprise explorersRiver Hamble Trip October 2012.

12, added bonus...£100 grant for new sections.

13,...and there’s more.Match funding opportunity.

17,County DiaryNov 2012 - Jan 2013.

06, lt Commander Henry bruceMemorial Award.

07, 1st CrookhamWeekend of adventure.

20, DowsingSearching for ground energies.

26, H001410th - 16th August 2013.

28, beavers14th Eastleigh has launched.

I’ve just come back from a very successful County Conference, much bigger than before with 200 attendees and packed with ideas, inspirations and challenges.

This year’s keynote speaker was Wayne Bulpitt, UK Chief Commissioner, who talked about what made Scouting successful but also the challenges we needed to face in order to keep it growing. Wayne also hosted a lively roundtable discussion where he was prepared to answer any question.

Earlier in the day, Wayne had visited County Cub Survival Camp and met with the Cubs, Leaders and organisers who had survived the coldest weekend of the Autumn so far. On the Saturday evening, Wayne also met with members of the Scout Network for a free-flowing discussion over dinner about what should be the Scout Network’s unique selling point.

Adventure was also very evident during our County Conference, from the opening video of Itchen South’s Swiss Ex expedition, to 6th Fleet Scouts’ description of their cycling expedition to Switzerland, to the many stands showcasing the activities on offer in Hampshire Scouting.

We were also delighted to be joined by James Ketchell, an adventurer from Basingstoke, who inspired the audience with tales of rowing across the Atlantic single-handed and climbing Everest, and who plans to undertake an “ultimate triathlon” around the world in 2013.

Hampshire’s Vision 2018 summary was discussed - “In 2018, Hampshire Scouting will offer all young people adventure, challenge and fun by being a movement shaped by young people, supported by inspired adults and making a real difference in its communities.” – as well as the seven supporting goals we have identified to enable us to achieve this.

The Conference also tackled three key aspects of Vision 2018 through breakouts and guest speakers such as Wessex Heartbeat and Sheridan Allmann – challenging us all on diversity, youth participation, and community involvement.

Other breakouts discussed topics ranging from building new HQs to safeguarding and gave the opportunity for smaller group discussions.

We looked towards the World Scout Jamboree in 2015 in Japan and shared the time scales and events for recruiting Hampshire Jamboree Unit leaders and participants.

And finally, we launched H0014 – Hampshire’s next big Jamboree involving all the Sections – which will take place in Dorset at Buddens Farm in August 2014.

Many thanks to everyone involved in making County Conference such a success – organisers, speakers, stand holders and participants – and we’re hoping to do something similar or maybe even bigger in 2013.

AdamCounty CommissionerHampshire Scouting

looking to the Future

After 4 years service to Hampshire Scouting in the role of Treasurer, Bruce Martin will be standing down at the end of 2012, after taking up a new role as Group Scout Leader within Winchester District. We are very grateful for the exceptional work Bruce has done over the last few years, sorting out the accounts after a period without a County Treasurer. We wish him well in his new role. We do not want to get into the position again where we are operating without a County Treasurer and are therefore now looking for someone to take on the role and start working with Bruce, and the accounting team at County Office as soon as possible. Do you know someone who may be interested in taking on this role? Please help! Full details are available from Bruce or the County Office.

County treasurer

County treasurerHampSHire SCout riFle ClubDates for the diarySunday 3rd March 2013 - the Final of the County Air Rifle and Pistol Shoot will be held at Hiltingbury HQ. Sunday 17th March 2013 - the annual Field Target Rifle shoot will take place at Mellow Farm. Full details of entry, rules, locations, etc will be posted on the Hampshire Scout Rifle Club web-site. Thank you Andy


Lt Commander Henry Bruce was a County Vice President until his passing in 2011. He had also previously been County Chairman. A memorial service was held in Winchester Cathedral on 26th September 2011, and members of Hampshire Scouting took part in the service, attended by Prince Edward. The Bruce family have split the collection from that service between two charities, one of these being Hampshire Scouts, but wanted it to be used as an award for inspiration or encouragement to others in Scouting. The County Executive have therefore agreed with the Bruce family the following:To provide 2 annual prizes, one to an adult with a Scouting appointment and one to a young person, who have inspired and encouraged others in Scouting. This could be over a period of time or a “one off” event.

