Halverson-Dimler Restoration Project · Halverson-Dimler Restoration Project ... restoration...

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Transcript of Halverson-Dimler Restoration Project · Halverson-Dimler Restoration Project ... restoration...

resourceful. naturally.

[q&e title here]Proposal for the Halverson-Dimler Restoration Project

Prepared for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District by Barr Engineering Company August 2012

August 17, 2012 Ms. Tiffany Forner Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, Minnesota 55391 Re: Halverson-Dimler Restoration Project Dear Ms. Forner: Barr is pleased to present this proposal for engineering and consulting services. In the enclosed proposal we describe how we’ll contribute our experience with similar, local projects and our understanding of restoration concerns to complete the design for the Halverson-Dimler restoration. Barr has a dedicated and experienced team of professionals who specialize in restoration and management of native plant communities. We understand the underlying physical and biological systems upon which all successful restoration projects are ultimately based. We understand that establishing native plant communities that are attractive and perceived by the public as desirable are important outcomes of this project. Our team of ecologists, landscape architects, and other scientists will focus on successful establishment and management of the plant communities, while paying particular attention to the final aesthetic quality of the site. When people find native plant communities attractive they take better care of them and will implement them elsewhere. We understand the importance of MCWD Board and stakeholder buy-in to the site design. Designing a site that gets District Board members excited about the site and native plant community restoration ensures the commitment for long-term management. This site can be a source of pride for board members, providing water quality benefits and increasing habitat values in the Six Mile Creek watershed. In our previous work with plant community restorations, we’ve always emphasized collaboration with resource managers to development systems that can be maintained and sustained for a long time. Working with you and other MCWD staff to design a natural system that can be effectively maintained within the operational and financial capacity of MCWD will ensure continued benefits. We’re excited about this opportunity and look forward to working with you. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact me (952-832-2904, or jefflee@barr.com) or Fred Rozumalski (952-832-2733, or frozumalski@barr.com). Sincerely,

Jeffrey Lee Principal in Charge

Barr Engineering Company


About Barr Engineering Company ............................................................................................................... 1 Barr’s Project Team ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Similar Project Experience ........................................................................................................................... 5 Project Approach .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Project Budget Worksheet ............................................................................................................................ 9 Contact Information .................................................................................................................................... 10 Conflicts of Interest ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Barr Engineering Company Page 1

About Barr Engineering Company Barr is an employee-owned consulting company integrating engineering and environmental expertise to help clients develop, manage, and restore natural resources. Our 600 engineers, scientists, and technical support specialists serve the power, mining, manufacturing, and fuels industries, as well as natural-resources management organizations and municipal, state, and federal agencies. Our clients’ projects take us across the Midwest, throughout the Americas, and around the world. Incorporated in 1966, Barr now has offices in Minneapolis, Duluth, and Hibbing, Minnesota; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Jefferson City, Missouri; Bismarck, North Dakota; and Calgary, Alberta. Our Areas of Expertise Barr’s areas of expertise include water and natural resources management; environmental management and compliance assistance; water supply and wastewater treatment; permitting and design for hazardous- and solid-waste facilities; assessment and remediation of contaminated sites; engineering design; and process and materials-handling design. How We Work At Barr, we operate as an integrated team working in a studio environment. Landscape architects, ecologists, hydrologists, civil engineers, community planners, geologists, and scientists of many specialties work closely together to address complex environmental issues. Our team actively challenges each others’ assumptions and past practices to develop innovative and holistic solutions. This interdisciplinary approach ensures that our recommendations are socially responsible, ecologically informed, technically sound, and economically feasible. Barr’s Approach to Restoration Projects Drawing on our practical training and years of field experience, we pay close attention to specifying proper site preparation, installation, and management regimes for restoration projects. We understand not just how plants will interact with site conditions but how external factors are likely to influence the area’s integrity. Our goal: natural area restorations that will remain diverse, ecologically functional, and easily maintained long into the future.

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Barr’s Project Team

Jeff Lee Senior Ecologist Project Principal

Jeff specializes in ecological restoration and aquatic ecology. His areas of practice include stream assessment and restoration; wetland and upland native-plant-community restoration, establishment, and management; natural resources inventories and management; and public-involvement processes. He is our key resource for wetland, stream, and upland ecological restoration maintenance and construction techniques; preparing planting specifications; selection and management of contractors for vegetation establishment; supervision of long-term maintenance; guidance for herbicide selection and application methods; and prescribed burns. For this project, Jeff will assist with mitigation planning and construction and management oversight.

Percent Time Contribution – 1%

Fred Rozumalski, RLA Landscape Ecologist Project Manager

Fred is a registered landscape architect, specializing in landscape architecture, ecology, horticulture, and native-landscape design and restoration. In his work, Fred focuses on developing natural landscapes that are economically viable, low-maintenance, and support a diversity of plants and animals. Most importantly, the landscapes are designed to meet the needs of the people who inhabit them. In addition to his project work, Fred has lectured on ecologically sound landscape design. For this project, Fred will be the project manager and lead restoration designer.

Percent Time Contribution – 18%

Dan Tix, PhD Ecologist

Dan is a wetland ecologist with over 10 years of experience in the areas of natural resources management and ecology. He assists clients with projects involving wetland mitigation, planning, monitoring, and permitting; post-construction site restoration; protected-species consultation, and regulatory agency negotiations. Dan has independently managed all aspects of restoration projects including site selection and negotiation; site planning and design; environmental permitting; restoration management; and site monitoring. Dan will serve as task manager for wetland delineation and permitting, as well as assisting with restoration planning and design, and management approaches.

Percent Time Contribution – 10%

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Cheryl Feigum, PhD, PSS, PWS, PSC Sr. Environmental Scientist

Cheryl has more than 10 years of experience as a wetland scientist specializing in hydropedology, wetland delineation, ground/surface water sampling, wetland hydrology studies, assessment of wetland functions, wetland mitigation site evaluations, and environmental documentation. Her relevant experience includes completing wetland delineations, permitting and monitoring, and conducting wetland functional assessments. Cheryl is a professional soil scientist, professional wetland scientist, professional soil classifier, and a certified wetland delineator. For this project, she will assist with wetland delineation, soils analysis, and wetland restoration planning.

Percent Time Contribution – 1%

Leslie DellAngelo, PE Civil Engineer

Leslie joined Barr after earning a master’s degree in civil engineering. Her experience includes working on modeling of hydrology and storm sewer hydraulics; low-impact development (LID) feasibility, design, and construction projects; water quality monitoring and data analysis for local creeks; design and construction of stream restoration and bank stabilization projects; and data gathering, design, and construction of stormwater pond maintenance projects. For this project Leslie will be responsible for watershed and wetland hydrology modeling. She will also help prepare construction documents.

Percent Time Contribution – 5%

Jessica Butler Ecologist

Jessica is an ecologist with more than 10 years of experience. Before joining Barr, she worked as a wetland and terrestrial ecologist at Harvard University’s Harvard Forest. Her experience includes natural resource management and conservation in a broad range of managed and natural ecosystems, including classifying vegetation communities, conducting surveys for rare species and associated habitat, and delineating and performing functional assessments of wetlands. Jessica’s role on this project will be to assist with wetland delineation, permitting, and plant community design.

Percent Time Contribution – 10%

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Matt Kumka Landscape Ecologist

Matt joined Barr in 2008 after earning his master’s degree in landscape architecture from the University of Minnesota. He has 10 years of experience as a landscape construction crew chief and landscape architecture intern. Prior to coming to Barr, Matt gained extensive experience in landscape design, construction, installation, and construction observation. His role on the project will be to assist with landscape design, preparation of plans and specification, development of management approaches, and construction observation.

Percent Time Contribution – 45%

Sarah Ash Landscape Designer

Sarah recently joined Barr as a landscape designer after receiving a master’s degree in landscape architecture from the University of Minnesota. Her work at Barr ranges from designing best management practices (BMPs) and planting schemes to preparing construction documents in AutoCAD. Sarah is skilled at translating information from technical drawings into lifelike images that reveal how landscape design plans will look, feel, and function. Before joining Barr, Sarah gained experience in landscape and graphic design, as well as stakeholder communication. Her role on the project will be to assist with landscape design, preparation of plans and specifications, and construction observation.

