(Hamamatsu Church of the Savior)€¦ · (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior) ... appears that faith is...

Post on 12-Jun-2020

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Transcript of (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior)€¦ · (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior) ... appears that faith is...


Welcome to Hamamatsu Sukuinushi Kyokai…HSK!

浜松救い主教会 2019-7-28 (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior)

Please believe us when we say…. “The first time you come here you are

a visitor…BUT…the second time you are a friend!”


522 Mishima Cho, Minami Ku, Hamamatsu Shi

Church Phone: (053)442-5080 Church Fax: (053)442-5186 Church Cell: 080-8117-1774

E-mail: hskmychurch@gmail.com

Internet: (Japanese)www.hskchurch.org (English) www.hskchurch.com

Hamamatsu Sukuinushi Kyokai (HSK) (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior) is a Protestant group of Christians who are very dependent on God! We believe He is great, good, and holy! Anyone who has a desire to know Him and seeks fellowship with others is welcome to attend this church.

Welcome Visitors! We are so glad you came today. Please come again and again. And if there is any way we can assist you, please talk to our pastor or his wife, Ben or Ruth Fowler. We have been praying for you. A ‘Baby Room’ is available for anyone who has a small child.

‘For the love of God controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died. And He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh, even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The old things passed away, behold, new things have come.’ 2 Corinthians 5:14-17

This Week’s Events at HSK…………..…..………………

Date Time & Details


12:30 PM…Delicious Lunch & Fellowship Time Women’s Prayer Gathering After Lunch! No Prayer Meeting Tonight!

7/31(Wed.) 1:25 PM…Prayer Meeting(Room 22)

8/1(Thu.) 7:25 PM…Musicians & Worship Leader:Practice


8:45 AM…Musicians & Worship Leader:Practice9:55 AM…Singing, Sharing, Sunday School & Fellowship Time1;30 PM…Prayer Meeting for Israel6:55 PM…Gathering of Watchmen(Prayer)


Dear Members and Friends of HSK, What a wonderful time we had last Sunday! I got up on Monday morning thinking about the joyful singing I experienced with you! And as you will discover today, we are singing one song which we sang last Sunday, “Christ the Lord is risen today!” Why? I think we must have more thoughts about our God being alive. No, I don’t think we wonder if He is alive but how often do we think about God Almighty being alive? How often do we think about God Almighty helping us and blessing us? Christ the Lord is risen today! Hallelujah! Did you enjoy the birthday party we had last Sunday? I did. As I talked to Tsuyako-san, she appeared full of joy because of that party. And truthfully speaking, I look forward to the birthday BBQ in her honor which we will have next year! (Yes, you have to be 90 years old in order to have a birthday BBQ!) And I want to thank the Filipino sisters who shared their food with the entire church. The cooks in our church are amazing! Almost every Sunday, I think about what we are praying for…what we are asking our Heavenly Father to give us or what we are pleading with God Almighty to change. Often it seems Jesus said that someone’s request for His healing power was related to that person’s faith. So it appears that faith is really the most important part of our prayers. But I also

believe this about prayer: An emotion must be released. Desperation should be attached to our prayers. Our prayers should be soaked in expectation. When a father brought his demon possessed son to Jesus for prayer, the Bible says the father cried out. When a father’s little daughter was dying, the father implored Him earnestly for a miracle. When a mother who was not a Jew had a daughter possessed by a demon, the Bible says ‘she kept asking Him(Jesus) to cast the demon out of her daughter’. Conclusion: Do you have faith and passion when you pray? How desperate are you for an answer to your prayers from heaven? Let us never pray without genuine desire for a miracle. I want to thank everyone who is trying to sing in a language you may not really understand. Yes, it can appear that a part of each song that you do not understand must be endured but…I really believe this about the songs we sing: Our Heavenly Father is listening. And the part of each song that you sing makes the song very special to Him…."special music”. So please be ready to sing your part! ‘…for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers’ (John 4:23). I have looked forward to being with you today. We are going to meet the King of glory today! Your pastor……Ben

Please continue to tell…your family and friends about viewing ‘live’ and recorded meetings at HSK on the Internet. To see meetings, go to <www.hskchurch.org> and click ‘Livestream’. Or go to <www.hskchurch.com>

and click ‘Watch Live’. You will find a list of previous meetings which can be seen at any time during the week. Thank you for sharing this information with others.

From Your Pastor…………………………………………………………………7/28

You can hear the pastor’s message…in several languages with your cellular phone. First, download the app ‘ABELON Client’. Next, connect to HSK via Wi-Fi: hsk/1 (password:song1234) or hsk/2(password:song5678). Finally, open the app and click the language you want to hear. Set the ‘latency’ to 100. You should now be hearing the translation of our pastor’s message in your language.