The award will be a trophy or plaque and an award of £50. The prize winners can be nominated by anyone in Scouting and the winners selected by a County Youth Council panel. The awards will be presented at the County Annual Review and AGM in June each year, probably by a member of the Bruce family.

More details on how to nominate will be available in the New Year, but in the meantime start looking for appropriate people.

lt Commander Henry

bruce memorial award

the Shelterbox london Scavenger Hunt returns for its 5th year!

Saturday 8th June 2013

Teams of Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are challenged to navigate their way around central London and scavenge

for cryptic clues hidden at famous landmarks!

All this whilst carrying a big green box and learning all about Disaster Relief!

For more info, email: youngshelterbox@shelterbox.orgSave



! Save the date!

From the minute we left Fleet the excitement built. 1st Crookham had sent two troops to compete in this weekend of challenges, I was one of 4 who became Team Aztec, the 4 from our Thursday night troop formed Team Spartans. Gwentrek was hard but I loved every minute. We had to do everything ourselves from cooking to route planning and setting up base. Although we were a young team of Scouts we loved the responsibility we had been given and the opportunity to show our leaders what we can achieve. We arrived in the dark to set up camp and yes we burnt the dinner but it was still yummy and cooked by us – I might sneak in pot noodles on the shopping list next time! Over the weekend we competed in a variety of tasks testing both our map skills and survival skills. Despite the rain we all had an amazing time and really enjoyed the experience. It really tested all we had been taught. Although we didn’t win we did our best, made new friends and had a weekend I will never forget. The Sunday was also special as we were rewarded by a visit from the Chief Scout dropping in – This was the perfect end to an extraordinary weekend in Wales. Somehow all 8 Scouts from 1st Crookham had their neckers signed by Bear.

Izzy, 1st Crookham Aztecs

1st Crookham Weekend of adventure

Hamble Sea Scout’s five teams of rowers lined up on the Thames on Saturday 15th Sept at the start of the 2012 Great River Race which is run from London Docklands to Ham in Richmond. They waited along with over 300 other crews from all around the world for their timed starting gun.

Good rowing skills, mental strength and an ability to defeat the elements, are a must, in order to make way over the gruelling 21 miles of this prestigious rowing race.

And so with the sun beating down the cannon fired and they commenced a three hour challenge for these Sea Scouts.

With all sections Networks, Explorers, Scouts and Leaders taking part , including coxes and compulsory passengers plus crew members in other boats the Hamble Sea Scouts had 37 members on the water.

It showed huge determination that all five teams acquitted themselves very well and completing the course in good time and well up on the main fleet and winning the Junior U14 Class, Second in the Junior U16 Class.

And a third in the Scout Affiliated ClassA huge Well Done to all the Teams.

Brian Hoey GSL 6th Itchen South Hamble (Sea Scouts)

black bursledon gig

gig Zarana

ladies team in bursledon gig - michael Schmidt

excocet – bursledon gig

point Source – bursledon gig

A training course to provide young people with the skills to represent the Association in television, radio and newspaper interviews, locally and nationally.

The Association has sought to become more involved in the wider debate on issues affecting young people and the voluntary sector through our campaigning work. To meet these needs the training course was updated and improved to give young people a wider voice in society and the work of the Association – the Scouts Speak Up training course was born.

The success of the training course cannot just be measured in numbers, though well over a thousand young people have been trained through the course. The real success is in the results of those that have been trained on the course. We have seen a 16 year old challenge a Secretary of State on the policies of the government in regards to apprenticeships, listened to a 15 year old woman grill a presenter on the Today programme on Radio 4, and seen young people deliver key note presentations to the Association’s AGM.

A decision was taken that the course needed to be refreshed to better meet the needs and aims of the course and to improve the outcomes for participants.

The review confirmed that the needs and aims of the course are to:

• Trainyoungpeopletoparticipateinlocalmediawork.

• Trainyoungpeopletomeetnational,regionalandUKHQobjectivesand to offer support in such situations.

• Giveyoungpeopletheskillstohelptheminfluenceavarietyofinternal and external stakeholders.

To meet these needs and aims, there will be two alternative routes through the course. One will provide training in influencing and communication skills. Young people who take part in this strand of the experience will be given skills aimed at helping them better speak in public and explain to an external audience the value of Scouting to them and their peers.