Percent Time Contribution – 10%

Barr Engineering Company Page 5

Similar Project Experience Spring Peeper Meadow Relevance: The site conditions at Spring Peeper Meadow at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum are very similar to those at your project site. Uplands were planted in corn and soybeans, and the wetland was tiled and had been completely invaded by reed canary grass. This project is a model for restoring a high diversity of upland and lowland plants while accommodating visitors and site interpretation. Reference: Sue Galatowitsch, University of Minnesota Professor Restoration Ecology, 612-624-3242 Minnehaha Park, Lower Glen Restoration Relevance: The design of the restoration was based on the resources predicted to be available for management of the plantings. A deliberate effort was made to design the restorations to the capacity of the Minneapolis Park Board's maintenance crews. Mowing, for example, is a task that Park Board staff can easily accomplish. The oak savanna restoration was planned for a maintenance regime that centered on mowing. Reference: Cliff Swenson, Director Design and Project Management, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, 612-230-6473 The Priory Relevance: This project focused on designing trails and an interpretation system for the newly created natural park preserve. It also addressed an issue of residential neighbors encroaching onto the preserve. Reference: Virginia Gaynor, Natural Resources Coordinator, City of Maplewood, 651-249-2416 Burnsville Natural Resources Master Plan Relevance: This plan put forth detailed management strategies for several of Burnsville's park natural areas. Invasive species control was paramount in restoring the deteriorating oak savannas of the park system. Reference: Terry Schultz, Natural Resources Director, City of Burnsville, 952-895-4505 Carleton College Wetland Creation and Arboretum Master Plan Relevance: A master plan for native plant community and human use of the arboretum was created along with a management strategy. Wetland was created in the Cannon River floodplain in an area of extensive reed canary grass invasion. Reference: Mark McKone, Arboretum Director, Carleton College, 507-646-4393

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Wetland Creation and Restoration In the last six years, Barr’s wetland team has developed wetland restoration plans for over 4,000 acres of wetlands in Minnesota for multiple clients. Many of our recent wetland creation and restoration projects have converted agricultural lands back to natural wetland communities.

More details about these projects are included in the project summaries.

Wetland restoration in Aitkin County, MN 

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Project Approach We take a creative, collaborative approach to native plant community restoration and site design based on your goals and future management capacity. We will work closely with you to understand your goals and translate them into plans that demonstrate effective land stewardship. We will meet with you regularly during the design phase to brainstorm and get your reaction to approaches prior to creating plans. This way, you can see all of the alternatives and can direct the project to best meet your needs. We see this as an iterative, collaborative process where District and stakeholder perspectives play the prime role. Native plant community restoration is an ongoing process, not a one-time planting event. Thorough site preparation is as important as creating a good implementation plan, but all that is for nothing if consistent management is not possible. Our approach is to thoroughly discuss management capacities prior to creating any plans. We want to be sure that you are completely aware of the long-term cost and commitment to maintaining the restorations we design. Our plans will be targeted to feasible management regimes with the goal of a sustainable landscape. The options for native plant community restoration at the site are immense. We can take many different approaches and will discuss with you which are most appropriate as we move through the design process. The existing soils, hydrology, aspect and maintenance options will ultimately guide the design decisions. Possible strategies for restoration include (but are in no way limited to): Choosing low-diversity seed mixes such as only native grasses to allow for cost-effective

management with fire and broadleaf herbicides. These areas could be considered temporary with the intention of establishing higher diversity later. Or, they could be the end goal in that they are terrific for erosion control and building soil structure.

Choosing high-diversity seed mixes with a very low percentage of grasses (for prairies primarily). Research has shown that a higher diversity of forbs can be achieved by greatly reducing the grass seeding rate to below 4 pounds per acre while increasing the forb seeding rate to six pounds per acres. This is a more expensive mix and requires very skilled management but results in the highest diversity possible. This balance, we understand, is important to the District.

Phasing of implementation to allow for long-term budget dispersement. Some cropped areas, for example, could be put on hold for a few years as other areas such as wetlands (that may serve as a source of invasive weeds) are first restored. Inexpensive temporary cover such as alfalfa could be planted in uplands to prevent erosion and build the soil in the intervening years. They could be treated with grass-specific herbicides in order to completely eliminate invasive grasses such as smooth brome or reed canary grass. When future resources are available the alfalfa can be tilled in and native seed mixes planted.

Planning a thorough site preparation process that totally eliminates pre-existing invasive species prior to planting. It is advisable especially in areas where reed canary grass or smooth brome has established to prescribe a yearlong site preparation period of herbicide treatment and burning in order to thoroughly kill rhizomes and to exhaust the seed bank. This important process will reduce ongoing maintenance efforts and costs.

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Overall site design is also important to the successful use of the site. We understand the many layers of this project:

Designing plant communities that are attractive and sustainable, and are perceived by the public as desirable

Designing a site that gets stakeholders excited about the site and native plant community restoration, and therefore bought into long-term management

Providing access for users of the regional trail and access for neighbors

Preventing the creation of multiple access points

Avoiding through design the inappropriate use of the land by neighbors

Providing interpretation for visitors

Planning trails that act as fire breaks as well as provide a pleasant experience for the visitor, and convenient access for maintenance crews

Directing people through the site for the best experience, and directing them away from sensitive areas

Preventing flooding on neighboring properties after drain tiles are broken

Planning for future use of existing buildings, or for their removal

Accommodating research and monitoring on site

Our team of landscape architects, ecologists, hydrologists, and soil scientists will work together to address all these issues from the start. The team approach allows for thoroughness and a plan that will function well long into the future. Preventing the need for future fixes keeps management costs down. We propose to first create a master site plan that lays out the plant community restorations and addresses the bulleted site issues listed above. From this master plan we will develop an implementation plan, which will provide the project work scope for plans and specifications, a management plan, and an estimate of cost for both implementation and long-term management. We see the planning and design process as iterative, relying on staff, stakeholder, agency and Board input at frequent intervals along the way. Included with Exhibit B is a worksheet that provides a detailed listing of our work scope and assumptions for successful completion of this exciting restoration project.








Spring Peeper Meadow at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

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Project Budget Worksheet The project budget worksheet is included as a separate file.

Included with Exhibit B is a worksheet that provides a detailed listing of our work scope and assumptions for the project.

Phalen Wetland and Prairie Restoration, St. Paul, MN 

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Contact Information If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Lee or Fred Rozumalski: Jeffrey Lee Principal in Charge 4700 West 77th Street Edina, MN 55435 952-832-2904 jefflee@barr.com Fred Rozumalski, RLA Project Manager 4700 West 77th Street Edina, MN 55435 952-832-2733 frozumalski@barr.com  

















Wetland Creation, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 


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Conflicts of Interest Barr has been working with the City of Minnetrista over the last five years as a subconsultant to WSB and Associates. As a subcontractor to WSB we have helped the City develop solutions for their drinking water wells and sanitary sewer infrastructure issues. We have no currently active projects with City of Minnetrista. We know of no other potential conflicts of interest that would prevent us from serving the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District on this project.

Wetland and Prairie Restoration at Heritage Park, Minneapolis, MN 



Project Examples  

Barr Engineering Company

Arboretum Sedge Meadow Restoration Minnesota Landscape Arboretum • Chanhassen, Minnesota

Services provided:

Site analysis

Master plan

Planting design

Installation supervision

Research strategy formulation

Interpretive sign development

Wetland management plan

Seminar presentation

Working as a Research Fellow at the University of Minnesota, Fred Rozumalski designed and supervised the installation of a 14-acre sedge meadow on Arboretum grounds in Chanhassen. The project included plant community restoration, interpretive trail, signage and boardwalk design, and development of a long-term research program. Following invasive weed eradication and breaking existing drain tile to restore the site hydrology, the basin was planted with 200 pounds of wetland seed collected over two seasons and 70,000 seedlings propagated at the Arboretum.

The project received a design merit award from the American Society of Landscape Architects in 1999.

This project was funded by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Association and the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources.


Over 100 different species were planted.

Access for research and education is made easy with this 600-foot boardwalk.

Barr Engineering Company

Minnehaha Park Lower Glen Restoration Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board • Minneapolis, Minnesota

Services provided:

Ecological assessment

Development of an oak savanna and forest regeneration

Removal of invasive vegetation

Slope stabilization and erosion control

Habitat restoration

Plant community management plan

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board wanted to restore native plant communities within Minnehaha Park’s lower glen, which is unique within the city’s park system because it avoided the grazing that has impacted native plant communities in the region. This allowed the pre-settlement forest to remain intact along with a beautiful black ash swamp. Both have a great diversity of herbaceous wildflowers. Conducted in conjunction with stream improvements by Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Barr was brought on to minimize three primary threats to the native plant communities in the glen: trampling by people, invasive plant species, and slope failure/erosion.

