Hacking Choreography - LCRN

Post on 30-May-2015

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Slides from talk at the launch of Live Coding Research Network

Transcript of Hacking Choreography - LCRN

  • 1. Hacking Choreography Kate Sicchio

2. As part of this practical capacity, the very nature of hacking turning a system against itself is the processing of using existing code, comments, and technology for more than what the original authors intended (Coleman, 2013:99) How do I hack choreography? 3. Hacking Choreography beta v.01 [fluxus] Hacking Choreography beta v.02 [code] Hacking Choreography beta v.03 [execute] First collaboration with Alex McLean Beta Performances 2012 4. Object Oriented Hack 2012 5. Object Oriented Hack 2012 6. Drawing/Hacking 2012 7. Sound Choreographer Body Code 2013-2014 8. Sound Choreographer Body Code 2013-2014 9. Hacking Choreography 2013-2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=hoV01_P6PGw 10. /Dance setup () {dancer a centre, right dancer b centre, left } movement() { move 1 (dancer a=rotate) (dancer b=push) move 2 (dancer a =pull) (dancer b=swing) move 3 (dancer a =static) (dancer b=wave) move 4 (dancer a=throw) (dancer b= twist) } Hacking Choreography Language 11. loop () { move 1 move 2 move 3 move 4 } ifthen () { if dancer a (move1) 180 then dancer b (move4) facing front; } Hacking Choreography Language 12. { move1; blue move2; quality 3 move4 move4 move4 } run loop() { dancer b = interrupt dancer a } ifthen() { if dancer b = beer then dancer a = wine } Hacking Choreography Language 13. #datadance 2014 14. Execute 2014 15. Hacking Choreography 2.0 Forthcoming 2014 16. TOPLAP vs Choreographic Hacking 17. http://blog.sicchio.com @sicchio