Those young people who take part in the alternative media skills strand will be given skills aimed at helping them better talk to print, radio and TV journalists. Both routes will provide some shared training areas in presenting skills and the importance of the Scout brand.The current list of venues and dates are as follows:

• GilwellPark,Essex.26-27January2013.Closingdate:20December2012.

• SirJohnLowtherScoutTrainingCentre,Northampton.23-24February2013. Closingdate:16January2013.

• LinnetClough,Stockport.9-10March2013.Closingdate:8February2013.

To apply to be nominated to the course please email our Director of Communications, Ray Noice, ray.noice@scouts-hants.org.uk providing name, date of birth, address, email address and phone number of the young person and parent/guardian before the relevant deadline date.

Scouts Speak up (Young Spokespeople)

training Course 2013

This year Explorers from Enterprise and Endeavour of Southampton City District came together for Gilwell24. Once again we travelled up on Friday afternoon arriving on site around 2100 hrs. Tents up and get camp sorted. We all then went off to find the bust of Baden-Powell where Adrian invested three of his Explorers – Joe, Kim and Rozy. Throughout the night and into Saturday morning more young people from around the UK and further afield arrived. The estimate this year was about 4000 young people from both Explorers and Senior Section Guides.

Saturday morning 0900 hrs and the start of the 24 hours of activities. On offer was a wide variety of activities – zorbing, shooting, mountain boarding, AA driving school, scuba diving, trapeze, bushcraft, wood work, fun fair, power kites, internet café, radio station, disco, climbing, cinema, information tents to name some. Being the ten year anniversary of Explorers, chocolate cake was on offer at the opening ceremony where the latest Scout ambassador was revealed – Ed Stafford. For those who don’t know who this is, this is the chap who walked the length of the Amazon http://www.walkingtheamazon.com/

This year the weather was not really in our favour. The Gilwell site was already a bit of a mud bath on arrival. This steadily got worse as the weekend went on. The rain came and went and then really started in the early hours of Sunday morning resulting in a flooded campsite with many tents under water. 0500 hrs found the leaders up and serving bacon and sausage rolls to not only our own Explorers but also a group from Reigate whose site was completely flooded out and under a couple of feet of water. The benefits of networking and establishing links around the Scout family.

At 0900 hrs Sunday morning the event closed and we all headed home, very wet, very muddy and very tired. Certainly a weekend to be remembered and despite the rain and the mud, one that the Explorers really enjoyed. Next year is already in the diary.

DaveMcKeeman - ESL Enterprise

This year, with the help of the Southampton District Canoe Club, Enterprise Explorers ran a BCU 2 star course on their normal meeting night. Two members from Nemesis Explorers also joined with us for the course. This allowed the unit the opportunity to brush up and polish off various kayaking skills obtained at different times and pull it all together so that the majority of the unit are all now at the same known level.

As a way of rounding off this course, and putting to use the skills learned, a trip on the River Hamble was planned for the weekend of 20/21 October encompassing an overnight stay at Cricket Camp. This gave the Explorers a chance to try some different water to that of the Itchen, where we normally paddle.

Saturday morning saw the intrepid group of Explorers, with the ESL and the DESC, set off from Swanwick public slip and head up river. An Explorer from Relentless ESU also joined with us. Tides were checked and we were on a rising tide, although it did not particularly feel or look like it. A steady pace saw us progress up river soon passing the jetty at Manor Farm. Weather was overcast but grey. We were heading for Botley. At Fairthorne Manor it became apparent that the tide was not rising very quickly – time for a short stop. Soon after this point it was a case of getting out and walking the kayaks up river on a couple of sections – just not enough water under us. Botley was reached and time for lunch.

After lunch we continued up to the mill at Botley and had a play on the small weir before returning back down river to the jetty at Manor Farm. What a difference in water levels!! We now had plenty of water. We got out at Manor Farm and carried our kayaks through the park to Cricket Camp where we set up camp for the night. The fire pit was set up, burgers and sausages cooked over the open fire. A short walk around Manor Farm, in the dark, and then back to the open fire. By now the weather had turned and the rain had started which continued to gradually get heavier so a relatively early night for all. Sunday morning up and break camp ready for collection by parents at 1000 hours.A very successful short trip locally that has given the Explorers a taste of what they can do. Time to look to next year and doing some more trips now that they have the skills.