Like many parks, the lower glen is loved. People move throughout the park, including off trail and over the bluffs. We recommended restricting access through fencing and building distinct trails and boardwalks. While budgeting prohibited the construction of fencing below the falls, an associated project rebuilt and extended the boardwalk through the black ash swamp to keep people out of sensitive areas.

Invasive species control received the greatest effort. Buckthorn, Tartarian honeysuckle, and select invasive trees were removed. Woody invasives were burned during the fall. We also treated herbaceous invasive species in the entire project area with herbicide, utilized controlled burns to suppress invasive species, and planted native plants and shrubs in combination with the use of hydroseed and hydromulch.

We also addressed two active erosion areas on a bluff near the falls to keep people safe and minimize visual impact. In one area, we used limestone rip rap impregnated with biotic earth and seed to fill an eroded gully and to structurally prevent additional erosion. Above the erosion area at the top of a staircase, a stormwater diversion was installed to prevent stormwater from running down the stairs to cause further scouring and erosion. The diversion included routing runoff from the pavement at the top of the stairs into a trench drain that outlets into an underground infiltration field.

# 250209v1

Native plant community restoration is a process, not a one-time event, and requires a long-term management plan.

Prairie straw was spread and burned in the oak savanna in preparation for seeding.

Barr Engineering Company

Priory Master Plan City of Maplewood, Minnesota

Services provided:

Ecological analysis

Park design

Management planning

Public involvement process

The Priory Preserve is a jewel in the Maplewood open space system, and in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Comprised of 46 acres of rolling topography and varied plant communities, the site allows nature-lovers to wander open spaces, view wildlife, and discover rare patches of native prairie, savanna, and wet meadow. The master plan, developed by Barr with significant community input, establishes long-term goals and a general design for the preserve. As part of the planning process, Barr designed entry ways and trails and established plans for plant community restoration.

The planning process involved a series of meetings designed to elicit input from Maplewood residents, city staff, members of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Open Space Task Force, which advises the commission. The meetings also educated residents about the unique attributes of the preserve. Before any meetings were conducted, Barr became familiar with the site by visiting the preserve with key city staff and members of Open Space Task Force. Barr’s designers and ecologists made subsequent visits to further explore vegetation conditions, landforms, and erosion.

The first step of park design was establishing a system of trail loops that route visitors to the major features of the preserve. The new trail system was designed to eliminate many short spurs and closely spaced loops in favor of long, sweeping, connected arcs. Each loop passes at least one point of interest—a

Barr Engineering Company

unique feature, viewpoint, or plant community type—and includes one bench. Individual loops and spurs range from 0.15 to 0.5 mile, for a total trail length of 1.69 miles. Trails are spaced far from one another in order to discourage informal crossings that could disturb plants and produce erosion.

The plan included components of interpretive planning. A simple large sign or kiosk was recommended, to briefly explain the history and ecology of the area, note rules, and allow for changing postings on topics such as blooming flowers or migratory bird sightings. Additional plans for signage within the preserve included more detailed information about specific plant communities.

As part of the planning process, Barr’s ecologists made long-term management recommendations which included expanding the prairie/savanna areas to better conform to topographic conditions and encouraging an herbaceous transition between prairie and wetland communities in the central section of the preserve.

Ultimately, the plan incorporated the desires of Maplewood residents and city staff, and reflected Maplewood’s approach to natural resource preservation.


Barr Engineering Company

Burnsville Natural Resources Master Plan City of Burnsville • Burnsville, Minnesota

Services provided: 

Natural resource assessment

Policy recommendations

Forestry recommendations

Monitoring, land management, and restoration recommendations


The Burnsville Natural Resources Master Plan assessed the current state of natural resources in Burnsville and made recommendations for their preservation and restoration.

In creating this document, Barr conducted an on-site survey of the ecological quality of Burnsville’s natural areas. The entire city, including private, developed, and undeveloped lands, was mapped for land cover type. The plan recommends actions to be taken to protect and enhance the City’s vulnerable natural resources, and makes recommendations for monitoring, land management, and restoration. Included is an extensive urban forestry component, which evaluates and makes recommendations for street trees, developed park trees, and natural area forests. Also included are recommendations for Burnsville’s various natural-resources-related plans and policies, in order to synchronize the effort to manage natural resources.

Why a Natural Resources Master Plan?

It is important to the health of our communities and future generations to protect, preserve, and manage our natural resources. Natural resources offer opportunities for air and groundwater purification, carbon sequestration, stormwater management, sustaining biodiversity, passive recreation, and education—improving the aesthetic appeal of a community, increasing property values, and preserving an overall great place to live.

Priority Recommendations of the Plan

Expand buckthorn and invasive species control Create a boulevard tree planting program Create a Buckthorn Brush Pickup Program for private landowners Conduct a Green Ash tree disease program Expand the built environment tree maintenance program for younger trees Create a City Center Sustainability Demonstration project Reduce deer population to 5 deer per square mile in select woodland restoration areas


A buckthorn management strategy was established in the natural resources master plan.

Barr Engineering Company

Arboretum Master Plan Carleton College • Northfield, Minnesota

Services provided:

Environmental inventory

Cultural site analysis

Plant community restoration plan

Restoration techniques assistance

Negotiated protection of natural areas

The 800-acre Carleton College Arboretum contains a diverse array of prairie, wetland, oak savanna, and forests along southern Minnesota’s Cannon River. Barr designed a master plan for restoring this valuable collection of plant communities and accommodating visitor use of the area. The plan sought to resolve conflicts created by the expanding campus and address such issues as future expansion, trail systems, and parking. The college’s goal of creating an enjoyable place for people coincided with its desire to educate visitors about the sensitive ecosystem. The plan answered these goals by designing attractive entry points, thoughtful planting plans, and interpretive signage.

The 20-year phased master plan is well under way.


An environmental inventory and a cultural site analysis were conducted to understand existing site conditions and needs of users of the Arboretum.

Oak savanna restoration

Barr Engineering Company  

Wetland Restoration and Creation

Mutliple Locations and Clients

In the last six years, Barr’s wetland team has developed wetland restoration plans for over 4,000 acres of wetlands in Minnesota, including forested, bog, and shrub swamp wetland communities common to Minnesota but rarely included in restoration plans. Many of our recent efforts involved a full range of wetland services including: delineating wetlands, analyzing alternatives, preparing permit documents, identifying and evaluating potential wetland mitigation opportunities, planning wetland mitigation, developing site-appropriate seed mixes, creating specifications, negotiating with regulators, assisting with mitigation construction and management oversight, and monitoring mitigation sites.

GIS analyses‐mitigation 

opportunity inventory

Potential mitigation site 



Landowner negotiations

Mitigation design



Cost estim


Wetland  m








Wetland M



Vegetation & hydrology 



Permit 1999‐01764‐TWP

Restoring 320 acres of wetlands (Aitkin wetlands 

restoration)on agricultural landX X X X X X X X X X X

Permit 94‐07625‐IP‐TWP

Restoring 515 acres of wetlands along the 

Embarrass RiverX X X X X X X

Permit 94‐07625‐IP‐TWP

Mitigating 14.5 acres of wetlands X X X X X

Project 1‐permit pending

Restoring 810 acres of wetland on agricultural land 

in north‐central MNX X X X X X X X

Project 2‐permit pending

Restoring 313 acres of wetlands on a sod farm in 

central MNX X X X X X X X

Project 3‐permit pending

Restoring 495 acres of wetlands on a sod farm in 

northeastern MNX X X X X X X

Project 4‐permit issued

Restoring 610 acres of wetlands at a wild rice farm 

in north‐central MNX X X X X X X X X X X

Project 5‐permit pending

Restoring 1,440 acres of wetlands for banking on 

private agricultural wetlands in northern MNX X X X X X

Project 6‐permit issued

Creating 11 acres of wetland in north‐central MN X X X X X X X X X X

Project 7‐permit pending

Restoring approximately 525 acres of wetlands on 

agricultural land in north‐central MNX X X X X X X X

Project 8‐permit pending

Restoring 16.5 acres of floodplain wetlands along 

the Minnesota RiverX X X X X X X

Project 9‐permits issued

Restoring and creating 5 acres of wetlands and 

buffer in central MN for an airport and wastewater 

treatment facility






Project Team Resumes  



JEFFREY T. LEE Vice President, Senior Ecologist

Barr Engineering Company

Experience Jeff Lee joined Barr in 2002 after serving for 12 years as environmental operations manager for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. Jeff specializes in ecological restoration and aquatic ecology; his areas of practice include stream assessment and restoration; wetland and upland native-plant-community restoration and management; state and federal environmental review process; natural resource inventories and management; and public-involvement processes. His project work at Barr includes:

Managing wetland, stream and upland ecological restoration maintenance and construction activities; preparing planting specifications, selection and management of contractors for vegetation establishment, supervision of long-term maintenance, provide guidance for herbicide selection and application methods, and prescribed burns.