Last week, the church tithe……of ¥88,000 was divided as follows: Mami-san and Ryo-san(Ishinomaki Ministry)(¥15,000), Pastor Hirata(Pastor Support)(¥20,000) , Br idges for Peace(Israel Ministry)(¥18,000), New Life Church(Cambodian Christian School Ministry)(¥20,000), New Life L e a g u e ( B i b l e Printers)(¥15,000). Total amount given to others since January: ¥414,500! Hallelujah!

New Information from Bridge for Peace…can be found in the church

foyer. Please look for your free copy of their booklet, ‘Olive Life’, in the foyer. English editions of this booklet can be found on the Internet.

Next Sunday, August 4th…everyone is invited to attend a prayer meeting for Israel which will begin at 1:30 PM in the main room. You may wish to bring or buy your lunch and ea t w i th o the r s before that meeting.

Also, next Sunday morning(4th)…our speaker will be Hanamoto Angelo-

san. This deacon of HSK has accepted our pastor’s invitation to share with you what he believes God is speak-

ing to our church. He will speak in Portuguese but his message will be translated into Japanese and English. Please pray for Angelo-san this week.

If you did not know this…Joanna-san is expecting her third child next year, March 2020! Daisuke-san does not think she will have twins again but…it might happen! Your pastor and Ruth-san are so happy for this family. Please pray that Joanna-san will stay in good health.

Truman-san and Elisabeth-san…are expecting their next baby in October. God is giving them a boy! Elisabeth-san is in good health but getting a little bigger each day does make it more difficult to take care of her family. Thank you for praying for her!

Many thanks to all those who are using…the #2 parking area. Each

Sunday the gym as well as the main parking area is full bu t someone may be arriving late and cannot find a parking space and decide

not to attend church. Please, if you have no children, park at the #2 parking area. ……………………………………………………… ‘The Lord has been mindful of us, He will bless us. He will bless the house of Israel. He will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless those who fear the Lord, the small together with the great.’ Psalm 115:12-13

Church Announcements/Information………….……..………..……..…………7/28


The principle of unity and its paramount importance was imparted to the early church through the person and the work of the Spirit of God. A lot more than ano inted preach ing and powerfu l evangelism was going on, for the Holy Spirit produced something wonderful, as described in Acts 4:32: “All the believers were one in heart and mind.” This unity was not organized by the apostles, who had shown their own flurries of disunity and dissension while following Jesus. Rather, it was God-produced, love-constructed, and Spirit-born. The disunity and division that prevail today are holding back the work of God. As a result, millions of unbelievers are getting a distorted view of the Body of Christ. It is sad but true that Christian marriages often end up divided, with divorce rates that are no better than American society at large. Church boards are fighting with their pastors. Church

staff members are competitive and jealous of one another. Worship teams are riddled by gossip and division. How can God truly bless in that kind of environment? This is a crucial question before us, for what good are even the gifts of the Holy Spirit if people continue hassling each other? What is the benefit of great preaching if the listeners snub one another on the way out the door? Jesus said unity is paramount, and we need to listen to Him again very closely: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). Of course, this is not humanly possible; it throws us upon the power of the Holy Spirit, because how in the world could we ourselves love other Christians as Jesus loved us? No pastor can instill divine love by merely teaching about it; it must be “poured out… into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us” (Romans 5:5).

There are still protests going on in Hong Kong. Please pray about this situation this week. Christians could be in danger.

Tension between Japan and South Korea has not stopped. Wisdom from God is needed to solve this problem.

Please pray again for all the children in HSK. May they all grow up with a desire to love and serve the Lord.

Please pray for Oishi-san’s wife, Noriko-san, who has a serious illness. She is in the hospital now. May she come to know Jesus soon.

Joanna-san needs strength for each day as she carries their 3rd child. Please pray for her and Daisuke-san this week.

Ruth-san will be going on a missions trip to Cambodia in August. She will accompany a team from Osaka.

Will you pray for our pastor this week? He desires to be led by the Holy Spirit each day.

Let’s pray again for the “peace of Jerusalem” this week. Iran is still threatening to destroy that nation.

Nhors-san’s brother, Israel-san, still needs a touch for his enlarged heart. Please pray for him this week.

We are still desiring for a first floor entry building so all can access the church easily. Please pray for this to happen.

Let’s pray for the leaders of our countries. May they all come to know Jesus. …………………………………………………………… Note: If you do not want your prayer request in the church bulletin, please mark that clearly on your prayer request card.

Prayer Requests………………………………..……………………………………………7/28

Thoughts to ponder…from the book: Fresh Power By: Jim Cymbals Chapter 6……“A House United”