DaveMcKeeman - ESL Enterprise

eNterpriSe explorerS

river Hamble trip october 2012

You've done the hard work, made vital connections, asked people to volunteer, and you're about to launch a new group or section. As part of headquarters on going commitment to growing the movement, the start up grants are a vital means of fi nancial support to help a fl edgling section get going.

A £100.00 grant can be made available for all new youth sections opening so long as they can meet a few simple criteria. Also provided is additional support with what is known as the ‘Start up supplement grant’ to help with the fi rst years’ fees for new sections.

The grants are managed by a body known as the ‘Development Grants Board’ (DGB) who have a range of grant funds to support local Scouting.

Need to know more, call 0845 300 1818 or visit the web page below.





You’ve done the hard work, made vital connections, asked people to volunteer, and you’re about to launch a new group or section. As part of headquarters on going commitment to growing the movement, the start up grants are a vital means of fi nancial support to help a fl edgling section get going.

A £100.00 grant can be made available for all new youth sections opening so long as they can meet a few simple criteria. Also provided is additional support with what is known as the ‘Start up supplement grant’ to help with the fi rst years’ fees for new sections.

The grants are managed by a body known as the ‘Development Grants Board’ (DGB) who have a range of grant funds to support local Scouting.

Need to know more, call 0845 300 1818 or visit the web page below.

There is also a match funding opportunity for you to claim an additional £100 from the County Development Board. We are also looking to support groups and new sections where the Development Officer has played a part in the start up or supported you through the process. This money can be claimed by sending us a copy of the DBG grant application form. The same criteria will apply for the Hampshire grant as those for the DGB. All new youth sections are eligible.

...aND tHere’S more

Need to know more: Vanessa Slawson - County Development Officere: vanessa.slawson@scouts-hants.org.uk m: 079 0053 6504

County Officee: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk t: 023 8084 7847

12-14 October 2012

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£99 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

12-14 October 2012

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment

£115 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

13-14 October 2012

Climbing (Walls & Towers) Permit Training & Assessment

£65 per person

Ferny Crofts Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk

10-11 November 2012

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 1 of 2)

£180 per person for both weekends

Woodhouse Park Training Centre, Avon

Dave Ashworth Avon County Scouts E: davidashworth@blueyonder.co.uk

17-18 November 2012

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 2 of 2)

£180 per person for both weekends

Woodhouse Park Training Centre, Avon

Dave Ashworth Avon County Scouts E: davidashworth@blueyonder.co.uk

19-26 January 2013

Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland

£300 per person

Crubenmore Lodge, Cairngorms National Park

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

1-3 February 2013

NSRA Air Rifle Instructor Course

Approx £120 per person

Ferny Crofts Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk

16-17 March 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 1 of 2)

Approx £160 per person for both parts

Ferny Crofts Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk

23-24 March 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 2 of 2)

Approx £160 per person for both parts

Ferny Crofts Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk

20-21 April 2013

Remote Emergency Care Level 2 – First Aid

Approx £120 per person

Ferny Crofts Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk

19-21 April 2013

Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment - Summer (part 1 of 2)

£275 per person for both weekends

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

aNNual traiNiNg CoNFereNCeThe date is Saturday 24th November 2012, the venue is the Masonic Centre, Brook Lane, Botley, Southampton, SO30 2ER.

The timings are a 9.30 am arrival (for tea & coffee) and for a prompt 10.00 am start and finish at 3.30 pm. We will supply a light lunch to keep us going in the afternoon.

This conference is open to all Local Training Managers, Training Advisers, Trainers and Training Admin people in the Districts. District Commissioners are also welcome, as is anyone else with an interest in adult training/learning.

The programme will include items on, how we are doing as a County, how we need to move forward in line with the County & National initiative - Vision 2018, best practice as a TA, a session on quality and PLP’s, how to become a trainer and a friend from Gilwell looking at Adult Training issues and news from the Centre.

Please put the date in your diary, and to save disappointment let Phill Pegg know you are coming on: cta_hants@btinternet.com by Friday 17th November.