Serving as project manager for wetland mitigation, stream corridor rehabilitation, lakeshore stabilization, and upland ecological restoration projects. Management activities have included project concept design; environmental review and permitting; development of construction drawings, specifications, and contract documents; bid administration and construction management; management of contractors for vegetation establishment and long-term maintenance; contract management and payments; and project close out.

Specific project examples include:

Project manager for a 320-acre wetland mitigation project on agricultural lands that utilized hydrology restoration, reed canary grass removal and promotion of natural regeneration.

Project manager for a 267-acre wetland mitigation project on a wild rice farm wetland that emphasized hydrology restoration, management of invasive species, and promotion of natural regeneration.

Project manager for a wetland mitigation project that involved creation of new wetland that included removal of existing forest, grading to create new hydrologic conditions and hydrology restoration, planting and seeding new vegetation, and long-term maintenance for vegetation establishment.

Project manager for a multiple wetland mitigation and wetland stormwater management projects that included management of contractors for vegetation establishment and long-term maintenance.

Project manager for stream restoration of Minnehaha Creek in Minneapolis between Lyndale and 34th Avenues including in-stream, stream bank and slope repairs, and riparian corridor vegetation restoration.

Jeff Lee (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Project manager for developing the implementation plan and stream feasibility studies to restore Bassett Creek, including stream and riparian corridor restoration, management of storm water, and the creation of park areas.

Project manager for the development of a Comprehensive Wetland Assessment and Monitoring Plan for the development of a Wetland Regulatory Program covering 68.5square miles of wetlands (4,662 individual wetlands), including sampling design development, field data collection, and data analysis and reporting.

Natural resource assessment and ecological sensitivity analysis for Great River Park Master Plan on the Mississippi riverfront parks in St. Paul along 17 miles of the river.

Completing fish IBI calculations and assessments for all streams within the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District.

Preparing an assessment of natural resource management strategies and activities for Dakota County Parks as part of the development of their Park Systems Plan.

Conducting natural resource inventories and assessments for large land-development and industrial projects.

Developing temporary erosion-control strategies, vegetation restoration and specifications for construction compliance with national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) construction-activity permits for wind farms in multiple locations across the United States.

Preparing stormwater, erosion and sediment control, and shoreland protection ordinances for Minnesota cities and counties.

7Serving as project manager for the design and construction of park systems and stormwater management infrastructure.

Serving as a technical resource and coauthor of three sections of Detailed Assessment of Phosphorus Sources to Minnesota Watersheds, prepared for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Preparing state environmental review documentation for projects, including residential development adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas, such as trout streams, wetlands, wildlife refuges, and parks.

Jeff’s prior experience includes:

Serving as Environmental Operations Manager for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, which included assembling a multi-disciplinary team responsible for natural resources management and environmental education within the Minneapolis park system. Specific responsibilities included:

Jeff Lee (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

– Field managing wetland, stream corridor, and upland-prairie restoration maintenance activities and prescribed burns, and preparing planting specifications for wetland, stream, and natural-area restorations.

– Serving as project manager for the design and construction of park systems and stormwater management infrastructure.

– Facilitating natural resources inventories, natural resource management-plan development, and watershed-management programs with neighborhoods; city departments; agencies; and nongovernmental organizations.

Education M.E., Secondary Education and Aquatic Ecology, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, 1987

B.S., Biology, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, 1977

Specialized Assessing Cumulative Ecosystem Effects of Multiple Restoration Projects. Training: Pre-Conference Technical Workshop. 4th National Conference on Ecosystem

Restoration. 2011.

Peatland Restoration Course. Wetland Delineator Certification Program. University of Minnesota. 2008.

Wetland Delineator Training. Wetland Delineator Certification Program. University of Minnesota, 2007.

Natural Resources Workshop. Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association, 2006.

Fluvial Geomorphology, Stream Classification, and Stream Restoration. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 2005 and 2006

Habitat Evaluation Procedures and Habitat Suitability Indices. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Tech. 2004.

Group Facilitation Methods. Institute of Cultural Affairs, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1999.

Wildland Fire Training: I-100, S-130, S-190, and L-180. Mesabi Range College Fire Training Program and Anoka Hennepin Technical College.

Wetland Creation and Wetland Stormwater Treatment. University of Wisconsin at Madison, Department of Engineering Professional Development. 1991.

Memberships Society for Ecological Restoration International Society of Wetland Scientists Mississippi River Research Consortium Minnesota Wetland Professionals Association Minnesota Native Plant Society

Jeff Lee (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Commissioner – Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission Board Member – Friends of the Wild Flower Garden Appointed Citizen Representative – Minnehaha Creek Visioning Partnership

FRED J. ROZUMALSKI, RLA Landscape Ecologist

Barr Engineering Company

Experience Fred Rozumalski is a registered landscape architect, experienced in the areas of landscape architecture, ecology, horticulture, and native-landscape design and restoration. His projects are designed to work with nature to create economically viable, low-maintenance landscapes that support a diversity of plants and animals. Most importantly, they are designed to meet the needs of the people who inhabit them. In addition, Fred has lectured on ecologically sound landscape design. His project experience includes:

Ecological Planning and Native-Plant-Community Restoration

Designing a native plant community restoration at Minnehaha Park for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. The project involved a qualitative survey of 55 acres of forest, oak savanna, and creek bank for plant community quality and invasive species encroachment. Restoration plans featured invasive species control and extensive native plantings. It also focused on people management to protect the plant communities and a five-year management plan.

Creating a Natural Resources Master Plan for the City of Burnsville to guide the community toward further protection of natural habitat and reduce negative impacts caused by a developed landscape. The plan focuses on reducing the impact of climate change and urban heat island effect. It also includes an urban forestry plan and invasive plant species management plan.

Leading the team that conducted a natural resources inventory for Denmark Township, Minnesota. The work included conducting plant-community surveys and overseeing production of maps. After extensive fieldwork within the 36-square-mile area, the team presented stewardship recommendations for maintaining and enhancing environmental quality in the township. Our report included an overview of the plant communities in the township, a detailed description of the status of the natural resources including reasons for habitat fragmentation and degradation, and management recommendations.

Conducting an ecological inventory in cooperation with master planning efforts for three Dakota County parks. The inventory assessed threats to the ecological integrity of one of the parks and mapped native-plant communities using the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ Minnesota Land Use Classification System and GIS mapping. Restoration and stewardship recommendations were also provided.

Planning a 40-acre wetland/upland restoration project at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, including wetland mitigation, environmental inventory, site master planning, plant-community-restoration design, research-strategy formulation, interpretive trail and sign development, and installation supervision.

Serving as project manager for the development of Carleton College’s arboretum master plan in Northfield, Minnesota. Master planning efforts included

Fred Rozumalski (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

conducting an environmental inventory and cultural site analysis to understand the existing conditions and the needs of site users. The work resulted in the restoration of six major plant communities on the 800-acre site along the Cannon River, protection of the natural areas, and campus expansion based on wise planning.

Providing master planning services for Maplewood’s open-space system. Surveyed seven open-space sites for native-plant-community restoration potential, created restoration plans, and developed plans for passive use.

Serving as principal landscape designer on prototypic lakeshore restoration projects for the Prior Lake–Spring Lake and Ramsey-Washington Metro watershed districts. Designed native plantings intended to prevent erosion and to create wildlife habitat on several residential lakeshore properties. Restoration efforts balanced the needs of residents and the environment.

Creating a lakeshore education series for the Ramsey County Soils and Water Conservation Service to teach lake-property owners stewardship practices and the process of how to create a lake-buffer zone. Provided lectures and individual site visits.

Serving as project manager of a woodland restoration at General Mills, Inc., Golden Valley, Minnesota. Established a diverse forest on disturbed slopes adjacent to an existing oak woodland.

Performing a feasibility study of the Bluff Creek corridor for the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District. The study involved a detailed assessment of wildlife habitats and native-plant communities in the Bluff Creek watershed. The study resulted in a plan for an ecological and pedestrian corridor along Bluff Creek that provides a habitat connection to the Minnesota River and an amenity for local residents.

Preparing a management plan for Eden Prairie’s seven conservation areas. This plan included characterization, mapping, and evaluation of native-plant communities with a focus on quality and species diversity. Work included developing an economic strategy for managing invasive-plant species.

