Halloween saftey

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of Halloween saftey


Traditions and Safety Tips

Tonya baird

Halloween is a fun holiday

It is on October 31 Children and adults like to

dress up in funny or scary costumes


Tonya baird

Trick or Treating is a popular

Halloween tradition

Children knock on doors and say “trick or treat

People hand out candy to the children

Trick or Treating

Tonya baird

Trick or treaters should

always walk with a friend or an adult

Never eat any candy until your parents check to make sure that it is safe

Be Safe Together

Tonya baird

Trick or treaters should not carry dangerous

weapons on Halloween

Always use plastic toys for weapons

No Weapons

Tonya baird

Children need to be able to

see clearly in all directions when wearing a costume

Costumes should not be to big or to long or the child may trip and fall

Clear Vision

Tonya baird

Children need a basket, bag,

or pillowcase to carry all their halloween candy

Orange jack-o-lantern baskets are very popular

Basket or Bags

Tonya baird

Trick-or-treaters should carry a

flashlight so cars can see them

They should look both ways before they cross the street

Carry a flashlight

Tonya baird

Party Invitation

Tonya baird

Bobbing for apples is one

of many games played at halloween parties

Players try to bite an apple and take it out of a bucket of water without using their hands

Bobbing for Apples

Tonya baird

Some businesses will allow

their employees to dress up

Costumes must be appropriate and not get in the way of job performance

Costumes at Work

Tonya baird

Some companies will

schedule a after hours costume party for employees and family

Adults like to participate in halloween, even though it is considered a child's holiday

Company Party

Tonya baird

The End