More information soon.Martin Rudd - Director of Adult Training/ County Training Managere: ctm@scouts-hants.org.uk

aCtivitY leaDerSHip CourSeS 2012 - 2013

19-21 April 2013

Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment

£135 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

19-21 April 2013

Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£115 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

19-21 April 2013

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

19-21 April 2013

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£99 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

19-21 April 2013

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment

£115 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

11-12 May 2013

Climbing (Walls & Towers) Permit Training & Assessment

£65 per person

Ferny Crofts Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk

17-19 May 2013

Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment -Summer (part 2 of 2)

£275 per person for both weekends

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk�

17-19 May 2013

Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment

£135 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

17-19 May 2013

Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£115 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

17-19 May 2013

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

17-19 May 2013

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£99 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

17-19 May 2013

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment

£115 per person

North Wales Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

aCtivitY leaDerSHip CourSeS 2012 - 2013

Hampshire Scout Caving ClubCaving DaysTry Caving on Saturday or Sunday on any of the following dates:




At Hampshire Scout Caving Club’s Caving Days. The activities are targeted at the novice caver who has little or no experience. If you have been before let us know and we can arrange slightly harder trips in the same area.

A Caving Day consists of about 3 hours caving in the morning and 3 hours of caving in the afternoon (normally at Burrington Coombe and Priddy or in the local area).

Based around Priddy in the Mendip Hills of Somerset the cost is £90 per group of 6 or part thereof (this does not include food or transport to Mendip).

If you are interested get your section leader to obtain more information and booking forms.

Need to know more, contact:Gavin Bancroft - HSCC Booking Secretary e: gavinbancroft@fsmail.netm: 077 1717 7744

Saturday, November 10th- Cty Avon County Scouts - GNAS Archery Leaders Course - Part 1 of 2- AT Modules 8 & 9- Bvr Poultons day- Cub Scout Scrapheap Challenge 9:00am- D of E Assessor Course (Greater London South)

Sunday, November 11th- Cty Avon County Scouts - GNAS Archery Leaders Course - Part 1 of 2- Remembrance Day

Wednesday, November 14th- Cty Act Hampshire Water Activities Forum Meeting

Friday, November 16th- Sct PL Training

Saturday, November 17th- Sct PL Training- Cty Avon County Scouts - GNAS Archery Leaders Course - Part 2 of 2- UK YP Scouts Speak Up course- AT Module 25- AT Modules 17 & 18

Sunday, November 18th- Sct PL Training- Cty Avon County Scouts - GNAS Archery Leaders Course - Part 2 of 2- UK YP Scouts Speak Up course- AT H2 Safeguarding Workshop- Tuesday, November 20- Cty CEC meeting

Saturday, November 24th- Cty Act Canoeing/Kayaking UKCC Level 1 Coach Training & Assessment Course (part 2 of 2)- UK National Conference- AT County Training Conference 9:00am- Supervisor Training Course

Sunday, November 25th- Cty Act Canoeing/Kayaking UKCC Level 1 Coach Training & Assessment Course (part 2 of 2)- UK National Conference 9:00am- Assessor Training Course

County Diary

Friday, December 7th- Exp YL training

Saturday, December 8th- Exp YL training

Sunday, December 9th- Exp YL training

tuesday, December 11th- Cty CT meet

Friday, January 18th- Sct Pro-badge

Saturday, January 19th- Sct Pro-badge- Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland- AT H2 Safeguarding Workshop- AT Module 25- AT Modules 9 & 8

Sunday, January 20th- Sct Pro-badge- Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland- AT Modules 12 & 11

monday, January 21th- Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland

tuesday, January 22th- Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland

Wednesday, January 23th- Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland

thursday, January 24th- Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland

Friday, January 25th- Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland

Saturday, January 26th- Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland- UK YP Scouts Speak Up course- AT Modules 17 & 18

Sunday, January 27th- UK YP Scouts Speak Up course- Sct Pro-badge


Ticket Requests:


Number of tickets:

Total: £


Price Per Ticket



Credit/Debit Card

Order Form: Scouts & Guides Day Section/Unit:




Cheques (Made Payable to Reading FC)


Cash Card #

Signature: Exp: Sec Code:



Phone #:


Return to your section/unit leader by Friday 14th December. Any questions please contact Fraser Boyd at London Irish on 0118 072 277 or email fraser.boyd@london-irish.com

Scouts & Guides Day Saturday 9th February 2013

at Madejski Stadium

Discounted match tickets Exclusive Scouting & Guiding seating area £2 of every adult ticket sold will go back to your

section/unit. Top 12 sections/units who bring the most people

will have access to the Activities Dome prior to the match and parade around the pitch.