Managing shoreline restoration around Bush Lake in Bloomington, Minnesota. The restoration project included guiding the natural-regeneration process and developing a management plan for the invasive species that were competing for the same space as the native plants. The project has resulted in the diversification of plant communities around the entire lake. Leading a team that is creating a green infrastructure plan for the city of North St. Paul, Minnesota. Oversaw a citizen task force committee consensus process to devise appropriate street redesign scenarios that allow multiple uses including pedestrians, biking, urban forest, and stormwater infiltration. Wrote the plan that sets new policy for street design in the city.

Fred Rozumalski (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Leading the team designing a Conservation Design development for 380 acres in Hanover, Minnesota. The development features an interconnected open space system that also functions to manage stormwater, host trails, create habitat, block wind, and create a buffer to agricultural land. Prior to the design, conducted a natural resources inventory for the entire township to identify ecological corridors.

Education Master of Landscape Architecture; Minor in Ecology, October 1992, University of Minnesota, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, October 1992, University of Minnesota, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Bachelor of Horticulture Science, December 1988, University of Minnesota, Department of Horticulture

Registration Registered Landscape Architect (American Society of Landscape Architects)

DANIEL TIX, PhD Wetland Ecologist

Barr Engineering Company

Experience Daniel, who has over 10 years of experience in natural resources and ecology, assists clients with ecological restoration and environmental review permitting. His services include:

Field surveys

Wetland mitigation, planning, monitoring, and permitting

Post-construction site restoration

Protected-species consultation

Preparation of EAWs (Environmental Assessment Worksheets)

Negotiation with regulatory agencies

Before he joined Barr, Daniel worked for a Twin Cities consulting firm that provides environmental, permitting, and public affairs services for pipeline and energy projects. His experience there included managing wetland mitigation projects; preparing wetland impact descriptions for Section 404 permits; coordinating environmental surveys; and consulting with state and federal agencies on threatened and endangered species.

Earlier in his career, Daniel served as conservation director and ecologist at Great River Greening, a nonprofit organization that promotes community-based restoration of natural areas and open spaces. His work included developing several ecological management plans and plant surveys, as well as using bioengineering techniques to stabilize stream banks.

Daniel’s background also includes teaching courses in plant physiology and general biology at Metropolitan State University and instructing the laboratory sections of undergraduate and graduate biology courses at the University of Minnesota.

Education PhD, Plant Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota, 2004

BA, General Science (biology emphasis), Grinnell College, 1996

School for Field Studies, Center for Wildlife Management Studies, Kenya, 1995

Certification Certified Wetland Delineator: Minnesota

Daniel Tix (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Publications Tix, D. T. Randazzo, T. Krebs, H. Johnson, and C. H. Luby. 2007. “Blaine Open Space Management Plan.” Great River Greening and the City of Blaine, Minnesota. http://www.ci.blaine.mn.us/_docs/_CityCouncil/ BlaineOpenSpaceManagementPlan.pdf

Tix, D.2006. “Natural Treasures of the St. Croix River Valley.” Great River Greening. http://www.greatrivergreening.org/treasures/pdf/StCroixTreasures.pdf

Tix, D., Hebberger, J.A., and Charvat, I. “Influence of aboveground biomass removal on nitrogen mineralization in a restored tallgrass prairie.” Restoration Ecology 14(4): 561-568 (2006).

Tix, D., and Charvat, I. “Aboveground biomass removal by burning or mowing to benefit diversity in a reconstructed prairie.” Restoration Ecology 13(1): 20-28 (2005).

Tix, D. and I. Charvat. “Spring haying as an alternative to spring burning on a reconstructed roadside prairie.” S. Fore, editor, proceedings of the 18th North American Prairie Conference. Truman State University Press. p. 58-62 (2003).

Tix, D., J. A. Hebberger, E. Vaughan, and I. Charvat. “The effects of fire versus mowing on restored prairie plant communities” (final report). Minnesota Department of Transportation (2003).


CHERYL D. FEIGUM, PhD, PSS, PWS, PSC Senior Environmental Scientist

Barr Engineering Company

Experience Cheryl joined Barr with 10 years of experience as a wetland scientist specializing in hydropedology, wetland delineation, ground/surface water sampling, assessment of wetland functions, and environmental documentation. She has worked for a wide range of clients including residential and commercial developers, engineering and architectural firms, municipalities, state agencies, and private landowners. Cheryl has worked extensively in North Dakota on projects for the Great River Energy, the ND Department of Transportation, Canadian Pacific Railway, and other industries conducting natural resource inventories, hydric soil investigations, and wetland work.

Examples of Cheryl’s experience at Barr include:

Completing wetland delineations and permitting for proposed power and ethanol plants in Stutsman County, North Dakota. Coordinated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete the jurisdictional determination and 404 permitting for the project.

Completing wetland delineations and permitting for the Canadian Pacific Railway for projects in five counties near Minot, North Dakota. Coordinated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete the jurisdictional determination and 404 permitting for the projects.

Completing a wetland permit application for construction of a 69kV distribution substation and 69kV transmission line in Cass County, Minnesota. Permitting agencies included the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Cass County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Coordinating the natural resource studies for mining projects in northeastern Minnesota. The studies include wetland delineations, botanical surveys, wildlife habitat studies, Threatened and Endangered species review, lynx studies, and surface water quality monitoring. Permitting agencies include the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Louis County Environmental Services, and Lake County Environmental Services.

Consulting with agencies to identify potential issues for the Environmental Fatal Flaw Analysis for a proposed Coal-To-Liquids Facility in western North Dakota. Issues included land use, wetlands and natural resources, and threatened and endangered species. Agencies consulted included North Dakota Public Service Commission, North Dakota Geological Survey, State Historical Society of North Dakota, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, North Dakota Game and Fish, and the Natural Heritage Program – North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department.

Cheryl Feigum (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Cheryl’s project experience prior to joining Barr includes:

Conducting biological resources work for Great River Energy transmission line reroute in Devils Lake, North Dakota. Performed approximately 130 wetland field determinations and 35 wetland delineations within a 37-mile project corridor. Natural resources assessment of the corridor included land use, wetlands, riparian resources, geology, and soil resources. Assisted in the preparation of Biological Report used for completion of the North Dakota Public Service Commission permit application process, including a Certificate of Corridor Compatibility.

Preparing a report on the alternative uses for the existing Great River Energy transmission line structures of the transmission line located in Devils Lake, North Dakota. Conducted literature searches, state and local agency consultations, and Great River Energy personnel consultations to determine the environmental issues with regard to possible habitat for birds and fish, potential lake water quality problems, environmental hazards of pole preservatives, and necessary signage and hazard maps. Report was used for completion of the North Dakota Public Service Commission permit application process.

Conducting biological resources work to prepare an application for a Certificate of Corridor Compatibility and Route Permit to be submitted to the North Dakota Public Service Commission for Great River Energy Transmission Line Reroute in Falkirk, ND. Performed approximately 70 wetland field determinations within a six-mile project corridor. Natural resources assessment of the corridor included land use, wetlands, riparian resources, geology and soil resources. Assisted in the preparation of a Biological Report used for completion of Public Service Commission permitting application process.

Working cooperatively with Great River Energy and other local energy cooperatives to evaluate and prepare Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans for over 100 electrical substations in MN and ND. Conducted site reviews for soils, topography, substation characteristics, threatened and endangered species habitat, and evaluated potential for surface flow to reach open water bodies. Used field data to model various spill scenarios using Mineral Oil Spill Evaluation System (MOSES) developed by the Electrical Power Research Institute to predict the fate of mineral oil spills at a site. Report was prepared for each site, which included site review, modeling results, and recommendations to prevent mineral oil from reaching adjacent open water bodies.

Preparing SPCC Plans for Otter Tail Power electrical substations sites in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Conducted site reviews for soils, topography, substation characteristics, threatened endangered species habitat, and evaluated potential for surface flow to reach open water bodies. Used MOSES with field data to model various spill scenarios. Report was

Cheryl Feigum (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

prepared for each site, which included the site review, modeling results, and recommendations to prevent mineral oil from reaching adjacent open water bodies.

Preparing combined Spill Control - Countermeasure (SPCC) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPP) Plan for Cass County Electrical Cooperative, Fargo, ND. Conducted facility site reviews for soils, topography, substation characteristics, threatened and endangered species habitat, and evaluated the potential for surface flow to reach open water bodies. Used field data in MOSES to model spill scenarios at each facility. The Plan included site review, Best Management Practices (BMPs), modeling results, and recommendations to prevent mineral oil from reaching storm sewer systems and water bodies.