All uniformed Scouts & Guides will receive a special London Irish commemorative badge.

Regular Ticket Price

Discounted Ticket Price

Scouts/Guides Members & Uniformed Leaders £10 £7

Adults £28 £18

Concessions* £20 £13

Other U16s £10 £7 * Concessions are 16-18, 60 or over, students, emergency services & armed forces. Proof of ID required when entering the stadium


Saracens Kick Off 3:00pm

£7.00 Uniformed Scouts/Guides/Leaders

Have you the courage to promote dowsing as a scientific and fun activity for from Beavers to Explorer level.

Why? Well dowsing is global and the skill forms part of the history [and current science] of many cultures globally.

It has the potential to develop youngsters globally and help them engage with the environment and local history.

The objective is to see the introduction of a badge in Guiding and Scouting for ancient customs and crafts and for youngsters to do dowsing as skill for the DofE Awards Schemes and higher Scouting/Guiding awards.

For further information please contact Micheal:T: 01252 541 639E: mike.haxeltine@talktalk.net

Searching for ground energies

More & more Groups are asking for archery sessions but still don’t know who to ask and who their local archery leader is.

So we are putting together a contact list of archery leaders who can go to Groups or Groups can come to them for an

archery session.

This will entail your contact details being posted on the County web site and being circulated to Districts so Groups

can contact you directly and ask for your help.

If you feel you can offer your services please email….

Tim Beeching: Hampshire Scout Archery Club


HampSHire SCout arCHerY Club WWW.HSaC.org.uk

Norfolk Broads Yacht Club, Wroxham Broad, Norfolk Friday August 23rd to Monday August 26th 2013

Entries are welcomed from all Scout Groups, Units and Clubs to this fun na onal event

Na onal Scout Sailing Rega a 2013

On-site camping with all necessary facili� es and meals available. Supplementary ac� vi� es for Scouts during the days, when not sailing, and on Saturday evening.

Events ● There will be four races per age group. ● The age groups are Under 13, Under 15, Under 18 and

Leaders/Network (over 18s) ● The classes are single-handed, fast handicap (less than 1130

PY), and slow handicap (1130 PY and above) ● Events in the diff erent age groups will not overlap, enabling

any single boat to be used in all four age groups.

See more informa on and register your interest so you are kept in touch by going to

www.ukscoutsailingrega a.net

Event organisers1st Blo eld and Brundall Sea Scout Group, 8th Norwich Sea Scout Group and Norfolk Broads Yacht Club

We know of three groups in the district who wear their

own badge. 3rd Havant have a lime green badge

issued for their anniversary in 2002, 1st Homewell

who wear the FURY badge on their scarf and 3rd

Leigh Park whose badge is light and dark blue with

white border. This depicts a book and the logos LP

& TS which stands for Trosnant School where they

meet. For those who do not know, the FURY badge

is for the Fellowship of United Reformed Youth and is

usually worn on the uniform similar to the RC KIRO

or Methodist Shell. The Salvation Army also have a

Scout badge for sponsored groups.

We know of no other group wearing a badge so if you

do have one, we need to know. We have only three

nametapes in the collection and one of those is shut

down! They are, 3rd Havant, 1st West Leigh and 1st

Stockheath. If you can help us in anyway, please get

in contact.

Next time we will focus on the groups in the two Itchen


Hampshire Scout Hertiage

Point Source – Bursledon Gig Feel the Endurance in March 2013

Do you want a challenge in March 2013?Are you aged 13 ½ and older?Do you want to walk 50 miles and raise money for your group?If the answer is yes then this is for you…50 miles cross country in 24 hours!! Can you do it???

Of course you can!!!