Assisting in the preparation of environmental documentation for the four-laning of 100 miles of U.S. Highway No. 2 from Minot to Williston, ND. Completed environmental documentation in accordance with North Dakota Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration requirements. Tasks included the preparation of NEPA documents, including the Scoping Summary Document and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

Serving as project manager responsible for management, field review, and preparation of reports that determined wetlands locations for nine roadway projects in North Dakota. Reviewed 290 miles of roadway rights-of-way for North Dakota Department of Transportation. Reviews covered wetlands determinations, tree surveys, connecting waterways and potential wetland mitigation sites. Conducted hydric soil delineations for 46 drained wetland basins in Towner, Nelson, and Richland counties, as part of the roadway projects’ mitigation plan.

Serving as project manager responsible for wetland review for slope-flattening projects in Grand Forks and Cavalier Counties in North Dakota. Assessed three sites to identify wetlands for culvert- and bridge-replacement projects adjacent to roadways. Prepared report identifying wetland boundaries at the sites with data sheets, photos and maps. Information was used to determine mitigation requirements for each project.

Serving as project manager responsible for wetland delineation and assessment of 80 acres of private property in Cass County, North Dakota. Prepared report identifying one wetland and numerous wet ditches on the property. Report was used as part of Phase I environmental site assessment.

Serving as project manager responsible for wetland determinations utilizing landscape and hydric soil lines in Richland County, North Dakota. A Trimble GPS unit was used to log hydric soil boundaries, and transects and ditches for three basins. Elevations of ditches, hydric soil lines and transect sampling points were shot using known benchmark. Prepared draft report in an

Cheryl Feigum (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

accelerated timeline with photo-documentation, data sheets, basin maps with GPS data and recommendations for the client to NRCS restoration guidelines. Also worked as technical resource for Farm Service Agency (FSA) and as lead technical advisor for review meeting with NRCS personnel and client’s attorney to resolve restoration issues. Issues were resolved and all work was completed within the scheduled deadlines.

Conducting field investigation to identify potential wetland restoration sites in Jackman Coulee for retention of water adjacent to Hay Creek as part of the Hay Creek Phase IV Project in Bismarck, North Dakota. Report identified land use, creek characteristics, existing wetlands, vegetation and potential restoration sites. Prepared maps identified existing wetlands and four potential wetland restoration sites. Information was used by the City of Bismarck to develop overall plan for the Hay Creek corridor.

Managing and conducting the field review and preparation of reports that determined hydric soil delineations for 46 drained wetland basins in Towner, Nelson and Richland counties, ND as part of the roadway projects’ mitigation plan. ND Department of Transportation.

Preparing a report for an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) in partial fulfillment of the 319 grant for Phase III of the Hay Creek Water Quality Improvement Project, Bismarck, ND. Report summarized analysis of macro-invertebrate sampling conducted in Hay and Apple creeks from 1999-2000. Analysis consisted of abundance, richness and Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index with Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test computed for these parameters. Measures of biological integrity included 19 metrics that were used to develop ranking for the IBI. Biological measures and IBI provided baseline information about macro-invertebrates in the creeks. Report also provided recommendations for future sampling.

Education PhD, Soil Science, North Dakota State University, 2000

MS, Zoology, North Dakota State University, 1995

MAT, Science Education, University of St. Thomas, 1983

BA, Biology, St. Olaf College, 1980

Registration/ Professional Wetland Scientist

Certifications Professional Soil Classifier: North Dakota

Certified Wetland Delineator: Minnesota

Professional Soil Scientist: Minnesota

Professional Professional Soil Classifiers Association of North Dakota – Secretary/Treasurer Associations 2004-2008; Vice President 2003-2004

Society of Wetland Scientists

Soil Science Society of America

Cheryl Feigum (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Wetland Delineators Association (Minnesota)

International Peat Society

American Fisheries Society

Specialized Training Construction Site Storm Water Erosion and Sediment Control Workshop.

Presented by the ND Department of Health and the Minnesota Erosion Control Association. March 2004.

USCOE Wetland Delineation Training. Richard Chinn Environmental Training, Inc. Wetland Delineation and Management Training. Eagan, MN. May 2002.

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Workshop. Workshop conducted by Bruce Zander, TMDL Coordinator for EPA Region 8. Sponsored by the North Dakota Department of Health, Bismarck. ND. February 2002.

Red River Basin Water Quality Team Meetings conducted by Molly MacGregor, Red River Basin Coordinator, MPCA NW Region, Detroit Lakes, MN. 2000-2004.

Minnesota Rapid Assessment Methods (MNRAM) Training. St. Paul, MN. January 2002.

Project Managers Bootcamp. PSMJ Resources, Inc. 2002.

Instructor for the Minnesota Certified Wetland Delineator Course. Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). June 2001.


LESLIE A. DELLANGELO MS Civil Engineering, Water Resources

Barr Engineering Company

Experience Leslie joined Barr after earning a master’s degree in civil engineering. Her experience includes researching bedload transport, designing highway upgrades, inspecting construction projects, surveying, and testing water quality. She has also completed coursework in fluid mechanics, sediment transport, and open-channel hydraulics, as well as in water resources management, regulations, and policy.

Leslie’s experience includes working on LID feasibility, design, and construction projects; water quality monitoring and data analysis for local creeks; data management and analysis for experimental research projects in the Canadian oil sands; design and construction of stream restoration and bank stabilization projects; data gathering, design, and construction of stormwater pond maintenance projects; and modeling of hydrology and storm sewer hydraulics of an entire watershed for a local municipality.

Examples of her project work include:

Assisting with the preliminary feasibility study, final design, and construction observation and administration of a multiphase low-impact stormwater retrofit project in Maplewood, MN.

- Using ArcGIS to analyze land use and the extent of impervious surfaces for the heavily developed site.

- Assessing current and future volumes of runoff and phosphorus loadings using P8 watershed pollutant-loading model for the prospective project.

- Designing several retrofit features including rainwater gardens, underground tree trenches, enhanced sand filter, and related storm sewer pipes and structures.

- Inspecting the construction of Phase 1, 2 and 3. The inspection work included tracking quantities for payment, testing materials, reviewing products and submittals to ensure they meet specification, communicating construction impacts and schedule with client, project engineering team, and other stakeholders.

Developing an XP-SWMM model to update an outdated existing watershed model for the City of Minnetonka to evaluate current flooding issues for watersheds in the city that drain to Minnehaha Creek.

Assisting with the design and construction administration for stream restoration, ravine stabilization, and shoreline restoration projects.

Examining the feasibility of re-establishing the historic East Falls on the Mississippi River at Upper St. Anthony Falls (USAF) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, including:

Leslie DellAngelo (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

- Collecting and examining historical plans and surveys to determine characteristics of existing and historic water conveyance structures and channels near the site and the general site topography and geology.

- Researching jurisdictional roles of governmental entities in managing water flow at the falls, which includes the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the US Army Corps of Engineers.

- Evaluating water control criteria at the USAF and performing a flow frequency and upper pool stage frequency analysis using historic time-series data to determine water availability constraints for the prospective project.

- Developing conceptual design options and feasibility-level cost estimates for two preferred alternatives.

Continual operation of three permanent flow-gauging and automated sampling stations on Nine Mile Creek in Bloomington and Edina, Minnesota for the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD) including:

- Conducting year-round water quality monitoring and maintenance activities.

- Operating continuous monitoring equipment and data loggers year-round to record flow rate, conductivity, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen data at 15-minute intervals.

- Measuring stream discharge for stage-storage curves.

Performing vegetation surveys and water quality sampling on several lakes and streams in northern Minnesota to evaluate mining impacts on water quality and the health of certain species.

Serving as a research assistant at the University of Minnesota’s St. Anthony Falls Laboratory performing basic experimental research on bedload sediment transport using laboratory flumes. This work included:

- Designing and fabricating a sediment-water separating system and a sediment-feeding system for a laboratory flume.

- Tracking and characterizing movements of gravel sediments moving as bedload transport.

- Modeling stochastic processes of downstream bedload transport of gravel particles with experimental data.

Assessing current and future water quality treatment benefits of stormwater detention ponds and designing and overseeing construction of maintenance projects to improve pond performance.

Leslie DellAngelo (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Assisting in inspection and administration activities related to the design and construction of storm sewer detention ponds in the Valley Branch Watershed District (Lake Elmo, Mahtomedi, and Oakdale, Minnesota).