Visit our website to register your teams www.endurance80.org.ukOr Contact Ben Housego, on 07818 508918 or emailben@endurance80.org.uk

Follow us on twitter: @endurance80And Facebook: www.facebook.com/endurance80


Group flyer with address.doc5

We are a volunteer group who for the last 6 years have trained and then taken teams of young people to France to re-enact the World War 2 commando raid known as “the Cockleshell Heroes Raid”. This consists in the first year of training to a fitness level to enable the individual to complete 50 miles of a 100 mile walk following the escape trail taken by the two survivors, we undertake this in two teams splitting the days walking between the teams with each walking during the morning or afternoon, changing each day. We sleep in tents and are fed by training team members with the help of the team in camp at the time. You will meet some of the French people and visit some of the small towns. The trip takes 10 days leaving from Portsmouth in minibuses and crossing the channel by way of the Eurotunnel, a fun experience.

The trip starts on August the 11th 2012 where you will sleep at an army complex prior to an early morning start for France and finish on August 22nd, you must be between 14 and 18. This is open to both male and female.

Members from the walk team will then be given the option of consideration to train for and experience the kayak paddle the following year. This again is over 10 days travelling up the beautiful Gironde River to Bordeaux. This has been referred to as exciting and life changing by all the previous teams.

For info please visit our website: www.cockleshelladventures.org.uk

Patron, The Rt Hon Lord Paddy Ashdown, PC, KBE,GCMG

Cockleshell Heroes Youth Group “Enabling young people to experience history”

Recognised HMRC charity (XT32993) Registered charity in England and Wales (XT32993) Registered charity in England and Wales (XT32993)

Registered charity in England and Wales (XT32993)


Click Sign in

Click register now!

Now fill out the form, but you’ll need to know your membership Number. Adult volunteers can find it on their Appointment Card, while Youth members should speak to their Section Leader. Please call 0845 300 1818 if you cannot find it.



Once you are signed in

click on my details

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You need to be on the

personal tab

Hampshire‟s 2014 Camp will provide a rich and exciting experience for everyone from the youngest Beaver to the oldest Explorer, and all the Adult leaders, helpers, Network & Active Support – in Hampshire and beyond. We wish to take the best from the 2007 „H007‟ camp and combining this with Dorset Scouts‟ fantastic campsite at Buddens near Wareham. We would like everyone involved in Hampshire to celebrate Scouting, as a group or a section, with a fantastic week of activities and a special day midweek, called “Hampshire Calling”, for day visitors to join us and enjoy a whole series of activities and a Carnival. Scout Groups from the UK and overseas are very welcome to join us. To find out more go to http://www.h0014.co.uk and register your interest.

olympic inspiration for new eastleigh Colony

The 14th Eastleigh has launched a satellite Beaver Colony which already has eighteen members and six parents who have agreed to be either leaders or section assistants.

Recognising that for some local families their ‘edge of estate HQ’ means walking more than a mile along very busy roads, they have started a second Colony at the more central Crestwood College.

In meeting all parents on the Wednesday welcome evening, it was made clear to them that without their help, the Colony could not be started. Within a week all

six had begun their module one training and as you read this, the parents are being supported as they begin to plan and help run the new unit.

For the first launch night local Paralympic Games Maker and Olympic Torch bearer Daisy Brookman visited and all Beavers held the torch. This was followed by a repeat of the Olympic Ceremony with all Beavers being taught how to drum on upturned buckets by professional percussionist Greg Walker (also the 14th Band’s DoM).

Long serving Beaver Leader of the 14th’s Tuesday Colony

Christine Cole says “ We are very pleased to welcome so many new youngsters into Beavers as part of the 14th, and we are particularly pleased that Parents have risen to the challenge and have agreed to help run the new Colony” (An added bonus of this initiative is that five new Beavers joined the Tuesday Colony and two Cubs have joined the Cub Pack).

This idea of this Colony came from the District’s development strategy ‘Reaching Out’ where satellite units were suggested as a way of reaching out to local communities. With the appointment of Simon

Stone as Eastleigh’s District Development Manager with his Beaver and Cub experience, and the advice of County Development Officer Vanessa Slawson, it was possible to move ahead with this initiative. Thanks to support from the District and leaders from the 12th Eastleigh, the 14th now have brought 18 new youngsters and six adults into Scouting.

This Eastleigh team has proved that using ‘not enough leaders’ as a reason to not open additional sections can be overcome, because parents will offer their help. Most people like to be involved in something new.