Calibrating and analyzing data from experimental flume and wind-tunnel tests, as well as large-scale tailings pond experiments, for Canadian oil sands technologies.

Designing a wetland mitigation system to bring wetland water levels back to natural, predisturbed levels along a northern Minnesota pipeline.

Modifying and using mass-balance models to analyze runoff and water quality for mining projects in Minnesota.

Designing stormwater-pollution-prevention plans (SWPPPs) for wind farm construction in Texas and Colorado.

Designing SWPPPs for a cofferdam construction project in Devils Lake, North Dakota.

Designing a hot-mix asphalt overlay and guardrail-upgrade project for a Michigan state highway. Work included completing a safety report, designing and inspecting guardrail runs, estimating all quantities for the project, and completing plans.

Inspecting concrete paving, a pedestrian tunnel, and mechanically stabilized earth walls for a construction project. Work included sampling and testing base material, sub-base material, retaining-wall fill, and all concrete mixes, as well as testing densities with a nuclear gauge.

Assisting in design, construction, and post-construction of leachate pipeline relocation for a paper mill. Work included review of construction drawings, preparation of technical specifications for the relocation project, permit applications, development of a quality assurance/quality control plan for construction, and completion of the construction documentation report.

Annually completing an operations report to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for a landfill facility in International Falls, Minnesota.

Utilizing a one-dimensional numerical model to predict consolidation behavior of soft sediments in a mine tailings basin. The work included optimization of the model using a nonlinear parameter estimation tool and monitoring data taken in the field from the tailings basin.

Performing regression/trend analysis on monitoring data from lakes in Dakota and Scott Counties, Minnesota, for Black Dog Watershed Management Organization annual reports.

Leslie DellAngelo (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Education MS, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2007

BS, Civil Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 2005

Certification Certified Designer of Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (University of Minnesota, Erosion and Stormwater Management Certification Program)

Registration Professional Engineer: Minnesota

Presentations Fehrman, C., DellAngelo, L, and Kimmes, K., 2005. Water quality testing and alternative wastewater treatment designs in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Presented at ASCE World Water and Environmental Resources Congress. Anchorage, Alaska.

DellAngelo, L. and Hill, K., 2006, Experimental study of different sized tracer stones in a gravel-bed laboratory flume. Poster presentation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.

Hill, K., DellAngelo, L., and Shaffer, G. 2007. Model studies of different sized tracer particles in bedload transport. Poster presentation. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 9 (10345), European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

Papers Hill, K., DellAngelo, L., and Meerschaert, M. 2010. Heavy tailed travel distance in gravel bed transport; An exploratory inquiry. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115, F00A14, doi:10.1029/2009JF001276.



Barr Engineering Company

Experience Jessica is an ecologist with more than eight years of experience. Before joining Barr, she worked as a wetland and terrestrial ecologist at Harvard University’s Harvard Forest. Jessica’s experience includes natural resource management and conservation in a broad range of managed and natural ecosystems. Her experience at Barr includes:

Managing environmental assessments for three General Mills facilities; topics included noise, air quality, and potential impacts to threatened and endangered species and cultural resources.

Summarizing data and writing sections focused on water resources and rare and unique resources for development of the environmental impact statement prepared with the State of Minnesota’s Office of Energy Security for the CapX Brookings-to-Hampton 345 kV transmission line.

Classifying vegetation communities and conducting surveys for rare species and associated habitat.

Sampling macroinvertebrates and surveying stream habitat.

Interpreting aerial photos and digitizing maps using GIS.

Gathering data and writing report text for biological and ecological components of environmental impact statements and environmental assessments.

Delineating and performing functional assessments of wetlands.

Summarizing data and writing reports.

Before she joined Barr, Jessica gained experience:

Serving as a wetland and terrestrial ecologist with Harvard University’s Harvard Forest. Work included:

Assisting state agencies with rare and endangered species mapping in Harvard Forest wetlands.

Designing and implementing a variety of ecological research experiments in wetland and forested ecosystems.

Reviewing manuscripts and assisting with grant writing.

Serving as co-lab manager for soil science laboratory.

Identifying aquatic larval invertebrates in the northern pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea) aquatic microecosystem.

Jessica Butler (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Serving as a mentor for undergraduate students participating in the National Science Foundation’s Research experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.

Managing field auto-sampling system for research examining the biosphere-atmosphere 13CO2 exchange. Work included weekly visits to an environmental monitoring station to collect gas samples, download data, and maintain overall functioning of sampling system.

As a research assistant at Oregon State University, designing and implementing a study that coupled stable isotope techniques with phospholipid fatty-acid analysis (PFLA) to examine the spatial and temporal dynamics of rhizosphere carbon cycling through the soil microbial community.

Writing tree-trimming work plans for a utility company. Consulted with property owners on line clearance to be performed. Assessed trees for overall health and potential hazards. Obtained appropriate permits from public agencies and city foresters.

Teaching laboratory courses for “Principles of Soil Science” and “Soils: Sustainable Ecosystems.” Also served as a volunteer instructor for a grade school course on forest ecology, riparian ecology, and general principles of soil science.

Serving as an invited reviewer for the journals Ecology, Northeastern Naturalist, Annals of Botany, and Quarterly Review of Biology.

Education MS, Soil Science, Oregon State University, 2002

BS, Natural Resource Conservation, University of Montana, 1997

Natural Resource Management Field Study, American Universities International Program, Belize, 1996

Certification Wetland Delineator In-Training

Membership Ecological Society of America

Publications Butler, J. L., M.S. Williams, P.J. Bottomley, and D.D. Myrold. 2003. Microbial community dynamics associated with rhizosphere carbon flow. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (11): 6793-6800.

Butler, J.L., P.J., Bottomley, S.M. Griffith, and D.D. Myrold. 2004. Distribution and turnover of recently fixed photosynthate in ryegrass rhizospheres. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36 (2): 371-382.

Jessica Butler (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Butler, J.L., D.Z. Atwater, and A.M. Ellison. 2005. Red-spotted newts: An unusual nutrient source for northern pitcher plants. Northeastern Naturalist 12 (1): 1-10.

Atwater, D.Z., J.L. Butler, and A.M. Ellison. 2006. Spatial distribution and impacts of moth herbivory on northern pitcher plants. Northeastern Naturalist 13 (1): 43-56.

Butler, J.L. and A.M. Ellison. 2007. Nitrogen cycling dynamics in the carnivorous northern pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea. Functional Ecology 21: 835-843.

Butler, J.L., N.J., Gotelli, and A.M. Ellison. 2008. Linking the brown and the green: nutrient transformation and fate in the Sarracenia microecosystem. Ecology 89:898-904.

Karagatzides, J.D., J.L. Butler, and A.M. Ellison. 2009. The pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea can directly acquire organic nitrogen and short-circuit the inorganic nitrogen cycle. PLoS One 4(7):e6164

D’Amato, A.W., J.L. Butler, and D.A. Orwig. Contrasts in soil properties and nitrogen availability between second-growth and old-growth forests in western Massachusetts. (Submitted to Forest Ecology and Management).

Ellison, A.M., N.J. Gotelli, L.A. Bledzki, and J.L. Butler. Regulation of food-web structure in the Sarracenia microecosystem. (In preparation).


MATTHEW E. KUMKA MS Landscape Architecture, Landscape Ecologist

Barr Engineering Company

Experience Matt Kumka joined Barr in 2008 after earning his master’s degree in landscape architecture from the University of Minnesota and serving as a landscape architecture intern with Barr. He has ten years of experience as a landscape construction crew chief and landscape architecture intern. Prior to coming to Barr, Matt gained extensive experience in landscape design, construction, installation, and construction observation. He is proficient with some of the industry’s most commonly used software, including Adobe Creative Suite, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Sketch-Up, and ArcGIS. Examples of Matt’s work experience include:

Serving as city representative for a street water infiltration project for the City of Eagan. Coordinated the rainwater garden installation program in conjunction with street revitalizations planned for the City of Eagan. Worked with homeowners to provide education on the purpose of the program. Designed rainwater garden and associated planting plans for construction throughout Eagan. Supervised construction and worked with contractors to meet design specifications. Coordinated additional educational materials such as flyers, mailers, informational brochures, and an educational video.

Developing a lake buffer education program, which included an educational brochure regarding care and maintenance, for The Lakes community. Coordinated educational efforts to improve water quality.

Designing a rainwater garden for Great River Energy headquarters in coordination with Barr’s overall redesign of the campus. The 5,000 square foot rainwater garden drains a large parking area and nearby impervious surfaces. It contains a wide array of suitable plants including specimen trees and shrubs as well as herbaceous species.

Designing and implementing residential and commercial landscape installations from initial consultation to final construction throughout New York Metro region.

Designing and supervising construction of various hardscape and softscape features including natural and paver patios; walkways; planting beds; retaining walls; council rings; trails; sprinkler systems; water features; fences; arbors; and architectural features such as trellises, gazebos, and arbors

Designing and supervising native plant maintenance, installation, and pruning as well as long-term management along the New Jersey coastline. Work included dune restoration and management of critical dune grasses, trees, and shrubs.

Planning invasive plant species control, including long-term control plans, within various plant regimes such as eastern hardwood forest, coastal dune communities, and prairie. Organized and educated volunteers on techniques and procedures to identify and eliminate damaging invasive plant species.

Matt Kumka (cont.)

Barr Engineering Company

Providing viewshed planning and construction in Door County, Wisconsin for ‘The Clearing’, a historic Jens Jensen-designed landscape architecture campus. Also assisted in additional trail construction and maintenance. Created drawings and plans of historic landscape features for record.

Leading landscape construction crews in the field during landscape construction both in the New York Metro region and Minneapolis. Provided construction oversight and quality control as well as training.

Serving as a client relations coordinator creating job budgets and communication expectations between designers, contractors, and property owners on various project sizes from small residential designs to large commercial property design.

Education Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota, 2008

Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Rowan University, New Jersey, 2001


Sarah Ash Landscape Designer

Barr Engineering Company

Experience Sarah recently joined Barr as a landscape designer after receiving a master’s degree in landscape architecture from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Her work at Barr ranges from designing best management practices (BMPs) and planting schemes to preparing construction documents in AutoCAD. Sarah is skilled at translating information from technical drawings into lifelike images that reveal how landscape design plans will look, feel, and function.

Before joining Barr, Sarah gained experience in landscape and graphic design, as well as stakeholder communication, at:

The Ramsey Conservation District where she assessed site suitability for rain gardens and shoreline restorations, communicated the county’s cost-share program to clients and other stakeholders, and designed plans for rain gardens, shoreline restorations, and native plantings.

Metro Bloom, a Minneapolis-based rain garden design and consultation non-profit, where she performed site visits and met with clients, designed and drafted plans for rain gardens and restorations, and created marketing materials for events.

Education MLA, Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, 2012

BED, Environmental Design, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, 2010






Barr Engineering Company Cost Proposal

August 17, 2012

ID Task Description Estimated Hours Budget Schedule 3. a Initial Project Mtg Mtg with MCWD & Project Partners 12 1,500$ September 2012

3. b, c Data Collection Collect necessary data for design, engineering/ modeling 44 3,900$ October 20124. a-f Preliminary Design Develop a Preliminary Ecological Restoration Design 224 22,500$ Oct - Nov 20124. g, h Meeting-Presentation Review 60% design with staff, Present to MCWD Board 30 3,600$ November 2012

4. i Public meeting Present 60% design to public for comment 12 1,500$ December 20125. j Optional Task Restoration Design to include Burroughs Easement 31 3,100$ December 20126 Permitting Assistance Assist in preparing all required permit applications & materials 56 5,700$ Jan - Feb 20137 Final Design Design Final Construction Documents 316 29,200$ Feb - March -20138 Construction Observation Observation, Staking, As-Built Drawings 258 22,100$ May - Sept 20139 Post-Construction Monitoring Vegetation Monitoring, Reporting 164 14,200$ May 2014 - Oct 201810 Develop Veg. Mgmt Plan Vegetation Mgmt Plant for post-restoration 54 5,600$ April 2013

11 Hourly Rate Hourly rate for additional work beyond scope 95.00$

Sub-Total 1201 112,900$ 11,290$


Consultant - Percent Hours

Jeffrey Lee 1% 12Fred Rozumalski 18% 216Cheryl Feigum 1% 12Jessica Butler 10% 120Dan Tix 10% 120Leslie DelAngelo 5% 60Matt Kimka 45% 540Sarah Ash 10% 120

Exhibit B - Scope of Work Budget Worksheet -Halverson-Dimler Restoration Project

Contingency (10%)Total

Time Allocation

W:\Business Units\WR\Proposals\2012\P097.12 MCWD Halverson‐Dimler Restoration\completed Exhibit B ‐ Budget Worksheet_Halverson‐Dimler.xlsx

MCWD Halverson‐Dimler Restoration Project

Estimated Fees

Work Scope and Assumptions  Task Task Totals

Hours (Exhibit B)

total Hours/Cost 1201

3.aCoordinate and attend kickoff meeting with project partners and MCWD staff to evaluate existing concept plan , data, and on-site conditions KICKOFF MEETING With MCWD STAFF

12  $                 1,500 

3.b.cReview all collected data from Hennepin County Environmental Services (HCES), USFWS, Cross River Consulting, BWSR, MnDOT, U of M, etc.

44  $                 3,900 

Collect necessary topographic data needed to integrate the design of trails, wetland restoration and upland prairie restoration TAC MEETINGModeling wetland restoration(s) that share a property borderEngineering for trail design

4.a-f Preliminary Design 224 22,500$               

Summarize existing site conditionsIdentify restoration goals and native plant communities 3 STAFF MEETINGSConsult with Project Partners and stakeholders as needed throughout design - TAC MEETING AND PUBLIC MEETINGSchedule for implementation/ phasingProvide preliminary cost estimates appropriate for the 60% level of completionPlansheet drawings will be developed to the 60% level and will be submitted both electronically (PDF 11 x 17) and in hard copy

4.g-h Meeting-Presentation 30 3,600$                 

CONSULTANT will meet with MCWD staff and potential Project Partners to review 60% drawings and restoration design - TAC MEETING AND STAFF MEETING CONSULTANT will present the 60% drawings to the MCWD Board of Managers MEETING for comment and approval. Visual presentations (e.g. .PowerPoint, posters, handouts) will be prepared in accordance with the District’s recommendations and meeting goals.

4.iCONSULTANT will present the 60% drawings and design to the public for comment. Visual presentations (e.g. PowerPoint, posters, handouts) will be prepared in accordance with the District’s recommendations and meeting goals PUBLIC MEETING

12  $                 1,500 

5.jOPTIONAL TASK: Restoration design to include Burroughs Easement (MCWD holds a conservation easement over this property that is adjacent to the Dimler property on the southeast side)

31 3,100$                 

6 Permitting Assistance 56 5,700$                 

CONSULTANT will be responsible for assisting the project team in preparing all required permit applications and submitting copies of drawings, specifications and supporting technical information for regulatory agency review.Prepare SWPPPPrepare the technical and supporting data for project permits including but not limited to NPDES, WCA, and MCWDThis may include a wetland delineation report

7 Final Design 316 29,200$               

a. 90% submittal and review (barn removal additional scope if included )- Design drawings, specifications, engineer’s cost estimate, and supporting technical information will be provided to the project team at the 90% level for review and comment.- CONSULTANT will meet with MCWD staff and potential Project Partners to review 90% drawings and restoration design - PUBLIC MEETING, STAFF MEETING, TAC MEETINGPrepare final (100% submittal), professional certified construction plans Prepare engineer’s estimate of probable costPrepare general and technical specifications and bid package using the District’s standard front end template:Bid Coordination:- Prepare bid advertisement- Prepare for and attend pre-bid meeting- Respond to bidder questions and prepare addenda, if necessary- Attend bid opening- Tabulate bids and prepare recommendation to award contract

8 Construction Observation 258 22,100$               

Prepare for and attend pre-construction meetingObserve construction operations at key points of projectsAttend 10 Construction meetings over the construction periodPerform construction stakingPerform post-construction survey and provide as-built record drawings and electronic GIS files - GPS based surveyContract management: Prepare quantities, pay requests, and change ordersPerform plant warranty inspections (assumes 12 visits over a period of 3 years)Prepare and submit reports for construction and warranty inspections. The reports will include: date, time, weather conditions, attendees, observations, recommendations, follow up

9 Post-Construction Monitoring 164 14,200$               

Establish monitoring protocols for 4-year establishment periodOversee vegetation management for 4-year establishment period

Provide monitoring report(s) for each year (for 4 years) based on the monitoring protocols established

10 Develop Vegetation Management Plan 54 5,600$                 

Vegetation Management Plan for post- restoration (following establishment period)Work with MCWD staff on a strategy for managing public volunteers

W:\Business Units\WR\Proposals\2012\P097.12 MCWD Halverson‐Dimler Restoration\budget working copyFJRJTL2.xlsx